Last Updated: 11:46 a.m.
Early this morning, Jamey Jahiem Bennett, 19, a former student at Flagler Palm Coast High School, was shot and killed in the area of StorQuest Express, the self-storage facility off Old Kings Road North, just past Palm Harbor Parkway.
Flagler County Sheriff Rick Staly confirmed the fatal shooting and spoke at length about the incident in an interview this morning. “While we do have a killer on the loose, it’s not like there’s a killer running around that’s threatening every resident,” he said. “We’re going to solve these cases. It takes time. But we’ll get there.”
The shooting death is the third in the last five weeks in Palm Coast and Bunnell. “So far in our investigation this incident is not connected to any prior incident,” Staly said. “Again it’s still early in the investigation, but there’s no indication to that. We have not noticed any social media chatter that indicates that there’s any retaliation for this incident or connections to the prior incidents that we’re investigating.”
He said the shooting took place during a birthday bonfire at a location known as a mudhole in a secluded wooded area north of Matanzas high school that had not been the subject of prior law enforcement responses. Some 40 to 50 people had responded to a social media invitation.
The sheriff said there were indications of a motive for the shooting, but due to the stage of the investigation, he was not releasing that and other elements of the case for now.
The shooting reportedly followed an assault against a woman that Bennett may have been trying to defend. Most of the people there fled after the shooting, but authorities have several witnesses, and license plate readers were in place to capture the plates of fleeing vehicles, which went south. Those present included numerous juveniles and students from Matanzas High School.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office is investigating, and issued a release around 11:30 a.m., though word of the shooting had spread on social media even before it was reported here earlier this morning.
“About 1:45 a.m. this morning deputies responded to a reported shooting in a wooded area just north of Matanzas High school,” Staly said. “Deputies arrived on scene and immediately used their trauma kit to attempt to stop the bleeding of the victim while Flagler County Fire Rescue and the Palm Coast Fire Department responded. The victim was transported to AdventHealth where he died as a result of a gunshot wound. On behalf of the men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, we extend our deepest prayers and sympathies to the victim’s parents, and assure them we are doing everything in our power to identify and locate the individual responsible for this tragedy.”
The investigation will be heavily reliant on witnesses at the scene. “We are asking parents to talk to their children,” Staly said. “If they were at this party in the woods, they’re not in trouble but we need their information and we need any video that they may have recorded before the party and after the shooting occurred that they may have recorded on their cell phone.” The sheriff is asking parents and those at the party to contact authorities at the numbers listed below, with information.
Authorities’ attempts to get the help of emergency helicopters from either St. Johns or Volusia counties were not successful. Flagler County’s emergency helicopter does not fly after 8 p.m. Old Kings Road North was closed for several hours after the shooting. The Sheriff’s Office brought its mobile command center near the scene, where it was able to conduct interviews.
Bennett, who was known as JuJu, was taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast, where he died. He had moved to Palm Coast when he was a junior in high school. He was a student-athlete at FPC, running track. He was expelled from campus following his arrest in 2021.
Bennett, a resident of Selkirk Place, was one of three people arrested a year ago after firing dozens of shots at a house on Kalamazoo Trail, possibly in retaliation for Bennett getting attacked at Wadsworth park the day before. Bennett was due in court for a pre-trial hearing Wednesday. The sheriff said it was his understanding he had resumed his education through virtual school.
Bennett’s killing is the second homicide of the year, and the third in a matter of five weeks, all resulting in the death of young Black men. Just three weeks ago, FPC Student Noah Smith, 16, was shot and killed as he appeared to have been caught in a shootout in Bunnell. On Dec. 29, Zaire Roberts, 23, was shot and killed at a house on Regent Lane.
“I’m 100 percent confident that we are going to solve this incident and the prior two, one that occurred late in 2021, and the one we took over for the Bunnell police department,” Staly said. “It just takes an inordinate amount of time. You wait for lab reports, technology reports and subpoenas to get answered by private companies. Unfortunately it’s not like CSI that you watch on TV. These things take just a long time. We generally identify our main persons of interest very quickly, but then it takes time to build the solid case that’s prosecutable by the state attorney, and we’re not going to rush these, because we want to build a solid case so someone can be held accountable and bring justice for the victim’s family. I know that the community would like them solved in 24 or 48 hours or less. Frankly we would do, but building a solid case is more important than making a quick arrest.”
If you have any information about this incident, please contact the FCSO by calling 386-313-4911, e-mail [email protected] or call Crime Stoppers at 1-888-277-TIPS. A reward of up to $5,000 that leads to an arrest has been offered by CrimeStoppers of Northeast Florida.

