Last Updated: 1:42 p.m.
Florence Fruehan, the long-time Palm Coast physician facing accusations of sexual improprieties with a patient, will no longer practice medicine at Palm Coast Urgent Care or anywhere. He is expected to surrender his license in November as part of a disciplinary agreement.
“Dr. Fruehan has agreed to voluntarily relinquish his license,” Brad Dalton, a spokesman for the Florida Department of Health, said today.
Fruehan did so this week, signing an agreement. He was under investigation by the Department of Health, which had imposed restrictions on Fruehan’s practice on June 29 pending the outcome of the investigation.
FlaglerLive’s story on the restriction order provoked a torrent of responses from people identifying themselves as current and former patients of Fruehan’s, many of them commenting under their own name, some of them contacting FlaglerLive to report their own experiences or requesting to be connected with local or state investigators. The story and the response to it reopened a Flagler County Sheriff’s investigation of Fruehan, which is ongoing. Fruehan had faced an allegation of sexual battery by another patient in 2006. The second-degree felony charge was dropped. He’d had two arrests for battery in the 1990s, with both charges dropped.
Many of those who commented following revelations of the restriction order on Fruehan echoed the lurid accusations reflected in the Department of Health investigation. Many defended Fruehan as perhaps an ill-mannered and foul-mouthed doctor, but a very caring one who often went beyond the call of duty to follow-up with patients.
The Department of Health’s June 29 order forbade Fruehan to have contact with any patients without the presence of another licensed health care professional in the room, pending the resolution of the case.
The case resulted from the accusation of a 54-year-old Palm Coast woman, who alleged that when she’d gone to Fruehan’s office merely to pick up a prescription, Fruehan had asked her seemingly inappropriate questions, including how long she’d been married, then asked if she’d had a mammogram, took her into a room where they were alone, and allegedly proceeded to grope her breasts.
The woman reported the incident to the Sheriff’s Office, which initially let the matter drop, and also reported it to the state Department of Health, which followed up.
Fruehan originally denied the accusations, calling the case “frivolous” and “unjustified.” He was entitled to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge at the Division of Administrative Hearings pending the state health department reaching a final decision in the case. That decision could have been an order to suspend or revoke Fruehan’s license.
The case never got that far, though this week’s development suggests that evidence may have strengthened against Fruehan, leading him to choose to pre-empt an order against him and surrender his license voluntarily, essentially ending his medical career. The formal agreement he signed with the state Monday (Aug. 20) says as much: Fruehan’s purpose “in executing this Voluntary Relinquishment,” the agreement states, “is to avoid further administrative action with respect to this case.”
The agreement makes clear that it is disciplinary action: Fruehan surrendering his license “shall be construed as disciplinary action against [his] license” pursuant to Florida law. “As with any disciplinary action, this relinquishment will be reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank as disciplinary action. Licensing authorities in other states may impose discipline in their jurisdiction based on discipline taken in Florida.”
Once the agreement becomes official, Fruehan is to never reapply for a license as an osteopathic physician in Florida. Meanwhile, he agrees to immediately stop practicing medicine until the order is submitted to the osteopathic board (though he was at his office today, when reached by phone). Until then Fruehan waives all rights to seek judicial review of his case or contest the validity of his voluntary abjuration of his license.
“The relinquishment will be become official once he appears before the osteopathic board at their next meeting and the final order is filed with the department,” Dalton said. “However, in the agreement that he signed he will not practice medicine in the time between now and his appearance before the board.”
Fruehan, 58, gave a somewhat different interpretation of events in a phone interview today, alternately saying he was “taking a leave of absence,” or “taking an administrative leave.”
“I am no longer seeing patients. I’m still working at the office, helping them out,” Fruehan said, refusing to say clearly whether he intended to continue “working at the office” in the future in administrative capacities. But he said he would “concentrate on other things,” including the disposition of the investigative case against him. He stressed, perhaps in a signal to the state–since he’s under a severe restriction–“I am not seeing patients whatsoever.”
It’s not clear whether he was referring to the state’s case or that of the Sheriff’s Office, which is ongoing.
Asked if he was retiring, Fruehan said: “I’ve not officially retired yet,” a nuance that may have indicated the pending appearance before the Florida Board of Osteopathic Medicine, which meets quarterly. “I also planned on retiring many, many years ago. Retirement, when I come to work, is always in the back of my mind.”
