By Pierre Tristam
For over a month–from Jan. 2 to yesterday, Feb. 6–School Board member Christy Chong and the district administration evaded or suppressed numerous requests for Chong’s list of “causes” to fire former Board attorney Kristy Gavin. Thanks to the tenacity of Brad West, a Palm Coast resident who was finally more successful than I in our hunt for the document, we now have it.
There are two major issues here, both revealing of the board’s and the district’s contempt for truth, transparency, respect for law and respect for its own employees. One is Chong and the district refusing to comply with a public record request for Chong’s “for cause” document. We’ll get to that in a moment.
The other is the substance of Chong’s document, such as it is, and its feeble attempt to paint Gavin as a derelict lawbreaker, when the description is a better fit for her slandering accusers.
There is nothing surprising about the document. We’d heard it all in one form or another from Chong or her ax-grinding colleagues Sally Hunt and Will Furry, since last year. These aren’t “causes” that come anywhere near “just cause” as defined in Gavin’s contract: “dereliction of duty, failure to report to work, misconduct in office or violation of criminal law.”
Rather, they’re petty, inaccurate, gossipy and falsified grievances you might hear in middle school whispers between thin-skinned pimples, not grown-ups posing as serious professionals. The grievances have more to do with Chong being out of her depth, her embarrassment, her hatred for the press (and for me in particular) and her contempt for transparency and the public than anything to do with the quality of Gavin’s work in nearly two decades of representing the board.
Let’s take those “causes” one by one, at least the first three, since the last three are vague trifles that add up to: “I don’t like her.” (You can read Chong’s list in its entirety at the foot of the article.)
“1. Attorney Gavin has granted unfettered access to those who are not Flagler school employees which created the appearance of impropriety of the board to the community; allowing those who are not staff to have access to the superintendent’s suite. This also put board members and our Superintendents [sic.] safety at risk at a time of increased racial tension. On August 24th 2023 following a press conference on the situation at Bunnell elementary, board members and the superintendent walked back to the superintendent suite to get our belongings and support our interim superintendent after the press conference. We were together less than five minutes. Attorney Gavin walked back to the superintendent office with the Flagler live blogger through three doors then allowing him to snap a photo of us and write yet another misleading article accusing us of breaking sunshine laws.”
Chong is making things up and trying again to cover up what may have been an illegal meeting–and certainly had the appearance of one, with the board literally meeting behind closed doors after that press conference.
To be clear: Gavin did not lead me to Moore’s office or give anything like “unfettered access.” After the news conference I saw all five board members troop out of the room and head for Moore’s suite. Several minutes later none of them had reappeared. I knew they were meeting–illegally maybe, inappropriately certainly. Call it instinct. Call it experience with this particularly shady board.
Gavin was still in the room where the press conference had been held, along with dozens of people milling about. I found her, told her my suspicion, and asked that we walk back there to check. She was resistant at first, wondering how I could possibly know they were back there. Look around, I told her. See any of them? We walked back. There was nothing inappropriate about this: the public has every right to know if, where and when its elected boards are meeting, and to verify the legality of the meeting. Chong’s claims about the “superintendent’s suite” are a red herring.
Moore’s door was locked. Gavin had to repeatedly knock until someone inside opened. There they were, these members lusting for secrecy, four of them around the table–Sally Hunt had skedaddled–three of them sitting, Moore and Furry standing, none of them looking like they were just there to get their belongings, as Board Chair Cheryl Massaro confirmed to me in front of them when I told her they were certainly not there to discuss lunch. “No, we aren’t,” she said.

They were debriefing on the single-most prominent issue before the school board at that time, which had drawn national attention: the racist assemblies held for Black students at Bunnell Elementary the previous week. If they wanted to show Moore support as a board, they should have done it in the open. Instead, they were having an illegal huddle. Gavin told me had she known, she would not have allowed it.
Incidentally, Gavin did not “allow” me to take a picture. I took the picture because it is the public’s right, in a public building, to take pictures of its elected board meeting anywhere in that building, especially in inappropriate circumstances. What, exactly, were they doing that would have prohibited a picture? Why is Chong even thinking along those fugitive terms?
