Today’s Live Wire: Quick Links
- Gov. Scott’s Secret Travels
- Racism by Ordinance in Fremont, Nebraska
- Israeli Tourism: Shooting Palestinians
- Time to Smuggle a Camera Into the U.S. Supreme Court
- Boy Scout Bigotry Loses Disney Grants
- Brace Yourself for Hillary and Jeb
- Today’s Limerick (John Galsworthy)
- Farewell, Paco de Lucia

Click On:
- Grim Reaping: Gov. Rick Scott Now Florida’s Record Holder For Most 1st Term Executions
- Crist vs. Scott: A Study in Contrast Will Hinge On Who Will Make The Other Least Likeable
- Rick Scott’s Sunshine Problem: Missing E-Mails and a Questionable FDLE Probe
Racism by Ordinance in Fremont, Nebraska
Fremont, Nebraska, has voted to keep its anti-immigration ordinance in mid-February. From ABC News: “Nearly 60 percent of Fremont voters decided Tuesday to keep an ordinance that requires all renters to swear they have legal permission to live in the U.S. Voters first approved the rules by a smaller margin in 2010. Critics pushed for the new vote, saying the housing restrictions would be ineffective and might cost Fremont millions of dollars in legal fees and lost federal grants. They also said it was hurting the city’s image. But it wasn’t enough to sway voters in the conservative agricultural hub near Omaha. Fremont is one of only a handful of cities trying to restrict illegal immigration and, like those other cities, has found itself mired in court fights because of the regulations. City leaders put the ordinance on hold after the 2010 vote while courts reviewed it. Now, some supporters are questioning whether city leaders will implement the ordinance, which was mostly upheld by the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals last year. The city of 26,000 residents was getting ready to enforce the housing restrictions for the first time last fall when elected officials decided to schedule another vote. […] The housing rules require anyone who rents a home or apartment to apply for a $5 permit and attest to their legal status, but there is no mandate to show proof. New permits are needed for every move, and landlords are required to make sure their tenants have permits or face a $100 fine. It’s not clear how many people live in Fremont illegally. Census figures show 1,150 noncitizens live in the town, including immigrants who don’t have permission to be in the U.S. and lawful permanent residents, foreign students and refugees who are legally in the country. Supporters insist the measure does not target Hispanics, but the topic can make for awkward conversation given Fremont’s growing immigrant population. The number of Hispanics jumped from 165 in 1990 to 1,085 in 2000 and 3,149 in 2010, mostly because of jobs at the nearby Hormel and Fremont Beef plants. When Fremont first adopted the ordinance, the city was thrust into the national spotlight partly because it acted shortly after Arizona’s strict immigration law made headlines. A few other cities, such as Valley Park in Missouri, have modified or abandoned ordinances in the face of court challenges and dissent. In Congress, similar issues have halted immigration reform. A Senate-passed bill appears to be dead in the House, where conservatives cite a changing series of reasons for not wanting to act. House Speaker John Boehner has all but ruled out passage of immigration legislation before the fall elections.” The full story.
See Also:
- Florida Lawmakers Edging Toward Offering In-State Tuition for Some Undocumented Immigrants
- The Thanks and Reverence We Owe Undocumented Immigrants
- Heckling Obama Over Immigration
Israeli Tourism: Shooting Palestinians
A reminder of Israeli practices in the colonized territories, From Mondoweiss via Abir Kopti: “Israeli newspaper Yidioth Ahronot published today (June 18, 2012) about a tourist’s activity offered by Gush Etzion settlements, where visitors can practice how to shoot “terrorists”. Stories about such tours both in settlements and army bases are always published, but no serious attention given to such scary culture of hatred and violence. (see here one example in Hebrew from 2003) Tourists from across the globe visit Gosh Etzion settlements, where they are offered by settlers “enjoyable” package under the name “Hebrew Extreme Tourism” with range of activities that include: story telling about battles, view live shooting performance and an activity where visitors can practice shooting at “terrorists-mechablim”‘s cardboard pictures hung on the wall. The word used for terrorist in Hebrew is “Mechabel” (mechablim for terrorists). In Israeli discourse this is a synonym for Palestinian.” Here’s the image:

See Also:
- Israel’s Apartheid Bus Lines
- U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel, 1949-2011
- Mazel Not: Israel and the United States, Married on the Wrong Side of History
Time to Smuggle a Camera Into the U.S. Supreme Court
From Legal Times: “The surreptitious videos taken inside the U.S. Supreme Court that popped up on YouTube in recent days were an embarrassment to the court—but not a violation of any law. The court itself prohibits cameras and all electronic devices inside the courtroom, and its screening of people entering the courtroom would likely detect most conventional cameras or phones with cameras. But while it is a crime to “harangue” or utter “loud threatening or abusive language” inside the courtroom—as occurred during oral argument on Wednesday—it is not a crime to possess or use a camera there. […] The video was taken during two oral arguments – one in October and the other on Wednesday of this week. Video of the most recent argument included a closeup view of the outburst by Noah Newkirk asking the court to overturn its 2010 Citizens United decision.”
And Orin Kerr in the Post: “It’s true that there is no specific statute punishing possession or use of cameras in the Supreme Court. But sneaking a camera into the Supreme Court to make a film of oral argument might be a crime under several different theories. Here’s a tentative analysis of two possibilities, with a quick mention of a third. […] even if entering into the courtroom with a camera isn’t a crime, if the entering is done in cahoots with another person who plans to make an illegal oration inside, then the plan to carry out the speech and record it might trigger federal conspiracy liability under 18 U.S.C. § 371. Anyway, these are just tentative possibilities rather than anything definitive. But just based on this quick look, I think there are lots of reasons to believe charges would stick if prosecutors wanted to charge a person with a crime for sneaking a camera into the Supreme Court to film the proceedings.” The full analysis.
See Also:
- The U.S. Supreme Court’s Stuffy Ban on TV Cameras and Live Audio
- Why Aren’t Cameras Allowed at the Supreme Court Again?
Boy Scout Bigotry Loses Disney Grants
See Also:
- Denying Service to Gays and Lesbians: Right of Conscience Vigilantism Meets Stand Your Ground
- Six Gay Couples and Equality Florida File Lawsuit in State Court Seeking Freedom to Marry
- A Pope Gays and Lesbians Can Love
Brace Yourself for Hillary and Jeb
See Also:
- Jeb Bush, the Elephant at the Republican National Convention, May Be Thinking 2016
- Hillary Clinton Would Trounce Chris Christie, Jeb Bush and Rubio In Latest Florida Poll
- Jeb Bush Backtracks on Undocumented Immigrants’ Path to Citizenship
Today’s Limerick (John Galsworthy)
An angry young husband called Bicket
Said: “Turn yourself round and I’ll kick it
You have painted my wife
In the nude to the life
Do you think, Mr Greene, it was cricket?”
–John Galsworthy
Other Limericks:
- The One About Alice from Dallas
- The One About a Young Monk from Siberia
- The One About the Young Violinist From Rio
See Also: