Vice President Kamala Harris Wednesday afternoon called Donald Trump to concede the 2024 presidential race, according to a senior Harris aide.
During the call, the Democratic presidential nominee “discussed the importance of a peaceful transfer of power and being a president for all Americans,” the senior aide said.
Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign communications director said in a statement that during the call Trump “acknowledged Vice President Harris on her strength, professionalism, and tenacity throughout the campaign, and both leaders agreed on the importance of unifying the country.”
Harris delivered a concession speech at 4 p.m. Eastern to her supporters at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, was in the crowd as well.
“The outcome of this election is not what we wanted,” she said. “But hear me when I say this: The light of America’s promise will always burn bright.”
Harris told her supporters to not be discouraged by the results, but to continue the fighting and organizing.
“Sometimes the fight takes a while,” she said. “This is not a time to throw up our hands, this is a time to roll up our sleeves.”
The college was also the site of her election watch party on Tuesday night, which quickly turned somber after her path to the White House narrowed when the southern battleground states of North Carolina and Georgia swung to Trump.
Harris, who was originally expected to attend her own election night party, never arrived on campus, disappointing supporters and Howard alums.
Trump was declared the presidential winner early Wednesday, according to projections by The Associated Press.
Harris said it was important to accept the results of the race – something that Trump did not do four years ago, leading to a violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol.
“That principle, as much as any other, distinguishes democracy from monarchy or tyranny and anyone who seeks the public trust must honor it,” she said. “At the same time, in our nation, we owe loyalty not to a president or a party, but to the Constitution of the United States.”
Harris said that while she concedes the election, “I do not concede the fight that fueled this campaign.”
The presidential race isn’t the only loss for Democrats. They lost control of the U.S. Senate and Republicans are favored to take the House, potentially giving the GOP a trifecta in Washington.
The election saw a deep gender divide, with exit poll surveys showing women tended to favor Harris over Trump.
It’s the second time a woman has led as the presidential candidate for a major party and it’s the second time a woman has lost to Trump. Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton lost to him in 2016.
The election came two years after the constitutional right to an abortion was stripped away by the U.S. Supreme Court. The incoming 47th president cemented its conservative majority by hand-picking three justices.
Harris, whose bid only began in July after President Joe Biden suspended his reelection campaign, had a little over 100 days to pick a running mate, release policy plans to appeal to voters and hit the seven battleground states.
Despite the sprint of a campaign, Harris said she was grateful for the campaign she and Walz ran and the coalition they built along the way.
Some of that coalition was fractured, though. There was deep dissatisfaction within her party for the current administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza.
Michigan, which has a high Arab American population and is a state that Biden won in 2020, voted for Trump, according to projections by The Associated Press.
It was Harris’ second time running for the White House, after her first run quickly fizzled in 2019 before Biden picked her as his running mate.
With Biden out of the race following a disastrous June debate that rattled his party’s belief he could win a rematch against Trump, the coronation of Harris as the party heir breathed new hope into Democrats along with a flood of cash. They raised more than $1 billion, according to the campaign.
Despite the funding and new enthusiasm among Democrats, the swing states of Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin ultimately went to Trump, giving him a clear path to the White House with 292 Electoral College votes out of 270 needed to win the White House, to her 224 votes, according to The Associated Press.
–Ariana Figueroa, Florida Phoenix
BOB says
BS how do they know?
