Boca Raton, Deerfield Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Lauderdale-by-the-Sea, Pompano Beach, Naples, Dania Beach, Hallandale Beach, Hollywood, Miami Beach, Lee County. They’ve all closed their beaches in response to the coronavirus. Clearwater is thinking about it. The Pinellas County Sheriff will consider closing beaches there if hotels don’t self-police their beach areas in line with the state-ordered social distancing requirements.
Places like Satellite Beach are patrolling beaches to enforce the rule, putting police in the role of chaperones at middle school dances. Brevard banned all beachside public parking. Volusia is closing some beach access points, though not beaches themselves. Inevitably, spring break revelers and others will migrate to counties and cities where beaches are still open. That includes Flagler Beach and Flagler County’s beaches.
The calculus for those places is between giving businesses and the public a lifeline as opposed to imposing still more restrictions.
There’s a fair argument for letting people and their beaches be. No one is going to catch or spread the virus by walking on the beach, taking a swim, sunbathing. But for most, the beach is not a solitary activity. It’s a magnet for interaction on and off the beach, the businesses lining the beach serving as funnels of people and mixers of their social habits. Our own barrier island is turning into the coronavirus’s Ellis Island: a dreamland of an entry point from where to spread.
There are many, many more arguments for closing the beaches.
With something like coronavirus, a virus without a cure, without a vaccine, with a ridiculously promiscuous transmission rate and a fatality rate that could be 10 times as high as the seasonal flu (at least according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), and a rapidly mounting death toll to prove it, there doesn’t seem to be much room to err on the side of calm.
Alarm is not panic, and alarm is what we need, not beaches as usual, as we’ve had.
We’ve been seeing and hearing a lot of these revelers sound like selfish brats looking for their next drunker slosh. But before you go blaming those millennials, there is an irreconcilable contradiction at the heart of pronouncements by public health officials in Florida and in Flagler that enables the indifference. Officials tell us there is no confirmed case of coronavirus, but we should act as if there is. Chances are, there are a lot of cases, not a few, and we’ll know more about those as testing ramps up, which means there’s really no difference between Broward’s high number of cases and Flagler’s absence of cases. They tell us that the way to keep the virus from spreading is to limit interactions and adhere to state guidelines. If that’s the case, and if we must act as if it is around us, then we are not at all doing all that’s credibly possible to limit crowds. And we’re certainly not reducing the chances that these crowds will call on first responders for help with other issues, multiplying the chances that responders will get infected and sidelined when fire departments and law enforcement agencies can’t afford quarantines.
Though it’s entirely in their power, local officials are not taking any steps beyond those recommended by the governor. With short-sighted deference to businesses instead of a longer view on public health, they’re not recommending to Flagler Beach to close its beach, even though we see daily evidence of substantial gatherings–not like in South Florida or on the Gulf Coast, but enough that the beach has been a magnet of social activity that spills into businesses along A1A and further in. Flagler Beach City Commissioner Eric Cooley has been fielding that business through his 7-Eleven on the beach. He faces a dilemma. Business has been great. But he’s been “appalled,” in his word, by the absence of hygiene he sees in the majority of people who come in, most of them younger.
The younger crowd may be reveling like there’s no tomorrow because of the assumption that the coronavirus is more potent in older people, among whom the death rate can exceed 10 percent. But that’s also a fallacy, as we now know: 40 percent of those being hospitalized in the United States are between 20 and 54 years old. To calibrate the response to the virus by age brackets is as absurd as calibrating the response according to where confirmed cases are. Neither approach matches the equal-opportunity virulence of coronavirus, or epidemiologists’ projections. (If the virus were to infect 30 percent of the population and it has a fatality rate of 0.5 percent, 480,000 people would die in the United States over the next year, placing the death toll only below that for all cancers and heart disease.)