That’s what Chong couldn’t accept: being found in a closed-door meeting, by a “blogger” going outside the chain of command, to boot. Gavin did nothing wrong, aside from not having kept a close enough eye on her lawless board members: it’s her responsibility to keep them on the right side of the law. She correctly broke up the meeting.
Chong walked out in a huff. She is now fabricating the bit about Gavin taking me back there. Worse, she’s wrapping it up in that preposterous and faintly racist suggestion that a reporter going into the superintendent’s suite, as he has since the board has been at the Government Services Building since 2007, could somehow put board members or the superintendent at risk. Since I’m of Arab birth I must have that terrorist gene, right? It wouldn’t be the first time the suggestion’s been made that I shouldn’t be allowed in certain places at the GSB: remember Dennis McDonald and Mark Richeter, who made the same offensive claim some years ago, not to mention the similarly racist libels of Joe Mullins? Birds of a feather.
How any of this amounts to “dereliction of duty, failure to report to work, misconduct in office or violation of criminal law” for Gavin (the board’s violation is another matter), I have no idea. Chong must like writing fiction in her spare time.
More fiction: “2. Attorney Gavin has undermined school board members by making public statements to media causing dissension among the board. She has notified and confirmed with the Flagler live reporter of personal information about Mrs. Hunt and that she could possibly be moving. Personal information about board members should not be shared with media!”
Again, a fabrication. I did not hear from Gavin about Hunt’s possibly moving, but from other people in and outside the school administration, including at least one of Palm Coast’s elected officials. Hunt must be an undisciplined blabbermouth–she certainly is during board meetings–because her possible plans were all over the place, and Hunt herself alluded to them at a recent meeting when she said, “I’m not going to be on the board that much longer.”
This isn’t personal information, as Chong claims. It’s information the public has a right to know about the board member it elected, or thought it elected (alas) to a four-year term. It is Hunt’s irresponsibility not to discuss those possibilities openly or allowing her own rumors to fester without putting them to rest. But Chong, like Hunt, doesn’t think the public has a right to know anything they don’t want you to know. Remember: chain of command.
Bottom line: Gavin did not tell me about Hunt, and if she had, I don’t know how Chong’s outrage at a shred of potentially relevant gossip amounts to “dereliction of duty, failure to report to work, misconduct in office or violation of criminal law.”
Chong again: “3. For over 15 years Attorney Gavin has executed memorandums of understandings with an organization that did not legally exist exposing us to liability and possible tax evasion. In the end we found out that the Flagler Youth Orchestra was using a Flagler Schools tax ID number of which we knew nothing about.”
Must we? Again? After the district spent untold amounts of dollars auditing the program and, to Furry’s and Chong’s chagrin, finding nothing? Getting a legal opinion about the program’s set-up, and being told it was fine (but would have been better off had the board and the district provided the oversight they were responsible for all those years)?
Of course we must, because Chong’s reckless disregard for the truth here amounts to sheer malice: she knows what she’s writing is false. Aside from the fact that it’s the board that has executed those memorandums over the years, not the attorney (with unanimity, until Janet McDonald broke the streak a few years ago), she knows that FYO was the creation of Bill Debrugge, the former superintendent, as an internal, district program, continued as such by each successive superintendent. To claim that it did not legally exist is a slander suggesting that just because Chong was ignorant about it, it somehow was operating illegally.
Those annual memos of understanding were odd: the board was executing them with itself, at the request of Trevor Tucker, the former board member. Gavin could’ve brought more clarity to the matter when she probably obscured or muddled it instead. But if she’s to be fired over this, then Chong should be more worried about the likes of the district’s finance director and her predecessor, who seemed to have been asleep at their wheel, or of the half dozen superintendents who’ve overseen the program since its creation.
But again, and as the district’s own internal and independent reviews showed, none of this amounted to more than a hill of beans motivated by the witch-hunting of Furry, Chong and Hunt against a program whose director was married to me, their bête noire, or to be more accurate, bête Arabe, in Chong’s eyes. I was their target. Gavin got caught in the hunt.
