A young Flagler County Sheriff’s deputy was driving north on U.S. 1, about 75 yards south of Palm Coast Parkway, when he lost control of his cruiser and crashed in a ditch Saturday evening. The wreck took place at 8 p.m.
The deputy, James Dopp, 20, was not hurt. No other vehicle was involved. The deputy stood at the scene speaking with other deputies, including a sergeant and Capt. Marc Carman, who heads the sheriff’s Palm Coast operation. The sheriff’s office was investigating the crash, with help from the Florida Highway Patrol. An FHP trooper was at the scene taking measurements this evening.
A sheriff’s sergeant said Dopp, who was off-duty, was traveling alone, going north. U.S. 1 curves before the juncture with Palm Coast Parkway. It appeared from marks in the road and the grass that the driver failed to negotiate the curve.
The cruiser, a Crown Victoria, traveled a short distance between the shoulder and through the ditch, in a straight line, before smashing into a tree on the driver’s side. The cruiser appears to have spun but never flipped.
Lt. Stewart, the watch commander, was investigating the crash. Dopp was hired by the sheriff’s office on Jan. 5, 2011.

Mel says
Hmmm….maybe speed was a factor…..the police here always speed, just for the fun of it….
S. Peterson says
hmmmmmmmm or maybe texting and driving
Gigi says
I wonder if he cited himself for reckless driving!
Dee says
Glad to see the water didn’t spill. Impressive.
Riley says
I doubt it very much if you will ever get the truth about what happened. Perhaps a deer, or a turtle, or some other wildlife was on the roadway, that will be what they will tell you. Flagler County deputies will do anything to cover this wreakless driving incident up. They did not even mention his name, what does that tell you.
Jojo says
Here’s the real truth and facts all you whiners, cops have accidents too:
JS says
Just glad to know that our public servant was not injured in the accident!!!!
DD says
To all of you who time to criticize I m guessing you too have had accidents,maybe even doing what you are accusing the officer of doing. Flagler County will not investigate this accident FHP will.Just Thank God the deputy is safe.
Riley says
Flagler County must have one hell of a budget to repair or replace deputies vehicles. In addition to this accident, the damage to the K9 truck and supervisors Tahoe must have cost a fortune involving the chase and crash on Belle Terre Pkwy several months ago. How about the damage to the innocent driver’s car who was in the wrong place at the time.
now says
How about no take home vehices.
rdh says
It does’nt surprise me . They are some of the biggest violator along with school bus driver, because they think they have the rightaway and a disregard for the the law and we should ignore their violations..
dontbesoparanoid says
So cynical. Get lives people. This kid is just starting out in his career. I’m sure it would be a real downer for him to read some of these comments from people he was so proud to swear he’d protect
dontbesoparanoid says
@ now
No “take home vehicles” would mean “pool cars” which means the same car would be in service running 24 hours a day which means more wear and tear which means replacement of the vehicle much sooner which means more cost to the taxpayer.
dontbesoparanoid says
Is that all you got out of that incident Riley? Some damaged vehicles?
Hmm…nothing to say about catching bad guys?
I suppose it’s enough that the victims of those suspects caught that day are thankful.
Jojo says
rdh, just remember that next time someone is robbing or beating your axx and you need a cop there pronto.
Add up the number of miles driven by the police each day over a year and you will find that they have the safest record of driving per mile versus the average citizen driver.
Riley says
What I got from the incident on Belle Terre Pkwy was that they were very lucky they did not kill someone coming in the opposite direction. If you were there and saw it,then you know just how lucky they were!!!!!!!!
Christie 2012 says
Thank god the on duty cops sit at the church on White view or the back parking lot at the Palm Coast Community Church.
dontbesoparanoid says
How about putting THEMSELVES in harms way as they do on many occasions to keep society from further victimization? No recognition there? I suppose they should just let these people go to continue their criminal behavior? Until it’s your house though…then you’d be blaming the cops for not doing anything to stop these people.
They can’t very well drive and do their reports at the same time. Next time you see one in either of those places stop and say hello. You can even ask what they’re doing.
Johnny Taxpayer says
“dontbesoparanoid says:
August 14, 2011 at 8:23 pm
@ now
No “take home vehicles” would mean “pool cars” which means the same car would be in service running 24 hours a day which means more wear and tear which means replacement of the vehicle much sooner which means more cost to the taxpayer.”
Or they could keep the same number of cars and just park them at the office instead of driving them home! And if they did use “pool cars” they would only need 1/2 to 1/3 of the vehicles they have now! So even if they do wear out earlier, you’re still way ahead!
dontbesoparanoid says
Only need half the cars Johnny? I don’t know what math you’re using but if they wear out earlier they still have to be replaced.
As far as parking them at the office…as of now a deputy is in service the moment he or she leaves their driveway. Most work the area in which they live or close to it. To bring the car back to the Sheriff’s Office to park it would be a cost saving how?? Surely there would be an increase in fuel consumption.
The take home car program is not a new idea and is a cost saving measure for law enforcement agencies throughout the country. The vehicles last much longer.