If local officials are lacking the courage so far to do what they must, the state is being irresponsible by allowing a patchwork of regulations across the state. Gov. Ron DeSantis is wrong when he says that the virus will affect different localities differently, as if the large number of cases in Broward somehow excuses a different approach in Flagler because there are supposedly no cases here. The state Board of Education isn’t taking that approach, closing all schools and universities. The court system and local governments aren’t taking that approach, cancelling trials, hearings and meetings and closing community centers. Leaving beaches open is a glaring contradiction.
This morning the Flagler Beach City Commission was to hold an emergency meeting to declare a state of emergency. It was going to keep the public outside its chambers, walking in those who wish to address the commission one by one, while the rest watch or listen outside. It’s taking those necessary precautions while a few hundred feet down from the chamber, people are ambling around by the hundreds and thousands as the day wears on.
They’re wanting it both ways. They’re sending contradictory messages and enabling irresponsibility. They’re issuing visas to the virus. Do the prudent thing already, late as it is: close the damn beach.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece will air on WNZF.
Michele H Walters says
Well eventually I am sure they will close the beach but if you look at Clearwater where all the spring breakers gathered and this picture of Flagler there is a big difference. Flagler is not packed. Clearwater was. As far as the beaches down south, Broward County had the most people to test positive to the virus and they are another big area for spring breakers.
linda ascione says
Close the beach at 12 noon put a limit on the time, so the walkers can do their morning walks
Carl says
Close it to one group, close it to all groups. No special privileges.
Mark says
Make everyone gather together outside the building, that will stop the spread.
SydTheKid says
But why? Flagler has no “wink, wink” confirmed or even presumptive cases. I mean, why go to these lengths in a county that has nothing. Even as counties around us have confirmed cases, somehow, some way, Flagler has none. Do you know how many people here scoff at this illness because of Flagler’s lack of transparency on the issue? They continue going to their social clubs, play bingo, congregate closely in church, have large gatherings at home, and so on. An impromptu survey where I work showed that 80% do not take this virus seriously and are more irritated that their way of life is being slowed down because of the smattering of precautions put in place. This number includes those over 65 and those with chronic conditions. Their main argument–it’s not here in this county, so we are safe.
This is why it is SO important to speak honestly about what is going on. They think they are protecting people who may or may not have it but they are putting those that don’t at risk. No one wants names and addresses, just a number. An actual number will wake people up to the seriousness of this issue. It’s not just Flagler though, Florida in general is wonky about their number reporting and testing. You still cannot get a test, even if you were potentially exposed to someone, especially if your symptoms are minor. Limited testing=limited number of infected. The lower the number of infected, the longer you can keep the state running.
Anon says
My buddy went to the beach this weekend. Now he almost certainly has COVID19, but the county won’t “waste” a test on him because he’s young and healthy. Close the beaches!!!
ThisIsIdiocracy says
I sincerely hope that you are being facetious.
Jo says
This sleepy town of Flagler beach is not a worry as far as our beaches go. If there is so much concern then shut the bridge to everyone who does not live on the Island. Otherwise lets not go overboard (literally). The beaches here for the most part are empty now. No need to shut em down!
Dennis says
Great idea. Hope you can get groceries and everything else you need on the island. Or are you suggesting only beach island people will be able to travel both ways. We come to flagler beach at least 3 times a week to eat. Close me and others out, and your town and business will be out of business before you know it. Careful what you say. People remember about being treated like crap.
Gale says
Residents only!!!
Sherry says
RIGHT ON Pierre and a HUGE “THANK YOU” to Flaglerlive for your very hard work in keeping our community up to date on the FACTS during this crisis! To those who read the vital information published here every day, please make a contribution to this amazing family run, non-profit news outlet. Think. . . what would we do without wonderful flaglerlive?
If anyone is still amazed that ALL the Florida beaches have not been closed. . . the motive is quite clear: “FOLLOW THE MONEY”! It all boils down to the all mighty buck being much more important than people’s lives and health and well being! DeSantis is nothing short of a complete STOOGE and CLOWN!
