An intensely busy day for Flagler County police and rescue authorities got even busier just after noon Monday as three police agencies and Flagler County’s Fire Flight were able to chase and stop an eluding pair of suspects wanted in a series of burglaries in Palm Coast and elsewhere.
The two alleged burglars made news in Flagler County just before the weekend, when a homeowner–and victim–along with the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office released video of the burglars scoping out a house at 105, Covington Lane, then, out of the camera’s view, breaking in. They got away with a box containing valuables, cash, a checkbook, a passport and other items. (See the video below.)
The vehicle, or one identical to it, appeared today in conjunction with a burglary that may have taken place in the Parkview area of Palm Coast. Those details have yet to be confirmed. But at about 12:30 p.m., Flagler County Fire Flight–which has had an extremely busy three days, conducting three trauma evacuations between Saturday and Monday morning, the last at 8:30 a.m. from White View Parkway–was called into action again to assist in a cop chase.
The vehicle in question: a black Ford Expedition with chrome mirrors, carrying a woman in her 20s and a lanky man. The man turned out to be William Fulkerson, 36, of 2125 Woodstork Ave. in St. Augustine, who’d been arrested once in Flagler County for loitering or prowling, back in April. His companion was Carmen Kilgore, 28, a transient.
Deputies had matched the vehicle to the surveillance video, and tried to stop it on North Parkview Drive in Palm Coast. The driver refused and fled from deputies on a route that snaked through Palm Coast at speeds of between 30 and 40 miles per hour, according to the sheriff’s office. Its route: Parkview Drive onto Belle Terre Parkway, then north to Cypress Point Parkway to Walmart to Cypress Edge Drive and onto Palm Coast Parkway eastbound, until it reached the northbound ramp to I-95. At one point, deputies deployed stop sticks on Cypress Edge Drive, causing damage to the two tires on the driver’s side.
The vehicle reportedly struck another car at the Dunkin’ Donuts shop on Palm Coast Parkway. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper, who happened to be driving along Palm Coast Parkway, was able to pick up the chase almost immediately, along with the sheriff’s office–and Fire Flight, which caught up with the suspects around the Matanzas Woods Parkway, as the SUV was speeding north on I-95.
The vehicles tires began to deflate, but the vehicle kept driving even as the rubber shredded off. The chase continued into St. Johns County, where it was joined by the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office, as the SUV made a turn onto County Road 206 and drive roughly five more miles east, past Pedro Menendez High School. But as the SUV approached U.S. 1, cops had arrayed themselves with weaponry, and Fire Flight hovered over the vehicle, giving it nowhere else to go.
The two suspects in the vehicle were apprehended. The vehicle was processed to some degree at the scene, then towed by John’s Towing to the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office’s impound yard. The sheriff’s office is investigating, as is the St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office.
The pair may be tied to as many as two dozen burglaries in a three-county area in the last six months, the sheriff’s office said in a release. Flagler detectives are working with investigators from St. Johns and Voluisa Counties to clear up what is expected to be at least 24 burglaries between the three counties.
Fulkerson is being held at the St. Johns County Jail on charges of felony fleeing and eluding a police officer and criminal mischief. Kilgore is still being questioned by detectives. Both are facing additional charges in Flagler, St. Johns and Voluisa Counties.
It wasn’t the end of Fire Flight’s long day: it was back in the air just after 5 p.m. on a report of an elusive brush fire. (A fire was eventually spotted in the area of County Road 95, near County Road 2006, but it was a controlled burn.)
Raw Footage of the Escape Vehicle at U.S. 1 and CR206[media id=304 width=500 height=400]
Surveillance Video from 105 Covington Lane[media id=302 width=500 height=400]
Gaylee Tillotson says
bad boys bad boys! watcha gonna do??
sugarbear1217 says
that suks i jus turned them into crime stoppers too!!! dammit
Geezer says
This criminal is one dumb bastard. I am so glad to see this dipstick be arrested.
Too bad that taxpayers will foot the bill to feed his sorry self.
He continues to rob us daily that way.
Lock your doors folks, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Biker says
Awesome Work by FCSO, Fire Flight and FHP!!! I would still love to know how they picked their target houses. The video from the Covington Lane home looked as if they specifically targeted the black box they stole. Almost as if they had some advance knowledge it was there.
Anonymous says
This is my house. That box was used as a junk box by me. Wife simply got angry at me tossing all my junk on the counter top. Criminal RAN FOR HIS LIFE when he saw my wife in the pool. She was getting out of the pool due to THUNDERSTROM comming Criminal had NO way of knowing what was in that box or even if it was where it was. He simply RAN FOR HIS LIFE and snatched it as he was runing out of the kitchen.He (we think) just saw my wife in the pool. He also saw all my shooting trophies and rifles. Guess he just realized he made a bad mistake. She indicated to the police they chose the house because it was at the end of the street,
Mary Ogonosky says
that is scary.I hope Champ and Gail were not at Walmart.I am familiar with a lot of those roads.It is scary to think they are right near your home.Your dog would scare them away,LOve
robromat says
Thank you Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office for their apprehension an dplease keep them of the streets with a no bond.
Patty Compton says
So glad they caught the little creeps.
The Doctor says
Remember everyone who said that the helicopter was “too expensive” to have? This is exactly why we need FireFlight and need to continue to fund our public service folks.
Good Job everyone!
Jim Howe says
Great work FCSO..
Gia says
We’ve got too many in PC of that vermin. Thank’s deputy’s. Now hung them high.
Alex says
Guard labor and cost of living is much cheaper in Siberia.
Privatization is the craze in our society.
Combine the two, contract a company in Siberia to keep our prisoners in jail for the full term of their sentences in a very cost effective manner.
Such system would deter crime.
Trollololo says
Chuck Norris would have stopped the truck by kicking out its tires barefoot.
Keep up the great work Sherriff Fleming and your Deputies!!!
Florida five o got em! Way to go. This place is turning into a slew of bad bugged out, rat race, accident prone, criminal infested, Gilligan’s Island episodes by the day. This snippet from the article made me smile “The vehicle reportedly struck another car at the DUNKIN’ DONUTS SHOP on Palm Coast Parkway. A Florida Highway Patrol trooper, WHO HAPPENED to be driving along Palm Coast Parkway, was able to pick up the chase” – DONUTS I AIN’T SEEN NO DONUTS, NUTS MAYBE . BUT NO DONUTS. As the wind from the high-speed chase causes the powdered sugar to dissipate from the troopers rosy red cheeks.
FL rambler says
I saw it on I-95 on my way to Jax. The state troopers were chasing them. flagler sheriff just following and state troopers had traffic already stopped on sr206 as they exited freaking sweat ! I love it and thanks to everyone involved
PJ says
FCSO, FHP and ST. John’s thank you for once again making where we live a better place.
Oh yea LOL, LOL, LOL,LOL to the bad guys. Stupid at it’s best……………….
Anonymous says
Thank you Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and St. Johns County Sheriff’s Office. Two more scum bags off the street. To bad they didn’t resist so the Sheriff could of put one in the foreheads of these scum bags. Save the tax payer, the expense of the court cost.
jp says
good work…I love these stories. Do criminals know sooner or later they are going to jail…..get a job dirt bags!