Swiftly after Milissa Holland’s 6 p.m. resignation as mayor Tuesday, David Alfin and Alan Lowe, both Republicans, said they would run in the special election the Palm Coast City Council is expected to schedule at a hurriedly-called special meeting this morning. The proposed date for the election is July 27.
Lowe, a self-styled inventor, ran against Holland in a bitter, often fact-challenged campaign last November, falling short by barely five points and soon after announcing a run for the council seat Victor Barbosa won in a special election.
Within what seemed like moments of Holland’s announcement Monday, Lowe issued a video statement on his Facebook page, as he drove: “Well, I guess everybody has heard the news and if you haven’t, I’ll tell you: Mayor Holland has resigned, and although I have signed up to run for city council District 2, I am now switching my seat, and I will be running for mayor of Palm Coast.” He delivered a longer statement shortly afterward.
Holland had drawn four challengers in last year’s election–Lowe, Mike Schottey, Donald Greene and John Brady. Schottey said this morning he was not running. Brady said he was thinking about it. “I want to see what the field is, who is in the field, what the requirements are, petitions, money-wise, so yes, it’s still a consideration,” he said. “You know, I did come in third.” (Brady got 18 percent of the vote but was eliminated before the runoff.)
Greene in a text wrote: “No, I will not be running again. Not happy with the direction the city was going, we sold our house and moved out of Florida at the end of last year. Best wishes and good luck with the election.”
The council this morning will consider dispensing with the petition requirement or qualifying fee that normally attaches to city elections. Otherwise, a candidate will be required either to gather 497 signed petitions or to pay a $1,140 qualifying fee to get on the ballot.
There’d been murmurs of Council member Ed Danko having some interest in the mayorship. He doesn’t. There are louder murmurs about him having interests in a legislative seat. Monday evening, he confirmed that he wasn’t running for mayor. “I fully support Alan Lowe for mayor. I need Alan Lowe on the city council.” He said that he and Lowe together would stop the “foolish” spending (he’s opposed to the council’s recently approved expansion of the municipal tennis club) and not raise taxes.
Alfin, a commercial Realtor, ran in the four-way, special election in November that had been scheduled after Councilman Jack Howell’s resignation at mid-term, due to health reasons. Unlike a regular election, there was no runoff, so the spoils went to whoever got the most votes. Alfin drew 21 percent of the vote, behind Bob Coffman’s 25 and Barbosa’s 38, with Dennis McDonald in fourth. (McDonald said today he was not running, joking in a text–unless he was perpetrating the lie of a stolen election–that “Lowe was the winner in November 2020.”) Coffman was the only Democrat. (On Thursday, Coffman said he was considering a run for mayor “a distinct possibility.”)
Barbosa, Danko and Lowe had run as a bloc, but Barbosa had a falling out with Danko and Lowe soon after the election and have been rather bitter opponents since, though Barbosa’s enmity isn’t limited to Lowe and Danko: he’s in a running, public and vulgar feud with Acting Mayor Eddie Branquinho, has called for City Manager Matt Morton’s firing in a slanderous attack at the end of a meeting, has publicly shamed homeowners around town in vigilante code enforcement excursions, and uses his Facebook page as a score-settling battering ram. In many ways mimicking that of his ally, County Commissioner Joe Mullins, Barbosa’s behavior in his brief tenure has largely contributed to the degradation of discourse and respect for the council, and to Holland’s resignation.
“I’m not happy with the way local government is operating, I’m not happy with the way its projecting itself to the community,” Alfin had said in an interview last week, after he had taken part in the Flagler County Sheriff’s annual memorial to fallen law enforcement officers. Alfin’s son, Daniel Alfin, an FBI special agent, was murdered last year in South Florida while serving a warrant. The sheriff included David Alfin in last week’s ceremony. “So when I say we can be better and we can do better I really mean that, and for me personally, I will think about my tragedy every day to set a tone.” He had faintly intimated in that interview that he might have interests in reentering public service, and as it turned out, he plans to.
