Setting aside fairly raised implications by two city council members of sunshine-law violations, there were inexcusable elements of brutality, arbitrariness, and sexism in the firing of Palm Coast City Manager Denise Bevan last week, none of which should be swept past by claims that it’s over and done with, that we should move on. Those claims only benefit the firing’s orchestrators and reward the ill manner of it all. They explain nothing. Explanations are due.
Those given by Mayor David Alfin in a candid interview immediately after the firing raise more questions than they answer. None were given from the dais by the other two council members who supported the putsch: Ed Danko and Cathy Heighter.
We know that nothing terrible happened that would justify this–not just because Alfin called it a “no-cause” firing, but because it’s a little strange to fire a city manager within days of a city reaping close to $100 million in state money, or $150 million during Bevan’s two-year tenure. That’s more state appropriations, one suspects, than in all previous years combined.
No doubt Alfin would want to take credit for that. But Bevan was the city manager. It was hers and her staff’s work that was translated into legislative asks and returned as barrels of pork from Paul Renner’s reign as House Speaker. Firing her was like firing a company CEO for doubling the company’s stock price in two years. It makes no sense. If we’re missing something, then by all means fill us in, Council.
Bevan was the most unassuming of all local government executives. She didn’t like the limelight. She drew the least amount of headlines of any government executive in the past 15 years. In a county where some of those executives were attention-grabbing boors whose narcissism often damaged relations between governments and residents’ welfare, Bevan was an oasis of calm.
That could cut both ways. Her public circumspection could easily be misinterpreted as timidity or, as some would occasionally say on this site, that she was in over her head–one of many examples of overt sexism you never hear about men in the same position, especially when they cover up their inadequacies with testosterone-thumping stunts a naive public easily mistakes for command. Bevan was not that insecure. She commanded quietly, and she appeared to have the loyalty and affection of an excellent staff. All that is now in jeopardy.
She had not asked for the manager’s job. She stepped in at a moment of crisis and agreed to stay on when Alfin and the council were desperate for stability. She provided it. Forgive the vulgarity, but it fits last Tuesday’s vote: She was repaid with a kick in the ass. No attempt at a more civilized transition. No attempt at perhaps shifting her to a different job she might very well have accepted after 17 years’ service to a city she loved genuinely, not by contractual obligation. No attempt to avoid a public spectacle at Bevan’s expense, the kind of public spectacle that, if ever necessary, should be reserved only for when a council wants to send a message about someone who’s been incompetent, unethical, dishonest or criminal.
By Alfin’s and the council’s own account, Bevan’s management has been impeccable on all these counts, and Bevan as a person is untouchable.
There was no heed for the timing: tomorrow (March 26), the council holds the first of its many budget workshops. No heed for the irreplaceable experience the city lost, at a time when the council is poised by November to be left with potentially two council members with four years’ council experience between them, total, and three greenhorns. (Because Alfin did not help his chances with last Tuesday’s move, so his re-election is now much more in doubt than it was a week ago. Danko and Nick Klufas are running for County Commission seats, making their council seats’ turnover certain.)
And of course no heed for that political timing: to fire a city manager five months from an election, when it usually takes at least six months to hire one (at least when you’re not trying to manipulate the process), has now hurled an unnecessary wrench into the three council races. In last week’s interview Alfin was critical of Bevan for introducing a utility rate increase during an election year. Disingenuous: He’s made matters immeasurably worse with this firing.
And he’s wrong to suggest that this council’s experience requires that this council, not the next, appoint the next permanent city manager.
The firing of Bevan was not the work of experience. Any sound experience or wisdom would have counseled against it. It was the work of mysterious and from all appearances indefensible expediency to benefit the politics of the moment, or hurry up and benefit the interests of builders and developers before Alfin loses his chance: it’s no secret that Bevan and her administration were still tiny little roadblocks in the way of untrammeled development, the last bit of conscience in that frenzied rush to pave over West Palm Coast. The word “ecology” was not banned at City Hall. “Impact fees” were not dirty words.
That may have bothered developers, though let’s not assume: even the latest round of utility impact-fee increases, while not celebrated by the local housing association, was neither opposed nor criticized by the association. That’s a rarity that credits both the association and the city for working things out. How can that not be at least partly to Bevan’s credit?
