President Joe Biden pledged Tuesday to make a fight against inflation his top domestic priority while rebuking Republican economic proposals he said miss the mark — zeroing in on Florida GOP Sen. Rick Scott.
The president’s remarks at the White House came after Scott earlier in the day called on Biden to resign because, he said, the chief executive is “unwell, unfit for office, incoherent, incapacitated and confused.”
“I think the man has a problem,” Biden retorted after told by a reporter about Scott’s broadside.
In his speech, Biden directly called out Scott for releasing an 11-point plan that Biden said represents the “ultra MAGA agenda” by a Republican Party that he finds increasingly extreme in its views on everything from tax policy to entitlement programs.
“Their plan is to raise taxes on 75 million American families, over 95% of whom make less than $100,000 a year in total income,” said Biden, who at one point mistakenly referred to Scott as being from Wisconsin. “They’ve got it backwards in my view.”
Biden instead touted his proposal to institute a minimum tax on billionaires and corporations, noting that “55% of the largest corporations paid net-zero in federal taxes on $40 million in profits.”
“That just isn’t right,” he said.
Biden also rejected a plank in Scott’s plan that calls for all federal legislation to sunset within five years. Scott’s proposal says that “If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again.”
Biden said that would put Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid in peril and turn the safety net programs into bargaining chips that Republican lawmakers could hold “hostage” in exchange for other proposals.
“Now if I hadn’t seen it in writing, I’d think somebody is making this up,” Biden said.
Scott, who is the chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, the Senate GOP’s campaign arm, on Tuesday also released another statement, inviting the president to debate inflation.
“I’m glad we’re having a discussion about Joe Biden’s inflation and the impact it’s having on hardworking Americans,” Scott said. “We know that Joe Biden can be rolled up to the podium and give a speech from a teleprompter — albeit with a notable amount of rambling incoherence. But I believe the American people deserve a real debate on this issue.”
Divide in GOP
Biden, however, is not the only high-ranking politician to rebuke Scott for releasing his plan.
Several members of Scott’s own party have become frustrated with questions about various elements of the proposal and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell publicly rebuffed it shortly after Scott released it earlier this year.
“If we’re fortunate enough to have the majority next year, I’ll be the majority leader. I’ll decide, in consultation with my members, what to put on the floor,” McConnell said.
“Let me tell you what will not be a part of our agenda: We will not have as part of our agenda a bill that raises taxes on half the American people and sunsets Social Security and Medicare within five years. That will not be part of the Republican Senate majority agenda,” McConnell continued.
Republicans, McConnell added, would instead use time in the majority to address “inflation, energy, defense, the border and crime.”
Biden sees two paths
The rest of Biden’s midday speech on inflation focused on issues he’s repeatedly asked Congress to approve, including lowering the cost of prescription drugs and advancing legislation to boost renewable energy production.
Biden said that Americans have a choice to make on two paths forward to address inflation.
“My plan is to lower everyday costs for hardworking Americans and lower the deficit by asking large corporations and the wealthiest Americans to not engage in price gouging and to pay their fair share in taxes,” Biden said.
“The Republican plan is to increase taxes on middle class families and let billionaires and large companies off the hook as they raise prices and reap profits in record amounts. And it’s really that simple.”
Florida Phoenix is part of States Newsroom, a network of news bureaus supported by grants and a coalition of donors as a 501c(3) public charity. Florida Phoenix maintains editorial independence. Contact Editor Diane Rado for questions: [email protected]. Follow Florida Phoenix on Facebook and Twitter.
–Jennifer Shutt, Florida Phoenix
James says
“…unwell, unfit for office, incoherent, incapacitated and confused.”
I guess he’s speaking from experience… his own.
By the way, I think May is Mental Illness Awareness Month.
Enough says
Good ole Scott, a man who embezzled billions of dollars when he ran Columbia Healthcare and plead the 5th Amendment 75 times. Yeah, I’ll listen to this jackass!!! Another worthless Republiturd in office who should have never been there in the first place. The people need to open their eyes and see what this loser is really all about…himself, and no one else. He talks his trash, offers absolutely no feasible way of easing any tough situation for the middle class except to keep taxing us. Let’s face it; if you were able to get away with “stealing” and never “wanted” for anything again, would you care about anyone else? Now you have an idea of where this guy “stands”.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Once again our president is very confused, unfotrunatly,it happens every day! How can he stand before the American people and lie. He takes bits and pieces of reality and mixes them with his spin on the truth. Its obvious he doesnt comprehend much, just look at the state of our country.He has no way to fix this mess he created. Rick Scotts, plan is not the GOP play book, its one mans opinion, he,s looking for a way out of this mess, and he,s asking for help….Something has to be done soon. Summers coming, How long will it be, before our cities start burning? Who will stop the riots? Who will stop the murders of our children? Wake up America…before its too late.
Mark says
Your above statement says everything about the last Administration, pretty good. Too bad RepubliCons didn’t look for a way out of the mess the last Administration created, oh they all decided to write books instead.
Donald J Trump says
If Scott had been properly dealt with when he stole money from Medicare he would still be in prison. When will our courts start dealing with career criminals rather allowing them to roam free and become Politicans? We need more honest people who support me running for office. Send me $100,000 and I will endorse you!
James says
‘… Scott said. “We know that Joe Biden can be rolled up to the podium and give a speech from a teleprompter — albeit with a notable amount of rambling incoherence. …”
In contrast to Scott who perhaps cannot be accused of rambling incoherence… consistently being NUTS, yes. But rambling never.
Jonathan says
People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Scott wants to tax the poor and middle class more money but not the rich a himself.
He wants to eliminate social security, medicare and medicaid. So when you cast your vote for him I hope your rich and don’t need to survive on social security.
Scott only cares about power and greed he is not a Senator who fights for the rights of the people in Florida. So think about who you elect at the voting machine.
Ask yourself when you vote what has Scott done to help me? Your answer will be NOTHING, even when he was Governor he did NOTHING for the people in Florida.
Sherry says
Personally, I would much rather have Joe Biden= an ethical, honest, trustworthy President who cares about ALL Americans, acts with integrity and speaks the “TRUTH”. . . than horrific Rick Scott who is a completely corrupt, conniving, criminal power broker who is in political office only to use his power to enrich himself, at the expense of his constituents.
@DR. . . Your comment about trump’s lies (over 30 THOUSAND, during his 4 years in office) and confusion is right on!