The Osteopathic board actually meets Friday in Orlando, but the Fruehan case is not on the agenda. “He signed the agreement this week so there wasn’t time to get that on the agenda for this meeting. It will be the November meeting when he appears before the board,” Dalton explained.
Fruehan, making a point of saying that he would speak courteously with a reporter—before he hung up while a reporter was asking a question—said that he was helping his staff make sure all patients were being properly transferred from his care to other physicians and all follow-up procedures were in place.
Fruehan is also an elected member of the three-member East Flagler Mosquito Control District, which has faced its own challenges since revelations a year ago that the taxpayer-supported agency had a $1.1 million shortfall in its $1.8 million budget. The agency is being audited by a state agency. Fruehan, during the phone interview this morning, hung up as he was being asked about his status on the mosquito control board.
“He’s still attending board meetings, he’s still voting,” Mark Positano, the agency’s director, said.
Fruehan Agreement With Florida Department of Health (2018)
Click to access fruehan-agreement.pdf

Diane Matta says
Dr. Fruehan will be very much missed by myself and daughters, he mentioned a while ago about retiring in a few months, we wish him well and hope he’s off to enjoy life and be free from hassles.
KathieLee4 says
The best news I’ve heard all year .. Good bye to a pig of a man . It should of happened years ago ..
Steve Ward says
The Doc went above and beyond the call of duty numerous times for my Family over many years. He is a caring Practitioner who figured problems out and treated them accordingly. This County will be hard pressed to find an individual to fill the void caused by him leaving the Medical field. Good luck Doc
Laurie says
Hallelujah! Great news!
Roscoe Wonderdog says
I am an old time resident an former county employee and had know Mr Fruehan when he first moved to P.C. He and another county employee where directly involved in exposing confidential medical info which left me no choice but to resign after many years of working for Flagler county.
Although i have endured much difficulties since those days…i have no animosity towards Mr Fruehan nor the others involved. However i see that a person of his “temperament”causes his own downfall. I hope his future is better than the life I’ve had.
Good luck, MISTER Fruehan.
Mary Fusco says
This is just terrible news. Dr. Fruehan has been my husband’s doctor for 20 years. He has a lot of issues going on and this is going to be rough. However, we wish him and his family the best. He will be missed by us.
Lillian Bellitto says
We will miss you my friend. Thanks for the twenty something years of excellent care you have giving me. Now you & your family can enjoy your “Golden Years” even if your to young. God Bless!!
blondee says
O Happy Day!!!
JustMe says
Carma always will get ya.
.Miriam Sheeler says
Dr.Pat Fruehan,I’m so sorry to hear your gonna give in so easy.Fruehan took care of me and my family for 20 years,he is one of the finest diagnosticians I have ever met.I know when it comes to not taking any shit from some seriously shitty people,he could be a bear.But I know he had a deep caring for his patients,and some of us really respected him.Palm Coast is losing one of the finest Doctors there.sorry to hear it.Wishing you a great retirement now you can write that book you always mentioned.GOD Bless you Pat Fruehan.
Jim says
Have you ever seen a more polarizing figure than this Dr??? Either you loved him or hated him. Never met the guy but where there’s smoke there’s fire. Lots of people would have to conspire together and I don’t see that happening.
This is NOT sad news! You people are so ridiculous, This man is a pig of a doctor. He told a patients to shut the F up and get the coffin ready for their significant other because they are going to pass anyway! Who says that to someone?? In the HALLWAY of the office so EVERYONE can hear. GOOD RIDDANCE THE TRASH IS BEING TAKEN OUT FINALLY! There will NOT be a problem finding a GREAT Dr in Palm Coast because he wasnt one of them. Dr. Delamerens GREAT DR–Dr Vicencio GREAT Dr.– Plenty of quality Drs that arent rude pigs.
Mary Fusco says
Steve, I have to agree with you. This man has taken my husband through many issues over the years. He has always been only a phone call away. Right now, the future will be frightening. There is NO doctor that answers the phone calls you back or answers emails or even gives you their email address. After 20 years, I can only wish him and his family the best.
Jolene Dehart says
Pill doctor. Handing out rx like candy to many many people for opiates.
Toni says
I am glad to have been a patient since 94 off n on. Secretly I called you Dr fruitloop to my kids lol. You were caring and flattering at times. Have a happy next chapter of your life. Xoxo
tulip says
My concern now is where Fruehan’s patients will go and will someone be hiring more doctors because no way can Dr Dorman handle all that by himself. He is already stretched out. I hope Dr Dorman stays local somewhere.
