The Flagler County Tourist Development Council approved, with no changes but not without dissent, an $800,000 budget for the advertising and marketing portion of its operation for the coming year. The budget represent a 23 percent increase over last year’s. The jump is driven by the county’s bed tax, which went from 3 percent to 4 percent last fall. The bed tax, paid mostly by visitors, entirely funds the county’s tourism operations.
Click On:
- Tourist Tax Increase Clears Key Hurdle With 4-1 County Commission Vote
- Citing Deception, Council Rejects Reinke’s $10,000 Request for Palm Coast Half-Marathon
- Visit Flalgler: The Website
Meeting on Aug. 18, the Tourist Development Council voted 6-1 to approve the budget proposal, with Bob DeVore dissenting over the salary portion. DeVore was objecting to a 7.7 percent raise Peggy Heiser, the TDC’s chief executive, was requesting for herself (she makes $65,000, she was asking for $70,000), and 6 percent raises she was requesting for her staff of two, at a time when county and Palm Coast employees are going without raises for the third and second year in a row.
The council’s decision is merely advisory. The Flagler County Commission must approve the budget. DeVore’s objection, and a political climate toxic to most forms of increased government spending, suggest that the budget will likely face questions from county commissioners, three of whom are running for re-election next year. They’ll be facing voters eager to bean-count their decisions. (Half the tourism council’s members are not elected but appointed by the commission.) Milissa Holland, who chairs the council as the commission’s representative, champions the raises—she’s not up next year—though even one of the council members who voted with the majority raised a caution.
Audio: Heiser Presentation and TDC Discussion and Vote[media id=234 width=250 height=200]
“When you get this increase,” Linda Mitchell told Heiser, “you need to realize that corporate America out there and people like us or your area, are lucky to get 3 percent right now. So you need to remember that. You’re doing great work, but keep that in mind,” she continued, that while the tourism numbers have been increasing, “this puts a real burden on keeping those increases coming.”
Less than half the marketing budget money–$362,200—is to be spent on advertising Flagler County to prospective visitors, many of whom will presumably visit and spend on hotel rooms, restaurants and other local businesses, generating significant local economic activity. Holland says the tourism industry accounts for about 15 percent of Flagler’s economy. Measured by the bed tax, visits to the county are up considerably, by 10 percent over last year.
Special events grants, distributed to local organizations that organize and advertise events with a significant draw of out-of-county visitors, account for $60,000 of the budget (7.5 percent). Research, strategic planning, website design and other incidentals account for about $105,000 of the budget. Salaries take up the rest: $239,000, or 30 percent. (See a breakdown of the budget in the chart below Heiser’s powerpoint presentation.)
Heiser is the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce’s vice president for tourism development. The tourism council contracts with the chamber to administer the county’s tourism operations. One of her staffers makes $35,000 a year. Heiser was asking for $37,100. A third staffer makes $25,000. She was asking for a $1,500 raise on that staffer’s behalf. The figures don’t include benefits (when that figure is included, Heiser’s raise is actually a 10 percent increase), nor a proposed additional position. That new staffer would work 15 hours a week from Friday through Sunday at the Flagler Beach Museum, to ensure that the museum is a seven-day-a-week visitors’ center.
“I cannot support—as good a job as you’ve all done—a 10 percent raise. So I won’t support that,” DeVore said. “I might support 2 percent.” DeVore said. “But I’m supportive of the museum and adding the additional person and I’m supportive of some compensation, but, you know, times are tough, and I think we’re sending the wrong signal. I know I don’t think city and county employees aren’t getting any raises. I know I have not had any raises, so I just think, even though you’ve done a wonderful job, I just can’t support that much of an increase.”
Heiser defended the raises, saying salary comparisons of jobs similar to her operation place the Flagler County salary scale low, and that the numbers her office have been producing justify the raises. “Our indicators aren’t just up,” Heiser said. “They’re far exceeding the expectations of your projections, and I’ll tell you it’s because of the hard work. And Bob I know you appreciate the hard work we do, but I don’t know that council knows that Laura and I work well above the 40-hour mark that is required of us, and we’re very passionate about it, so I would stand behind my staff, I think it’s warranted.”