“My vision is very simple: I’d like to re-instill the confidence the citizens of Palm Coast should have in our city government,” he said in a 6 a.m. interview today, not long after he’d completed his 4:30 a.m. daily ritual: shoveling manure in his eight-horse barn. “I think they have lost some confidence certainly this past year, I think it’s been building for some time, and I really think they need to be reassured that city council is a unified front” in meeting the expectations of Palm Coast. “That same projection needs to flow out to those that bring us great opportunities in terms of some of the initiatives we’re all aware of,” he continued, citing AdventHealth Palm Coast’s plan to build a new hospital on Palm Coast Parkway, the University of North Florida’s and Jacksonville University’s opening of satellite campuses in Town Center this fall, and other developments. “All those organizations are watching our local governments very carefully because they’re nervous and insecure about what direction it may take.”
Alfin, who describes himself as a “data-driven executive,” said he’d developed a close relationship with Holland over recent months, with Holland mentoring him. He did not see her decision to step down as a result of recent conflicts on the council or with the public–he defended her decision for family’s sake–but saw those issues as a recurring problem. “I think there’s been emotional blips, and I think the interaction between council members has not been as professional as it needs to be,” Alfin said. “There are other groups within the community that are fueling or feeding the emotional fire and I think we have to take a step back, tamp it down and do what we are elected to do, which is to fill the expectations of our citizens, do the work of our municipal government.”
Lowe had sought to define his race against Holland by accusations of “corruption” and claims, never proven, that she was under investigation by the FBI and state law enforcement agencies. He continued to make the claims even after the State Attorney’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement all said there were no such investigations. (An ethics complaint had been filed against Holland by a former city employee. The complaint has yet to see light of day.) Baseless or not, the claims severely damaged Holland’s standing–as did factual revelations that Lowe had previously
renounced his citizenship and declared himself a “sovereign citizen.”
The race with Alfin is bound to be very different: Alfin has had a spotless record locally as a businessman and Realtor and has been immersed in local civic, business and community organizations for a decade. More specific issues rather than abstract claims, such as the tennis center expansion, are expected to shape the coming race.
“This is not going to be an easy run,” Lowe said in his longer statement last night. “I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of things that they’re going to try to play again. And, but you know what, I’ve been to every city council meeting, minus one, every workshop, since the last election, I know everything that’s going on with the city, I’m well versed in it.”
Lowe spoke what may well be his kindest words yet, if not his only kind words, about Holland: “I know that Mayor Holland resigned because of, I guess, potential health issues with her daughter, and I don’t blame her. I would put family first if I was in that position as well. So I think we all know that that’s something that just needs to be done. So I am shocked. I’ve been completely–I’m tongue tied and that doesn’t happen very often, but I do wish and pray for the best health possible for Mayor Holland’s daughter, and that Mayor Holland finds herself in a good position for her future. But I’m ready to jump into the city, and let’s stop the frivolous spending, you know, let’s be transparent to the point where we actually answer people’s questions.”
BMW says
David Alfin is one of the most sincere, intelligent and compassionate people I’ve ever met. Wishing him the best on his journey to keep Palm Coast moving in the right direction.
Gina Weiss says
Mr. Alan Lowe: Why did you sign papers to become a “alien citizen” 30 years ago and what specifically did you not like about the government as you stated to me on Facebook Flagler politics. It also has been said that you block people who ask you questions which you do not like to answer concerning your political beliefs, is this true?
MWest says
Anybody is better than Alan Lowe. His slanderous attacks and lies fueled one if the dirtiest campaigns in Palm Coast history. He is a “pretend” Republican, only becoming a Republican for the last election, took a break from being a US citizen, renouncing his citizenship, and still as an agenda of negativity.
tulip says
I hope and pray some much better candidates than Alfin and Lowe run for the seat! By the way the Republicans have been causing distress in the county and city, I hope some Dems and Independents get into the race. I, for one, will be really paying attention to the bios of any newbies entering the race and hoping someone decent and intelligent signs up.
So it begins!
Bob says
How low will the city go, how low will home values fall, how low with Lowe?
Mark says
Wow , 2 old white men, just what this county needs.