Raymond says
Shut down is the only way to proactivley get ahead of this virus . Believe the towns stupidity will be remembered
Kay Allen says
Best article title I’ve read in a long time. Thank you. I really hope all of our great leaders in the community who don’t take this seriously or are trying to delay the inevitable are not looking back on this in a few months rethinking their decisions. It seems they are making a choice for the citizens or our great community that is not 100% focused on being protective of our vulnerable population and are not listening to the experts around the seriousness of this situation. I don’t support name calling or judging those who are probably trying to do the best for everyone, but this is a time to come together and be as responsible as possible during this really weird situation. Please leaders, make decisions that show you are willing to make tough decisions that are sometimes unpopular and that you are laser focused on the long term well being of this community.
SueFinn says
One of the young girls who have the virus from Broward county is on a ventilator. The other is just sick in quarantine. They were on a school trip to Ireland and contracted the virus there. Nobody is immune.
Michael Bolchunas says
Genius, you cannot “close” a public beach… Are going to declare martial law and set up national guard along the coast line… This coronavirus crap is bring the stupidity out of people like I’ve never seen… We’re fine people, stop this panic!
Steven Gosney says
Yes — they will arrest a person strolling on a wide open beach and put them in close quarters with a bunch of inmates. Genius.
While don’t the chicken littles just be honest and say they want to cancel happiness and freedom?
blondee says
@MichaelBolchunas oh yes they can! This state can shut down all beaches if they want to. The state does have police powers to quarantine etc.
SteveWard says
I felt the same about Bike Week. Look when the NBA/NCAA/All other Pro Sports shut down before the current Administration comes clean to the fact this is real, there is a problem. It starts on the Hill in DC. It meanders down the Interstate Hiways, Airports etc to a City near you. Those in denial sit in Office and continue to defend dogma. This is first and foremost a Global Health problem. This Pandemic brings to the forefront the fact that Universal Healthcare is needed at any cost. The gauge of the quality of our lives should not rest solely on Economic conditions but on the Health, Welfare, and Opportunity afforded to all of us. I for one am tired of living by numbers, indices, profits, EPS, and continuous Campaigning while our USA Citizens are Homeless, hungry, mentally ill, unable to afford Healthcare, work but still live in Poverty, suicidal, stressed, the list goes on. Once again The FED bails out those who get us in this position to begin with. People wonder why a new generation of thought and direction of Societies around the World bubble up on the perimeter of Traditional Politics. The Wealth distribution differences percolate a new ideology of how they see the 21st/22nd Centuries like it or not. Wake up, Our Country is falling apart , literally in a lot of ways. When the virus clears an INFRASTRUCTURE Bill the likes of which the World has never seen would jump start America, Unify us, create more Higher paying jobs, and use American made items to modernize the grid et al.. WE as an ongoing concern need to step up put all this division amongst us aside Elect Leadership who preempt not react. The Winds of Change are a blowin……….
Paul Harrington says
It seems that if travel between counties would be closed it would limit the spread of the virus. Of course this would kill the tourist business but what is more important. Shut down the mail and all nonessential deliveries. Closed spaces with stagnant air and close contact is the best way to spread the virus. The beach with lot’s of sunshine, vitamin D and salt water is the last place to close.
deb says
“Shut down the mail” , and how do some of us elderly get our medication ( NEEDED) which comes in the mail.
STAN says
MS says
Considering most of the people complaining don’t even go to the beach…i really hope they don’t listen to you. Sunshine and fresh air is a good thing.
There is a lot of room on the beach to spread out.
KF says
As a walker I have to wonder, if you close the beach are you then going to close the sidewalks to? And what about bicycles can we not bicycle on the road anymore? The health impacts of not letting people out of their houses to spend time in the wide open spaces with sunshine should be considered before talking about closing all the beaches.