Woke Person says
This is the best news I’ve had today. This pervert should have gone down years ago.
Karen Buchanan says
This is very sad news. I am with everyone who thought this doctor was a great doctor. Started with him around 1993 and if anyone could tell you what was wrong, it was him. He made phone calls to be sure you were Ok, he made sure you followed up with specialists. There is not another doctor in this town that has ever helped as much as that man. Good luck Dr. Fruehan, very hard to believe that a lifelong career of taking care of people is ending like this. You might be rough around the edges but I think you had a huge heart for your patients.
Percy's mother says
Tried and convicted in the media.
FYI, a doctor asking a woman (or any patient for that matter) if he/she is married, for how long married, if unmarried, sexual orientation, how many partners, etc is STANDARD healthcare questioning.
“GROPING” breasts is actually called palpating breasts in the order of applying enough pressure to note any questionable irregularities.
AND PLEASE, don’t go searching for articles to post to make it seem as if I don’t know what I’m talking about.
All it takes is a few people with questionable mental and emotional issues to take down any type of healthcare practitioner through simple allegation.
So he was tried and convicted without due process. You people who posted the doctor as being “trash”, a “pig”, etc. are going to be trouble patients wherever you go.
Stephanie Queen says
I am SO HAPPY to hear that justice will finally be served. a doctor is supposed to be trusted and he betrayed the trust of MANY women and CHILDREN! he was very inappropriate with his hands AND his words when I was a child and I’ll never ever forget it. good riddance.
107 says
A very arrogant man with some serious issues. Greed consumed him.
Lori Turvey says
Well so much for innocent until proven guilty! Of course he’s surrendering his license, wouldn’t you? After devoting 30 plus years of your life to helping so MANY people in the community to turn around and get kicked in the teeth by an ACCUSATION! Wow! What a world! It’s a shame that you have to go to these extreme means to protect yourself and your family, it’s a sad day to lose such a fine physician and man as Pat Fruehan, it is an honor and a pleasure to say not only was he the best doctor I ever had , he is also a great friend that I still have! Say what you will, he spent countless hours tending to sick and dying patients, hours at the hospital, taking care of people who weren’t even his patients, he is a true physician and will always remain a true physician, license or not. May God bless him and his family.
Dave says
Disgusting how people will defend such a predator. I mean really what is wrong with people. This is a sick man that needs to be removed from society for preying on patients from a position of power. So glad they are taking him off the streets.
a tiny manatee says
Perhaps what’s not being looked into closely enough is the fact that it took escalating the matter to the department of health to see any action on this, because the local police decided to just let it drop.
Why’s that?
Matt says
All you people bashing Dr. Fruehan who haven’t even been seen by him should be ashamed of yourself! I have been Dr. Fruehan’s patient for 12 years and Im in my 20’s. He has been there for me and my family a lot! He ALWAYS returnes your message! He makes time to see you on your schedule! He is honest and tells it like it is which I find great! I don’t want to here things I don’t understand, he is straight up relatable! Fight Dr. Fruehan I don’t want to find a new doctor! You are the bomb! These negative people don’t even know you!!
CG says
I’ve seen one. He’s in the White House now. His cult defends him and believes his endless lies. Gullibles as I call them.
Marlene C says
JustMe…it is spelled Karma and I hope you never need to the best diagnostician and Palm Coast because that would definitely be Dr Fruehan! So Happy…I was waiting to be seen by Dr. F one day and he was yelling at a patient about not following his orders. He kept telling the patient “if you don’t do what I tell you to do why am I wasting my breath this is serious and you could die”. The patient, who I happened to know personally, argued with Dr Fruehan and Dr Fruehan said “here’s your chart go find a new doctor because you’re not listening to me anyway”. The patient left and we attended his funeral less than three months later. His wife said he would not follow any doctors instructions. So maybe what you heard in the office was the same kind of situation. The way I see it it was worth the wait to be seen by Dr. F, because you knew where you stood and he is there for you whenever you need him. It’s a good feeling to know that your doctor is a phone call away. He has always gone above and beyond the call of duty as far as doctors go! If you wanted to be handled with kid gloves Pat F is not the doctor for you, but if you want a great Doctor Who knows what he’s talking about he is definitely the one to see. I hope things change and he doesn’t give up his license because he is the best! Good luck Dr. Fruehan!