Heiser got plenty of support from Holland. “I certainly understand your position Mr. DeVore, and know county employees are not receiving a salary increase,” Holland said. “I look at tourism as sort of an entity that’s grown tremendously that has not only been successful, but has been recognized for economic development initiatives, which we discuss at length all the time in this community.” Repeatedly mentioning the increase in visitors and the TDC’s planning, Holland justified the higher pay as a plug for economic development: “I want to make sure that we continue the momentum, so as far as the salary increases, in my mind, it’s justifiable when you have measurable outcomes and indicators that continue to exceed our expectations, and to continue having an increase in our visitors in this community, to continue [to] support the economic drivers, is something in these economic times which in my opinion is quite substantial. You don’t see this percentages anywhere in the entire region, and so in comparison, I think her team has done a tremendous job.
Jeff Conner, one of the council members and a representative of Bulow RV Resort, suggested that if anything, the raise Heiser was asking for was too little, and Steve Settle, the Flagler Beach city commissioner, told Heiser he “doesn’t think there’s anything more important for Flagler Beach than the job you guys are doing, and we need to acknowledge that.”
DeVore was not convinced. “I agree they’re doing a wonderful job, but, you know,” he said, “I think they’re adequately paid for a county of our size, and we’re spending $238,600 to spend $500,000. Come on.”
DeVore was proposing to spend the money on more advertising rather than salaries. He also objected to spending $27,600 on marketing research and revamping the council’s strategic plan, which is entering its third and final year. Holland didn’t buy the argument. “I can’t think of a more appropriate time than when you’re finishing at the end of one, to start anew,” Holland said, “to start new goals and objectives, to continue with our focus and continue to spend our money well, so I’m in complete support of this.”
The tourism council’s budget is divided into three funds, each with restrictions on how the money in there may be spent. The three funds add up to $1.3 million. Fund 110 is for marketing and promotions. Fund 109 is for capital projects that improve the county’s tourism profile, such as the recently approved $150,000 for new fields at the Indian Trails Sports Complex, $150,000 for refurbishing bathrooms at the Flagler Beach pier, and building a deck for the city’s Pier Restaurant. The capital fund also—somewhat controversially—paid for the Marineland Marina, a mostly private enterprise that will devote a few boat slips to public use. Fund 111 is for beach restoration projects.
Below is Heiser’s presentation to the council, highlighting the so-called Fund 110 marketing budget.
Proposed Tourist Development Council Marketing Fund Budget for 2012
Total Marketing Fund | $650,000 | $790,700 |
Salaries | $211,508 | $229,300 (*) |
Special Events Grants | $60,000 | $60,000 |
Paid Advertising | $304,686 / 46.9% | $362,210 / 45.3% |
Online | $80,000 | $108,000 |
$80,000 | $103,500 | |
VF Coop | $41,500 | $49,000 |
FFCG | $35,800 | $33,600 |
Outdoors | $35,000 | $26,100 |
TV | $20,025 | $$27,010 |
Radio | $12,000 | $14,500 |
Product Development/Tourism Asset Education | $15,140 / 2.3% | $11,790 / 1.5% |
Tradeshows | $7,500 | $8,590 |
Media | $9,024 | Media/PR $3,200 |
Research | $3,785 / 1% | $31,400 / 6% |
Research Resource | $3,800 | |
Marketing and Economic Impact Study | $27,600 | |
Multi Media Development and Production | $54,881 / 8.4% | $96,000 / 12% |
Web Resources | $21,872 | $43,000 |
Graphic Design, paid to the Chamber of Commerce | $3,000 | $3,500 |
Print Materials | $29,379 | $17,750 |
Video Production Brochure Distribution | $572 | $1,850 |
Video Productions | $12,000 | |
Strategic Planning | $12,500 | |
Book Direct Engine | $5,400 |
Val Jaffee says
…“When you get this increase,” Linda Mitchell told Heiser, “you need to realize that corporate America out there and people like us or your area, are lucky to get 3 percent right now. So you need to remember that. You’re doing great work, but keep that in mind,” she continued, that while the tourism numbers have been increasing, “this puts a real burden on keeping those increases coming.”…
Corporate America hasn’t given an increase to most folks not employed as a hedge fund manager or a CEO with a MBA from Columbia. Salaries have been flat since the 1990s but productivity has greatly increased.
How are hotels doing locally? Are they able to get their top rates and maintain a full staff, or are they having to discount their rates and reduce their staffing?