Ross says
Don’t see anyone of color running for mayor, do you. Wish one would
Buddy says
Screw someone of color. Don’t start the race thing. Let’s all pray for a classy, intelligent person with high moral principles. No matter what color they are.
God Bless
Genevieve Wilson says
Please do not bring race into this, that’s not what makes good government…
Peaches McGee says
Everything that Melissa has done for our city is much appreciated.
Sadly, PC will be going back 20-30 years with any of these cretins.
RitaMay says
I still do not understand why Mr. Lowe never registered or voted here in Flagler County/Palm Coast for the 40 years he has been here. I questioned that when he was running before. How can the citizens of Palm Coast trust a man to be Mayor when he only registered in 2020 to run for Mayor that same year? Not sure why he disowned his country either. I know it was a long time ago, but a tiger never looses his spots! His loyalty to this city is very questionable. Also, Palm Coast does not need Mr. Danko and Mr. Lowe both on the city council, as you can tell, I don’t trust either of them. I feel David Alfin would be the perfect balance for the council to make the right decisions for Palm Coast.
James M. Mejuto says
NOW ! The question, after all our gloating over those two Republican candidates is . . . where is the
democrat party ? It seems they are lost in a storm of Republican politics.
What a shame we have no one to represent us !
James M. Mejuto
Whathehck? says
Want the job? Go for it, don’t expect someone else to do the work.
PCThePoopShow says
Let’s see, two guys that didn’t win. Of course they want to throw their names in the ring. I hope someone else runs, another woman perhaps, or POC. I’m tired of old white men imposing their hypocritical morality on others.
Sad Times says
Democrats….where are you? Why is no one stepping up?
Palm Coast badly needs a ethical and humane Mayor.
Whathehck? says
Don’t wait for someone else to do the job, put in your candidature.
Sad Times says
I’m 80! I’ve done my duty for our country.
I go back to my original question…..where are the Democrats?
Steve says
FPC has a near disaster in the making. IMO. I hope folks find a decent Person to run for the position and avoid a potentially bad situation worse. Vote accordingly Good Luck. My best to Ms. Holland and her Family.
tulip says
I know he’s a bit young but Nick Klufas worked very closely with Holland and probably has learned a lot from her, as well as the legal staff and has class and seems level headed. May he could throw his hat in the ring?
The Voice Of Reason says
I agree. Nick has shown a mature, level headed mentality. He is a forward thinker and would represent the citizens of Palm Coast with dignity. The Trumpers on board have been a shameful embarrassment.
Tired of the BS says
Poor Klufas hasn’t got a chance. If he runs he will draw votes away from Alfin and get Lowe elected.
FlaglerLive says
Nick Klufas is not running for mayor.
shy guy says
VERY GOOD IDEA Tulip.. He’s got my vote.
ken carter says
2 racist posts, so far, criticizing Alfin and Lowe for being white. Let’s stop with this racist crap.
Focus on the character and experience of the candidates, not their race.
TR says
Maybe the people that posted the racist comments should look in the mirror and see where the racist really is.
Maybe I’ll throw my hat in the ring to be mayor?
BMW says
Your message is far too intelligent for those who swim in a pool of identity politics. Let’s not judge a person by their proven character, their value to the community or their desire to make a positive difference. Oh, no, let’s be simple minded and snarky and dismiss them for the color of their skin, their age and/or their political affiliation. Racist, unintelligible, immature and extremely sad.
blondee says
@kencarter Can you just imagine if someone posted “two old black men”…. ?? That comment would have never made it to our screens.
Been There says
Don’t trust David Alfin. He is part of the same contingency that put Joe Mullins on the County Board. They have an agenda that is going to keep costing Palm Coast and Flagler County residents dearly.
Lowe has revealed himself.
They both suck. Let’s pick someone new who is not part of this political system.
Hell No! Lowe Must Go says
Voters, do you want a “sovereign citizen” as our next Mayor ? A citizen who believes that laws do not apply to them. Google it. Someone who believes currency of this great nation don’t apply to him. Maybe that is why he declared bankruptcy. He is supposed to lead this city ? He spread lies about Mayor Holland during the election.
