The final report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol is 845 pages long — similar to more than two or three books outlining the terror of historic events. The excerpts related to Florida are often chilling.
The publication released last week showed the force of extremist groups from Florida that formed an alliance leading up to Jan. 6, traveled to Washington, D.C., and attacked the U.S. Capitol.
Some of the Florida individuals in extremist groups have already been on trial and have been convicted.
Here are some of the main excerpts of the Florida events:
“The Department of Justice has charged a number of Oath Keepers with seditious conspiracy. Specifically, the government alleges that “[a]fter the Presidential Election, Elmer Stewart Rhodes III conspired with his co-defendants, introduced below, and other co-conspirators, known and unknown to the Grand Jury, to oppose by force the lawful transfer of presidential power.” A jury agreed, convicting Stewart Rhodes and Kelly Meggs—the leader of the Florida Oath Keepers chapter—of seditious con[1]spiracy. The jury also convicted Rhodes and Meggs, as well as fellow Oath Keepers Jessica Watkins, Kenneth Harrelson, and Thomas Caldwell, of other serious felonies for their actions on January 6th.
Meggs celebrated the December 19th tweet, sending an encrypted Signal message to Florida Oath Keepers that President Trump ‘wants us to make it WILD that’s what he’s saying. He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! . . . Gentlemen we are heading to DC pack your shit!!’ Similarly, Oath Keeper Joshua James—who pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy—told Oath Keepers that there was now a ‘NATIONAL CALL TO ACTION FOR DC JAN 6TH’ following President Trump’s words…
“Similarly, members of the Florida Guardians of Freedom, Three Percent sent around a flyer on December 24, 2020, saying they were ‘responding to the call from President Donald J. Trump to assist in the security, protection, and support of the people as we all protest the fraudulent election and re-establish liberty for our nation.’ Their leader, Jeremy Liggett, posted a meme to Facebook stating that ‘3% Will Show In Record Numbers In DC’ and put out a ‘safety video’ instructing people that they could bring ‘an expandable metal baton, a walking cane and a folding knife’ to Washington, DC on January 6th. Several have been arrested for participating in the violence around the tunnel on January 6th …
“These groups were not operating in silos. Meggs bragged on Facebook that following President Trump’s December 19th tweet he had formed an alliance between the Oath Keepers, the Florida Three Percenters, and the Proud Boys ‘to work together to shut this shit down.’ On December 19th, Meggs called Enrique Tarrio (of the Proud Boys) and they spoke for more than three minutes. Three days later, Meggs messaged Liggett, echoing his excitement about the December 19th tweet and specifically referencing the seat of Congress: ‘He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!!’
“Liggett said ‘I will have a ton of men with me’ and Meggs replied that ‘we have made Contact [sic] with PB [Proud Boys] and they always have a big group. Force multiplier. . . . I figure we could splinter off the main group of PB and come up behind them. Fucking crush them for good.’
“Aside from Meggs, Stewart Rhodes brought in at least one local militia leader and Three Percenters into the Oath Keepers January 6th planning chats that came about following President Trump’s tweet…
“Others brought firearms. Three men in fatigues from Broward County, Florida brandished AR-15s in front of Metropolitan police officers on 14th Street and Independence Avenue on the morning of January 6th. MPD advised over the radio that one individual was possibly armed with a ‘Glock’ at 14th and Constitution Avenue, and another was possibly armed with a ‘rifle’ at 15th and Constitution Avenue around 11:23 a.m. The National Park Service detained an individual with a rifle between 12 and 1 p.m. Almost all of this was known before Donald Trump took the stage at the Ellipse…
“Statement of Facts .. When the Select Committee asked about this post to the leader of the Florida Guardians of Freedom, Liggett downplayed any significance or any knowledge about other Three Percenter groups that might ‘show in record numbers’…
“On December 30, 2020, (Enrique) Tarrio received an intriguing document titled, ‘1776 Returns.’ The document was apparently sent to him by cryptocurrency investors in South Florida. The file’s author(s) divided their plan into five parts, ‘Infiltrate, Execution, Distract, Occupy and Sit-In,’ with the goal of overrunning several Federal buildings around the U.S. Capitol.
“The plan specifically mentioned House and Senate office buildings, setting forth steps for occupying them. The author(s) called for ‘the masses to rush the building[s],’ distract law enforcement in the area by pulling fire alarms around the city, target specific Senators’ offices, and disguise participants’ identities with COVID masks. One proposal mentioned in the document is titled, ‘Storm the Winter Palace.’
