Ground Up, the muscle-car parts company moving into Commerce Boulevard, will get a 75 percent rebate on the Palm Coast portion of its property tax bill for five years, in exchange for spending the money on community-related initiatives or reinvestments in the company’s plant.
4 Months Late, Last in Nation, Florida Submits Plan to Feds on How It’ll Spend $2.3 Billion in School Covid Relief Funds
Back in March, the Biden administration announced that $122 billion dollars nationwide was available for schools from the American Rescue Plan act, with two thirds of the money immediately available to states and the remaining third contingent on the U.S. Department of Education’s approval of a state plan indicating how the funds will be used.
Sheriff Staly Elected Chairman of State Board that Sets Policing Standards Across Florida
Law enforcement accreditation by the legislatively-created state organization is both a sign of distinction among law enforcement agencies and of reassurance to the public:, while Sheriff Rick Staly’s election as its chairman “speaks very clearly about how trusted and respected Sheriff Staly is here and across the State of Florida,” in a former agency director’s words.
Big Crowds, Bigger Blasts, Biggest Hearts: Flagler Broadcasting’s Creekside Festival Raises $22,500 for Community Food Pantry
Pastor Charles Silano had no idea the Creekside Music and Arts Festival would turn out to be one of the biggest-ever fund-raisers for Grace Community Food Pantry, which he runs. Not long after the two-day festival at Princess Place Preserve was over this past weekend, Flagler Broadcasting general Manager David Ayres, who’d produced the event, called Silano and told him the goal of raising $20,000 for the pantry was met–and exceeded.
Bunnell City Manager Alvin Jackson Gets ‘Exceptional’ Reviews from His Bosses, with Some Reserve About ‘Favoritism’
The five evaluations combined add up to an average rating of 2.75 out of a possible 3, placing Alvin Jackson in the “exceptional range.” He got perfect or near-perfect scores from Commissioner Tina Marie-Schultz, Mayor Catherine Robinson and Commissioner John Rogers. He was “highly effective” in the eyes of Robert Barnes, and merely “effective” in the eyes of Tonya Gordon, his harshest grader. His merit raise recommendations range from 1 to 3 percent, averaging 2.4 percent.
We’re Losing Our Humanity: Cruelty and Hostility From School Boards to Vaccination Centers
It’s not just Flagler County, and certainly not just at the Flagler school board: The stories of cruel, seemingly irrational and sometimes-violent conflicts over coronavirus regulations across the country have become lingering symptoms of the pandemic as it drags through its second year.
DeSantis Makes Unfounded Claim About Federal Help Under Biden Compared to Trump
The governor marked the near-three-year anniversary of Hurricane Michael to indulge nostalgia for the Donald Trump presidency, when he enjoyed a close connection to the White House, and to criticize the Joe Biden presidency, which he implied is hostile to Florida.
Here, There, Everywhere: Why Self-Storage Facilities Are Booming All Over Flagler, and Will Keep Booming
Everywhere you go in Flagler County these days, there’s a business with wide-open lockers and lots of space for you to store your goods. Reasons vary, but the Palm Coast area is especially attractive to the market.
Doctor Recommends Sending Man Who Killed His Father Back to State Hospital. Defense Wants 2nd Opinion.
Dunn, 60, killed and mutilated his elderly father in Palm Coast 15 years ago. He was close to regaining his full freedom this summer when he started exhibiting strange behavior and violated his probation, landing him back in jail for the first time in eight years. A doctor is recommending that he be returned to a state psychiatric hospital.
Journalism Wins
It is revealing that in a year that drew 329 candidates for the peace prize, including organizations fighting climate change or covid 19, the committee opted for journalists. It’s a happy surprise for us reporters. It’s also, finally, a necessary one.
Despite Delays and Nervousness on County’s Part, Motel on Old Dixie Is Moving Toward Renovations
Flagler County officials have required of the new owners of the old Country Hearth Inn on Old Dixie Highway to pay a $250,000 cash bond and reassure the county that the renovation project of a property that has long vexed officials and residents is still on track, after missing a key August deadline.
Ruth Rupprecht, Owner of Animal Rescue Operation with Checkered History, Faces 17 Animal Cruelty and Drug Charges
Ruth Rupprecht, accused of using her animal rescue operation as a front for selling drugs, has run the organization known as Saffari since 2012, and surrendered numerous animals to the Humane Society in 2016. A search of her property in September revealed deplorable conditions–and drugs–and she surrendered 46 animals before being charged.
What a Difference an R-Section Makes: New, Limited School Rezoning Proposal Draws Near-Empty Hall
In contrast with two previous “listening sessions” on school rezoning, which drew dozens and reflected sharp if concentrated opposition to the proposal at the time, the session the Flagler school district held at Indian Trails Middle School’s cafeteria Wednesday evening drew at most five people, not counting double that number in district staffers, including Superintendent Cathy Mittelstadt.