James Clair says
I do NOT AGREE ! Yes the beaches n heavily populated areas in Florida where people are packed like sardines to find a spot…. YES… maybe they should close. My husband and I went to the North end of Flagler Beach yesterday…..everyone there were well within their own spaces and keeping a distance from each other and there was plenty of room up and down the beach for others. To close this beach is ridiculous!
Do we need to take precautions ? Absolutely ! And everyone we observed were doing just that. The one thing that we can do safely instead of being home bound 24/7 and you want to take that away too ????? Those of you saying close the beach probably don’t even go the beach !
Steven Gosney says
You mean you want to trust a free citzienry to do the right thing? What are you, some kind of idealist? ‘sarc’
Sherry says
OK. . . here’s the bottom line. . . “IF” we could TRUST that every single person would be RESPONSIBLE and keep “at least” SIX FEET from one another, wash hands thoroughly, stay home/get medical attention if sick, etc. etc. then, of course, the beaches and parks should stay open.
Just look at the photographs again! Do you see EVERYONE keeping a safe distance from one another? NO, they are not!
That is why the governor needs to
“Close the Damned Beaches”!
Mad Mom says
No. I for one do not want to live in a totalitarian nightmare. They’ve closed every damn thing else Leave the only open space left open. Palm Coast and Flagler Beach is mostly a locals area. Leave us alone.
Jack says
For all of those who want to close the beaches, get a grip. So, because you are afraid of catching the virus, I can’t go surfing, I can’t go for a walk on the beach at 6am when there is no one within 100 yards, I can’t walk down to the beach after dinner to decompress. If you are that afraid, buy a bubble and crawl inside your ‘safe space’ and don’t come out until Labor Day. OR just don’t go to the beach.
This is supposed to be a free country. We are supposed to be adults. Use common sense and you will probably be fine. None of closures or over the top edicts totally remove risk. Wash you hands, take you fingers out of your eyes and mouth, stay home if you are sick, keep your distance. Do these simple things and go on with your life. I, for one, refuse to cower in fear.
capt says
“”TRUST that every single person would be RESPONSIBLE ” the problem is we can’t trusts every single person to be responsible. To many examples of people that just don’t care for the well being of others. Close the beaches, close the bars. This too shall pass if everyone just does their part.
ASF says
You are so right, Pierre! These kids are like thousands of incubating Petrie dishes waiting to be rubbed in everyone’s faces–including those of their families back home, once they get back home. I wonder if their parents (who might be reveling in their “respite” now) have thought about that.
Denise says
Swearing in your headlines doesnt make you right. Leave our Beaches. It is outdoors. People arent sitting in each others laps. They are not crowded with spring breakers. The people do not need you to babysit or try to rule over them. If you are worried about the beach goers..then dont go to the beach. The picture shows families together but separated from other groups. So if these families cant sit together at the beach, why force them to be in their house together? Stop the madness.
Trailer Bob says
Thank you! We don’t need Mr. Liberal to tell us what to do, as most of us already are taking precautions. But the beach is one of the best and safest places to relax and get away from all the hype of the world ending. This is s Flu and nothing else. Seniors and those who have compromised health should be operating under an entirely different mode that the young. To the author…like it or not, this is America, a free nation that allows it’s people to make their own decisions as to their lives. If I am correct, there hasn’t been one case of the virus confirmed in Flagler County as of yet. Think I will go to the beach now…need some downtime.
Steve says
Did you read that in your Kiplinger Report. Suppose they instructed all to sell at the TOP Too. Anyway, Ca., Pa, next NY are shutdown. Last I checked they were States in the Union. Whats a few days or weeks away from the Beach to potentially slow down a virus that we have no idea how many have due to the pathetic response by Federal and State Administrations of not supplying enough Tests. I do not have the answer but it seems a small sacrifice for the better of all. Now excuse me while i get back to buying at the bottom for the Long Term.