Anonymous says
Janice Curbow It is surprising to me that some people prioritize feelings over their lives. Dr Freuhan saved my mother’s life. Personally he has always showed my family and myself respect and compassion. He is a great diagnostic doctor whom I am very saddened to loose, I don’t think Palm Coast can replace him. I personally am at a loss as to where to go now. I wish he and his family a happy and more peaceful retirement. You will be missed by those who knew you, Good Luck and God Bless!!
Jamie Fagas says
Dr.Fruehan has taken care of my family and myself for over 10 years. He is a wonderful doctor as well as a caring person. These Allegations are ridiculous. The rest of his patients and the community will be at a great loss of a great doctor over some nonsense allegations. I hope my family and I will continue to have him as our great doctor.
Just me says
He gave up so easy because he know he’s a dirty rotten scumbag and Karma finally caught up to his ass this is the best news I’ve heard. This should have happened many many years ago.bye dirtbag
Really says
@JUSTME you mean “Karma” lol
I can definitely agree at times he went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure his patient got taken care of, as well as he’d go beyond what is appropriate professional practices doing so. I personally changed doctors to prevent me from having to be placed in an inappropriate situation because his actions had shown the direction he was headed and I shut it down immediately.
Lillian Bellitto says
Mary, I agree with you as well. He has come to the hospital to visit you, on his own time. As I have said before, he is not for everyone a little rough around the edges, but truly a wonderful Doctor. He just got tired of all of this, He will be missed by many, many of his patients that over the years have become his friends as well.
107 says
Will you be enjoying retirement or going to jail after law enforcement finishes up their investigation? Will you financially be able to retire after defending the many law suits I see coming your way? Lesson—-treat others the way you want to be treated. Seems to be you have pissed off a lot of people and the haters got ya.
Apple says
Sad only because he is a great diagnostician, he is/was more available to patients than any doctor is anymore. I saw him, only once, for urgent care, but he gave me his personal cell #, and his email address, and a f/u appointment for after hours since my work schedule wouldn’t allow me to come back during his regular business hours. (I never returned but only b/c of insurance issues) I had called up there to leave a message for him, and he picked up the phone instead. You really don’t see that kind of patient care anymore.
However, if the allegations are true, I’ll be glad he’s gone.
Jason B says
It’s nice to see that karma occasionally works as it should, even if it takes awhile.
Christina says
Salvatore monella says
Miriam sheeler, who is Pat fruehan? All the articles clearly printed Florence fruehan.
Robocop says
The women of Palm Coast are now safe and the druggies are without their candy man.
Vincent says
It is important for everyone to have a mind that can best serve themselves and others. However, when you have a mind that does not best serve you and others it will lead to negative consequences. Their are two things needed to have a successful life and they are mindset and skillset. All the skillset in the world will not make up for a flawed mindset. The mindset that is causing someone to have problems is the very mindset that will tell you that you do not need help and this comes in the form of an ego that is out of control. We live in a society that focuses on skillset and then wonder why things like this happen.
PC Citizen says
The only place you could pay and get insulted & degraded more beside DR. Fruehan is American Airlines security TSA.
Outsider says
He may very well have been a great diagnostician, but he was a lousy doctor because he apparently couldn’t control himself. My wife told me of her experience with him decades ago. I guess when a cute 20-something with nice breasts comes in the “good” doctor goes bad. All you sycophants defending this man have no idea what you are talking about, and you should stop bashing the accusers. I’m quite inclined to believe every one of them.
Really says
@DAVE Why would one not defend someone who only handled themselves as the commensurate Professional they were. Until proven otherwise your disgust is only in your opinion. Innocent til beyond a doubt. PS Find another MD then.
Sombody who’s met him says
I have met him quite a few times and he gave off creepy vibes. I could tell he knew how to compose himself correctly but there is no doubt in my mind hat he is capable of something like this. People who are saying he was a great doctor that’s awesome but even the most educated and polite people can be capable of sexual assault, coming from sombody who has met him in person I can assure you I am proud of our society coming down on one of the many perverts in palm coast
AJ says
He is guilty as charged and needs to be arrested for the assaults and the State Attorney’s office should finish the investigation and the charges.. He has abused the DR code of not telling anyone about another patient but he had done it weekly in joint sessions with resort members. Those that allowed him to voice the opinions were wrong to stay with him and not complained……
Anonymous says
Percy's mother says
What’s the “DR code”?