Judge Hears Private Business’ Challenge to DeSantis Ban on Covid Passports
Circuit Judge Layne Smith is considering the case two months after a federal judge in South Florida sided with Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings in a challenge to the law, which seeks to prevent businesses from requiring customers to show proof of vaccination against covid and threatens fines for violations.
Ed Danko Is Cautioned of Being Removed from Dais for Violating Council’s Rules in Repeated Outbursts
Ed Danko, a Palm Coast City Council member for less than a year, was admonished and cautioned about being removed from the dais after repeated angry outbursts interrupting a public speaker at the beginning Tuesday’s council meeting. Never in the 21-year history of the Palm Coast City Council had a council member come close to eliciting so much as the suggestion of being asked to leave the dais.
James Egan Jr., 64, a Flagler School Bus Driver, Is Killed in Motorcycle Wreck on Belle Terre and Ponce de Leon
James Egan Jr., a 64-year-old Palm Coast resident and school bus driver with the Flagler County school district since 2016, was killed in a motorcycle crash at Belle Terre Parkway and Ponce De Leon Drive Tuesday evening.
Flagler Beach Golf Club’s Terry McManus Is Sentenced to 4 Years in Prison on DUI, After Snubbing 2-Year Deal Hours Earlier
Terry McManus, who owns the company running the Ocean Palms Golf Club for Flagler Beach government, had snubbed a plea offer of two years in prison, setting two separate cases. He got sentenced to four years in prison in one case, and now still has to deal with another case where he may yet get more prison time.
Michael McIntyre, 35, Is Latest Flagler Resident Indicted for Murder in Overdose Death of a Client–Chelsea Price, 33
Chelsea Price of Palm Coast died of a fentanyl overdose on Aug. 11, 2020. Michael G. McIntyre, who has a history of drug trafficking, allegedly sold or gave Price the fentanyl that killed her. He was in jail on a charge of selling meth when he was served the grand jury’s indictment for murder, a capital felony.
‘Marinas Are Dead for Now!’ County Rejects Proposal That Would Have Facilitated Huge Boat-Storage Facility in Scenic A1A
The Flagler County Commission today voted 3-1 to reject adoption of a controversial land-use amendment that would have allowed marinas in such areas as Scenic A1A, in essence further clearing the way for a controversial 240-boat storage facility next to Hammock Hardware. The vote was the latest victory for the Hammock Community Association, which has been opposing the already litigated facility.
Flagler Commission Appoints Heidi Petito Permanent County Administrator, if Less Aptly Than 1 Commissioner Wished
Commissioner Andy Dance wasn’t opposed to Heidi Petito’s appointment, which was not a surprise, but to the haphazard manner in which Commissioner Greg Hansen brought it up, at the end of the meeting, when the matter was not on the agenda. It was yet another reflection of a commission inclined to bypass process for improvisation.
With 99.05% of Dunes Project Shoreline Secured, Flagler Extends Hold Harmless Branch in Bid to Secure Last 3 Easements
With $25 million still sitting idle, awaiting a go-ahead to rebuild 2.6 miles of dunes in Flagler Beach, Flagler County government is down to securing signatures for easements from just two hold-outs after two years of efforts. The county is hoping it will keep its 104-year streak going of never having to invoke eminent domain proceedings against a county property owner.
“Don’t Texas My Florida!” Protesters Mobilize for Women and LGBT Rights Across U.S.
The marches and rallies were scheduled in cities and communities across Florida and states elsewhere on Saturday, part of a “Day of Action” nationwide as tensions rise over the threat to the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.
Court Will Consider Returning Richard Dunn, Father’s Killer, to Psychiatric Hospital After Alarming Behavior
Richard Dunn, the now-60-year-old man who stabbed his father to death in Palm Coast in 2006 and spent years in a psychiatric hospital, may be re-committed there just as he was approaching regaining his full freedom. A psychologist retained by Flagler County Circuit Court is recommending that he be re-committed involuntarily for further treatment.
Brooke Lorenzen, 19, Charged With DUI Manslaughter in Death of Mario Bizier, 56; She’d Been ‘Distracted By Her Phone’
Brooke Anna Lorenzen, 19, of Palm Coast, faces charges of DUI manslaughter and DUI with property damage in the 2020 crash that killed Mario Joseph Bizier, 56, on I-95. Lorenzen, who was to turn herself in at the jail today–and who had won a scholarship to an SEC university–told an investigator she had been distracted by her phone, and her blood-alcohol level registered 0.111.
Why is the Flagler County Commission Holding New School Construction Hostage?