Palm Coast is not Wall Street, and the rest of corporate America is NOT dishing out increases. We are in a DOUBLE DIP RECESSION people. This is not the time to gouge the people whose money your comfortable livelihood is dependent on!!!
palmcoaster says
Just like I posted before …Holland “making the bed” tax for Hiser as she doesn’t have a clue regarding the depressed tourism in Florida thanks to this recession…and so far is not getting any better.
These County Commissioners better show some common sense to Holland by voting NO to her proposal for Hiser raises and additional staff …use her current staff for the Museum position. Just like I said the local elite greed, taking control of our elected officials. Teachers and public employees being laid off and Hiser thinks her 65,000 a year, besides all her other freebies is not enough on this recession. She should be happy just to have a job as hers should be held by a Flagler resident instead just to start stopping outsourcing. http://www.bizjournals.com/jacksonville/stories/2009/02/16/daily10.html
Then TDC denied the 10,000 requested by Reinke the organizer of the Half Marathon in the City of Palm Coast even a partial of the total was denied…by Holland. Maybe because this event was brought in by the City Event Coordinator Mrs Gardner and not Hiser and Commissioner Holland? 400 hundred runners competed in the event cheered by friends and family.Also the Hispanic Festival with attendance into the thousands for a weekend was not sufficiently supported by Holland and TDC…to the point that was canceled for 2011…and maybe for good. Maybe just over 10,000 were needed that made it or broke it…..We are not talking here Heiser’s over 650 spent and approved now 880? The three incumbents in the county commission better watch their vote on the TDC approval as they are for reelection soon. We “all” have to content with less nowadays, so should Peggy Hiser. We are talking tax payers funds here wether visitors or not. They don’t get it!
Charles Ericksen, Jr says
You can raise the salaries and the budget of the TDC to attract visitors to Flagler/Palm Coast all you want.!! BUT can you overcome the efforts of the City of Palm Coast to eventually build a large Desalination plant within 1-3 miles of our shores? As many of you know, the City and other partners, of The Coquina Coast Seawater Desalination Project, have been working on developing an alternative water source to handle our long term growth projections. This project, which has lost all the partners, other than Palm Coast has recently been placed in a “hiatus” status due to the downturn, But they agreed to pick it back up, when the growth returns. The most recent report shows ALL plant locations within Palm Coast, with primary sites. located NORTH of Route 100 (the main route to Flagler Beach) and EAST of Old Kings Way. Large overhead electrical lines would run to the plant to supply power. Now that you have the picture, try and sell that as an “attraction” .. With this being only the second desalination plant in the USA ( the other is in the Tampa Bay area, but is located in an out of sight area), it will receive lots of initial publicity and scare visitors from our area. It will be as toxic as a Nuclear plant on our shores. Try and sell visitors that it’s OK to go to a beach with “invisible beach pumps” pulling 10 million gallons a day into the plant and returning the byproducts of processing. Get the picture again!!! There are other alternatives to desalination plants and unless we overturn this unattractive solution, that Palm Coast is pushing, we are dead as a tourist location. Let’s think first before we spend . Let’s look at what’s happening around Flagler County and let’s flush this desalination plant out to sea right now.. PS … as another thought……Just what will this plant and operation do to our property values? I don’t like any of the thoughts..
Kendall says
Hmmm- 7-10% raises during a major recession and a time of very high unemployment? I see we have another organization jockeying to take the place of Enterprise Flagler in the hearts of Flagler County Citizens!!
Heiser claims bed taxes are up. Perhaps. But has anyone dug into the real reason for that? Not only did bed taxes collected increase by 1% last year, but we have a brand new Days in with 80 rooms that opened last year, 121 room Hilton Garden Inn that opened in 2009. Around the same time the 88 Room Fairfield Inn opened. And a year prior the Hampton Inn opened with 94 rooms.
Has Ms. Holland considered the fact that these appx 350 additional NEW rooms contribute to our increased overnight visitors? Prior to these properties we really didn’t have any decent options for transient guests right off the interstate other than the Holiday Inn Express. A dilapidated Hampton that looked like an old Howard Johnsons and a microtel with rooms that barely hold 2 people….. And along with those hotels came meeting space that likely resulted in some overnight visitors. The leader of our TDC did not create that growth, the additional beds did. It would have been impossible not to experience growth with an over 100% increase in beds within a mile of the interstate.