Did he have a trial? How is he guilty as charged?
bella's mom says
Percy’s Mother, give me a break. Since when do u ever get a breast exam fully clothed ! I also have no mental or emotional problems, and know when my doctor was out of line and he was with me !!!
bella's mom says
Percy’s mother
did u ever hear of the HIPA act ?
and I expect them to follow up on all the complaints.
Anonymous says
“Fruehan had faced an allegation of sexual battery by another patient in 2006. The second-degree felony charge was dropped. He’d had two arrests for battery in the 1990s, with both charges dropped.”
This is not this guy’s first rodeo. Maybe this time there will be justice.
tulip says
To AJ I don’t know what resort member meetings you are referring to but, unless it was some kind of doctor’s conference, I too do not like the idea he was talking about other patients to regular people. Geesh, did he mention the patient’s names also? If he did, that’s where the violation of the Hippa Act occurs. I think if a doctor is speaking about a patient in general with no names given out, they are not in violation. For instance a doctor could say I have a patient with rheumatoid arthritis and a certain medication works for him/her. No one knows specifically who the dr is talking about, so no one’s privacy was invaded.
Dr Fruehan is indeed a smart doctor, but something is wrong with him that his personality changes in an instant and he can’t or won’t control is outbursts and hands, What a waste of all his knowledge. Sad
MEB says
I was Dr. Fruehan’s patient for over 20 years. He took great care of me and pretty much kept me going through years of autoimmune diseases. He was kind, caring and sometimes offensive. He knew exactly what was wrong and how to treat it. He made me laugh….he also made me cry and get mad at times but I never feared that he didn’t know what he was doing. Bashes? Everyone has an opinion. That’s OK…but personally, I couldn’t have asked for a better doctor.
Verna Orhun says
I am selfishly and deeply saddened by the loss of Dr. Fruehan to the community. He has been my doctor and friend from his beginning in Palm Coast. He was always straight forward, always responsive to my questions and always called me back. He is a good, kind, and loving Doctor to his patients and he will be missed. Best of luck to you and your Family Doc.
Concerned res says
He gave up his license because he probably knows that they have so much stuff against him that he’ll never get away with it.
This dr is reckless and lives on the edge to do the things he’s done to his patients. He was accused of crimes before but they were dropped according to Flagler Live. So it’s not just because of this one patient. I’m glad that more people were brave enough to come forward and tell their story. We don’t need this in the medical community or anywhere!
Anonymous says
I don’t know what to say! The healthcare system here in Florida is awful! Floridians that support a party that doesn’t support them with denying them and all others healthcare. At least Fruehan and his office still supported my health plan as a courtesy. Unfortunately where there is smoke! I liked him regardless of his persona. Sometimes we look past that because people are people. He’s very caring regardless. Too bad! I hope there is resolution for those that have issues with him.
Charlene Hanlon says
I, and my entire family, are sad over this news! I have known Dr Fruehan for 20 years and have always found him to be HIGHLY MISUNDERSTOOD by many people. Dr Fruehan has never sugar coated Medical advice. He has always been there for me and all members of my family in times of crises and illness, and including Holidays. Dr Fruehan opened his office early on a Thanksgiving morrning to see my twin nephews, under 6 months of age, due to high fevers. He gave my grandmother quality of life for many years. He was the PCP for all 3 of my teenage sons at the time. They knew he listened and understood anything they were going through.This community has LOST A HUGE PATIENT ADVOCATE and phenomenal diagnostician!!! I only hope whomever attempts to take his place can even fill 1 of his shoes!