His aunti says
You promised I never had to put rip in front of ur name juju was the glue to everyone he was hoy he was just in the wrong place wrong time at times but he was a good person I miss my nephew if ur reading this and u took his life u don’t know what u took and I hope and pray ur caught and spend ur life behind bars
Jennyds says
My ❤️ breaks for your family. May God bring you healing and justice. People hug your kids a little tighter tonight and please teach them to value and respect life. Praying for your family
anthony says
i known ju since the beginning of the virginia days i wish i could have my brother back
Sabrina says
They really don’t and it’s Sick! I’m so sorry for your entire family’s loss. I’ve known Jamey for years and he was always so sweet. And it really hurts that he’s gone i’m still in disbelief and wanting to figure out how to deal with it. Please send all my love to his grandmother.
Trailer Bob says
Sorry for you loss Aunti.
A.j says
Young Black Men dying. It really bothers me. The question is why? I know there is something we older men can do to help uir young men regardless of their color.It really hurt me.
Red Pill says
And white men and woman are overdosing on drugs in this town as well. Why???
BMW says
Isn’t that #3 in two month span?
Cynthia Smith says
When will it stop we need answers 🙏🏽🙏🏽😪
captainsmith says
This place is turning into a hot mess.
Mkk says
He had the brightest smile and was just a great and amazing person to be with. I miss him so much already, I know he made it into heaven. Dis is so wack. We all love you juju. LLJ
Concerned Citizen says
I am sorry that another young man has lost his life.
There seems to be so much anger and hate out there these days. And I am at a loss on how to fix it. Simple arguments turn into deadly confrontations in seconds. And one life is taken with others changed for ever.
Folks life is precious. And sometimes short. Non of us are ever guarenteed another second on this earth. If you have a disagreement with someone step back for a minute. And cool off some. It won’t make you any less of a man or woman to do so. Once you draw a weapon and shoot you can never take those actions back. And what is a little damage to ego and pride? Compared to a life time of pain and suffering..
Debra says
AMEN. You are so right. No one wants the other to get the best of them. So they shoot and kill and think they won. But in reality, they are going to jail to have someone else, beat up on them in prison. WAKE UP YOUNG MEN. YOU ARE TAKING THINGS TOO SERIOUS.. WE ALL ONLY HAVE ONE LIFE TO LIVE. PUT GOD IN YOUR LIFE AND THINGS WILL BE MUCH BETTER FOR YOU.
Tim says
It is a game to them! It seems since he was due in court for a shooting, he was heavily into the game.
Sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug.
I am trying to have sympathy for this kid, but it just isn’t happening.
Alyssa says
Your ignorance is showing. There’s was no “game” for him to be “heavily” into. He was at a bonfire and lost his life defending a girl. A past mistake does not define who he is as a person and sure doesn’t justify his death.
A.j says
Well said.
Steve says
Its the Wild West in Flagler. Another needless death. May He RIP. May those responsible pay for their crime. Its turned out to be a dangerous place for young people FPC has.
Lou says
Palm coast turning into Chicago! Big mistake to move here and retire.
Richard says
Seriously? There is more shootings in Chicago in an hour than Flagler has in a year. Save your non sense please
Shark says
Chicago has 7.9 million people while Palm Coast has around 90 thousand.
Richard says
Do the math..Palm coast is still better off.. actually let me do the math for you. Chicago is actually home to 2.75million people. Palm Coast is home to 96,000 people. Chicago routinely has weekends in excess of 100 shootings. I don’t recall 4 people (the corresponding math) routinely getting shot in a weekend in Palm Coast.
Michael Ordakowski says
no its not… 3 murdes in 2 months… is not like chicago.
Mike says
Red Pill says
Why not the Appalachian mountains with all the drug overdoses in this town of white women and men???
The Geode says
“While we do have a killer on the loose, it’s not like there’s a killer running around that’s threatening every resident,”
Blah-blah-blah… That’s the SAME thing they said about Robert Stubbs, Charles McClendon, and Noah Smith. They gonna interview the suspects, ask a bunch of questions, let them go (unless someone confesses), and hope everybody forgets these people got murdered in the first place.
Again, blah-blah-blah…
Anon says
The killers of Deion Jenkins and Curtis Gray were caught, as was the guy who shot Phil Haire.