The facts:
1) accident will be detailed in the FHP report (no coverup for sure)
3) Cell phone use and texting are NOT ilegal in Florida.
4) He puts his life on the line to protect you.
4) And yes they do work on reports, make phone calls and talk to their supervisors, they are not hiding.
Riley says
I will sleep much more soundly tonight knowing the deputies are patrolling Belle Terre Pkwy, US 1, I-95 and not my neighborhood. When is the last time you saw a deputy or COP driving through your neighborhood, especially at night?
CLUE says
@ Riley – Belle Terre, US1 and I-95 do go through Flagler County. Yes or No?
CLUE says
@ Riley is this the Belle Terr Incident ???
Yeah this is it, guy robs 3 or 4 pharmacies and then runs from the cops!
CLUE says
It would cost the resident of Flagler County a large chunk of change if the Sheriff’s Office cars were hot seated… 24/7
The cars would last half of what they do now.. You’d get maybe 2 years out of them or maybe 50,000 and the repair bills would be thru the roof…
Take a look at this…
CLUE says
@ Riley
How would you know if the cops were in your neighborhood at night, you along with everyone should be sleeping… Unless you’ve got nothing better to do???
I don’t know when they come to my neighborhood..
I agree with dontbesoparanoid, pcfactman, johnnytaxpayer and jojo
dontbesoparanoid says
Evidently Riley, you’re just stirring the pot and have no basis for any real argument. The Sheriff’s Office handled over 100,000 calls for service in 2010. 100,000 + calls in 365 days. Simple to find this stuff out if you look for it. Yeah all these calls occurred only on the main roads of our county LOL!! BTW you forgot A1A.
If you’re waiting around just to see if a patrol car passes your house you need to really get a life. And if you’re losing sleep over it, see a doctor.
CLUE says
Public Safety is dangerous and costly no matter how you look at it… It just seems that so many people want to point the finger at the cops. Remember they put their life on the line every day they go to work…
Does your line of work have statistics like this?
Line of duty deaths this year: 114 / + 6%
Gunfire deaths this year: 47 / +21%
Auto-related deaths this year 41 / -16%
Florida and Texas have had 11 deaths this year and following second is New York with 9 so far.
source – http://www.odmp.org/search/year
Riley says
Take a few minutes this week and read the section in the PC Observer where they list all the breakins. The breakins are in every section of PC and Bunnell and surrounding area, not on the main roads. The breakins are in your neighborhood and mine. Many of these calls are to write reports after the fact.
jj says
If police here are so bad leave, I never get on here but it seems that everyone has common senve except for the riley fella’. God bless all of those who serve their community. Thank god the officer if ok
Riley says
Thank God, thank God that the deputies have not hurt or killed an innocent driver by their actions. There are great responsibilities being in law enforcement, and there is even a greater responsibility using proper judgement in their actions.
dontbesoparanoid says
Riley says:
“Thank God, thank God that the deputies have not hurt or killed an innocent driver by their actions. There are great responsibilities being in law enforcement, and there is even a greater responsibility using proper judgement in their actions.”
Well Riley, your first sentence should prove to you that your second sentence is in practice.
dontbesoparanoid says
Dee says:
“Glad to see the water didn’t spill. Impressive.”
That made me laugh. Good humor.
Ignorancecosts says
I appreciate our law enforcement here. Glad to have honest citizens willing to protect us.
Ed says
@jj AND @paranoid
Riley have a right to his opinion just as you do. There’s really NO need to respond to every comment like a pouting little kid who’s feelings are hurt. Also. people should be good and tired of the “if you don’t like it, get out” and “if it’s so bad, leave” people. If everybody did that, nobody would be around to hear your complaints. Everybody complains. …just as everyone have their OWN opinions.
BTW @jj. You say you never “get on here”. Nobody asked you to do so this time either.
dontbesoparanoid says
That’s funny Ed, If everyone has a right to their opinion who are you to tell anyone that there is no need to respond to every comment? You argue for one’s right by trying to squash another’s only because you don’t like what you’re reading? Think about it.
BW says
Other municipalities do just fine w/out taking the cruisers home. Maybe Flagler Co. could downsize their fleet this way which would save us taxpayers some $$$$. hhhhmmmmmmm
Anonymous says
One thing for sure is everyone is human and makes mistakes. Any one that drives has over corrected it just happens and most of the time we get lucky!! Do you think this cop went out and said I want to wreck my cruiser tonight, highly doubt it!!! If we are gonna cut money on our taxes I would perfer we do else were like all the state repersentatives we pay for nothing!! Not the men and women that protect us!! COMMON SENSE PEOPLE!!
FlaglerNative says
I have been a witness to so many LEO’s reckless driving that I cannot count. I personally had to hit the grass one day on Seminole Woods Blvd to avoid a head on collision with a police cruiser that crossed the double yellow line and was in my lane, “most likely on his computer”. If that would have been me I would have received a ticket for careless driving. You give someone a gun and a badge and next thing you know they are superior to all humanity. Please Flagler County, hire some seasoned LEO’s and not these little punks.