The fourth, fifth and sixth items in Chong’s kitchen-sink causes are just plain weird. In one, she has no issue with the changes Gavin made to an inter-governmental agreement about the Carver Center (Chong voted approvingly!), but she just wishes it had been brought to the board’s attention before the workshop where it was discussed–even though workshops are designed for that very purpose: to discuss matters before they get to a vote at subsequent meetings, weeks later.
Chong never gives the impression she does her homework before meetings. Workshops are thick with items she and some of her colleagues seem to see for the first time. But she was grasping at straws with the Carver Center item, and this straw man looked ripe. Dereliction of duty? Misconduct? Violation of law? Someone should give Chong a dictionary. Or a clue.
The last two items on her list are just Chong pouting. The end run around the public record requests is more serious.
Chong wrote her “for cause” document not from her district account, but from her AOL account ([email protected]). In my experience public officials who do this generally are trying to evade the public record stream. Officials are certainly free to use their personal accounts, and for convenience many do. But professional organizations, among them Palm Coast government, ensure that whenever a personal account is used to generate a public document–including texts and similar non-email electronic messages–a copy is sent to the city’s archives.
The school district is not a professional organization. Some of its board members like to get away with as much as they can. We have repeatedly seen this with Chong and her colleagues (see above, see below), as we do again here.
On Jan. 11–nine days after Chong wrote her “for cause” list, subject line: “Causes for Flagler Board attorney”–I had requested “any ‘for cause’ letter or document turned in by any of the Flagler County School members” to “any entity,” including the law firm handling the termination letter. I renewed my request almost daily. Each time, Jennifer Gimbel, Superintendent LaShakia Moore’s executive secretary, replied with the same words: “At this time we have not received any ‘for cause’ letter/documents or a letter of termination.”
That was not true. The document was in the hands of Daniel Nordby, the attorney from the Shutts and Bowen law firm. The district was paying Nordby $570 an hour to handle the case. It was Chong’s responsibility to provide the document to the administration if and when requested as a public document. If Chong was being cagey, it was the district’s responsibility to seek it out from her or from Nordby.
Brad West had the same problem, requesting the same document day after day. We compared notes on the district’s suppressive habits, which extend far beyond this. It was only when he renewed his request yet again on Feb. 3, including David Delaney this time–one of the attorney the board hired as its interim counsel, in addition to the other one: there are actually three sets of attorneys handling different spheres of board and district business now–that Delaney himself produced the document on Tuesday, 35 days later than when it should have been produced.
This is the board–this is the district–we are dealing with: a troubling, broken district that operates in shades, evasions and slanders, and that’s now defined by the arrogance and contempt of a majority of its board members: Chong, Hunt and Furry. And that’s the context of Chong’s “causes.” But fabrications are not fact. Animus is not evidence. Vengefulness is not a “cause.” And to portray them as such is an invitation to sue.
Gavin didn’t lack for one. Chong’s “causes” are begging for an RSVP in court.
The Christy Chong “For Cause” Email
From: Christy Chong <[email protected]>
Date: January 2, 2024 at 11:25:54 AM EST
To: Daniel Nordby <[email protected]>
Subject: Causes for Flagler Board attorney
Hello, please see attached causes for termination of Attorney Gavin from the Flagler School Board. Thank you.
As the school board attorney, Attorney Gavin worked for this board, however it often felt like she instead worked against us. I personally do not have confidence in Mrs. Gavin as our attorney.
- Attorney Gavin has granted unfettered access to those who are not Flagler school employees which created the appearance of impropriety of the board to the community; allowing those who are not staff to have access to the superintendent’s suite. This also put board members and our Superintendents safety at risk at a time of increased racial tension. On August 24th 2023 following a press conference on the situation at Bunnell elementary, board members and the superintendent walked back to the superintendent suite to get our belongings and support our interim superintendent after the press conference. We were together less than five minutes. Attorney Gavin walked back to the superintendent office with the Flagler live blogger through three doors then allowing him to snap a photo of us and write yet another misleading article accusing us of breaking sunshine laws. Later when I asked her about this she tried to blame the office secretaries for allowing him in the office when he clearly was with her. Also when I later asked her what we were going to do about this, she changed the subject and does not answer the question. She is incapable of giving good legal advice. Why should I trust an attorney who cannot give me sound legal advice and exposes the board to ridicule? She works for the board, not for reporters. See attached article.