Anon says
The Geode says
Doesn’t change what I said one iota. Besides, I don’t remember mentioning any of the people you are talking about…
Reni says
It’s so sick how true this is . Honestly the kids in this city have given it a bad name . Palm coast was never like this until the new generation discovered guns smh .
The Unvarnished Truth says
Guns were here LONG before this “new generation” got here. How come nobody mentions the lack of parental guidance or the breeding of children for entitlements and little else. How come nobody mentions the scores of children left to figure out life on their own as they use “street cred” as their compass and model their behavior according to the angry, frustrated, materialistic, and hedonistic people that raised them? How come NOBODY wants to dig deeper into the real issues and rather look at the micro instead of the macro?
The people that outnumber us X5 has 90% of ALL GUNS yet don’t have this problem…
Nah, guns are a tool like every other tool. It does nothing until someone uses it. Whether it is used properly or not depends on the intent (and mentality) of the user. Besides, you can’t “discover” something that was invented 700 years ago
tulip says
Very sad indeed what this world has become and a lot of it due to guns. I read that our med flight was not available as it is not is use after 8 pm. Perhaps the victim might have survived had Flagler county had a reliable and useful medflight service. We pay out a lot of money for things, but the commissioners don’t seem to care about a 24 hour flight service. I guess after 8 pm until who knows what time, people die because of it. Sickening and scary.
LetsBeReal says
Not due to guns. There will always be guns no matter how many times Democrats blame it on guns. You can place a gun on a shelf and it will never fire a single a bullet. It is the person firing the gun NOT the gun. How many times does this have to be repeated!
T says
If nra stop giving money rnc then they would care bout guns its not democrats if they wanted to take guns why haven’t they in all the years but yet they say that democrats trying to take them for your anger so lets be real
LetsBeReal says
Democrats have spent years denying they’ll take people’s guns. Not anymore. https://www.cnn.com/2019/09/12/politics/beto-orourke-guns-democratic-debate/index.html
For real T
2019: ““Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47. We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore,” said O’Rourke, a former congressman from El Paso, Texas, who has re-created his presidential campaign around the issue of gun control after a mass shooting last month in his hometown.
O’Rourke is one of three Democrats, along with Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Cory Booker of New Jersey to support mandatory buybacks for certain guns. Other Democrats would make them illegal but not require them to be bought back by the government. That was O’Rourke’s position, too, until the shooting in El Paso.”
Skibum says
This old, rehashed argument saying it’s not guns that are the problem is so much nonsense, and very illogical as well. Okay, it’s not nuclear weapons that are dangerous, it’s just the ones who are capable of deploying them, so let’s get rid of them and let every rogue nation have nuclear warheads.
BAM! There goes your illogical argument. As long as there are radical, delusional, homicidal “leaders” and countries in the world who have the capability and desire to commit atrocities against others, we must control and limit who have these weapons. Same thing SHOULD be true for guns in this wild west nation of ours, with many times more guns in the hands of people than we have people to possess them. If the ridiculous NRA mantra was accurate, that all the U.S. needs to control crime and stop the bad guys are MORE GUNS, then we should be the safest country in the world. Sadly, not only is that not the case, but the NRA has blood on its hands and is in part culpable for much of the increase in violent crime in our cities. The large cities can attempt to curb crime by enacting local gun control measures all they like, but will NEVER make a dent in the inner-city crime problem as long as guns are readily available to be bought on the streets and/or brought in from surrounding rural areas and states adjacent to large cities. Republican politicians love to point to the crime problems in large cities and at the same time bury their heads in the sand when confronted with the reality that the guns keep coming into these cities from surrounding communities and states that have no controls whatsoever, yet these politicians KNOW that and still try to put the blame on the cities, all well knowing THEY are contributing to the crime problem and sitting back in their high-backed leather chairs laughing about the loss of life. TOO MANY GUNS IN OUR SOCIETY DEFINITELY IS THE PROBLEM!!! And I know this because my entire career was in law enforcement.
LetsBeReal says
I agree there are too many guns in our society. You think by removing guns it will stop the killings? NO, you aren’t going to stop it because anybody can get a gun. Hence criminals will have guns and IT IS THAT PERSON FIRING THE GUN NOT THE GUN. You have laws on the books now that are not enforced and you have District Attorneys who are soft on crime.
Concerned Citizen says
Please remember this next election cycle.
We need to light up those phones. And get Fire Flight back on 24 hour service. Removing it for “budget reasons” was one of the worst choices our BOCC ever made.