Dave says
Something strange happening here with so many people defending a sexual predator. Charlene we can only hope nothing happened bad to any of your family when no one was looking. You shouldn’t feel shame for allowing your family around such a person but also dont be in denial either. This goes for anyone defending this monster. Talk to your kids and make sure nothing happened inappropriate while in his care
Mary G says
I was a young mother of three children when I first became a patient of F…he was never mean or rude with me…because he liked me…he liked to say things about my shape and my beautiful daughters…who were only 8 to 12…even they knew he was a creep…they would beg…no please not F…if we had to go to the urgent care…thank God for Dr. Johnson…he was a gentleman and a good doctor…you can all talk about what a great diagnostician he was…and he was…but if you were a young female…you were at risk of being sexually abused or assaulted…this is real and true…I’ve known F since he started…women of Palm Coadt have talked about this creeper since he showed up…we found new doctors and warned others….this will save others from experiencing his sexual misconduct…this needs to happen….and yet many of you will believe the one man over the many women….no wonder it has gone on for years…for everyone of you who talk about how great he is…you probably know someone who has been his victim
Mary Fusco says
Mary G. I only have one question for all of those reporting that he was repeatedly abusive and rude to them. Why did you keep going back? There must have been a good reason because there are other urgent cares in Palm Coast. Why keep taking your children someplace that they are not comfortable. Maybe a pediatrician would be better. Although, when my children were young I came in contact with a creepy pediatrician. Only difference is that I never set foot in his office again. Also, unless Dr. Fruehan is working the urgent care side, he only takes appointments. He has been my husband’s doctor for 20 years and during that time he was never once abusive or rude to us. He has his moments and he is not always easy to deal with, but we trusted him and still do.
bella's mom says
Mary F, I will be glad when this is over and Dr. Fruehan faces up to any and all the sexual harassment complaints he has inflicted upon the many patients that were violated. I for one did not stay and left his practice immediately following my last visit with him.
moreno says
I cant believe that the dr. doesnt want to fight his case. If he leaves the profession without a fight, then they won. I feel he is a good dr. and palm coast needs people like that. I wish your only the best and fight.
The8game says
What I am having a hard time understanding, is why years ago when so many people realized that he was creepy, unprofessional and abusive he was allowed to continue to practice for the next 20+years!?!? Think of all the victims he abused over that time. Their lives will never be the same and it’s all because a community let this continue because “He was such a GREAT DOCTOR” Is that an excuse to let a sexual predator prey on your children, wives, sisters, sons or even yourselves? Turn a blind eye and everything will go away? Well people, that’s not how real life works and this [case] seems to prove that!
Curious to know why the other cases from the past were dropped. Were the “Hush” payments to get the accusers to drop them or were they just covered up by the local establishment?
As far as his outbursts and personality changes go, if he was running a “Pill Mill” as many of you have claimed then it sounds like he was self medicating! Dont ne surprised if he shows up in some rehab program…
Time to wake up America and not let this kind of behavior continue!
Good luck in finding your peace to all F’S victims, you did the right thing by reporting it and
“DON’T GIVE UP THE SHIP” You are worthy!
bellas mom says
the8game thanks for your well wishes for all the victims that filed a complaint that are following through with the investigation. I myself have been wondering how in gods name all the past complaints got swept under the rug and who was responsible. Waiting impatiently for the outcome and results of the investigation.
MannyHM says
I don’t know this doctor nor even heard of him except on what I read. He should have chaperon when conducting intimate exame to protect him from accusations. A chaperon presence would also deter him if he find somebody quite irresistible.
AC says
This is”Karma”
Intelligent! Religious?
Now let your church pray for your soul!
Teresa says
I worked for Fruehan and he was so rude and mean to the employees who wouldn’t bow down to him. His wife runs the clinic and knew what kind of creep he was but backed him all the way. One day an elderly woman was having a stroke. I went to call 911 and he took the phone out of my hand and said hit call her a cab.
Been There says
He has told me that I have one great “ Ass “
And also made a comment about blowjobs
He wasn’t referring to himself
I want to be very clear about that..
.he has also made me cry
Many many times with his rude condescending cracks
However I wouldn’t be here to write this if it wasn’t for DR FRUHAN
Wonderful Excellent Doctor
Rude inappropriate foul mouthed Man
Anonymous says
I applaud all the “victims” of sexual abuse that have stepped forward to fearlessly tell of the abuse inflicted by this man. And shame on all of you who can’t or refuse to believe their testimonies! This is the exact reason that so many sexual predators get away with their deviant crimes against women! The man signed the agreement so he didn’t have to face these poor women in a court of law! He has gotten off way too easy for all the abuse he has caused!
Gail Vallely says
I am so happy to see he has finally been charged! In the 90’s I was groped during visit while on vacation from CT but so shocked by him grabbing my breast as I exited! I dared not tell my husband! Years later i worked at Flagler Hospital in Bunnell as a consulting RD and became aware again of him and unfortunately my mother had a stroke while living with me and I feel so bad that I subjected her to him for care. Her MD had moved to Ormond. My husband and him were in a near fistfight over her care! I am hopefull he will be charged.