- Attorney Gavin has undermined school board members by making public statements to media causing dissension among the board. She has notified and confirmed with the Flagler live reporter of personal information about Mrs. Hunt and that she could possibly be moving. Personal information about board members should not be shared with media! See attached article.
- For over 15 years Attorney Gavin has executed memorandums of understandings with an organization that did not legally exist exposing us to liability and possible tax evasion. In the end we found out that the Flagler Youth Orchestra was using a Flagler Schools tax ID number of which we knew nothing about.
- Most recently Attorney Gavin made changes to the Carver Center ILA. While I do not have an issue with the changes, the board should have been made aware of the changes and should have also been sent the original ILA document prior to the workshop meeting. We were not aware until it was being discussed in the meeting.
- I do not believe that Board members are treated with impartiality nor are we treated equitably.
- I am not confident in her ability to represent me because she has proven to advocate for the interests of others. She is the school board attorney and represents myself and the board, however I do not believe that we are protected. Thank you.
Christy Chong APRN, FNP-BC
Vice Chairwoman, Flagler County School Board
Deborah Coffey says
Too bad Flagler isn’t a “charter county.” We could recall all these idiots.
gw says
Keep up the great work Pierre!
Stand up for what’s right and tell people in charge what’s what. That’s the idea behind the phrase speak truth to power, an expression for courageously confronting an authority, calling out injustices on their watch, and demand change.
Eric says
Is she wearing a mask in that picture? I have never seen such a scowl face like that.
Concerned Citizen says
When you have a mediocre position but think your powerful. Then realize you aren’t as powerful as you thought you become unhappy and miserable.
Samuel says
I hope the Gavin sue’s the School Board it will be well deserved. That School Board has been nothing but a problem for the county and it never stops. They all need to be replaced.
Richard says
If Attorney Gavin decides to take legal action against the baseless charges of Boardmember Chong for tarnishing her record, will the taxpayers be responsible for her legal fees.
It is one thing for the citizens to support the boards actions, but she obviously is over her head being on a board. Making claims she can not back up, not acceptable. Also if she doesn’t understand how to notice a meeting and the consequences when you don’t, should not be on a board representing the public.
The taxpayers deserve more, and certainly not be responsible for her actions demeaning employees.
Eileen BC says
The tax payers VOTED for her. They voted for Furry too, over an extremely qualified, professional, educated Flagler native. I still have no words
Disgusted says
Not only is this whole thing ridiculous, petty and childish, she doesn’t even use correct English in her accusatory letter – this from a School Board member!
Endless dark money says
She was backed by racist ron himself. Shouldn’t expect any different than pettiness, cruelty, and half truths. It’s the gop way.
Flagler Palm Coast resident says
So basically and indirectly, this is yet another cloaked FlaglerLive witchhunt . . . just because Attorney Gavin talked to a FlaglerLive reporter and allowed him to take a picture.
Chong’s letter reveals no concrete or professionally written specifics that can be backed up by law or statute. Her writing reminds me of something petty an elementary school kid would complain about. If you fire someone for just cause, you should at least be able to back up your claim by listing the specific law and/or Florida statute with specific numerous examples.
Then we have Will Furry running around town with his “Flagler Lies” T-Shirt.
The puppets controlling the strings behind the scenes are the usual troublemakers who’ve been outed numerous times: Jill Woolbright, Sharon Demers, Jearlyn Dennie. and all their hangers on.
Plus we also have a new pseudo news site owned and run by Attorney Mike Chiumento who’s pulling his own strings behind the scenes, and which Jill Woolbright has been pushing on various Facebook groups.
Can’t wait for Attorney Gavin to file an EEOC lawsuit.
