Palm Coast City Council member Victor Barbosa was cited for inattention in a t-bone crash he provoked last week at the intersection of Old Kings Road and Forest Grove Drive in Palm Coast.
The crash took place at 12:30 p.m. on March 4, according to 911 notes. Barbosa, 41, who is also a resident of the F Section, was at the wheel of a black 2020 Chevrolet pick-up. The victim of the crash is an 18-year-old resident of the F-Section. He was at the wheel of a gray 2014 Chevrolet Equinox.
According to a Flagler County Sheriff’s crash report, Barbosa was traveling west on Forest Grove Drive. He had stopped at the stop sign, at the intersection with Old Kings. The 18 year old was traveling north on Old Kings. Barbosa “was inattentive and failed to yield the right of way” to the 18 year old’s Equinox, pulling into the intersection and t-boning the Equinox on its driver- and passenger-side doors.
Airbags in both vehicles deployed and one of the vehicle’s occupants was “shaken up,” according to 911 dispatch notes. “There were no report of injuries at the crash scene,” the sheriff’s report states. Both vehicles sustained disabling damage–$5,000-worth for Barbosa’s pick-up, $6,500 for the Equinox.
A passerby on a bike called in the crash to 911. Both vehicles were towed by John’s Towing, the Bunnell wrecker. Barbosa’s citation is for “failing to yield right of way.”
Barbosa’s pick-up had been the focus of a Palm Coast code enforcement inquiry last year, after city code enforcement officer said they’d found it to be in repeat violation of the city’s ordinance banning visible commercial signs on vehicles when they’re parked for prolonged periods in residential areas. Barbosa opposes that provision of the ordinance and is seeking to have it repealed. The city had prepared a case against Barbosa and had scheduled it for last week’s Code Enforcement Board meeting. It withdrew the case when, starting on Jan. 29, the pick-up was no longer seen in the driveway of the F-Section home with its signs visible.
Reached by phone today, Barbosa declined to speak, saying he was “in the middle of something.”

Gray says
What is inattention in a T-bone crash. Is that a charge like reckless driving? Does it carry a fine and points on your record?
Resident says
Hmmm just like the Council – inattentive!
Billy says
No big deal no one is dead just petty BS in a little community it could happen to any one of us we are not perfect not one of us
MM says
U kidding me?Stop at signs !How is that petty ?
ASF says
The Palm Coast City Council is just an embarrassment to itself.
Jimbo99 says
Those left turns are kind of dangerous and as traffic increases they’re going to have to consider traffic lights with protected arrow turns instead of just stop signs. Just part of the growing pains.
robert diformato says
sure looks as the 18-year-old failed to stop looking at the drawing
Kb says
The stop sign is not on Old Kings Rd. The stop sign is for the cross street. Therefore the 18 yr old had the right of way with no duty to yield.
harman says
If you read the article again, you should note that the 18 year old (V2) was driving north on Old Kings Road and Barbosa (V1) had stopped for the stop sign and proceeded to enter the intersection. OKR north does not have a stop sign. On traffic reports, V1 is the at fault driver vehicle.
Samson says
According to a Flagler County Sheriff’s crash report, Barbosa was traveling west on Forest Grove Drive. He had stopped at bthe stop sign, at the intersection with Old Kings. The 18 year old was traveling north on Old Kings.
Sugar Kanye says
” Man Cave “…… isn’t that the name of Kim Kardashian’s “assets”.
Ramone says
If Barbosa was truly found to be in “repeat” violation, his fines should have accrued from the time the Code Enforcement Officer witnessed the violation and should have run daily until the violation was corrected. Take a look at Florida Statutes 162.09. I hope he’s not getting special treatment. It makes no sense to let a repeat violator off the hook without any fines.
MRC says
I hope that they check the weasel’s cell phone records to see if he was looking at social media conspiracy websites at the time when he was allegedly “inattentive”.