Most of us cannot know, though we can suspect, that the manner of the firing and its “no cause” insult demolished Bevan and sent shockwaves through City Hall. The removal of Utility Director Steve Flanagan only days before suggests that the firewall between the council and the administration may not exist as it legally should, justifying fears among the ranks that others may be next. Acting City Manager Lauren Johnston is not in a position to reassure the ranks, now that benevolence could cost her her job. Alfin did this. It’s Alfin’s responsibility to repair and reassure. And not just the ranks. The firing speaks poorly of us residents, because it’s a reflection on our city.
The haphazardness of the firing raises other alarms. Most of our attention was focused on the segment at the beginning of the meeting when Alfin made his firing motion. But if it weren’t for Council member Theresa Pontieri at the end of the meeting raising the question of an acting city manager, we may not have had one now. The city charter doesn’t require an acting manager (one “may be appointed by the Council during a vacancy in office,” it says).
But what’s the point of a succession plan if an acting manager wasn’t appointed, and what sort of chaos would prevail ahead of budget and election season without one? To whom would council members have directed their commands, when the charter does forbid them from interfering with city staff? That Alfin was ready to move on without answers to those questions raises yet more concerns and suggests that he or other council members may have felt comfortable crossing that firewall at will: Let’s hope it’s not the case.
If that weren’t enough, then came Alfin’s alarming hesitancy at appointing Johnston, who by every measure has the qualifications for the job–a hesitancy I doubt would have so much as glimmered had she been a man. This, at the same meeting where he’d fired Palm Coast’s first woman city manager. Alfin was more comfortable pushing for Jason DeLorenzo, the chief of staff, and Johnston “together” filling that interim requirement, as if Johnston needed hand-holding. That aside, the situation would have lent itself to all sorts of questionable firewall violations. Again, only Pontieri’s intervention prevented that, leaving it to Johnston to elevate DeLorenzo to assistant manager if that’s what she wants.
All in all, not a good showing for Alfin–whom I have generally admired–or the council majority that went along with him instead of at least asking the questions that the (allegedly) inexperienced council member in the minority did ask. None of this portends well for what’s ahead. None of it was necessary. None of it was deserved–not for Bevan, not for city staff, not for the rest of us residents. Before moving on, the council majority that did all this has a lot to answer for.
Pierre Tristam is the editor of FlaglerLive. A version of this piece airs on WNZF.
Alex says
Thanks Pierre for writing this and letting the taxpayers of the City of PC know it is time to get rid of Alfin for good. Get out and vote in November and get this guy out of our town. He needs to be fired and everyone can say for no reason, KARMA will happen in November.
Steve L says
It wont matter. Alfin knew he wasn’t getting a 2nd term when his first act as mayor was to give himself a raise. Alfin is a dime a dozen the real people pulling the strings have lots of proxies they can run for office
Albert Land says
Fire Alfin! Slow the Building. We need a 1yr moratorium on approving New Developments. We are loosing Palm Coast to builders. Where’s our trees, we use to have to plant a certain amount of trees on your property. No, More!!
Enough is enough. Our roads are getting in poor shape through out the city. Full of pot holes. To much traffic now for our roads.
Alfin a Real Estate marketer! Wants to Flood Palm Coast with. Cheap houses being sold over market price to start with.
He doesn’t listen to the Residents. Just his PO KET BOOK!
He’s helping these guys destroy our city?
What is he Getting out of this???
Time for a New Mayor of Palm Coast!!
Jim says
Well said. Alfin has shown his true colors through this move. The council OWES it to the citizens of Palm Coast to provide a full and complete explanation for why Ms. Bevan was abruptly terminated.
The fact that is was done suddenly and without warning or much of a discussion shows that Alfin and his two compadres knew ahead of time that this was going to happen and moved quickly to get it done. All three must assume Palm Coast citizens have a short memory and will not remember this in the coming election. I’m willing to be Danko and Alfin both go down in flames and deservedly so.
This termination reeks of corruption within the council. No doubt increased expansion of development played a large part. Good luck to Ms. Bevan. Goodbye to Alfin and Danko. Heighter, your day is coming.
JimboXYZ says
City Manager of Palm Coast has always been the high turnover position for blame shifing. Nobody is safe, Alfin is going to learn that in November for his firing by vote. But fear not for David Alfin, he’s planted enough new residential construction seeds to harvest in due time for real estate broker/agent commissions. “Don’t Alfin my Palm Coast” !