Pandering to home builders, the Flagler County Commission is rashly scuttling the school district’s plan to double impact fees on new construction for the first time since 2005, even though the county is doubling its own impact fees. It’s an unjustified and hypocritical assault on district planning and future student needs.
Flagler Commission Expected to Approve Marinas in Scenic Hammock, Clearing Way for Warehouse-Like Boat Storage
The Flagler County Commission is preparing to approve an amendment to a land-use ordinance that would allow marinas in the Scenic A1A district, opening the way for a 240-boat storage facility that court decisions and the Hammock Community Association have blocked for over two years.
State School Board Will Meet to Police 11 School Districts’ Compliance with Ban on Mask Mandate
The board will meet Oct. 7 and focus on the school districts in Alachua, Brevard, Broward, Duval, Hillsborough, Indian River, Leon, Miami-Dade, Orange, Palm Beach and Sarasota counties, according to a notice published Wednesday in the Florida Administrative Register.
Jury Rapidly Finds Josh Carver Guilty in Hit-and-Run Death of Jonathan Rogers; He Faces up to 30 Years in Prison
Joshua Carver, 36, who claimed not to have known that he’d struck Johnathan Rogers, 29, as Rogers walked on State Road 100 in February 2020, was found guilty of the first-degree felony in less than 30 minutes by a jury Wednesday, ending a three-day trial.
In Flagler Beach, Cop Pulls Gun on Once and Future Commissioner Who’d Called in Assault Claim
Wayne L. Herboldt, a 66-year-old resident of Flagler Beach, was arrested on a charge of aggravated assault after a confrontation with his neighbor, Doug “Bruno” O’Connor, the former Beverly Beach city commissioner who has spoken of his intentions to run for Flagler Beach City Commission.
Panel’s Latest Ideas: Make Visitors Pay for July 4 in Flagler Beach–and Make Businesses Pay for Fireworks
Members of the committee responsible for recommending whether to keep July 4 fireworks in Flagler Beach or scrap them reflect a broad complexity of opinions in town, for and against fireworks, but more data is emerging about the heavy cost the city is paying–in dollars, safety and quality of life.
Prosecution Draws ‘Unspeakable’ Motives Behind Hit-and-Run That Left a Man Dead and Another Facing 30 Years in Prison
Joshua Carver, 36, faces up to 30 years in prison if found guilty of the hit-and-run collision that killed Jonathan R. Rogers as he walked on State Road 100 a year and a half ago. The case the prosecution built today–and isn’t finished building–left little room for doubt that Carver knew he’d been in a grave collision that required him at least to pull over and call authorities, which he never did.
Makenna’s Story: 9-Year-Old Palm Coast Student’s Covid Hospitalization Upends Glib Assumptions
Makenna’s story illustrates the pernicious tenacity of a disease that upends, separates and traumatizes families, cuts off income, creates unspeakable loneliness even for those not hospitalized, and leaves its casualties fuming at a community’s refusal to embrace–beyond thoughts and prayers–the small, effortless measures that could prevent much of the harm to most.
New Laws: Florida’s Minimum Wage Goes to $10 an Hour, Vaping Minimum Age Rises to 21, DNA Regulations
Minimum wage workers in Florida will get a voter-approved pay boost this week as the state’s wage makes its way to the $15 minimum by 2026, and about two-dozen new laws kick in, including a regulatory framework for electronic cigarettes and DNA sample privacy.
County Goes Over Redistricting Boundaries in ‘Numbers Game’ That Will Barely Affect Voters, Maps or the Elected
The process is formal and obviously important as a reflection of fairness in elections and representation. But at the local level, it is far less consequential than at the state and federal level, especially in counties like Flagler, where school board and county commissioners serve at-large–meaning they are elected by voters across the county, not just by voters in their districts.
Richard Dunn, Who Killed His Father in 2006, Back in Jail as ‘Bizarre’ Behavior Raises Concerns of More Violence
Richard Dunn, 60, was found not guilty by reason of insanity following the 2006 killing of his 87-year-old father, the famed Dr. Jack Dunn, in Palm Coast. Dunn had been inching his way back to full freedom without court supervision–until a series of weird and at times disturbing behavior in the last few months, including a probation violation, put a pause on all possibilities of full freedom.
How Some Schools Use Weekly Testing to Keep Kids in Class And Covid Out
These measures stand in sharp contrast to the confusion in states, including Florida, where people are still fighting about wearing masks in the classroom and other anti-covid strategies, places where some schools have experienced outbreaks and even teacher deaths.
Joshua Carver Goes on Trial on 1st Degree Felony Hit-and-Run Charge in Death of Jonathan Rogers on SR100
Jonathan Raymond Rogers was less than two weeks shy of his 30th birthday when he was killed as he walked on SR100, when Joshua Charles Carver’s van swerved and struck him. Carver kept going, claiming he though he’d just hit debris from a truck ahead.