Mayor Holland, we wish you and Tori the best for a speedy recovery.
You did a fantastic job !
Vote for Nick !
Coyote says
Lat’s start on a local level, and follow the important advice given here …
‘Jan 16th, 2021
General Kelly, President Trump’s former chief-of-staff said it best:
“We need to look infinitely harder at who we elect to any office in our land. At the office seeker’s character, at their morals, at their ethical record, their integrity, their honesty, their flaws, what they have said about women and minorities, why they are seeking office in the first place, and ONLY THEN consider the policies they espouse.”‘
If this attitude can percolate upwards through the various levels of electing our representatives, we may have a chance of retrieving a democracy.
Fernando Melendez says
The race for the next mayor of Palm Coast may be one of the most consequential elections in a generation. There is no mistaken who is the better and most qualified candidate. Mr.David Alfin is someone that believes that desicions facing Palm Coast City Council during the next two years will have a profound effect on residents for the next twenty years and beyond. He believes the upcoming special election for Mayor may challenge voters with the most important desicions made during the last twenty years since the city was incorporated.
He moved here in 2013 with every intention of serving the community and that’s exactly what he’s done.
Here are the stats
From an impressive resume of many executive positions held such as
Owner operator of David Alfin, Inc. dba Magnum Provisions, Owner and operator of a Boear’s Head and premium quality food products distribution company to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Fragrance Marketing Group Inc. Miami FL. Vice President of Alfin Fragrance Inc NY.
Has worked in real estate in Palm Coast since 2013 till currently where he is a Broker Associate with Grand Living Realty.
Holds a Bachelor’s degree from Hostra University in Economics, as well as a Mechanical Engineering degree from University of Pennsylvania and the United States Naval Academy.
Honors and Activities
City of Palm Coast, Citizens Academy, Graduate 2015.
Citizens Advisory Task Force 2016-2017.
Flagler County Emergency Volunteer, Member 2015-2017.
Ad Hoc Committee, Historic Court House, Bunnell, Vice-Chair 2015.
Citizens Academy, Graduate 2016.
Value Adjustment Board, VICE-CHAIR 2015.
Affordable Housing Committee, Vice-Chair 2016-2017.
Flagler County Republican Executive Committee, Committeeman 2017.
Flagler County Republican Club, Board of Directors Treasurer, 2017.
And many many other Honors to continue naming.
My personal endorsement is without a doubt and I hope you see the value David brings to our community. Let’s start fresh with someone with both character and a vision for Palm Coast 🌴
Let’s Vote For David Alfin for our next Mayor.
Fernando Melendez: Looks great on paper but where is he so that people can reach out to Mr. Alfin to ask their questions, Alan Lowe makes himself available on a FB page to answer the public’s questions.
Steve says
Those that HE doesnt block
VEGAN says
Lowe really hasn’t blocked anyone, I mean if someone is insulting him he doesn’t have to take verbal abuse from people! Mr. Alfin hasn’t reached out to anyone and from the drift of the crowd appears as if he really does not want to put himself out there, so why run if you feel as though you don’t have to listen or take questions from taxpayers, maybe he really doesn’t want to run and is being pushed by his wealthy constituents. Per his resume above he’s is a Broker associate with a reality corp. Hmm. He also lived outside the US for 2 decades in Dominica Hmm.
Tired of the BS says
So living outside the US is somehow wrong? Really tring hard to come up with something to insinuate there is something wrong, aren’t you.
Gina says
Tired of the BS:Everyone is talking about Lowe when he made the mistake which he now admits about being a alien citizen some 30 years ago so I question WHY did Alfin decide to live outside his country For 20 years? Simple voting citizen question that seems to have struck a nerve! But Alf has not made an effort to speak to “we the people” as Lowe is readily available. And another question since you brought this up, what is alfs ties if any the the recent mayor? One doesn’t have to try hard to com up with questions, I find it strange that you find asking questions to a candidate is wrong, aren’t you the strange one!