Name (required) says
Hey bob, I think I remember you from last month… When you where bragging about the astounding value of your 401k, or 200.5k now, ha! Looks like your liberal regime in the WH is handing out freebies too. I gave you a chance to heed the warning but your pride wouldn’t let you.. I’m taking that money and reinvesting now!!! That’s ironic. Isn’t it? Hmm.. maybe you don’t know IT all. Kudos, maverick!!!
Name (required) says
The sanctimonious have a hard time with words, but I can assure you. That path of super righteousness that you think you’ve taken, hasn’t paid off. All that winning, but sprinkled with liberal socialism all the way. Hilarious to watch fools defend their “establishment.” It’s just illusion. “Speculation,” if you will.. keep “your beach” god didn’t want it anyways. It’s all yourself yours and yours alone. It’s breezy so your fine. Remember the liberal left and their crazy agenda to destroy life on earth. Lolol. Literally, I can’t anymore. I’m glad that nobody Is “ruling” at all its refreshing. Now, about that insider trading.. well that’ll be covered in a different headline!!! Lol
Ramone says
You’re worried about closing down the beaches when Walmart is packed and the bowling alley is still open and running leagues? What about movie theaters, gyms, etc. In my opinion, every interior place should be shut down before you start closing open air spaces. Your picture of Flagler seems to comply with CDC regulations, spaced more than 6 feet, groups smaller than ten. Far more likely our community spread will be in stores, waiting rooms, etc.
Ramone says
Actually i just got a message that they closed the Palm Coast bowling lane for two weeks. That’s smart.
C H says
Sunshine, salt water and fresh air are all good things for our body, mind and soul. During the 1918 pandemic one of the major treatments of the Spanish flu was sunshine and fresh air. They would take the patients out during the day and they found it was very beneficial to them. UV Ray’s had a detrimental effect on the virus in 1918. We are being told that the Covid-19 virus is similar to that one. We need to all practice social distancing and self care. We all need to take it seriously but going to the beach does not mean you are being reckless. Follow the CDC guidlines, wash your hands, social distancing etc. Coronavirus.gov stay safe
Diane says
This isn’t 1918 or the Spanish Flu……..wake up!
CH says
Wishing you well as we all must heed the advice. Love and kindness will get us all through this. Stay positive and let’s lift everyone up together. Sending you positive thoughts and well wishes.
maggiebeachbum says
mmm, I am so on the fence on this one………but clearly the spring breakers who won’t be able to access the south fl beaches might end up migrating north to our beaches…and if they’re at the beaches then they’re at the gas stations, whatever is open…and with this virus spreading in ways we can’t even begin to understand, do we close the beaches in Flagler Cty or do we just avoid the public spaces where people are congregating. When I walk on the beaches I have been staying away from people and trying not to be downwind of anyone, but the beaches have been mostly empty as usual this time of year, but if the kids come up this way for spring break, I will stop walking the beaches and find another place to walk I guess. The younger kids really are not taking this seriously, and I understand everyone is reacting in different ways to closing beaches and businesses and schools and such, but since I’m older and can still be a carrier I’ve done everything I can to keep away from people. I would not want to be the one to spread it, nor do I want to be someone who gets it and gets ill. Stay safe neighbors! -BeachBum
Fredrick says
FB Beaches Local Only for free. Charge a Toll and entry fee on the bridge and north and south A1A of a roll of toilet paper and 1 oz of hand sanitizer. These will be donated to the homeless in the county.
Pierre that “could be 10% mortality rate” can be very misleading to some who do not go and read your the link. Infections will skyrocket at an exponential rate, the deaths will not rise at the same rate bringing the percentage down. As I indicated in a post to another article and not saying this is not serious and that precautions do not need to be taken (such as closing the beaches if prudent), the panic caused by just stating could be 10% rate without the rest of the data (yes you attached a link which provides conflicting information from Fauci and other doctors), it COULD be 50% and it could be 0.0005%. Plan for the worse but let’s not cause panic. Follow recommendations from the CDC and local authorities. AND STOP HOARDING TOILET PAPER! What is wrong with you people?