Jennyds says
So sad another young life wasted by a foolish and senseless act. When will these young kids learn how precious and valuable life is. Nothing is worth taking another life from someone. Parents/teachers/friends teach these kids; our future generation that its ok to walk away.
John Smith says
This reminds me of something I read about recently regarding crime in DC.
“A lot of these just petty arguments – just not being able to process anger – is leading to a lot of the homicides that we’ve been seeing,” D.C. Witness Editor-in-Chief Trina Antoine told Fox News.
She said most homicides in Washington were between “people who know each other” getting into a confrontation that they “didn’t think they could get beyond without a gun.”
It’s a black problem and people and politicians are afraid to call it for what it is. The reasons are multivariate and cannot be blamed on the simpleminded reason of racism. James McWhorter, an African American professor at Columbia, wrote a book discussing how several long standing issues are at play. The following is a synopsis summary of “Woke Racism.”
Red Pill says
Your comment is absolutely ridiculous. I like how you get to blame every black person for a random killing, likes there’s some sort of black alarm that goes off in every black person alive. If your going to play that game, you have the responsibility in your own backyard to fix the continuous havoc white men have wreaked on every nationality and people across this planet.
Whatever negativity black people have learned they learned from you and your forefathers. Take care of your white supremacist’s terrorist, school shooters and serial killers and we’ll continue to keep pressing forward to break the years of worthlessness and derogation your forefathers worked so hard to instill in our family units they had no problem breaking up and destabilizing. Such an ignorant deflective comment. Don’t procreate.
!!! says
They’re kinda right though, a lot of black on black crime happens and it is a problem that should be resolved within the black community, and it is sad. But, I don’t think this has any thing to do with the young mans race but the fact that what had happened that night was very senseless and could’ve been resolved, and i know for a fact that it was black on black crime cause the shooters were black boys, i went to school with them.
Alonzo says
Sound like something I would say. You are right.
Hmmm says
Keep trying to cram as many people as possible in this county with all these new homes and apartments being built, but rely on other counties for a medevac helicopter after 8pm. Heard it how many times now. Blowing money on garbage but cant afford to pay a salary for night time emergencies? That will change when one of these high ranking officials loved ones die because volusia or st johns couldnt dispatch a helicopter to flagler.
Who knew says
What a great guy that shot up a house with a pregnant woman last year. Upstanding citizen.
Jimmy says
Right. Fight at the park, allegedly shot up a house, expelled from school. All these “he was a role model” and systemic racism posts are laughable. Same with gun and population BS. Bad people run in bad crowds where bad things happen. Simple.
TV Trey says
It don’t matter JuJu was involved in shooting up a house on Kalamazoo. He a role model to many. He a victims of this senseless gun violence perpetrated by systemic racial injustice violence. Peace RIP
Red Pill says
If you truly are a friend of that young man, judging from your comment I highly doubt it, you really should think about moving from the “TV TREY” to the mirror while typing out your comments, that way you have to look yourself in they eye as you reflect on that Novocain nipple your suckling on for comfort that somehow you think your better than someone because of the melanin in their skin. It’s probably better you don’t allow the injustices to black people to occupy where a brain should be, maybe just worry about why you have every opportunity available belonging to the majority in control and you still are at the bottom. LOL!
Kathryn says
This is a full-on racist comment. I’m not sure if you’ve deluded yourself into thinking this isn’t racist or you’re not a racist person, but if you can honestly pull your head out of your intestines long enough to step back and read anything you just wrote, you’re racist. Log off Facebook and think about what it is that makes you speak like this about black people. Florida’s finest as usual on full display.
nomorepitbulls says
Did Systemic Racial Injustice Violence make JuJu shoot up someone’s house? NOPE.
Quit making excuses. He was living the “wanna be gangster” life and it caught up to him.
Bill D says
He participated if not led a shoot up on a residence without care for who may of been inside and you say HE’S A ROLE MODEL,
and people wonder why YOUNG BLACK MEN ARE DYING.
The dude says
The answer to this senseless violence is more guns… and corporate tax cuts… clearly.
Shark says
Looks like Staly will have to hire ten more deputies !!!!!!!
Shark says
And now Death-santis wants to allow everyone to open carry guns and no more background checks or permits !!!!
GetReal says
Are you serious? You are blaming the Governor for this? How about people don’t shoot people just because they are mad? How about learn to control your anger? How about we all value human life and wouldn’t shoot someone over something so trivial? Its amazing to me how people point fingers all the time.
Krystie L says
Yeah, because criminals get background checks before they carry a gun they bought on the street.