What about Hunt? Where’s her documentation of just cause? If Hunt thinks she can resign her elected position before everything hits the fan, she is in for a huge shock. She can’t hide from any forthcoming lawsuits.
Most troubling of all is that the Flagler Schools new Superintendent, LaShakia Moore, and her executive secretary have been less than forthcoming and even stalling when faced with repeated public records requests.
Unfortunately we may get to the point in Flagler County where the State Attorney may have to be called into this situation because Sunshine Law is being blatantly flouted. We citizens of Flagler County will not back down on expecting all documentation. When any or all of us make public records requests, we expect to be given the documentation according to Sunshine Law. It’s not looking good for LaShakia Moore either.
I am not a DUMMY, WE are not dummies says
Here are the Sunbiz.org documents related to Attorney Mike Chiumento’s III new pseudo news site, which Jill Woolbright has been pushing on Facebook.
Chiumento must think the people of Flagler County are dummies. It’s very easy to find out who “owns” or runs a particular business. See the business docs below:
BUT, this company is listed as a foreign limited liability company with domicile in DELAWARE. If you know anything about filing a company domicile in DELAWARE, you will know that real company info regarding real ownership, etc. is shrouded , which is why people who are trying to hide something from public view file domicile in DELAWARE (DE).
The rot here in Flagler County runs extremely deep. This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Some investigative journalism is more than required. Who’s really behind this company? Mullins? The Fake Pastor with the criminal background, Jearlyn Dennie? Sharon Demers? Jill Woolbright? Dennis McDonald (who’s contributing to Kim Carney’s campaign for county commission)? The newly appointed member of the Flagler County Planning Board (for the second time) who is the owner of Captain’s BBQ and who is affiliated with “Let It Be Realty” and who is also contributing to Kim Carney’s campaign for county commission? OR, all the above?
The above-noted people are all working to destroy Flagler Live, and that includes the 3 dirty school board members (Furry, Chong and Hunt).
That’s the reason they wanted Attorney Gavin gone. Anyone who is normal and who has even the most benign contact with Pierre Tristam, FlaglerLive, Flagler Youth Orchestra they want destroyed.
Detail by Entity Name
Foreign Limited Liability Company
Filing Information
Document Number
FEI/EIN Number
Date Filed
Principal Address
145 CITY PL STE 301
Mailing Address
145 CITY PL STE 301
Registered Agent Name & Address CHIUMENTO, MICHAEL D, III
145 CITY PL STE 301
Authorized Person(s) Detail Name & Address
Title AP
145 CITY PL STE 301
Annual Reports
Report Year Filed Date
2024 01/23/2024
Document Images
01/23/2024 — ANNUAL REPORT View image in PDF format
05/30/2023 — Foreign Limited
Concerned Citizen says
The State Attorney’s Office should have been involved in this count long ago. I have sent my share of emails. And made phone calls. Sadly it takes more than one to arouse interest. And all we seem to want to do is cry on Flagler Live.
Tim says
This is one of the few times I agree with Pierre. Our politics are early different, but three members of the School Board need to go!
Michael Cocchiola says
I encourage every Flagler citizen, whether a parent of school-age children or not, to continue to protest against them, to question their decisions, and to demand accountability for their extremist decisions. The three amigos, all demonstrably unfit to serve on this board or any other public office, need to face constant public ire.
And I hope Kristy Gavin sues these dumbasses for every penny she’s due. It’ll cost us tax dollars, but will be well worth it.,
DMFinFlorida says
Hey Mike, should we start a “Go Fund Me” legal fund for her?? Not kidding!
Jim says
I would like Kristy Gavin to adopt me. She is going to be a very rich person when her lawsuit is settled!!!
The worst part of this is that the people who are completely responsible for this lunacy will face no repercussions for the huge settlement Ms. Gavin will receive. We taxpayers will foot the bill. At worst, the three stooges will either not run for reelection or be defeated if they do. Not much of a price to pay.
And we will have to wonder continuously what mischief is going on in secret that these “board members” will be doing from now on! We’ll probably find out at some point but it will be too late by then.