“This is a reference to a dramatic reenactment of the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, during which Vladimir Lenin ordered his forces to take over the Romanovs’ residence in Petrograd. The ‘Winter Palace’ was the seat of the provisional government, which had held out against the Bolshevik revolutionaries. The Proud Boys would frame their actions on January 6th as part of the American Revolution. But the ‘1776 Returns’ document shows their inspiration came at least in part from the Communist Revolution, which led to 70-plus years of totalitarian rule. No historical event has been less American.
“The Proud Boys did not adopt the ‘1776 Returns’ plan in full. Several Proud Boys testified that they were unaware of the document before it became public. But the document does appear to have been significantly edited while in the Proud Boys’ hands. The person who sent it to Tarrio—his ex-girlfriend, Eryka Gemma Flores—commented, ‘The revolution is [more] important than anything.’ To which Tarrio responded: ‘That’s what every waking moment consists of . . . I’m not playing games…’
“On January 2, 2021, Tarrio led a Proud Boys protest outside of Senator Marco Rubio’s home in Florida. The Proud Boys wanted to convince Rubio to vote against certification of the vote on January 6th…
“On January 3rd, Tarrio posted a conspicuous question on Telegram: ‘What if we invade it?’ The first response to his post read: ‘January 6th is D day [sic] in America.’
“In private, on the Proud Boys’ leadership group message, planning continued…
“Early the next morning, on January 4th, Tarrio sent a voice memo to the same group of MOSD (Ministry of Self Defense) leaders stating, ‘I didn’t hear this voice until now, you want to storm the Capitol…
“By the following evening, January 5th, Tarrio was discussing with other Proud Boy leaders a “tactical plan” for the following day. Their ‘objective’ was ‘to obstruct, impede, or interfere with the certification of the Electoral College vote.’”
Here are some other excerpts related to Florida incidents:
“On December 21st, (Pennsylvania State Senator Doug), Mastriano sent another email for President Trump, in which he wrote: Dear Mr. President—attached please find the ‘killer letter’ on the Pennsylvania election that we discussed last night’ that ‘I only just completed.’ This letter recapped the Gettysburg hotel hearing on November 25th, and claimed that ‘there is rampant election
fraud in Pennsylvania that must be investigated, remedied and rectified.’ President Trump sent that letter to John Eastman, Acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen, Acting Deputy Attorney General Richard Donoghue, Rush Limbaugh, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, Lou Dobbs, and others.”
THE BIG LIE (related to mail-in ballots)
“Prior to the 2020 election, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Bill Stepien, along with House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, urged President Trump to embrace mail-in voting as potentially beneficial to the Trump Campaign. Presidential advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner recounted others giving Donald Trump the same advice: “[M]ail in ballots could be a good thing for us if we looked at it correctly.
“Multiple States, including Florida, had successfully utilized mail-in voting in prior elections, and in 2020. Trump White House Counselor Hope Hicks testified: ‘I think he [President Trump] understood that a lot of people vote via absentee ballot in places like Florida and have for a long time and that it’s worked fine.’ Donald Trump won in numerous States that allowed no-excuse absentee voting in 2020, including Alaska, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Wyoming.”
From executive summary: Despite all that Donald Trump was being told, he continued to purposely and maliciously make false claims. To understand the very stark differences between what he was being told and what he said publicly and in fundraising solicitations, the Committee has assembled the following examples.
Florida example:
Then-Deputy Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen (12/15/20): “[O]ther people were telling him there was fraud, you know, corruption in the election. The voting machines were no good. And we were telling him that is inconsistent, by ‘we,’ I mean Richard Donoghue and myself, that that was not what we were seeing.” . . . “There was this open issue as to the Michigan report. And—I think it was Mr. Cuccinelli, not certain, but had indicated that there was a hand recount. And I think he said, ‘That’s the gold standard.”
President Trump one day later (12/16/20):
“‘Study: Dominion Machines shifted 2-3% of Trump Votes to Biden. Far more votes than needed to sway election.’ Florida, Ohio, Texas and many other states were won by even greater margins than projected. Did just as well with Swing States, but bad things happened. @OANN”
Documents on File with the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol (Julia Fancelli Production), REL0000000994, (Bank Statements for Julia Fancelli at the Bank of Central Florida from December 10, 2020, to January 10, 2021).
“Julie Fancelli is the billionaire heiress to the Publix supermarket fortune and a longtime supporter of President Trump…
“Fancelli’s goal was clear: she wanted to spend $3 million to “get as many people there as possible.”