Bill says
True, but rarely are they let go with such abrupt public embarrassment. This was a uniquely disrespectful move.
“Don’t Alfin my Palm Coast” is a fantastic slogan!
JimboXYZ says
““Don’t Alfin my Palm Coast” is a fantastic slogan!”
I thought so too. Ideal for car stickers for window/bumper zone.
JimboXYZ says
I may even write a book about the last 3+ years of life in Palm Coast, FL. The title of it ? Perhaps,
“Alfin, Biden & Other 5 Letter Words”
But I think FlaglerLive has a solid archive of what has gone down & my comments fr a position on them. I’d probably end up publishing a collective of all those responses. I used to think those guys were just trying to do the best with what they inherited. But they’re actually like the hack electrician that keeps putting the wrong capacity fuse in the breaker box & then wondering why the fuse keeps blowing up or the wiring in the house catches fire.
Bob says
We needed her! Had some sense not to destroy all the woodlands for greedy developers!
The dude says
The clown car continues on unabated.
DON’T LET THIS STORY DIE! This is what city as well as county member cronies
expect, REMEMBER THIS AT THE VOTING BOX as well as Andy Dance along
with Petito’s letter to the School district to defund the SRO’S in our schools as
Dance circled back with his Dance rhetoric. These manipulators rely on us
citizens forgetting, mark these incidents down on your calenders folks and
take them to the voting box. What happened to the Old Dixie Hotel that was
condemned and still standing, what’s happening with the flood victims whose
homes and land are being destroyed due to poor decisions of overdevelopment
without the proper infrastructure. We cannot tolerate another 4 years of Aflin,
we cannot tolerate Danko/Klufas commission county seats and Dance needs to go,
Petito needs to be fired. We need new leadership all around. Now is the time to
cut out the cancer , this city and county need a new direction.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Old Dixie Hotel just sitting there – free hotel – great for drug deals etc. still got a roof even if no windows, no doors, no water, lots of rats, as much trash as you want and they don’t even pay their taxes on time and never have, Heidi thinks this is a joke and does N O T H I N G nor does the Commission. Andy is a huge disappointment.
Heidi needs to go – she is worthless and a liar.
JoB says
I disagree with your assessment of Commissioner Dance.
He is a voice of reason.
Due to his interest in conservation, he has taken the lead in working on a tree protection ordinance for the county.
JoB: Dance has been on the county commission seat for 4 years and has done
NOTHING for this county but help facilitate a letter from Petito to the school
superintendant to defund the SRO’s in our schools ,now we know trees are
important but lives are more important and that story will not die so you can talk
trees all you want, Dance if ineffective, his spouse is the assistant to Petito which
is a direct conflict of interest that not many citizens knew about and he is a member
of the Chuimento, Blose cabal. He as well as Petito need to go!
palmcoaster says
Yes Blindspotting he did something else lately besides vote to take away the SRO from the schools to preserve students life in case of a nuts shooter event, he voted yes to the 2.5 millions round about in south Old Kings Road to benefit development/developer of Radiant! So that is why we will vote for Kim Carney! Also we need to watch closely why so many residents signed Candidate Petitions are being rejected from some new candidates at the SOE’s office. Some because the signature slightly different than the one at SOE’s file, well we have many elderly that within four years may have trembling hands over physical condition and want to make sure they are not rejected to vote over a slight change in signatures punishing as well candidates that need them ,not to have to pay the thousands required by elections law to be in the ballot. This is an current serious issue to be looked into.
Celia Pugliese says
By now is incumbent Andy Dance or new candidate Fernando Melendez with a Masters Degree in Economic Growth Development among other credentials. https://www.voterfocus.com/CampaignFinance/candidate_pr.php?op=cv&e=37&c=flagler&ca=660&rellevel=4&committee=N
CC says
Klufas had nothing to do with this situation. Cathy Heighter is the one that stabbed Denise in the back!
CC: Klufas: another ineffective crony taking up a city seat, has he ever voted no to any
development agendas, he is also part of the problems, no way will we vote him
in on a county seat.
