Flagler’s and Florida’s belated and minimal jobs recovery of the last two months is stalling as unemployment in June rose again almost a full percentage point in Flagler County, to 14.6 percent, and held at 10.6 percent in the state, where job creation was a statistically insignificant 4,300. Close to 1 million Floridians remain unemployed in the state, where a mere 85,500 new jobs have been created in the past six months.
Click On:
- May: Flagler Unemployment at 13.8%, Florida’s Down to 10.6%
- Is Flagler County’s Real Estate Industry Finally Brightening? Depends Whom You Ask.
- Palm Coast Data Revenue Drops 20% in 2011; Parent Company Posts $7.6 Million Loss
- They Feel Your Pain: Florida Legislature Home to 51 Millionaires
- Economic Development Summit Cancelled Again as “Coalition of Cities” Revs Up
The number of unemployed people in Flagler County jumped from 4,526 in May to 4,779 in June, a 5.3 percent increase, while the labor force again shrank. There were 767 fewer people in the county workforce in June than at the same time last year, a 2.3 percent decline that suggests the county’s population is either stalled or declining.
On the slightly brighter side, for the first time in months, Flagler County is not at the top of the chart as the county with the highest unemployment rate. Hendry County, which has hovered at the top alongside Flagler, is now occupying that spot, with an unemployment rate of 16.2 percent, and with Miami-Dade in third, at 13.9 percent. But in terms of the more relevant Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), Palm Coast still ranks at the top of the state’s chart, its 14.6 percent rate well ahead of Miami-Miami Beach Kendall’s 13.9 percent. Monroe County had the state’s lowest unemployment rate, at 6.6 percent.
No industry gained significant jobs over the month. The best performer, in a reversal from previous months, was local government, which gained 0.7 percent, or 5,000 jobs. Also gaining 0.5 percent were transportation, warehousing and utilities, and information industries. Construction added 900 jobs, a positive notch for one of the longest-suffering industries in the state. Manufacturing added 1,000 jobs.
At the losing end, Education and health services lost 2,900 jobs, or 1.9 percent, while wholesale trade and retail lost a combined 3,100 jobs.
In an effort to lower the state’s unemployment rate, which does not necessarily reflect the number of people who are actually unemployed, but only those who are actively seeking work–as opposed to those who have become discouraged and stopped looking–Florida is instituting a more stringent unemployment-compensation application process, requiring applicants to fill out a “skills review” application online and certifying weekly that they have contacted at least five potential employers (up from two). Absent that certification, benefits may be denied.
Florida, already one of the stingiest states when it comes to unemployment checks, is also among the several states that have scaled back the length of jobless benefits. Lawmakers approved those changes in the last legislative session.
Lucine says
Thank you Rick Scott! FOR NOTHING!
Nick D says
But wait; Palm Coast was just bragging about adding 13 new business (10 of which are home-based). And we have such great places to work according to Mayor Netts; like Palm Coast Data (in fourth straight year of decline) and the FAA Training Facility (contract ends in 2012 and they are looking to move out of Palm Coast).
Maybe these locally elected representatives should start doing just that; represent the will of the people they serve and stop trying to lead us down a path of economic destruction!
Joseph says
Where are the jobs, Governer Scott. No wonder you’re rated the worse governer in the country. The hipocrsy of the Republicans….. Vote me in and I’ll produce jobs….. then first thing they do is go after social issues. Major priority is to drug test welfare recipients….. really, does that create jobs. To me just adds another level of beaurocrcy and more expense to implement.
Val Jaffee says
Well, since Florida and Flagler County have officially achieved ‘Banana Republic’ status – prepare for the mass migration to take place. Now, while Florida may be able to survive this, can Flagler?