If you have a child in this school system, I really feel for you. What a circus!
Anodyne says
So, in essence, your article explains why it was exactly what the board said in the letter. You prove the letter true and give more ammunition to those who fired Ms. Gavin. I don’t mean to interrupt the rah rah of the comments – yet I must say you haven’t done any favors for Ms Gavin in this article except in the court of public opinion.
Unbelievable says
Pierre wrote the facts. So I do not understand where you are going with this. What he said was the truth of the situation! So tell me wmhat you mean she has hung us out to dry with a lawsuit!!!
Anodyne says
What I meant was, if Ms Gavin sues, she would not be helped by this article. It basically says she did allow him back and he goes on to explain why in such a way it might be construed as proving the exact bias the letter complained about as part of the reason she was fired. It’s his version of the truth – helpful to explain to everyone who already agrees with him. It doesn’t exonerate nor prove she did not do what is in the letter. As far as the actual just cause, well… I would expect Ms Gavin to know what she wants to present. I hope it will not include this article. This makes some good points about Sunshine law but is not anything she can use to exonerate herself. This is why I responded the way I did. I hope this won’t wind up harming her more in the long run.
Pierre Tristam says
Whatever she does, Gavin is not my concern in this article. The misconduct of current officials is. You misunderstand the suite incident: had Gavin refused to open that door, she would have been enabling the violation of Sunshine. The board had no business being behind closed doors. The door itself is key.
Laurel says
Pierre: Thank you for keeping up on this.
Now, my south Florida ex-commissioner husband states the board got busted for breaking the Sunshine Law. They were caught in an illegal meeting. How many times have they done this before? Shouldn’t they be investigated by the Florida Board of Ethics?
Anodyne says
Thanks for clarifying for the many many people who skimmed your article and commented this was somehow about Ms Gavin and they wanted to support her legal fund and start a GoFundMe – because this article proves nothing of that kind.
Regarding the rest of the board – get em.
Tired of it says
Your reading comprehension is lacking. You must be having a hard time findng a way to support this travesty.
Anodyne says
Oh I think I read just fine. Your assumption I support this travesty is actually proof you can’t comprehend, not the other way around.
Done with Flagler County Schools says
As a past Flagler School Employee, I had the privilege (not quite) to have met her in a school setting.
My first impression was she is very rude and nasty to my fellow co-workers and expects the employees to serve her like she was royalty.
She was very unprofessional during our interactions, and chose not to follow Schools rules, as a parent.
Sad, she left a very bitter taste in our mouths and said “How did she get on the School Board?
Flagler Live Rocks! says
I friggin’ LOVE the cover photo of this article… it sums up the article totally in just one look. I mean, it’s a brilliant photo for the article. I’d compare that look, how it sums up the stupidity in this article, to the famous Mona Lisa smile. (Only the Mona does sum up stupidity, but you get what I mean?) Whoever took that photo, or decided to use that photo for this article, kudos to you!! The combination of the two is worth an award!! Legendary!
Jack says
The Live Streaming of all School Board meeting is next on the chopping block. It was said that they do not have to and will discontinue this practice in the near future. The law says it has to be available for the public but this is covered as long as people can attend in person. Many people watch to get accurate information – many people are not going to go in person. So all of these board meeting will be passively be “unavailable”. This is a control tactic to keep the public out of the loop and reduce any opposition. I wonder what Massaro and Conklin think about this?
Another Concerned Taxpayer !!! says
Why are so many self-proclaimed Christians (fake) using the Ten Commandments as their bucket list and not obeying the commandments? Isn’t bearing false witness lying? Does Chong and her co-conspirators who were endorsed (illegally) by a local church understand this?
Brad W says
For me there are two parts to this. The first is conspiring to take away someone’s livelihood for selfish and narcissistic reasons as we see here. Someone who gave 17 years to this County and did a good job. Then to bully her and terminate her without explaining why to her and the community was wrong. It was done in my opinion not just because of potential lawsuits but also to damage her reputation.