Buuuut is Mr. Alfin for the little guy and does he care about overdevelopment and quality of life issues like preserving our natural resources or is he in the pockets of the wealthy developers. We do not need repeat offenders. What will he bring to the table for us who do not want anymore frivolous spending on tennis courts for example , we who do not want overdevelopment , we who do want responsible development while preserving wildlife habitats, big old Spanish moss dripping oak tress, and beautiful palms, and all of the pristine beauty which led people here. We are all ears.
ASF says
From what I have witnessed so far, Alan Lowe would be an absolute disaster!
YankeeExpPat says
To quote a line from Feriss Bueller’s Day Off
“I weep for the Future”
Gina Weiss says
The candidates need to hold a Town Hall so that the citizens can ask important questions to decide who they want as Mayor. Why should us citizens go by hear say and what others want, time for a big change. We need to hear about what these candidates believe for Palm Coast’s future, beliefs about responsible development and not over development which will affect the next generation, beliefs about attracting viable businesses for people to have work, beliefs about maintaining our precious natural recourses and environment. Sick of hearing about people’s resumes and when they get into office they do nothing but spend money for their special interest groups who back them, this is why we are in this mess now. So everyone please SPEAK OUT and LET YOUR VOICES BE HEARD! For goodness sakes they can’t even keep a public pool but want to spend 6 mil. on tennis court expansions and pickleball for their rich buddies when the public needs another public pool besides the one we have now which is overcrowded to cool off and enjoy in these hot summer months. Think for the little guy for once and stop being so selfish and greedy. “FOR TRUTH, JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY”
Jane Gentile-Youd says
I keep asking Gina Weiss to throw her ‘hat’ into the ring. I think she would make a great mayor . She has brains, passion, has fought to protect her area against low flying tin cans and makes sense whenever she opens her mouth. But she keeps insisting to me she refuses to run. I am hoping she will change her mind. She is a great lady and an asset to those of us who still believe that we still are a government of the people, by the people and for the people.
Agkistrodon says
So what you are saying is, she isn’t from floriduh right. Isn’t that one of your favorite lines. Inferring people are idjits is no way to gain any credibility.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
to Askistrodon. I guess you meant idiots since I never heard of idjits. I have my opinion based on what Gina has accomplished. Where she comes from I could care less. By the way I have lived more years of my life in Florida since 1976 than anywhere else and it was the Miami Herald, I believe who coined the word Floriduh, and they wrote many years ago about ‘Fluba…… you have a nice day and may the most qualified and caring person be elected as your mayor.
Gina Weiss says
Jane Gentile-Youd Thank you for the kind words. I want you to know that I appreciate all of the grueling efforts you have put into advocating for people’s rights, you attend almost every FCBOCC meeting and you are a fierce fighter for truth, justice and the American way! You are appreciated.
Palm Coast Voter says
Please check their financial records. We do not need officlas with federal tax liens and bankruptcies. If they cannot manage their own money, how can they manage ours?
James M. Mejuto says
Still . . . no democrat challenger for Mayor !
What a disgrace ! ! !
James M. Mejuto
Tired of the BS says
Not a disgrace. Reality. The majority of voters in the county are Republicans. Their mantra has been ,better a bad Republican than a good Democrat. That is why we have Mullins, Danko and Barbossa, the dregs of the Republican Party.
Kiki says
Agreed. Then they complain about every square inch of land being developed by greedy developers, but keep voting for republicans that only care about money. Joe Mullins went “up north” to try to get developers to come down to PC to build more. These fools that are indoctrinated to believe any republican is better than a democrat, are giving us the worst of humanity in Trump republicants like Mullins, Danko and Lowe. Palm Coast is going to end up like Seminole County with a guy like Joel Greenberg – stealing our money, doing dirty deals, and trafficking our children. Wake up republicans.
Just me says
I am hoping some new faces apply for the Mayor’s position, sorry not crazy about either candidates. I don’t appreciate it that they are pushing the vote to be so soon not giving consideration for those that may want to apply, what’s the rush?