Scott W Spradley says
Personally, I am of the belief that those who have expressed an opinion that Flagler Beach should be closed, have not fully considered all of the relevant facts. The bottom line is that in my view, closing the outdoors should be a last resort and should occur, if ever, only after the indoors have been closed. For example, small convenience stores near the beach seem to me to be a much greater danger for the accumulation of viruses than the outdoors, where there is sunshine, breezes and great expanses of air. That’s just my opinion.
Jimbo99 says
Good read, you’ll understand it’s a controlled rolling process at this point. People will live their lives, otherwise the hoarding and whatever else persists. Some don’t understand, this is never going to go away become extinct, more like it’ll be seasonally dormant and fluctuate like pollen, the flu or any other thing that has no solution. It’s actually no different than the way the flu is currently handled, only this may be deadlier for those that get Coronavirus. But the plan is to hope that Coronavirus never becomes a pandemic level as a cold or flu does. So healthcare really has nothing for a solution. There won’t be a Coronavirus prevention effort beyond what washing your hands and other personal hygiene measures.
“We all want things to go back to normal quickly. But what most of us have probably not yet realized—yet will soon—is that things won’t go back to normal after a few weeks, or even a few months. Some things never will.
It’s now widely agreed (even by Britain, finally) that every country needs to “flatten the curve”: impose social distancing to slow the spread of the virus so that the number of people sick at once doesn’t cause the health-care system to collapse, as it is threatening to do in Italy right now. That means the pandemic needs to last, at a low level, until either enough people have had Covid-19 to leave most immune (assuming immunity lasts for years, which we don’t know) or there’s a vaccine.”
John R Brady says
After reading all the opinions, I think closing the beaches is a good idea. The problem is getting that word to the spring breakers on their way here.The breakers here should be told to go home. It is different times and difficult times .
There is so much false info and I do believe our local elected officials and all people involved are doing the best they can. Kudos to first responders keep up the good work.
Let us all just be kind
Patty says
Please, Please, please! Close the beaches!
What’s wrong with you people!
ThisIsIdiocracy says
Or we practice free will and common sense. If you are scared to go to the beach, don’t go. If you are part of the vulnerable population, quarantine yourself. Older Americans represented 31% of the cases, they accounted for 45% of hospitalizations, 53% of ICU admissions, and 80% of deaths, the CDC reported.
Seven says
Go home Pierre
Pierre Tristam says
Where do you think I am, your magnificence?
Gina Weiss says
I see we have some of those “LEAVE” and “GO HOME” geniuses on here today, Pierre I’m feeling ya, you have the patience of a SAINT!
Downtown says
Sunshine and fresh air was once the accepted treatment for virus. But then the Pharmaceutical Company came along and realizing there was no money to be made from sunshine and fresh air, they developed a pill. They sent forth their people to visit every Doctor with gifts and free trips if they would just prescribe there new pill to their patients. And the Doctors accepted the gifts and trips and wrote prescriptions like crazy to fight the virus. Then another pill was introduced and again the Pharmaceutical company sent forth their people bearing gifts and trips. And just like that we became a pill poppin society.
Top Dr. says
Stop with the close everything bull! If you don’t want to go out then don’t. It’s that easy. Don’t punish others for you fears. The numbers and percentages given are not factual known numbers. And closing Beaches is just one more over stepping by people with nothing better to do than push their hate and ignorance. If you don’t like things here then go back to where you came from or some other part of the country. And you can take you horded goods too.
CatchMeOutside says
*standing ovation*. It is refreshing to see that not all residents of Palm Coast are uninformed “chicken littles” who seem to be using the drama from this virus as their own entertainment.
