A two-vehicle collision at the crash-prone intersection of County road 302 and County Road 305 in western Flagler County Tuesday evening resulted in two injuries, one critical, one serious, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The crash took place at 6:45 p.m. Max Gordon, a 62-year-old Bunnell resident, was driving a Ford Ranger pick-up westbound on 302. A 48-year-old Bunnell woman was driving a Chevy SUV south on 305.
Both vehicles drove into the intersection simultaneously, the front of the SUV striking the right side of the pick-up. The collision caused Gordon’s vehicle to rotate 180 degrees. The rear of the truck struck the concrete traffic signal post on the southwest corner of the intersection. Gordon “received incapacitating injuries,” according to FHP, and was transported in critical condition to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach by Flagler County FireFlight, the emergency helicopter. FireFlight landed on 305.
The driver of the SUV had serious injuries but was conscious at the scene, and was taken by ground to a local hospital. Both drivers were wearing their seat belts. Both vehicles remained upright. The crash caused numerous passers-by to pull over and call 911. The woman’s identity was not available at the time of this writing.
FHP notes that the intersection has a flashing traffic signal that flashes yellow for both directions of travel on County Road 305, and flashes red for both directions of travel on County Road 302. County Road 302 also has a stop sign for the eastbound and westbound traffic. The crash is under investigation by FHP.

Kelly says
I’m so glad there were no deaths associated with this horrific accident. But again, when is the county going to do something about that particular intersection? Signs and flashing yellow lights don’t seem to be working. I mean how many more lives need to be lost and or how many more lives need to be forever altered because of this extremely dangerous intersection?
Jay Tomm says
Traffic light please. And one on 11/304 & another at 305/304….
David Schaefer says
What is it going to take to put a traffic light at this intersection ?????
Charles says
When are they going to do something about all the accidents that happen at this intersection. Do your jobs and do something.
Frustrated says
That intersection needs a traffic light! I have lived on 305 for 21 years and there are wrecks constantly. I was in the same position as the woman in the SUV in January of 2020. The people on 302 are supposed to STOP. 305 is a through road. There are blinking lights, stop signs and a sign saying 305 is a through road. No one seems to be able to comprehend this fact. I smashed into someone who waited until I was right at the intersection to pull out to cross 305. Fortunately he was going west and I had slowed down to 40 mph because I see people pull out every day. I had no chance at all to stop since he waited until the very last second to pull out, as if he had a death wish. Three years later, I am still in pain and have a smashed up leg, hip and spine from this accident. Either put the intersection back to a 4 way stop or get a traffic light. I have started going all the way out to Water Oak just to avoid this intersection.
Duane Weeks says
There have been too many deaths at this intersection over the last 35 years. It is time for F.D.O.T. To step in with a solution to permanently fix this problem as they have with other intersections where many horrendous accidents have occurred.
I realize this is a County Road maintained and funded road, however grant Monies were obtained to rebuild 7 bridges and 4 box culverts on CR 305 in Flagler County. Can not something like this be used to fund the fix whatever is needed to stop the Demolition Derby and Carnage at this intersection.
County Commissioners you need to quit sitting on your hands and get this problem fixed before anyone else gets killed please.
Atwp says
No death a good thing. Concentration while driving is a very good thing.
TR says
Well here we go again for the power to be to push for the round about that they want to put there. The better solution would be to put in a traffic light and maybe rumble strips before the intersection. But definitely a traffic light and not one of those stupid round a bouts. The round a bouts that are on Us 1 are so stupid. They are way to small to be used properly, they really need to be 4 times the size, just look at the ones in London. Not to mention semi drivers can not go through on while maintaining a single lane. I have seen them go through one of the ones on US1 and they have to enter from the right lane and cut right to the inside in order to get through the curve. They also have to run over the extra inside pavers because of the trailer. The best thing would have been to put in a traffic signal like the one at Seminole Woods Pkwy and have the same outcome if not better, Limited accidents.
dave says
I guess the DOT must require or appear to have some magical number of deaths that have to take place before traffic lights are added to any intersections. A round a bout LOL. The round a bout on US 1 is a joke. The majority of the people that drive through there don’t understand how they work and the overall majority fail to yield anyway. I’ve seen semi tractor trailers almost turn over while going to darn fast through there. It would be interesting to know per any FCSO data, how many accidents have been there since the round a bout was put into service.
Doug says
The county and specific projects “earmarked” for Flagler County have used monies to build a pedestrian footbridge over SR100 (Bridge to NOWHERE). No prioritization and wasteful spending by our elected officials; if you don’t believe it, look at the beach revitalization project. After the first northeaster or hurricane, $33 million worth of sand will be washed out to sea when that money could’ve been used to build the underground seawall as they did on the north end of Flagler Beach. All that wasteful spending and innocent people are being severely injured or killed.
Hojo says
People need to slow down and ba careful! Always speeders and people who are in a rush!
Robert Joseph Fortier says
To be honest with you, I drive that intersection several times a day and never found it to be tricky or dangerous.
I seem pretty ridiculous to have a traffic light on either road if you really think about it.
I would consider the action of changing the speed limit to 25mph from A&S Hardware to the Citgo, as due to the amount of business in that location it would seem reasonable.
Robert J. Fortier says
Thank you for your comment….make sense to me.
TR says
I’d be interested in the correct numbers as well. But I’m guessing the numbers would be scewed in the DOT’s favor to make it look like it was a good idea to put in the round a bouts. Just like the town hall meeting they had before they put them in. Hundreds of people packed the room and even the sheriff was against it and with all the negative comments and statistics presented, they couldn’t care less and built the stupid round a bouts anyway.
TR says
Oh Oh I have the answer, It will take someone with a brain and common sense to realize that is the best solution to save lives at that intersection.
Mondexmomma says
Please send prayers for both these victims. Mr. GORDON has medical issues prior to the wreck. He is at this time still unconscious and fighting for his life.
Mondexmomma says
Yes rumble strips. Like that idea
Sonny says
A light at 304 & 11 won’t help, you need people to stop speeding & passing before the intersection!
Sonny says
The circle of death on US 1 is idiotic, they are made for town centers with multiple roads connecting. 302 &305 need something done. Too bad Pennington isn’t worried about what’s important.
Donna Richmond says
I know it has been a while since this accident. But does anyone know how Max is doing?