Celia Pugliese says
Councilman Mr. Klufas was the brainstorm of all these 150 feet tall 5 G towers intended 150 feet from our homes( too close undermining the value of our homes, health and beautiful site) while the one close to his Grand Heaven residence is tucked away located west of Colbert Lane inside Graham Swamp not les than 2000 or more feet from any of his HOA homes, sure NIMBY. As should be from any home. Was very costly to us the battle won, so no more Mr. Flukas for us, we need Kim Carney in county district 3..
Also after more than 10 years of our pleading with councils and mayors to adopt traffic calming devices for mad traffic in Florida Park Drive and able only to achieve results that did not resolve the issue(thank you for trying thou). Mr, Flukas called a 10 year resident representing the Friends Of Florida Park Drive Mr. Steven Carr an elderly Veteran “disingenuous” on his 3 minutes remarks in City Council Meetings. How could we vote him for a county seat?
Please go right ahead and raise my taxes.. says
It’s evident, DON’T VOTE DANKO he’s a nasty citizen that shouldn’t be elected.
Alfin needs to go too. Just from Wheeler and dealing.
Cathy Heighter another do nothing and do less if possible. Her vote was shocking. She never should have won her seat!
Please vote these people out!
Cathy Heighter was installed by the same group that installed the vicious school board members Will Furry, Christy Chong and even perhaps Sally Hunt.
The group that backed Cathy Heighter includes: Jill Woolbright, Sharon Demers, “Pastor” Jearlyn Dennie, Perry “the snake” Mitrano and others.
Do you really know who you’re voting for?
BLINDSPOTTER: well that speaks volume!
Bill says
The fact the Alfin seems to believe that no additional utility money is required to increase water and wastewater capacity after years of unabated development and that the political misstep of mentioning the very real fact, that it is absolutely necessary, during an election year should cost Mrs. Bevan her job is so blatantly absurd, that it boggles the mind. Moreover, to fire her in such a publicity humiliating way when he himself can’t muster even one non-political excuse to do so, is beyond arrogant.
Alfin clearly only cares about continued development, no matter what that means for our neglected infrastructure. This city can’t take that kind of warped logic any longer. He needs to go!
LTC says
Denise is a great person and was doing a phenomenal job as CM. She had the respect and affection from all of her employees, something the last two CMs could not even dream of. I’ve know her for many years during my 25 years with the city. Right now I’m ashamed of the action, or inaction of the council. I’m sorry Denice, this should not have a happened to you.
MITCH says
It was a sad day indeed. City Manager Denise Beavan always took time in her busy schedule to discuss issues of important with the residents. She never turned us down.
Brent P D'Elia says
I don’t like the way this was done but let me play devil’s advocate here.
Pain coast, like much of the state, has a massive housing affordability crisis. What you describe as “untrammelled development” could easily be described as “urgently moving to expand housing in a growing city that hasn’t kept up with demand.”
The city manager isn’t an elected official. I didn’t vote (and will never vote) for Mr. Danko. But if the manager has lost the trust of the elected officials how can she stay on?
If the council wants greatly expanded development (which i definitely want because it’s almost impossible for my kids to find an apartment in the city) and the manager office is a roadblock to that policy then clearly the elected part of the government should win that dispute.
Obviously the people deserve clarity over this. We deserve to be told in clear, plain language, why this decision was made. But the truth is the manager serves at the pleasure of the council. And if the council wants a much more developer friendly manager that’s well within their prerogative.
Roy says
please explain this:
“If the council wants greatly expanded development (which i definitely want because it’s almost impossible for my kids to find an apartment in the city) and the manager office is a roadblock to that policy then clearly the elected part of the government should win that dispute.”
How is the city manager a roadblock? She takes her orders from the elected officials. They are the problem.
Tired of it says
Elect Republicans and this is what you get. Backroom deals, unfettered development, higher taxes but the MAGAs vote for them again and again. I hope she sues.
Tina Olive says
At Election time lets not also forget when this whole cluster#$%% started….The Golf Course Mess, The Trash Company Debockle, The City Council Over paying themselves, The rezoning of land..Now the firing of the City Manager the Over building with no for thought on the Infrastructure…..Who knows what else they are responsible for…..They are hoping that people…tax payers….will forget all their corrupt dealings….These individuals have no place running this city. Election Time cannot come soon enough to save this city……ALFIN AND DANKO HAVE TO GO…….VOTE, VOTE,VOTE.
jeffery cortland seib says
The following are my thoughts that were delivered to the Palm Coast City Council this morning regarding the firing of city manager Bevans. I am speaking today regarding the events of the last council meeting concerning the termination of city manager Bevans ‘without cause.’ This could have been handled quite differently. It’s true the city manager serves at the will of the council but with all we have going on to fire the person the council turns to for action by the entire city staff is troublesome because we all want the council, city government to work. We want all our government to work for all of us. I would have liked to have known about the council’s dissatisfaction with the city manager out in the open severe enough to rise to the level of termination.