Melissa says
Thank you! This idea that “outside” should be closed, anywhere–whether the beach or a park–is just stupid. Stupid. The stupidest thing of all is enforcement of this nonsense. As if police, sheriff’s office, etc. have the time or the manpower to enforce it. As if they have nothing better to do. As if *any* of us, confined to our homes, don’t need to get outside and get some damn fresh air once in a damn while.
One would think the prospect of this illness exposing the utter ineffectiveness of the “best doctors/healthcare in the world” in a life-and-death situation of this magnitude, all because of reprehensible profiteering by a handful of medical conglomerates. What a joke! The one silver lining I do see is that people will wake up quickly and realize how completely grotesque it is that there are human beings who profit off other human beings sickness, in the Greatest Country In The World.
You people so worried about closing the beach don’t seem to be worried about that, when it’s a whole lot more important. How gross. Maybe you’ll wake up when you see COVID victims laying on the floors in hospitals across this country because there aren’t enough beds, like the world is already seeing in parts of Europe.
Not to mention people who are actually suffering this thing don’t feel like going anywhere, particularly a beach. Seriously? If things are so bad that you could possibly catch this at a public beach that isn’t crowded, then we should all be completely locked down in our homes, with threats to be shot on sight by law enforcement. None of us should be breathing a speck of air outside the walls of our homes. Ever.
Good God, people, GET A GRIP!
Me says
Get real people take this virus seriously and stop acting like it isn’t going to come to Flagler County, the governor should be ashamed for not acting more cautious to its citizens and its visitors. What it appears is greedy people only care about making money and could care less about human lives.
CatchMeOutside says
You do realize everyone will eventually get this virus, right?
Me says
I just have to add to my previous comment when Flagler Hospital cannot handle people showing up there sick, just remember that you all felt the beaches, restaurants and other businesses should remain open. Once again, it is greed and lack of compassion for human lives or the health care people risking their lives to keep the citizens in Flagler County healthy.
And the Governor of this State and the Mayors of these towns should all be ashamed of themselves.
This is no joke virus, just start watching the news.
Willy Boy says
Close the beaches.
Ruth Griffin says
Sunshine, fresh air, and water are all good. Wash properly. Eat healthy. Pray.
Get a grip, and stop eating the fear being offered up. Fear not. Besides, its not the Black Plague.
Sinderla says
More likely to get at any open “indoor” establishment than even a beach packed full of people which isn’t the case here in Flagler County.
Paul Harrington says
Is the inevitable fact we are all going to be exposed to the virus sooner or later? Sooner meaning more of a demand on the healthcare system? Later meaning the demand would be spread out? Sounds like we’re still figuring that out.
It appears that those most affected are those who are not healthy or likely to have unhealthy lifestyles – diets. These are the people who should limit their exposure and avoid large crowds. We all need to get out and about to stay healthy. We all need to get healthy, especially right now.
Fortunately for those of us who focus on a healthier diet, our food is not being scarfed up quite as fast. All of the stuff we shouldn’t be eating is flying off the shelf and out of the coolers by those who are at the most risk.
So how do we limit the spread of the virus? Limit the spread of the carrier. Not by quarantine but by travel. Keep people close to home county by county still free to move about. Put testing points at county lines or places that are crowded. It sounds like a good idea to halt parking at the beach. You want to get there walk or ride a bike the last mile or two. It won’t hurt you, it might make you healthier.
Derrick Redder says
Unless they suspend the Bill of Rights
You still have the freedom of assembly as a God given right.
Closing the beach is as stupid as stupid is.
The Government has not stopped folks from packing 100 plus passengers into a tube and flying around for hours while breathing the exact same air !
Until all air travel is halted then closing a beach is in warranted and fear mongering.