MikeC says
It seems the circus of the Trump years and the destructive non-politics and culture wars of the new Republican party has finally arrived in Palm Coast. We have council members who are at war with the very city they lead and a 59 year old man who wants to be mayor yet voted for the very first time in his life in 2020. Alan Lowe renounced his American Citizenship, just like Terry Nichols, the “patriot” who helped murder 168 innocent people in Oklahoma City in 1995. We cannot allow these right wing radicals to take over our beautiful city. If you were horrified at what Donald Trump did to our great country, I urge you to stand up and get involved in city politics. We need to keep this city out of the hands of these people!
James M. Mejuto says
Well . . . citizens of Palm Coast ! What are we going to do if no democrat appears on the scene?
What happens is this: We will forfeit our right to vote, since there will be no candidate challenging
the Republicans.
What happens come election day . . are you voters going to vote for a Republican? What a downturn!
This is truly a sad state of affairs and we the people of Palm Coast have no one to blame but ourselves and the
democrat party of Palm Coast.
Maybe we have to support a third party!
James M. Mejuto
Whathehck? says
Facts: There are 41,074 registered Republicans and 25,540 registered Democrats in Flagler County. The Democrats had some very qualified candidates in the past but the numbers of voters are not there.
Tired of the BS is right Republicans vote for a bad Republican candidate rather than vote for a good Democrat.
By all means James Mejuto call the Democratic Party and volunteer to register voters.
tulip says
I just checked the florida elections site and there are 41,247 Reps
28,538 Dems
23,782 Independents (npa)
So it’s the independent voter that could decide the outcome in Flagler county.
If every single rep voted Republican, that’s 41, 247 votes
If every single Dem voted Democrat, that’s 28,538 v0tes
That leaves 23,782 Independent votes , and out of that number, the vote count would be tied if 12,609 Ind Voters voted for the Democrats, leaving only 11,173 votes left to decide a particular race in the upcoming election in 2022 in Flagler County. I realize numbers can change by 2022. There is also 1460 “other party” votes out there too that I didn’t count in. Could be some very tight races coming up next year.
Hate saying this, but this may be the first time ever, I DON’T VOTE?
I can’t find it in myself, to support either of these two Candidates!
I will echo previous posters, WHERE IS OUR DEMOCRAT PARTY?
KayB says
At the risk of sounding overly simplistic; perhaps we should set aside political affiliations, as party line voting seems to inevitably fail, and just vote for the best qualified candidate? Prudence would dictate thorough due diligence and voting based on what we, as individuals believe is the best course for our city. Many seem to agree that overdevelopment, traffic challenges, infrastructure maintenance and needed improvements have not been addressed adequately. It has been noted that resident concerns seem to oftentimes remain unaddressed. These are all quality of life issues and the residents of Palm Coast deserve to not only be heard, but to have their concerns addressed and solutions offered. A very wise person once told me, that if you come to the table with a complaint, bring a solution. Otherwise, you just blowing hot air. You don’t have to suggest most viable solution, but it’s a starting point. Perhaps more candidates will come forward. Until then, I am doing some deep research into those who think they are qualified….
Mike Tennyson says
David Alfin held a Meet and Greet tonight at European Village. The house was packed. There were Republicans, Democrats and Independents there that support David. When you compare the two men and their accomplishments I believe David would be the best candidate for the City. Just look at the difference in community involvement. David is a consensus builder and he wants to get past the divisive personal attacks of the past and focus on the business of running City of Palm Coast government. I have friends of both sides of the political spectrum. Why can’t we disagree agreeably? Why the need for the personal attacks? Look at each man’s history of serving the community. I have seen the comments above on both sides denigrating Alan and David and they have never even met the candidates. Stop the hate and viscous attacks. I have met both Alan and David and I understand why each of them have supporters. It is our civic duty to investigate both, then make a decision who best to lead our city. I support David Alfin, and I believe once you research each candidate’s history of civic engagement and especially if you meet David you will support him also.