Ground Up, a Muscle Car Parts Company, Moves Into Ex-Palm Coast Data Building With 30 to 40 Jobs
Ground Up SS396, a Connecticut-based e-commerce company that sells parts for muscle cars like Chevelles, Camaros and El Caminos, is shifting its warehouse, call center and offices into the 70,000 square-foot building on Commerce Parkway formerly owned by Palm Coast Data, and used as Palm Coast’s City Hall before that. The company will be closing its Connecticut operation.
Florida Department of Health Argues for Suppressing Covid Data in Public Records Lawsuit
The Florida Department of Health is trying to scuttle a public-records lawsuit seeking information about Covid-19, arguing that requested reports don’t exist and that the underlying data is confidential.
Committee Week in Florida’s Capitol: Welcome to the Festival of Ignorance
Legislators came to town for the autumn ritual of political harlotry they call “committee week.” Tallahassee’s collective IQ dropped by a good 60 points. That’s bad, but what they propose doing to Florida is worse. Diane Roberts reports.
Charlie Crist Denounces New Covid School Policy and Seeks Ouster of New Surgeon General
Democrat Charlie Crist denounced Gov. Ron DeSantis on Thursday as an “oppressive tyrant” willing to send coronavirus-infected children into the public schools and risk the health of other children to please his covid-skeptical political base.
‘We’re Running Out of People’: Flagler’s Covid Case Load Drops Sharply, But Vaccinations Also Plummet
Flagler County recorded just over 200 covid cases in the week ending today, the lowest total since early summer, but vaccinations have plummeted to a new low since after the initial rollouts. While school cases have also dropped, the Flagler school district is struggling through significant teacher and other staffing shortages.
Palm Coast’s Brittany Myers, a NICU Nurse, Arrested for Aggravated Child Abuse; 4 Children Describe Chronic Beatings
Brittany Myers, a 38-year-old mother of five and a nurse at an AdventHealth newborn intensive care unit, was arrested on a charge of aggravated child abuse after her 16-year-old daughter took video of her mother brutalizing her 14-year-old brother on Tuesday evening at their P-Section home in Palm Coast.
Alachua School Board Gets $150,000 Federal Grant to Cover Salaries DeSantis Cut Over Mask Fight
State Education Commissioner Richard Corcoran announced Aug. 30 that the Florida Department of Education had started to withhold funds from the Alachua and Broward County school districts in amounts equal to the monthly salaries of school board members who voted for student mask requirements.
The Story Behind the Pipe Failure on Royal Palms Pkwy: What Went Wrong, How It’ll be Fixed, What to Expect
The pipe failure beneath Royal Palms Parkway that closed the busy east-west road on Sept. 16 and will keep it closed until near mid-October is an example of Palm Coast’s aging infrastructure, which sometimes outruns the city’s ongoing $75 million plan to reinforce, repair or replace it.
Stop Yelling. Have a Point: Advice for School Board Meeting Disrupters from Someone Who’s Been There.
In the wake of two turbulent school board meetings, Randall Bertrand was left wondering what all the sound and fury was about since many speakers’ loud and disruptive message was already made moot by school board votes or state policy.
Evidence Shows That, Yes, Masks Prevent Covid, and Surgical Masks Are the Way To Go
The largest randomized controlled trial to date testing the effectiveness of mask-wearing provides gold-standard evidence that confirms previous research: Wearing masks, particularly surgical masks, prevents covid-19.
After Parents Object to ‘Equity’ and Race-Driven Balance, Rezoning Plan Now Limits Impact to Palm Coast’s R-Section
After facing a relatively small but angry group of parents who accused the district of wanting to balance school populations in part based on racial and socio-economic equity, the Flagler County school administration on Tuesday announced it was drastically scaling back what would have been a county-wide rezoning plan set for next year. The district is opting instead for rezoning that will affect only the two middle schools, the two high schools and the entirety of Palm Coast’s R-Section and parts of west Flagler, but none other.
Quarantining for Asymptomatic Students Is Now Optional as Florida Issues New Rules Further Limiting Safety Measures
Pointing to a need to “minimize the amount of time students are removed from in-person learning,” the Florida Department of Health on Wednesday issued a revised rule that gives parents more authority to decide whether children go to school after being exposed to people who have covid-19. The new rule replicates the same standard in effect for masking: it’s permissible, but only at parents’ discretion.
Anti-Maskers Turn Another Flagler School Board Meeting Into Virulent, at Times Bigoted and Threatening Spectacle
Even though there was no chance of a mask mandate, the Flagler County School Board meeting Tuesday evening again devolved into an ugly spectacle of anti-mask militancy that at times turned threatening, homophobic, Islamophobic and covid-denying, and required the meeting again to be briefly recessed and board members sent to a safe room.