Now, counting Miss Bevans, the last three Palm Coast city managers have been unceremoniously fired. To me, this is not a trend Palm Coast wants to promulgate. Come to Palm Coast, you get fired!
So, what’s done is done. But when a stone is thrown into a quiet, still pond, ripples occur. In this interim period, we should tread very carefully and slowly with all city council business so that nothing falls through the cracks. I urge the council to give the interim, new city manager a slower pace for a period of time and I hope the business and development community understands this and joins in. The same goes for any thoughts of selecting a new city manager at this time. Searching out is good, choosing however, should wait until after the next election. Don’t shackle the new group.
The same goes for the 2050 comprehensive plan. This is such a long range and important process and document; I would recommend the council delay the vote to implement any new plan until after the new council members take their seats.
One other item, at the last council meeting the outside auditing firm delivered their report on last year’s city finances and found everything in order and no irregularities whatsoever. This is the same firm that audited the books last year, with the same result. I think this should put to rest any call for a forensic audit. What for, historical purposes? Let sleeping dogs lie. That money can be better spent in the present and future, rather than in the past.
Frank says
In last week’s interview Alfin was critical of Bevan for introducing a utility rate increase during an election year.
That comment tells you exactly the type of person that he is. He votes on issues based on how it will effect his candidacy, not voting for the good of the City and its residents.
The dude says
Chaos follows MAGA wherever it goes.
It’s a feature, not a bug.
Not surprising that the MAGA dullards don’t understand the actual cost of losing those years of institutional knowledge, as well as installing a MAGA toadie who will need time to learn and acclimate to the position. That is if that MAGA toadie is even capable of learning anything. We are talking about MAGA here.
palmcoaster says
At least she should have been offered the post she held for many years in the city government before being offered the city manager one. After has been reported she was not interested to be the city manager to start with. Sad outcome of events specially if for no cause…not a good precedent for our city when will come to find her permanent replacement, if so.
Can’t make it up says
Is City Council following the Palm Coast School Board’s business model now ?
Blue Jammers says
Thank you for an excellent editorial, Mr. Tristam. Another one of your best.
Judith Michaud says
Time to vote out ALL the tRumsters from our city government! They have done nothing but give themselves huge raises for little work! Sound familiar?
Sonny says
Palm Coast was by far the worst thing to happen to once beautiful Flagler County! The destruction is horrific, growth could have happened without clear cutting everything! Lived here for almost 50 years but no longer, my home has been destroyed.
Celia Pugliese says
Not so fast Sonny…I have to defend Palm Coast still our struggling tucked away Paradise. Much better than any other cities. Is just that we have some things going the wrong way for lack of knowing in time, but we will put is back in track in 2024. If any developer or city has created an issue for you in Palm Coast you need to battle it and resolve it with the city elected ones or with good legal representation. I know is not cheap going the legal way but if we are determined to invest a little to save the value of our homes and our safety and health is worth! Ask retired commercial pilot Mr Abend regarding his hangar rental at the airport: https://flaglerlive.com/airport-lease-first-amendment/#gsc.tab=0> Lets get out and vote for change in our city for Ray Stevens District 3 and Jeffery Courtland Seib District 1 so far. County also no incumbents please, instead lets go with: Kim Carney, Fernando Melendez and Pam Richardson for change.
Celia Pugliese:
Absolutely agree, why would anyone vote for 2 current members of the
city counsel who were there for 2 terms who voted on more development
agendas to be on the county is beyond insanity with that in mind why vote
for an incumbent on the county who has done nothing for his constituents
but allow developers to further their development agendas, time to clean
house, vote them out the candidates you mentioned want to fix these issues.
Tom Jones says
I have no skin in this game other than having resided here in Palm Coast for 25 years. If there was nothing unlawful about this “firing” then get over it. If it was unlawful open you wallet and hire a lawyer to represent your claim.