Gina Weiss says
Mike: You are right about disagreeing agreeably, it all depends upon what is important to the voter. People on here are viciously attacked for there comments and beliefs also , independent diverse thinking is not embraced right away the tribes come attacking and I can specifically name the offenders with their fake names too cowardly to identify themselves. Out of the gate they resort to name calling and watching certain media news, listening to certain news media outlets , calling people ignorant because people do not lean into their beliefs and way of thinking ,all of the usual nonsensical banter. In the end the voters will decide who is the best candidate.
Joseph Shabotz says
Let’s cut the to the chase once and for all: Mr. Lowe you are a coward, a self-serving terrorist and a bold faced con-man.
Lets revisit your statements from a few months ago:
-$29,000 tax lien “I had no idea there was a tax lien,” Lowe said. “It’s not trying to defraud the IRS. … I was going through a split-up and a foreclosure. … The important thing is not that I owed it, it’s that it was satisfied.”
The important thing is not that I owed it!!? Because you had no idea!?
Bottom line: Not your fault, you had no idea you defrauded the IRS using a “Piggyback” second mortgage with a double arms length quick claims? And yet that’s exactly why you became an Ambassador for Christ!? What are the odds?
-Second, the website says Lowe “scammed SunTrust Bank.” According to a 7th Circuit Court document, Lowe had two mortgages on a home in Palm Coast’s C-section in 1993. To help pay the IRS, he attempted to refinance the second mortgage with SunTrust.
“I was taking my name off the house to put it in my family trust, but it went into foreclosure, and it was foreclosed on,” he said. “So, there was no money. … SunTrust didn’t lose the money; they got the house.” Lowe said in an interview that the ownership issue was a “misunderstanding”.
A misunderstanding where you quick claimed your house to your Daddy then your Mommy!? What were you expecting the double quick claim shuffle to do?
Bottom line: Not your fault, a misunderstanding… a very shrewd business move for a misunderstanding. “SunTrust didn’t lose the money”, no they had to sell your house to get it back. But the workers at SunTrust, they lost their jobs Mr. Lowe not like you care.
-Lowe also defaulted on a Best Buy credit card in 2015. Lowe says he has never owned a Best Buy credit card and that it must have been a mistake.
Bottom line: Not your fault, it must be a mistake because you always pay your bills, but only if you get caught!?
-He said the government there failed to fill out the appropriate paperwork on a shipment of coral.
Bottom line: Not your fault, the entire Dominican government failed, but you were innocent of any wrongdoing!? At least until you were arrested for fraud and theft and put in prison in Dominica.
-Lowe has had five businesses closed in his past. He said that on each instance, the business served its purpose as he pursued his next venture.
Bottom line: You really mean there was nothing left to take, because it served YOUR purpose!?
1. Did you make restitution to the people you stole money from? No.
2. Did you pay your back rent on your dive shop or just let your ex-girlfriend foot the bill? All on her.
3. Did you pay back the investors before getting more investors or was it just a Ponzio scheme? Ponzio all the way!
4. Did your first, then second, then third ex-wife serve their purpose? Got board with them, like you did with your kids?
5. Your mommy bailed you out of prison in Dominica for $20,000 did you ever pay her back? Nope.
6. Do your brothers know what really, really happened? Nope, nope!
7. Do they know about the current rent shell games on the Market Place Court? No, no no.
8. The properties you currently “own” were inherited when your parents passed away. You built nothing, but you take credit every time.
9. Even the coloring book you wrote: “Autumn’s Fury: The Night Maria Came Calling” is all about you!
10. It’s adorable how you call Grit your ‘life partner’ when you were married to wife number three at the time.
11. Does Grit know you fell in love with her money, boat and house? Wait until the elections over Grit, it will be a misunderstanding in the highest order.
To review:
You forgot to vote. Ever. You openly hate America and only changed your “Ambassador” mind when you went to prison in Dominica. You are a documented thief and an absolute crook and perhaps the worst hypocrite in Palm Coast history. No one should trust you, especially your family. If you goal was to be famous, I think you overshot the mark into infamous.
Alan, you are not a Republican or even an American.
May God have mercy on your soul.
Kiki says
It will be heartbreaking if Palm Coast votes for Lowe, but with all the Trump rallies still on the corners, Palm Coast residents don’t have a good record of seeing through a con.