John says
Do not blame it on Flagler County, medical flights, or guns. The sole blame belongs to the individual that decided to kill that day, no other people or things are responsible!
Trailer Bob says
It is not the “guns” fault any more than it is alcohols fault for drunk drivers.
Humans make these bad decisions.
So tragic that this young man lost his life…his future.
And if those who are creating children do not feel they can teach then right from wrong at an early age, be involved, please use birth control.
Rest in Peace young man…
mark101 says
Seems to be the “thing to do these days” for the young crowd.. Get a gun and solve the problem. Think last act first. It’s not just here in Flager County, it’s all over the US.
Sherry says
She said sarcastically: Hell NO, we don’t need NO GUN safety laws! Hell NO, we don’t need the enforcement of the paltry gun regulations we have on the books! Let’s just continue to line the pockets of the NRA and gun manufacturers. . . AND those corrupt politicians that they pay off. Forget the “chicken in every pot”, forget “law and order”. . . let’s have a gun in every hand so we can “eliminate” all those we don’t agree with!
What else can you expect from a deranged society that is hell bent on believing that being armed to the teeth is the way to safety and peace.
MikeM says
It is a ptetty safe bet that the shooter was illegally in possession of a gun. When you take guns away from law abiding citizens, how do we protect ourselves from the scumbags that don’t give a damn about gun laws?
Mark says
We have gun laws, we have drinking laws, we have all kinds of laws and criminals don’t follow them. We also have a justice system that just slaps on the wrist all the time. These shootings are not a gun problem nor are they a race problem. They are a people problem. There aren’t any single silver bullets that will solve these problems, if they can ever be solved.
Anonymous says
Flagler county isn’t doing anything right at all. All these people dying in Rick Staley city but he’s not doing anything. and y’all don’t have not one name for any of the shooting !? And I pretty much know who did all three of them. Streets talk… y’all just not investigating right. Do better Flagler county. DO BETTER.
TR says
First Rick Stayle’s police department doesn’t work a city, they work a county. Second, if you know who did the three shootings (like you say you do) then you need to speak up or shut up. You’re part of the problem if you don’t say anything, and don’t blame the police department for not catching the person or people who did the shooting.
Damien says
@Anonymous… Why not contribute the information you profess to know to law enforcement? Mr. Staly does not maintain cameras in random plots of woodlands, so if you know something? Speak up!
Anonymous says
You’re just as guilty if you know who’s doing it and not reporting it. Ijs. Smh
tim says
comical you say what you say but yet stay silent. complain about someone not doing right thing but yet you do nothing
Flagler First says
Well if you know who did them and you don’t come forward YOU are the problem!!!!!
MikeM says
So why aren’t you letting the cops know what you know ?
Auntie says
If u know who killed my nephew speak up
The Geode says
Funny how you ask everyone else to DO BETTER while you do nothing at all. You claim that you have information, yet want someone else to waste time caring about something that YOU don’t care about. I am tired of us asking everybody to give more of a damn than WE do about something that affects US. We sit around conjuring up and pointing fingers at everybody else to avoid the blame for the plights that affect us. I don’t see other races and cultures complaining about the things that affect us almost exclusively so it stands to reason they don’t really care other than the usual platitudes as they retreat back to the suburbs and gated communities and PRAY none of us moves into their neighborhood.
We are also the only community that respects, protects, and deifies our criminals. We can know when someone has done something egregious and heinous and won’t say shit …until it happens to YOU
nomorepitbulls says
I think that the glamorization of “thug life” and “gangster rap” has contributed to this. Its as simple as that.
Red Pill says
So what contributes to mass shooters, school shooters and White extremist???
Timothy Patrick Welch says
I agree,
Also this seems like an act of vigilantism.
Who knew says
He wasn’t a saint. From being involved in a house shooting last year, to jumping a kid out at the same spot 1-2 weeks ago. Sorry to his family for him getting shot but he wasn’t a saint. What goes around comes around.
Alexander says
$5000.00 reward won’t bring any witnesses to come forward and sure there are plenty of them out there. It seems the young adults in Flagler County have nothing better to do with their lives and future put just go around shoting and killing each other. So, what did they accomplished ZERO, NOTHING, just a foot in the grave GONEO. Guess they aren’t interested in a career or a scholarship to a college and maybe make something of their lives. Very sad and nothing but a dead end for all of them.