Flagler Native says
Quit blaming the Gov. There’s NEVER been jobs here. Not ever people!! Personally, I would welcome a mass migration from Flagler County. Let Flagler County return to the pleasant little spot on the map it used to be.
palmcoaster says
Lets for a second set aside our justified opinions and anger for how and because who’s fault we got to where our economy is now. Maybe all of us here to contribute “with anything we can” to our fellow citizen temporarily in need by contacting the volunteers working on the goal described next:
Since this economic tragedy hits us all, 3 years ago I helped a friend not to loose her home by lending them some no interest financial help that was already refunded and also by not evicting a renter I have over the loss of both of them (hub and wife) jobs. Affter I helped the wife recently and finally to find a job at walking distance, as they even lost their car, now they are paying the rent and even contributing to reduce the arrears. I may not spend in jewelry, house cleaning services or landscaper but sure God help me to be successful so once on a while I can give a helping hand to our fellow man.
I am not a parishioner of the Grace Church and I have to commend Pastor Charles Silano for his compassion helping our fellow citizens in need. Lets contribute with whatever we can as well. Thank you to all in advance..
palmcoaster says
Flagler Native…typical prejudice of the bad good old boy’s! Benefitted and pillage all they could from Palmcoasters until we incorporated and now have the petulance to show us all the door.
What a square minded person. Just keep “the square for dancing only, please!”
Flagler Native says
palm coaster – I have never benefited from palmcoasters. palmcoasters brought with them from ny & nj their despicable know it all attitudes, bad driving habits, rudeness, kids in street gangs just like the one’s they left up north, & I would benefit from that how? Yes, I’ll gladly show you the door – it’s just a little west of your main intersection – it’s called I-95. Please get on it, go north & don’t look back. Oh yea, lest we forget that before your invasion, there was zero crime here – like I benefit from palm coast. what a &@#$*@ joke. I’d rather do without or drive to St. Aug. for shopping than drive into that mini new jersey you call palm coast for anything. what a joke of a ‘city”. what a bunch of losers you palmcoasters are. go back up north where you fit in perfectly. We Florida/Flagler natives do not want you here…never did.
[email protected] says
flagler native. I thought southern people were kind and hospitable and chruch going people always referring to the bible now after listening to your words i belive the people in the south are not what they always have said they are , inviting. come and visit us drop off your money and leave fast and besides i thought this was a free country and that we could go anyplace we wanted. you are a perfect example of the southern education system.
Flagler Native says
Yes, [email protected] – you can go any place you want. It’s just very frustrating to hear transplants complain about no jobs here. If most transplants would have done their homework before they moved here they would have known there have never been jobs here & perhaps they would have thought twice. Once they move here & reality sets in, they need someone to blame. The result of overpopulation in an area where industry has consistently shyed away from = the highest unemployment & highest forclosure rate in the state. In the early 70’s Flagler County heard about a “retirement community” being developed here and that seemed almost do-able. They would live off their pensions & social security, play golf & keep to themselves. That ovbiously did not happen. Instead, there are thousands of people without work – barely hanging on and would go back home if they were able to. They’re “stuck” here & many of their children (who have nothing to do) spend every night of the week vandalizing, breaking into cars & homes & overcrowding the jail.
Oh yes, southern folks are generally mellow people but when put up against northeast yankee mentality, even the most mild mannered southerner will gladly remind them that 95 runs north & south.
My first post may be little tart but for palmcoaster to suggest I have benefited by the invasion was just a little over the top. Also, you blame the southern education system for my views and not being “inviting”. Lets see, what do you blame the rude, crude, pushy, arrogant personas of most people from ny & nj on? A fine education? Good upbringing? Please. These people know they are all of those things & seem proud of it. They make fun of the “good old boy hicks” who by the way have lived here for many generations. Two things we do get a kick out of though is how you wear socks & sandles & go to Walmart every chance you get & how you can leave church, cut someone off in traffic and then flip em’
a bird. That’s a TRUE yank for ya.
palmcoaster says
Native, you just speak for the two extremes. What about those locals shooting gators that are not bothering anyone on Colbert Lane ponds and just leave them to died baddly wounded, just for the fun of it!. I live around churches all these years and guess what, neither once was cut off. But sure I read of few locals on their pick ups cutting off and killing tourist in motorcycles on those back roads every Bike Week.
And I am going to tell you that, I love Dixie and its people and road side boiled peanuts and that is why I am here, but you sure do not represent them. By the way, I am staying right here as I love it!