The second part is that these an elected official deliberately tried to subvert Florida Public Record Laws (Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes) and another who actively worked to suppress access. I know because I dealt with that first hand along with Pierre and other journalists I know. Furry replied to one of my messages about records that they were consulting with the attorney prior to releasing anything. It was the one attorney for the other law firm that responded to me with the email directly and copied them and noted that more may be coming. I know that at least two journalists who had requested the same records still have not received any information.
None of this is ok, and we should not allow it. It is just flat out wrong. I can tell you that I told Furry in an email to his school email this is not done. I am not done and I hope others will speak up. Trust me this is going to another level of accountability for at least two board members and others.
peter wentworth says
I’m sure Gavin will sue – and will win, and deservedly so. – Unfortunately, we taxpayers are going to have to eat it!
Keep up the great work Pierre – None of this seems to be being reported anywhere else!
The dude says
She will sue, and after a long, costly battle will get a decent settlement with no admission of wrongdoing.
The lawyers win, the kids lose.
Not my MAGA circus, not my MAGA clowns…
Local says
Mentioning Bill Delbrugge in the article rekindles the golden years of the school system. Years of innovation, accomplishment, even international recognition. Who are these lunkheads, setting us back to the stone age of education?
And we are wondering why we are unable to attract more high value businesses. Why would someone want to relocate here and place their kids in a system whose school board leaders are clowns?
Edith Campins says
Poor Ms. Chong feels she is not treated equitably. She is intimidated by the fact that Ms. gave s more qualified , more knowledgable and more inteligent than she is. Ms. Gavin, please sue them, do it on behalf of the children of Flagler County.
Greg says
Everything in Flagler country seems to be a joke. The school board, the city counsel, and of course the county leaders. It seems like a children are in charge of everything. We are hurting for true leaders in this county.
rapscallion says
Well, you may throw your rock, hide your hand
Workin’ in the dark against your fellow man
But as sure as God made black and white
What’s down in the dark will be brought to the light
… You can run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Run on for a long time
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
Sooner or later God’ll cut you down
… Go tell that long tongue liar
Go and tell that midnight rider
Tell the rambler, the gambler, the back biter
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down
Tell ’em that God’s gonna cut you down
Very pissed, disgusted and ready to take action in Flagler County says
2 Questions:
Why is her just cause letter missing still at this point in time?
What about Furry’s just cause letter, and why still missing at this point in time?
2. I would like to join Brad West in filing complaints with the State of Florida, State Attorney for blatant disregard of the Superintendent, her assistant, Christy Chong, Will Furry and Sally Hunt for their blatant disregard of the Sunshine Law.
This is a Florida LAW people!
How do we contact Brad West to initiate a class action complaint?
Bartholomew says
I think Chong has “just cause” and “ just because I say so…”mixed up
Jack Howell says
I think that those of us who have been following this situation knew that the cause of the School Board Attorney’s termination by the School Board members would be a sham with no substance for cause. Ms. Gavin will sue the school board and win. There is no substance for cause (dereliction of duty, failure to report to work, misconduct in office, or violation of criminal law) as presented by Chong! I would like to see the three idiots (Hunt, Chong, and Furry) be forced to contribute to the monetary amount that will be awarded to Ms. Gavin by the court!
Samuel L. Bronkowitz says
I remember when flagler live interviewed her for the school board, and she conspicuously left the question about her understanding her limits of authority as a school board member blank. I also remember how she sold her being a nurse as being a noble profession, while also arguing against covid protocol because, well, she’s a nurse and not a doctor, although she certainly carries the narcissism of one.
Nancy NICHOLS says
Thank you again Pierre for your brave and factual reporting. Im sending an increased donation to FlaglerLive. From your reportings on book bannings to the childish peevish antics of Furry and Chong, my admiration for you grows every day.
PeachesMcGee says
She isn’t a very good nurse practitioner either.
Brent P D'Elia says
This continues to be massively depressing. What a mess. These used to be relatively apolitical positions. People ran to SERVE.
Until this country remembers that it’s our duty to vote for servants and not “leaders” nothing will be accomplished.
And, of course, there’s the grotesque incompetence but that’s become par for the course.