That $27,000 in increased salaries could instead create a position for someone in desperate need of a job in a county with one of the highest unemployment rates in the state and in the country. Maybe keep a family from seeking public assistance. Maybe even prevent a foreclosure and make a small dent in the progress Flagler County is making in looking more like Deltona and Holly Hill than an well manicured bedroom community.
In the future I will not be supporting any elected official that votes to approve this obscene salary increase request.
Jim J says
Stupid to even consider raises.
PJ says
It’s simple recession/losses=layoffs+reductions net NO LARGE raise.
Once again why would you even ask for a raise in this political senitive time. Bad management usually never fails to ask for a raise because they don’t think they will last in their respective position.
PREDICTIONS: Landon will ask for a raise. The Flagler County Commission will have someone ask for a raise. Palm Coast elected officials that are not up for election will ask for a raise.
The folks that will not ask for raises Bunnell Commissioners, The School Board folks who had a tough and rough budget season. any elected offical with common cents, oppps.
palmcoaster says
Mr. Ericksen I think NOW you may have gotten my vote!
Also I would like to know if elected, will you visit “the well connected businesses only” or all around Palm Coast to receive their input about how they can employ more workers and not only their vote? I am still waiting for the information from Mr. Joe Roy about which is the secret business that receive the first $20,000 help…should be public information. End of secrecy around here when ouer funds are involved. As a running candidate you should be looking into that and please inform the tax payers. Right now with the incoming elections if you can demonstrate us all that you are not abiding by the Tea Party some of their most eroding policies …I think you will have good chances to win. We need a Mayor that walks our city and visits the small businesses that employ most of our local workers and hear from us about what is needed and what is done wrong right now that keeps our unemployment rate so high and many of our colleagues closing doors. We need a Mayor that shows up in all “city community hard working volunteers organized events” wether artistic, physical fitness, sports, or just plain charity…not only to the Ginn Golf Tournaments, his Sundancer yacht rides or the well connected newcomers businesses grand openings and also that do not witch hunt the long term existing one’s because they took a stand against the Mayor’s best conflictive personal interest. We need a Mayor that really cares for us the taxpayers and not the elite only. The last two Mayors Canfield and Netts fit this pattern. Canfield treated many of us with disdain and would hardly say Hi depending if we were one of the Who is Who or not, meanwhile we were the ones that voted the referendum to incorporate Palm Coast and created his 8 years Mayor seat, and we also for many years employed local workers! I been myself watching parades in other states and not from a little city like Palm Coast, but capital cities and you see those Mayors walking the parade greeting, shaking hands and thanking all for their presence. Not in Palm Coast as they put themselves at elite level forgetting who elected them. We need a Mayor that really cares and votes against waste. A Mayor that no matter what their administrators demand he stand by the people, not only close to election time, but always. A Mayor that will fight to get us back our Palm Coast Marina stripped from us after the grandfather-in rule was in place and when our Yatch Club Board members demanded that preservation, he will not be the first speaker along with Mr. Bob Devore (Palm Coast Holding’s head here) to oppose our Palm Coaster’s right to preserve this very profitable Marina in the city aka citizens hands other than going to Centex and now Pulte. This Marina is self sufficient and even gives a profit besides employing our local workers. Lets get is back before the status of limitation for our demands expires please. Mr. Ericksen go and ask PCYC executives. We had a Marina with free launching ramp for Palm Coaster’s that has been boarded up now and only serves fuel to us and may even loose our fuel service if Pulte wishes too. Netts would not do a thing about as is conflictive with his Marine Tow US business tied to the marina illegally appropriated by Centex and by Pulte now..If we want a money making profitable business owned by us in this city…among other things lets recover our Palm Coast Marina, reopen the bar and appetizers we had before (Sheraton ITT) employ workers, some of the excellent ones among the 300 fired from the demolition of our beloved Sheraton ITT-Palm Coast Resort, to attend this business and open the launching ramp for all Palm Coaster’s at no charge…first come first serve. Success and the appreciation of this community will be your reward.