Skibum says
All day today there has been one armchair analysis after another seeking to critique the VP’s election campaign strategy, giving their individual takes on the so-called “mistakes” she made that ended in her defeat to drumph. As was predictable, some even suggest, after the fact of course, that Kamala Harris should have seen this coming and ran with this or that different strategy that is so easily identifiable… after all is said and done. Isn’t 20-20 hindsight wonderful! My take on it is that she was basically thrust into the position of running an election campaign at almost the last minute. I think it is remarkable that she was able to ramp up an enormous team of mostly volunteers for her multi-state ground game, and accomplished what she did in the very limited couple of months between the time she announced her candidacy and the November election. Not least of which was the extraordinary, hundreds of millions of campaign donations she was able to bring in during that very narrow time span. All in all, Kamala Harris and her team accomplished a monumental task, and I think they did the best they could under the circumstances. Pundits will inevitably critique and criticize the loser’s campaign as if they knew all along what was going wrong, because that is just how things work in today’s environment, not that any of them could have performed even half as good if all of the strategizing and decision making had been left up to them. And lastly, I hope, despite all of the disappointment that she and her running mate are not going to be the ones at the helm of government come the new year, we cannot be so despondent that we give up on our ideals. We cannot stop working toward making progress for our country. It is up to the younger people to continue the fight for what they believe in, and I for one am glad for all of the people that Kamala Harris and Mike Walz have encouraged and inspired to do so on our behalf.
The People says
1 Billion $ donated for that woman who stammers to a frozen standstill if her teleprompter fails. Why Couldn’t we support RFK or ANYONE else?
Democrats own this Trump victory due to their lousy decision making from Obama down to Pelosi, Clintons, down to Schiff, Schummer, Watters down to the lowest of the low AOC and her “squad”. The people said “no more”. Let ME be clear. They have the trifecta (House, senate and executive branch) AND a majority in the highest court. And there’s absolutely nobody to blame but themselves.
JW says
Something is rotten in the State of America.
There is an increasing cult of ignorance in our Disunited States of America, now reinforced by artificial intelligence.
Anti-intellectualism is becoming a constant thread through our political and cultural life.
It is nurtured by a false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
Let’s not forget that the difference between human beings and animals is our ability to think and compromise with one another.
Let’s not go backwards to where we came from but find peaceful ways forward as our evolution continues.
It is all a question of EDUCATION or lack there-of.
Otherwise we will self-create the end of our own human existence.
The world is watching!
Lil bird says
To clarify, there is not (and was never) a “right to an abortion” in the US Constitution. Roe v Wade was a Supreme Court case whose judicial interpretation of the 14th amendment privacy clause recently got overturned and thus jurisdiction for the arguments presented in the case resorted back to the States. This means the States could again regulate as they choose- same as they had for hundreds of years before Roe v Wade. The US Constitution never changed nor was there ever a constitutional amendment at the federal level creating abortion with or without regulations as a federal right.
Amendment 4 as proposed in 2024 for changes to FL state constitution also did not pass.
Atwp says
Democrats keep crying, and feeling sad. Ask the question what went wrong? Next week start making plans to win the small ignored elections. Make plans to take the house in 2026. Trump will implode. Get ready for another victory, we did it in 2020, why not the next four years. We will win. This country isn’t. ready for a female leader, especially a woman of color. The country elected a convicted lying crook. Democrats, the burden is on the Republicans shoulders to deliver what he promised to the people. We need to get ready for the next fight.
Robjr says
After 4 years Vladimir Putin is back into the White House and he didn’t even have to get elected.
Tired of it says
The US has lost its moral compass. Democracy is dead. In a year from now, when his crazy, damaging policies have begun to take effect many of his supporters will begin to regret their support, it will be too late. He is Hitler, Putin and Jong rolled into one.
Tired of it says
So we regress to back room abortions. The rich will always have access, the poor will suffer.
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
I’d like to say that after a thorough dissection looking for “what happened” by the democratic party and some self-reflection we could see a new party that embraces its progressive, democratic ideals. Hold on, I said that in 2016.
Jake From State Farm says
Please keep that attitude, Please keep that up. You do not understand the message that has been sent. You don’t get what the problem with Democrat party is. You have left the Far left take it over. You will insure that if the Democrat party does not change and stop being “extremist”, stop calling the other side Nazi’s , racists, fascists. insurrectionists, and all the other lies, you will insure that the divide this country is in will only get deeper and as you can see by this election, you will continue to lose ground and will let the extremists on far right gain power which no one wants. The truth is in the middle.