MM says
Hmm!Stop signs are treated as yield these days people just pull right in front of other vehicles! Stop means Stop!Everyday on matanzas and palm harbor parkway this happens with my son in vehicle dumbasses remember you being in such a hurry could cause a kid his life or serious injuries !Stop !
Faithful citizen says
Several years ago, Mr. Barbosa cut me off entering 95 at exit 284 – he almost ran me into the concrete overpass. Two lanes merge, and let’s just say, he wasn’t feeling neighborly. I know it was him because it was a big black pick-up hauling a huge election sign for Dr. Maria Barbosa.
Holden says
It’s one thing to drive aggressively in a vehicle that’s inconspicuous, but to do it in a big black pick up with ManCave all over it and the big blue and white American ISIS flags flying on occasion…need I say more, lol. I spend a lot of time on the roads in Palm Coast on my job and am not the least bit surprised something like this finally happened with Barbosa. It’s a damn shame that when it did, it involved another driver (poor kid), and not just a ditch, tree or utility pole. I do wonder what Vegas’ odds are he was being more “attentive” on his phone at the time.
Bob says
head is too big for his hat
Concerned Citizen says
Another case of preferential treatment.
Anytime someone in a leadership position get’s into trouble it’s toned down and then swept under the rug. So I’m not surprised here. Hell our own Sheriff is protecting Mullins from his criminal statements made to the public on the air. And other Commisioners have hit Cyclists and gotten away with it.
And his truck is most certainly in violation of City Ordanance in regards to marked vehicles.
I work as a field supervisor for a large security company in the area. Because I’m in an industry that works 24/7 365 I have a take home vehicle. Before moving out of Palm Coast and into the country I got no less than 2 notices on the garage door. And a notice in the mail for a company vehicle parked in the driveway.
If he’s parking it at home and out in the open Code Enforcement needs to properly address it.
Light up those phones and force some action at City Hall
FL it would be interesting to follow up on the Code Enforcement Issue. Let’s start putting pressure on our elected officials to act like they are supposed to.
Bethechange says
Poor kid. Just a couple of years driving and may very well have thought he did something wrong, which he didn’t. As if insurance for male drivers under 25 isn’t exorbitant enough. And wondering if his insurance company will even care that he was not at fault. Sad. Just a thought, but if Mr Barbosa feels in the least bit sorry for his irresponsible actions, maybe he could additionally offer to pay for the increase in this young man’s rates for the next 7 years. He’s a jerk, if he doesn’t. Feel awful for Him and his parents, left holding the bag, probably.
Bethechange says
And the kid did not fail to stop because he had no stop sign, therefore he had the right of way. From the angle of his vehicle and the location of damage to it, it actually appears he had the presence of mind to attempt a right to avoid hitting Mr Inattentive And In A Bigger Hurry Than Everyone Else.
Flatsflyer says
Lock him up, that’s what Trump would have said!
Concerned Citizen says
As a former traffic investigator.
The 18 year old driver was not at fault on this one. You can blame youth inexperience or whatever but this time you are wrong.
Barbosa was at fault for violating a right of way. Sadly our Law Enforcement Agencies here show a lot of favoritism and Barbosa got lucky this time.
I have never seen such a tightly woven holier than thou small town political leadership. And for some reason they have the Sheriff wrapped up in the palm of their hands.
From Eric Cooley getting his charges dropped to Rick Bellhemuer hitting the Cyclist and now Barbosa hitting this kid all have skated clean And I’ll still mention Joe Mullins. Because what he did was criminal as well. And he should face local and Federal charges for using the radio.
It’s like we have a little Mafioso of Council and Commisioners running around. Acting like Teflon Don’s. What happens next time a resident is seriously injured.
And when it comes to blame there is no one but the community to point fingers at. After some of us tried to fight for change you all went and voted the same thing back in office. Somehow expecting things to be different. Remember the definition of insanity?
Please remember all of this issues when you vote next time.
Steve says
The only time the Barbarian is attentive is when He is looking in the mirror or feels he can make money off of something or somebody. Being on a City Council with all due respect, is THIS your shot at the big time.? Cool your Jets already SMH