Mayor Netts comments next:
“I defy you to find as attractive an ABC store in the state,” said Mayor Jon Netts, a retired educator from New Jersey who drives a towing service tug boat on the side next:
When I read the above I can’t help myself remembering the way that both our elected and their administrators in county and city of Palm Coast wasted the good revenues then in the bright economic times wether in up front architectural design $200,000 for a voted down city hall, yet to be found how much more than 200,000 for desalt plant 2 years of consultant and meetings, 6.5 million on the Walmart blunder, and the county building Taj Mahal and the King Hammond Palace, that now we are footing on these hard economic times every year in the two lines under county on our homes tax bills. Everyone building monuments to themselves on our pockets other than saving some funds for rainy days that are a reality now! For sure probably we would have saved many of the local government employees jobs that keeps our economy going if government savings would have taken place then.
I expect the county commission voting down the Holland-Hiser TDC approved shame. This time I have to appreciate Bob Devore vote against it, same appreciation to insist without success that the request of Reinke for the Plam Coast Half Marathon Race will receive some grant also if only partial! He needs to do more of the same as we the taxpayers residents made Palm Coast Holdings rich and his good pay position a long term one so far.
[email protected] says
hey heiser, my friend works for the city and has 3 kids and has not has a pay raise in three years.
palmcoaster says
TDC Board majority vote, FCCOC, Commissioners Milissa Holland and Peterson, and outgoing PC Councilwoman as well as TDC Board member Mary Distefano and anyone that supports these greedy outreageos request of $880 TDC grant for Hiser’s in reality 10% raise after accounting bonuses and “without all the freebies she gets from elite businesses that get her approved grants” along with anyone supporting this shameful request need to read the next link for a reality shock:
I would advise TDC Board member Distefano not to leave any more bitter taste in our mouths by voting the way she has done so far in TDC Board against the grant for the PC Half Marathon and now in favor of Hiser with Holland.
palmcoaster says
Marketing and Economic Impact Study $27,600…?Who was the benefitted consultant this time also at $1.200/hour? Hand picked by Hiser and FCCOC Dough Baxter? Wasted money. new item this year…
Video Productions $12,000 can we know where those videos produced were shown?
Strategic Planning $12,500….? Who got it and for what? It only achieved the increase of the bed tax for those tourist from 3 to 4 %, to visit a county that in the first hours of evening has not lights and no life or night life, no public transportation and very few pathetic community events dwindling now for lack of taxpayers funds support geared only to the burgois Golf Tournaments at Ginn’s or Bikers events at Thunder Gulch.
Book Direct Engine $5,400….connected only to two of our local resorts what aboput all the others forced to collect the bed tax, report it and turn it to the county and get no exposure ?
3 new items in 2011 wasted money geared to benefit the elite alone.
SAW says
Ms.Holland either has little understanding of how her constituents feel, or maybe she does not care, or possibly she is not up for re-election.
Right now, someone needs to have a serious sit down talk with Ms.Heiser, and let her know it’s the wrong request, at the wrong time. If she is not happy with her present salary,and knowing the out standing job she is doing, she should have no problem getting another job.
I am sure you would see a line of people around the block just waiting to fill her shoes for her current salary, it’s the same old story over and over again the tail, Ms.Heiser and her agency, trying to wag the dog the county commission.
Come on guys, stop the insanity, 23 % increase over last year, doesn’t anyone take the time to keep up with the national news anymore, this is not a reality show about being voted off an island, or who can dance the best ?
By the way what ever happened to the local ” tea baggers “, we never hear a whimper from them regarding these matters , are they still out there ?
Charles Ericksen, Jr says
Palmcoaster.. Hopefully the editor will not consider this an additional free election ad and refuse it, but my paid ad, should be on the lead page of FLAGLERLIVE..That should give you some additional information about me and my new direction for Palm Coast..I take pride in bicycling through Flagler County. In fact, in the past 3 years I have enjoyed, over 10,000 miles( yes) of the roads and paths..I have eaten in many small locations from bagel stores, and fast food, to ones, where napkins were of cloth. I do volunteer at many places. All this is done to talk to the employed and unemployed, as to why they like/dislike the area. I even talk with anyone who will make eye contact with me. I talk with people, who agree with me, or disagree…I even have talked with an owner, who operates a liquor store but 200, feet away from the ABC store, as he had to lay off employees, with the loss in business to ABC…I just wanted to correct something I think you said,, The dollars spent on desalination is over $2 million..But a Desalination plant in Palm Coast is just another nail in the coffin..That one maybe the final one…PS I believe at the last City Council meeting, Mr Roy agreed to supply all the information to the Council on the BAC activity.