DaleL says
I partially agree with “The People”. President Biden and other top Democrats have absolutely nobody to blame but themselves. There is an excellent opinion article in the Atlantic titled: “Blame Biden” by Tyler Austin Harper.
Harper wrote: “During his 2019 campaign, he heavily signaled that he would not run again if he won. “He is going to be 82 years old in four years and he won’t be running for reelection,” one of his advisers declared. Biden himself promised to be a “transition” candidate, holding off Trump for four years while making room for a fresh Democratic challenger in 2024. “Look, I view myself as a bridge, not anything else,” he said at a Michigan campaign event with Governor Gretchen Whitmer,…”
Because Biden ran for reelection, other younger, better qualified Democrats were shoved aside. As a Democrat, I was personally angered that there was NO Democratic primary for president in Florida at all. Also, in hindsight, many of Biden’s issues have proven to be disasters. Despite repeated announcements that a ceasefire in Gaza was imminent, no such ceasefire happened. Instead the violence in the Middle-East has increased. Biden’s student loan forgiveness, if it had not been partially checked by the courts, would have added 430 billion dollars to the U.S. debt. His handling of the U.S. Mexico border was complacent at best. Only as the election neared, did Mr. Biden and Democrats realize this was a real election issue.
It was obvious back at the beginning of this year, to anyone who was paying attention, that Mr. Biden needed to step aside. Jon Stewart, Daily Show, said as much. Finally, once Biden did step aside, the Democratic Party was left with no choice except Kamala Harris. She ran a fairly good campaign, but she was tied too closely to Biden. It was too little and too late.
JC says
Correct regarding Amendment 4, didn’t hit the 60% requirement but gotten 57%.
I Just Love Flagler Beach says
Totally agree. Kamala ran a near perfect campaign. Anyone who wants blame someone, look to the voters.
Jay Tomm says
Notice she said fight 14 times during that “speech” Seems to me to be a call for revolt. Orange man be bad he hurts feelings…..LOL
joe says
Just wondering how a “movement” built on so many lies and deceptions, fueled by stirring up fear and anger and led by a life-long con man and fraudster is really going to address the needs of working class Americans as is claimed by Trump and so many in the media.
Now that some of his supporters are now openly admitting that Project 2025 was the real plan all along – “Now that the election is over, we can admit that Project 2025 was the plan all along…lol”, said one) – it might be wise to take a look at it if you haven’t already. Much of its plans for the economy will be devastating to the poor and middle class.
I suspect there might be quite a backlash when the Trump voters who put their economic hopes on him, find out that what they are going to get is far different than what they thought.
RitaMae says
Right on! She ran a fantastic campaign in spite of all the obsticals she faced (short period of time to coordinate a monumental task for 1). I wish her well.
Deborah Coffey says
“that woman” says a lot. Kind of makes your hatred of Democrats quite clear. Now, however, you’re about to get all the crap you voted for.
Deborah Coffey says
Sorry Jake, the experts on authoritarianism all agree that there is almost no difference between Project 2025 and Hitler’s Nazi Manifesto. I do agree about the middle…IF the country survives Trumpism…which is quite doubtful if he does everything he’s promised.
Pogo says
@Give us Barabbas
Unlike Pilate, the millions that voted for a dumpster fire at the backdoor to a whorehouse and bait shop, still have no idea what they’ve actually done. Time will educate them — and quickly.
donsarahw says
Such a sore loser. I’m so glad Flagler live and their horrible party they represent lost so bad hopefully this paper will get kicked out next
Atwp says
Harris, and Biden sound very mature. He is willing to meet Trump in the White House, Harris concedes the race. A far cry from 2020. We Democratic lost the race but we didn’t loose our maturing abilities. I believe this will be a very smooth transition. Good job Democrats, good job. Let us work toward victory in 2026 and 2028. Democrats I love you all.