Trailer Bob says
Copy that! After reading this article I am GOING to the BEACH today. But there are drunk drivers on the road…I guess I better not drive…lol
Realist says
Yes! Stop flying first. Why are they fine with that!
palmcoaster says
Can we still agree to disagree in a civilize manner and for those bully haters hang their bigotry in their closets and keep it to themselves? Who gives the right to anyone to say if you do not like it here go back where you came from or if you do not like the 8,400 a day vehicles in Florida Park Drive since 2004, stop whining just sell and go … This country is all made up of immigrants that have rights Thank God and for that case the only one’s with the 1st right to this land are our proud American Native Nations long ago destitute by settlers which “have no right to say this land is only theirs as first or second conquerors” We are all in this pandemic together and better take precautions as once we get infected we don’t know our chances for survival and how bad our lungs and other organs maybe scarred for life with the ill consequences. Can anyone imagine what is to be dying gasping for air over some foolishness? For our family is a big concern enough serious just to stop us from using our beaches among other precautions right now. Thank you Pierre for this editorial and sure we need you, your family safe as well to keep Flaglerlive reporting for us.
ASF says
Yeah, like people never p*ss in the ocean and that won’t effect the local “catches of the day” that we will be eating for some time to come. Funny how we all go to school ad yet so many of us can’t add one to one and come up with two.
HonkeyDude says
Anti Freedom and
Fear Mongering VIRUS…
Close the…..
And now…
Bus’ airlines and hotels will remain open for your demise.
All others will remain out of work until further notice.
Dave says
I don’t think we should just quit living completely in this situation. Be smart, of course, about personal hygiene and then focus on the real community risks, like restaurants and stores. In the picture above, everyone seems to be abiding by the guidelines (groups of 10 6 feet apart). As long as that’s the case, leave beaches open.
If you want to limit the beach crowd some, block half or more of the beachside parking spots downtown. And limit customers in a store and require those stores to go on ‘red alert’ for sanitation or close. In north Flagler Beach, I am never closer than about 20 feet from someone else on any normal beach day because it simply isn’t that crowded. So what does it hurt if I’m sitting on the beach rather than my back porch??
Obviously, if you’re not comfortable going or feel at all sick, stay home. But don’t ruin the little relaxation we have left when there is such little, if any, real reduction of risk.
Be safe and be patient, all. This will get worse before it gets better but it will get better.
Jimmy Mac says
Do not close the beach. Or the parks.
One of the few beneficial effects of this isolation may be that our community gets to experience a new sense of community, even if it’s at a distance greater than 6′ from each other.
Get outside. Go to Princess Place. Bike the Lehigh trail. SUP board on the river. Take a walk. Get some sun.
There is research that UV light kills viruses and other antimicrobials, it’s been known for some time because that’s how you sterilize surgical equipment.
Want to read for yourself? Check it out here:
And here:
Those spectrum tested are shorter than the spectrum of visible sunlight, so I’m not suggesting the beach will sterilize you. However, you need the vitamin D from the sun to fight this bug anyway. So go. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3166406/)
Pierre, I agreed with you about closing the schools earlier. Nice job. But you’re dead wrong on this one. See you at the beach.
ASF says
The very first case of death, plus the first subsequent cases reported in Wuhan, China had shopping at a specific seafood market in common. Do you really think that beach-goers aren’t relieving themselves in the ocean? Good luck eating your “local catch of the day”, folks!
mark101 says
You close that beach and all these people will do is drive up and down the road off A1A and try to find another access point., You can’t stop stupid or ignorance.
ASF says
I don’t expect teenagers and post-adolescents to exercise caution or common sense if the adults around them are unwilling or unable to do so. Please, people, GROW. UP. We should all be “sheltering in place”, to the extent that we can. This is only common sense. We ALL need to stop acting like reckless and entitled children.
Sherry says
@Jimmy Mac. . . and all. . . here is how surgical equipment is sterilized:
Steam or autoclave sterilization is the most common method of instrument sterilization. Instruments are placed in a surgical pack and exposed to steam under pressure.
capt says
I little more info https://www.cdc.gov/infectioncontrol/guidelines/disinfection/sterilization/sterilizing-practices.html