Ella says
Take a closer look at who is looking out for who in this community. If people take the time to research the issue, it is obvious who is running the show around here. Sad that it is still a good ole boys and girls club.
In bed says
Commissioner Milissa Holland obviously has a hidden agenda. This just goes to show you our Commissioners’ don’t care about our tax dollars. Three of the five commissioners are up for reelection in 2012.
palmcoaster says
Saw; Ms. Holland is not up for reelection in 2012. She run uncontested last time and has become very insensitive to the needs of the “non elite community” lately and forgot about the Palmcoaster’s that seat her in office. The Tea Baggers now as per their head of party Tom Lawrence (a known Republican) openly supporting a Democrat Jason De Lorenzo for city council not to butt heads with the FCCOC and FPC Home Builders Association elite, may be somewhat disoriented now and scratching their heads maybe even trying to regroup under new leadership? I am telling you the Who is Who here really runs the show and railroad in the wrong direction some well intended trying to sincerely help this community, as in the case of David Otatti Flagler Hospital CEO. Just my believe.
Thank you for your note Mr. Ericksen and the clarification about the 2 million spent these two years of consultants meetings for the status quo desalt plant. I did not venture over the 200,000 spent, as was the last I heard and I do not want to be accused of distortion. Looks like as running candidate, you found more to the core information. Appreciate the sharing. I think we are all learning a lot thanks to Flagler Live here.
You mentioned the ABC causing the loss of sales and jobs for the nearby liquor store and that was foreseeing by all except the PC Council. I think now the new hospital annex being built adjacent to Walmart, how much will affect our existing Palm Coast Urgent Care, Mediquick and other small emergency clinics operating all these years in the Palm Coast Parkway and vicinities. Did our Palm Coast City officials think about that, when they approved the Flagler Hospital Annex in the center of Palm Coast? I am not sure they did or the economic impact they will have in the existing clinics. Hope will be none or minimal.
I read your candidate page and I like what I see. Will hope to learn more in the scheduled candidates forums. Thank you for running for office as is a very strenuous work.
Ella says
Palmcoaster, you hit the nail on the head.
palmcoaster says
Ella and all, today while shopping I was effusively greeted by an all customer and friend that I haven’t seeing on a while. He changed from the home loans financial business obviously defunct now with the house market crisis to the commercial loan financial now, mainly funded by international investors. He told me that he had a prospective international investors group meeting with a potential to create 400 jobs in this county and the ” local small group elite” of which the Flagler County Chamber of Commerce is very influential and in control of our Flagler County elected officials, denied the opportunity to meet and even offer our tax payers paid facilities tcounty facilities to meet with the group of foreign investors and also government and labor representatives for a location for the important meeting with county officials. They were actually and openly given the cold shoulder. He told me he was flabbergasted by the denial. given the need for well paid jobs creation in this county So here is what we have now….the BS ED is spearheaded by the same dunces at county group elite and elected officials like Holland/ Peterson (former banker what can we expect) and FCCOC Baxter’s, brainstorms or gets not support! Imagine the prospective of 400 good paying jobs not minimum wage, created, that were not asking any tax payers funds and were stopped at our doors. Meanwhile these moronic commissioners waste time putting the magnifying glass to micro manage a constitutional officer elected by the people aka Supervisor of Elections Mrs Weeks over $3,600 lousy dollars while letting millions wasted out the back door to benefit their buddies like Hiser and others. But sure got the headlines for that charade and the uniformed one’s support.
Now Holland’s grabs 400,000 of our tax dollar, pushing for a new appointed CEO (wonder who maybe from the Who is Who) for a new ED council that will achieve nothing as well.
Shame on newly elected Commissioner McLaughing witch hunting Ms Weeks over his own error of penalized personal financial disclosure at the start of his election campaign. Not what I voted you for, Nate. Looks like the elite gotten grab of you already. I defended you Mr.McLaughing with your campaign disclosure error as to me was just an honest human mistake that even the Supervisor of Elections didn’t catch, given the fact that is her first and learning serving period. These commissioners making all this noise over pennies to cover up the real special interest waste of millions of our tax dollars by the back doors to benefit special interest.. Shame shame on you all the elite group and elected ones in this county.