–Diane Rado, Florida Phoenix
dave says
Always wondered if our past county commissioner was apart of any of these groups.
Jonathan says
Look how many have been charged and sentenced listened to Trump to go to the Capitol “An fight like hell”. Trump had them do his dirty work and he is out playing golf everyday. Maybe next time they will think twice about doing his dirty work.
Jim099 says
Nice article. I wish you had included the group organized from Flagler county that went to Washington. With help from our Sheriffs office and disgraced Joe Mullins. That video of the FCSO explaining to the group before they got on the bus on how to handle themselves when they got there was something special…
Eva says
It was so appalling, and a disgrace to Flagler County. I was so disappointed that Sheriff Staly did not respond properly and denounce it all!!
Concerned Citizen says
That’s because our “esteemed” wannabe Cowboy Sheriff Earp supported their actions. Mullins and Staly even though Staly would have you believe otherwise have always been in cahoots.That’s why Mullins was always able to get away with his shenanigans. He enjoyed the protection of Staly and FCSO. Trust me when I say that the FCSO employee giving “the speech” prior to departure wasn’t acting on his own direction. Sheriff Earp needs to be investigated along with Mullins and anyone else that had to do with that bus trip.
James Mejuto says
Superb: Thanks to FlaglerLive.com for publishing this insightful and intelligent information.
What UGLY lowlifes, all Republicans (not a single Democrat) invaded our nation’s Capitol and Washington D.C. to insurrect.
I hope all of us Americans realize this dastardly insurrection was an attempt at a ‘coup d’ e-tat’, actions which many Americans
believe is popular only in Banana Republics . . . yet, it happened right here in our country . . . America! I regret the article
had to compare it to Russia’s Revolution but that’s life!
Let’s hold all those Republican lowlife’s responsible for their un-American and fascist acts of aggression against our country. Let
me make myself clear: This means the defeated ex-President Trump, also !
Lee says
I agree and at the Least, the x-President should do jail time and stripped of all government benefits & services !!
Totally agree. I believe there is a provision in the US constitution that forbids anyone who is found guilty of insurrection against the government shall be prohibited from running or holding any Federal office. Title ?.
As the January 6th commission final report has made it abundantly clear, DJT planned, inspired and led a group of his MAGA followers to attack our nation’s Capitol with the full intent of overturning the results of a fair, free and democratic election won by Joe Biden. This seditious and insurrectionist attack unprecedented in American history had as its goal the overturning of our democracy and replacing it with a Fascist autocracy with DJT as its leader. As the report indicated he had support and assistance from a diverse group of far right wing conspirators including congressional members and the private sector. These people who supported and committed this disgraceful attack on our Democracy must be held accountable for their despicable acts and yes that includes their ringleader DJT. They are not only traitors and piss poor Americans but IMHO are domestic terrorists as well.
Aj says
Not a single Democrat, the sad thing is people continue to vote Republican. Hope they will catch all those Trump nonthinkers. Am glad the world saw this am glad a Republican was in charge. Are we sure not a single Democrat wasn’t there?
Aj says
Am glad the world the insurrection. Most of the people were white men. Thank God some of them is serving time. Call me racist if you will but I am glad the world saw the dirty work of the white people. Am surprised but glad the Government is tracking those people down, and punishing them. Times have changed a little, finally the whites suffer some consequences of their wrong doing. Love to see white men suffer for doing wrong. Has not always been that way, am enjoying it while it last. The sad thing is they didn’t for themselves, look where they are and their leader is running for President again. Can they vote?
Been There says
The LEADER of the PB was Enrique Tarrio, an Afro-Cuban. Just adding a little balance to the bias.
Geezer says
Actually no, he’s Caucasian of Spanish descent. Cubans come in many flavors, just like a mini-USA.
I wanted to undo your balancing act–sorry.
No comas tanta mier**.
Geezer says
I’ll bet that the ladder these fools are using in the photo is made in China, just like their MAGA hats…
I’ll bet that collectively in that crowd, there’s a total IQ of 88.
In light of the Christmas spirit, I’m being generous.
Oh and yeah, he is Afro-Cuban. I was looking at a photo of Fabio.
Sorry. Feliz navidad…
James says
“… I’ll bet that the ladder these fools are using in the photo is made in China, … ”
And what an unwieldy one at that… you would think they’d bring a “Little Giant Multi 18ft.” Quick, easy, one person setup and removal… 300lb capacity… and made in the USA. Not available with the fiberglass frame unfortunately… but not a big deal if you’re not planning to install light bulbs or electrical fixtures.
