Jayden Ikaika Jackson, the 21-year-old son of a Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy, was arrested on Monday on a first-degree felony charge of hit-and-run causing the death of 51-year-old Shaunta Cain in late 2022.
Authorities early the morning of Nov. 26, 2022 investigated the death of a pedestrian woman near Plantation Bay on U.S. 1. near Eagle Rock Road. The woman, later identified as Cain, was found dead in the median, with considerable debris from the vehicle that had allegedly struck her, including pieces of headlight, trim, and paint chips. Tire marks traced the trajectory of the vehicle, which had swerved off the road onto the center median, then back to the road, then back onto and across the median.
The paint chips indicated the vehicle’s color: dark gray. Parts found at the scene included brand markings and numbers, which led Florida Highway Patrol investigators to conclude that the vehicle that had struck Cain was a 2016 to 2018 model Chevrolet Silverado or GMC Sierra pick-up truck. The vehicle was to have severe left-front damage. Authorities circulated a Be-On-The-Lookout to all surrounding agencies.
According to Jackson’s arrest report, Commander Jon Dopp was called in and told that one of his own deputies, Bryan Scott Jackson–he had been with the agency 10 years at that point–believed his son was the person possibly involved in the crash (where sheriff’s deputies are typically first on scene, though they urn over the investigation to FHP when it’s a fatality.)
Dopp and FHP trooper Jordan Capela went to Jackson’s home and made contact with Jayden Jackson. They also saw a dark gray, 2017 Chevrolet 1500, a pick-up truck, with fresh crash damage to its left front “consistent with the suspect vehicle we were looking for,” the report states.
A trip of FHP corporals then went to the Jackson residence and spoke with Bryan Jackson. The deputy told them that on advice of his attorney, neither he nor his son would be answering questions, nor would his son provide a buccal swab for DNAS testing, or provide his cell phone, or allow a search of the vehicle. Nevertheless, FHP troopers concluded that the vehicle’s damage was consistent with a collision with a pedestrian, and that its parts correlated with those found at the scene of the crash.
“The driver of the vehicle fled from the scene without reporting the crash to law enforcement or calling for assistance,” the report states. Drivers who strike and injure or kill pedestrians but stay at the scene and report the crash typically may be cited but often do not face criminal charges. It is a second degree felony to leave the scene of a crash with an injury, and a first degree felony to leave one with a death. The first degree felony carries a mandatory minimum prison sentence of four years on conviction, with a maximum (but unlikely) 30 years.
Authorities eventually secured the necessary warrants to search the car and obtain DNA from the younger Jackson. DNA analysis of the interior of the Silverado showed Jayden Jackson had been driving it at the time of the crash, according to his arrest report. Cain’s DNA was found on the exterior of the vehicle.
A witness told an FHP investigator that Jackson was at the wheel of the Silverado at the time of the crash and that Jackson and the witness had been drinking at a bar in Daytona Beach earlier that night. He turned himself in at the county jail on Monday, where the arrest warrant was served. He was booked on $50,000 bond, which his family posted on his behalf. His arraignment before Circuit Judge Terence Perkins is on May 20. He is represented by attorney Josh Davis.
Cain was listed as being from Fort Lauderdale by FHP.
Atwp says
Glad he surrendered.
TR says
great a sheriff deputy (the father) knows better then to withhold evidence from the police. The way the father acted was aiding and abedding his son for the accident by not allowing his son to ask questions or submit to any testing.
Ed P says
You have a point TR. Fear and paternal instincts sometimes over powers common sense. Personally I can’t find blame in the deputy’s initial reaction to the crime.
Not sure what I would be willing to do for one of my children, hope I’m never tested.
No Political Affiliation says
Literally the first thing ANY lawyer will tell you is, “Do not answer questions.” And it’s your right not to. I’m not excusing what this kid did, just saying, know your rights.