Flatsflyer says
Nobody has ever accused DeSantis of being a brain surgeon, more appropriate to call him what he actually is, a brain dead idiot without morals or a conscious reacting to campaign bribes and payoffs. Came into office broke and now has personal network of $5 million. Doesn’t take a lot of smarts to see how he did, following the Trump plan.
down south says
I guess you believe that this is the fault of the governor- how so? where BLM in all these shootings is– counting their $ money. do they not care about black on black teens killing each other or just waiting on a white cop to shoot an armed black so they can protest and collect more $. BLM is a shakedown org that only cares how to line their own pockets and defund the police and kill the nuclear family
Whiteguy says
He really is not a good person he shoots at Women that are pregnant he should be ashamed of himself he needed a drit nap
Sabrina says
Puhlease! Knowing him from kids I can tell you now, REGARDLESS of his wrong doing, he did not deserve to lose him life. NOBODY DOES. Now you can sit down and stfu.
His aunty says
Even tho Jamey did some bad things
He felt bad everyday
He didn’t know what the plan was when he got in that car that night
They was suposda go to razzels
That’s why he was geting probation instead of jail time
His hands was the only hands clean of gun residue.
He was an honor roll student
A track start athlete
He love to mud bog bon fires dirt bike four wheel make you laugh
Even if u hurt him he still forgave u
He didn’t judge
He didn’t hold grudges
He was a sweet boy
Growing up with no parents
His mother died in child birth
His great aunt raised him
His dad and him just starting a relationship
He just finished his online school
He was learning a trade of fixing cars and insulating houses.
He worked on the ice cream truck from April of last year till aug of last year . He delivered ice cream to almost all the kids in palm coast!
He was an amazing mentor and big bro to his boys
Although he made dumb choices and got in trouble he NEVER wanted his boys in trouble
He never wanted anyone to disrespect they mom
He wanted people to do better than him
He would clean for a 1$ per chore or stars
The Geode says
I feel your pain and I will never sully the name of your nephew. It’s not about what he had done, it’s about your pain, and seeing people shit on his name must be as hurtful as his death, itself. I have boys and though I gave them guidance, life lessons, and a role model to follow, they are one mistake from me being in your position.
Sounds like he didn’t have a chance at life. Without a solid foundation, none of our children stand a chance …and so few of our children have a “solid foundation”.
Nobody should have to bury their children. No matter what they had done, they were still somebody’s child who will see them differently as the world sees them.
Don’t pay attention to the negative comments. We are a bunch of snarky people who can use a keyboard instead of “yelling at the clouds” all-day
Jennyds says
Why are we making this senseless act about race. Facts- yes he was a young black man. Yes there were several other black men killed here lately but who did it. From the talk and sounds of it this wasn’t about race . Stop pulling the damn race card. Do your damn research learn how alot of this shit started. This incident wasnt about race it was about so ignorant, no morales, weak ass punk kids partying in the woods/streets because they have no where better to be or wanna be the cool kids. The majority of these kids at this get together are underage drinking and doing shit they shouldn’t be doing. Where the hell are the parents of these kids. Discipline your children, teach them right from wrong, get involved, know where the hell your kids are.
Peaches McGee says
With 40-50 people in attendance many witnessed the shooting. There’s probably video of the shooting as well. But, as we all know, snitches get stitches. Sadly, a killer gets away with their deadly deed.
When will you be next?
matanzas student says
This is crazy forreal , i remember seeing him at Flagler beach all the time just hanging out, we actually have talked once before and its like bam a year later he is gone, this is unfortunate, very much so! Rest in peace JuJu fr even though i aint even know you like that. condolences to his friends and family.
Retired one says
RIP young Man
OptimistPrime says
Here’s the gist:
People from the Northeast moved to Florida because grandma passed. Left a house. Extended family decides to join them. No one has any thing going on for them up north, so they come to Florida. It’s like a vacation. However, they have children that need to go to school. These transient children have no place. They have no guidance. No clue what life is like in their new town of fellow northeasterners. It’s a melting pot.
The “we are in Florida. “We’re on vacation! ” mentality is rampant. Yay. Thanks for coming down here and having a party in our town. You’re not welcome here. Not with your crime. Now with your gang style violence. Not with your “hard BS.”
Kick off your shoes, put on some sandals and learn how to Florida you weirdos. This place sucks anymore. It used to be awesome. Quite a little beach side down. Nothing more. Nothing less. Quit adding garbage to it.
John Q Public
Ps. Please stop killing each other while you’re at it, I saw less crime when I lived in actual metros ffs… get it together.
palmcoaster says
And yet the killer not found or identified…? Who are they kidding or covering for?