James says
“… I’ll bet that collectively in that crowd, there’s a total IQ of 88. …”
By the way… how many MAGA supporters does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A whole lot judging by how many are needed to put up the ladder.
The dude says
Also, I feel reasonably sure it’s not BLM or Auntie Fa attacking power substations in NC and Washington State…
Why does MAGA hate America?
Not Surprised says
Well when the Governor employs a Russian asset (Pushaw) who is Buddy Buddy with the person behind LibsOfTikTok (the handle that promotes hate and domestic terrorism) AND that same governor offers to hide the person that runs LibsOfTikTok, why would anyone think FL isn’t a hotbed for insurrections and Nazism? This person that runs LibsOfTikTok was there on Jan 6 and close enough she was hit with rubber bullets and tear gas.
You know what pattern I’m seeing? It’s like the bully on Glee, Karofsky. He was gay. Hated himself for being gay. Do what did he do? Go after all those that were proud of who they were. He bullied them. Beat them up. Threatened to kill them. That’s what I’m seeing here…people that are so insecure with themselves and their own lives, they are going after people that are happy in their own skin. Someone in TX put forward a law against LGBTQ people. Later he was found with a male escort. A pastor in NC preached about killing LGBTQ people, yet he was known on his college campus to frequent the gay bars. It’s always the loudest person with the most to hide. LibsOfTikTok is very loud, very hateful and I can’t wait until they are exposed for having a server full of LGBT porn. It will happen. The most hatful people have the most to hide.
Michael Cocchiola says
Florida and Texas have effectively seceded from the U.S. Both are now hotbeds of extremist right-wing cruelty, deceit, and emerging anti-democracy violence.
Totally Agree. I have lived in FloriDUH for the last 20 years and have witnessed firsthand just what a FASCIST FAR REICH cesspool it has become. It really started with Rick Scott during his reign as Governor and has reached its Zenith under the current Fascist leader Ron DeSantis a Trump wannabe who has declared war on anyone who disagrees with his racist white nationalism anti -democratic and autocratic ideologies. If not for the beautiful beaches and tax friendly environment I would leave for another state that does not have the hate filled rhetoric and decisiveness all a part of the DJT legacy.
Skibum says
I am completely bewildered as to why so many in the Republican Party continue to deflect, deny, make lame excuses and/or outrageous falsehoods about the insurrection on Jan. 6. And I am referring to current elected GOP leaders and members as well as regular citizens who I’m sure must have been watching the horrible events unfold that day and have heard the results of the congressional hearings afterward. It is no wonder why all of the right wing extremist groups feel emboldened and empowered by loyalists of the disgraced, impeached loser of a former president. Now those GOP congressmen who have violated their oath of office by refusing to comply with subpoenas and provide testimony under oath to the select committee are about to take the reins of power in the House of Representatives, and have already been making statements about the investigations they will be starting and the democrats they plan to subpoena to testify in front of the GOP led committees starting in January. How do they think that will work out for them since they have shown it is easy to just refuse to show up as ordered or testify? And the last point I will make is that America really needs a two-party system, but the Republican Party is imploding and it is obvious that there is less and less support nationally for those who continue to partake in the “big lie”. When will they learn that if the GOP wants to win in any future general election, they need to put forward quality candidates and cease this nonsense spouted by those like Marjory Taylor Green and others of her ilk. The “Grand Old Party” is in critical condition, and desperately needs a double dose of ethical, moral leadership and membership as well if the GOP wishes to survive future election disasters like it has seen lately.
James Mejuto says
Although most losing Republican candidates acknowledged their loss, there were a few like Kari Lake who still
deny their loss, saying the election was ‘stolen.’
There is a reason why Republicans support the donald and this has to do with Trump’s base of support. These
Republican politicians need votes and they need donald’s base.
Robin says
Unfortunately I believe is where Republicans get their news. When people like Tucker Carlson ( who, in my opinion, is a traitor) spew Russian propaganda & he remains a #1rated host. There just isn’t truth being reported on right wing media sites. They didn’t cover the J6 hearings & report it as a “peaceful demonstration “ even though we all watched the same attack. I hope that the people of FL will wake up & vote out the dangerous people in our state Government. The Governor is a prime example.
Joseph Barand says
I reported the “bus” instigator to the FBI and they are still conducting their investigation. I would strongly suggest that everyone avoid him like the plague.