JimboXYZ says
Doesn’t look very good when the FCSO investigation was turned over to FHP & the father (FCSO Officer of 10 years) didn’t cooperate with the investigation. The search warrants were forthcoming a mere formality. If there was nothing to hide for impaired driving, it’ll be interesting to hear the details of the only surviving/living account of what happened ? as much traffic motorist & pedestrian for the growth in this town, alcohol is the last thing anyone needs to have consumed even. Never know what a pedestrian that is impaired themselves or suicidal may do. Speculation though for finding a plausible explanation, drinking in Daytona earlier, this might be similar to what happened in Bunnell recently when those pedestrians stumbled out onto US-1 and got hit. Impaired pedestrians can be like that just the same as impaired motorists. Either way this young adult will get his day in court, probably get the minimum at the very least. The victim, anything else known about her condition for an autopsy to reveal substance abuse(s) at the time of the H&R ? I mean that’s the only thing I can think of for a reason for being uncooperative or rather following the lawyers alleged instructions for not answering questions or allowing a search of the property & truck involved ? Is that the son’s version of the details was that the victim may have made a sudden movement that made it impossible to avoid hitting her ? But I think FHP is going to have at least a mathematical analysis of where the truck swerved, how fast it was going, where for a relative level of accuracy the woman was struck, how far she was launched, etc. based upon a scientific approach ? Unless the bar tab in Daytona was cash, there’s a debit/credit card tab that might indicate a potential level of inebriation or sobriety ? A wild card would be how much alcohol may have been consumed as previously purchased prior to the event date. Nov 26, that was a Sunday before Thanksgiving for that weekend. The event was reported, until 9:30 AM Sunday AM, which would make it a late Saturday PM on Nov 25, early Sunday AM on Nov 26.
Jim says
JimboXYZ, Jackson is probably going to get convicted for drunk driving and killing that lady but he was drunk when he did it. I just [tried] to read your “comment” twice and either you are impaired OR you’re not a good representative of your high school education!
Your words: “The victim, anything else known about her condition for an autopsy to reveal substance abuse(s) at the time of the H&R ? I mean that’s the only thing I can think of for a reason for being uncooperative or rather following the lawyers alleged instructions for not answering questions or allowing a search of the property & truck involved ?”
Are you telling us that the victim was uncooperative after the hit and run? I think she was uncooperative because at that point, she was dead.
But thanks for your point of view. I hope you and I are fortunate enough to live on opposite ends of the county and never are out driving at the same time. It’s dangerous enough out there without worrying about that…..
Jim says
Could Flagler Live address why it took from November 2022 until April 2024 for an arrest to be made? Seems they had most of the evidence fairly quickly. They even had a witness identify Jackson. Did the DNA confirmation drag on for this long? Since this involves a police officer’s relative, some clarity on this would be appreciated.
I feel for Ms. Cain’s family for having to wait this long for the start of resolution.
I feel for Mr. Jackson (father) for the agony of having to report your own son for such a crime and I respect him for standing up and doing the right thing.
itdoesnotmatter says
So, he was using alcohol at a bar, he was not old enough to legally consume alcohol ( if that was really the only substance found on blood drawn, swab, at the time ( which he refused, with the help of daddy) he is the son of an employee of the Staly “bunch,” and it took the State 2 years to open a case, and there is deceased victim as a consequence of this kids actions. WOW double WOW
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
Even cops are smart enough to know that you never talk to cops
Steve says
I have a feeling this kid has been enabled by his Father a Deputy his entire life when it comes to trouble just saying
The Sour Kraut says
Remember folks, if you get in a sticky situation, do as the police do. Don’t answer questions, don’t admit anything, don’t allow a search without a warrant. DO get a lawyer.
No Political Affiliation says
Yeah, other people here don’t seem to understand their right to remain silent. Obviously if he committed a crime, he’s gotta do the time…but that’s not even the point. Even if you are 100% innocent and get accused of a crime DO NOT ANSWER QUESTIONS!
George Lopez says
Roses are RED
Violets are BLUE (or purple)
Shoulda bought Ford
Now look at you🔒
chris says
What the hell does that have to do with the price of coffee?
Robjr says
Under Florida Statute.
Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Death.
The crime of Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Death is a First Degree Felony punishable as a Level 7 offense under Florida’s sentencing guidelines.
If convicted of Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Death, a judge can impose a maximum sentence of thirty (30) years in prison, but is required to impose a mandatory minimum sentence of 4 years in prison.
Hopefully the fix is not in and a measure of justice can be dispensed.
Condolences to the deceased family.
Steve says
Looks like his running Women out of Daytona will be interrupted while Incarcerated Allegedly