Land of no turn signals says says
She will be missed.NOT
jake says
November 8, 2024, Democrat heads still exploding everywhere. It’s a great day in America.
KK says
Joe, I agree with everything you say, but one thing. I used to believe that his voters would recognize him as a fraud and there would be backlash. But no. The people who elected him are in large part the people who elected him last time. He didn’t fulfill his promises then and he won’t now. He’ll just tell them he did, and anything that goes wrong will be some evil democrat’s fault. It’s just a cult.
Barry McCociner says
Yes… something IS rotten…. Namely the cult who refuse to answer the most simple questions…
Anti-intellectualism from those that say men can magically become women by wearing a skirt.
A false notion that the public education system (and teacher’s unions) are actually educating children.
Let’s not continue to go backwards with the false religions above… which are just two of the many false religions this cult forces upon the citizenship…
It is all a question of EDUCATION… that is … not immediately taking as gospel what these folks preach. And udnerstanding it is ok to take a moment to analyze this cult’s beliefs … and ask simple questions… and demand simple answers.
Otherwise we will continue to devolve … and posting tik toks of our unhinged mental collapse.
The world … and our children are watching!!!
Pierre Tristam says
If you get your totalitarian wish, maybe. But even then, I’m willing to bet: not a goddamn chance in hell.
joe says
A cult it truly is – if you watch interviews with his rally goers, it is beyond astonishing their ignorance of basic facts. Being steeped in a right-wing media bubble for decades (go back to Rush Limbaugh in the 80’s), it’s no wonder that the Big Lie about elections has become gospel truth to so many.
I guess his “overwhelming” win shows that the efforts of Democrats to steal the election were thwarted by Lara Trump’s “election security forces” – or, maybe…the whole stolen election thing was BS from the start?
As far as backlash, I think there will be when those who voted for him for economic reasons find that what he will in fact provide is more chaos and division and the tariffs raise prices beyond what they are now.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Flagler live folly’s…. I told you all TRUMP was gonna win! Despite all your lies & caracter assasinations. The big picture, is America WON! Real Americans took THIER country back ! The WOKE bullshit of the past will be forgotten….We have a plan & a better way forward. I listen to all your cry baby TRUMP bullshit! For months you’ve been selling snake oil on this platform, lie after lie! TRUMP this & TRUMP that. Well, I thank God, & my family, for teaching me the value of the GOP! I thank God for the salvation of our country. TRUMP,S LANDSLDE VICTORY, PROOVES American,s are willing to fight against communism, dressed up as a candidate. An emptey pants suit, who lied, hid, & covered up for a demented president. They all TRYED to pull the wool over the American tax payer!!!! As you all cry in your beer, remember who Americans chose. Democrates tryed to bankrupt him,they tryed to jail him, when that didn’t work they tryed 2 times to kill him! Now its time to get to work, clean up all the mess of Biden /Harris. Time to turn the page on their woke failed policies. Time for peace again! Time for prosperity again! We will be able to feed our families again without putting things back on the shelf because Biden & Harris taxes & the sky rocketing prices. We are about to start the greatest America ever! Our golden era is about to begin. Where everyone succeeds! Time to start the deportation of the Biden /Harris SCUM! Get these invaders out of our country, for once & for all! No more free rides for these people, no more cell phones, no more free hotel rooms!!! AMERICA 1st. NOT LAST. If Biden/ Harris invested all the money they gave these people in America… The would have been REELLECTED hands down!
Jason Barton says
3 days after the election and we’re still upset? Your side is still bitching about a war you lost 160 years ago . . .
Sherry says
@donsarahw. . . please hold your breath waiting for Flagerlive to be “kicked out” . . . can’t wait to see you turn a bright shade of democratic “Blue”!
Enjoy your hate!
Atwp says
Dennis he won, did the country lose? We will find out during his first 100 days in office if not earlier.
Sherry says
@jake . . . asinine gloating. . . it’s just so typically “You”. . . LOL! LOL! LOL!