They are among the most controversial elected Republicans in a county not lacking for them: Palm Coast City Council member Victor Barbosa and County Commissioner Joe Mullins. Now Barbosa, in a surprise, will challenge Mullins in the Republican primary for District 4 on the County Commission.
Barbosa had originally filed to run against County Commissioner Greg Hansen in District 2. But Hansen is not a particularly vulnerable candidate. Mullins is. So Barbosa’s decision may not be as surprising as it looks. If he wins the seat, he’ll have to move from his F-Section home to the only district that includes only fractions of Palm Coast (such as Quail Hollow, slivers of the W and B Sections and the L Section to the north) and is often referred to as West Flagler, though it’s also central and south Flagler. “We’ve been building modular homes out there and I just fell in love with the area,” he said this afternoon. Barbosa Homes, a company established last year by Barbosa and his father, bought three parcels in the Mondex, also known as Daytona North, for a combined $30,000–on Water Oak Road, Royal Palm Drive and Beech Boulevard.
If he doesn’t win, he can stay put. (Barbosa in the Mondex–he’s previously lived in Newark and projects a more urban than rural demeanor–does seem a bit anachronistic). The primary is on Aug. 23. He doesn’t have to resign his City Council seat until his term runs out in November. “I think he’s just jumping around and if he runs for it we’ll be more than happy to have him run,” Mullins told Ask Flagler, which first reported the story. Barbosa made his original announcement on Facebook early this afternoon. (See it below)
“And who not better to do it?” Barbosa said of his decision to run against Mullins. “I can handle him. People have realized who he is by now.”
But voters have also come to know Barbosa, whose first seven months on the city council were something of a continuous crash scene, including a running feud with fellow-Council member Eddie Branquinho, his code enforcement vigilantism on Facebook, a Mullins-playbook-like attack on former City Manager Matt Morton and revelations that he faced criminal charges in Costa Rica–charges that, so far, have gone nowhere. He has denied being the person named in the charges. Mullins, declared a “wrecking ball” by Palm Coast’s fire chief and deputy interim city manager, and one of the more respected voices in the county, faces his own court troubles, currently a $2.4 million federal fraud case.
Then he was hospitalized with Covid in July, and it was as if he’d been knocked off a donkey on the road to Damascus. He didn’t return a saint, but he’s been a different councilman from the one before his hospitalization: there’s been no controversies, no headlines, his demeanor toward the administration has been respectful, at times admiring, and his participation during meetings has been more substantial. In his first months he often asked questions that caused double-takes. “It takes time,” he said today, suggesting that he’d been learning the ropes.
Barbosa’s first seven months were embarrassing. Mullins over four years–his antics and embarrassments began to pile up well before his election–has only careened from disgrace to ignominy, his propensity for lies and defamations unhinged. The man a school board member has called a “pied piper of hate, deception and fraud” continues to revel in bigotry toward constituents, insulting fellow commission members (Hansen among them) and getting bolder every time two other fellow-Commissioners (Dave Sullivan and Don O’Brien) refused to censure him, as they twice refused to–naming him chairman of the commission instead weeks ago.
Barbosa’s challenge may not be the only one Mullins faces in that primary, especially now that Barbosa has filed: it creates a vast opening for a moderate Republican who may have been reluctant to risk reputation and sanity in a bipolar race, but who may be much more willing to run in a race where two carousels of baggage may end up running circles around each other, clearing an alternative path. Barbosa’s move may invite more than one such addition to the field even as Mullins is expected to swamp the race with money as he did in 2018.
Mullins spent $154,000 in his two races that year, an unprecedented sum for a local county commission seat until then, and the second-highest amount spent for a countywide election after Rick Staly’s $188,000 in 2018, with key differences: more than half the Staly amount was in-kind, and much of the rest was from campaign donors, reflecting a broader base of support that has grown since. In Mullins’s case, it was mostly self-bankrolled and what popular support he had, thanks in large part to being mostly unknown, has shrunk.
In 2018 Jane Gentile-Youd, the Realtor and permanent presence at county commission meetings, ran as an independent in the general election and lost, getting just 38 percent of the vote to Mullins’s 62. She is running again as an independent in a county where no independent has ever won a seat to the commission.
Lorraine says
This so sad that this is all Flagler County has to offer residents used “has bins” to run for office!!
DP says
That’s great news. Let’s get a bogo on these two fool’s. Let’s vote both out of office. Time for a change in our leadership, that lacks self respect.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
How about telling y our readers that Mullins got 31,000 votes at a cost of over $160,000 and Jane Gentile-Youd got 19,292 votes at a cost of $10,000 – translated that is $5 a vote versus Jane’s .50 a vote. Your entire basis seems to be about MONEY and PARTY. The issues in Flagler County have no party and that is why I believe in a NON PARTY candidacy because a commissioner should represent everyone – rich and poor – Republican and Democrat alike -. You seem to be tossing Jane aside for no other reason. How about telling your readers about 20 years of lobbying for the residents and taxpayers and not just referring to Jane as a permanent fixture ? Seems to be your values are not where they should be lately either. Shame really because neither Mullins nor Barbosa are as versed and educated as to the issues facing all of us but that does not appear to be a concern of yours either lately. A real shame – for all of us in my opinion. I wonder how your readers feel about having a choice of only 2 candidates because you chose to present the election as such. A real shame
Jimbo99 says
He seems more at peace & coming across as less self serving with the announcement in the video. Bunnell, FL doesn’t have the ordinances Palm Coast does. He doesn’t have to fight that battle in the Mondex. Since the Costa Rican report seems to be going nowhere, Mullins is the only one of the 2 with real legal issues with his Federal Fraud case.
Heather says
Awesome choices. Now, do a story on why there hasn’t been a farmer or rancher elected to the Commission for 30 years when AG is the 2nd most important economic driver in the County.
Percy's mother says
For God’s sake let it go. It’s been 4 years and “someone” is still holding a grudge about losing the election for county commission.
No one cares about the cost per vote in an election.
Dennis C Rathsam says
Palm Coast will never have peace. Too many wierdo,s Too many issues, the constant fighting between the council, the mayor, the commissinors. Everyone pulling in a different direction, and it ripping our town apart. Way too many ego,s here, thats why nothing gets done….Yet the homes keep coming, traffic sucks, and the original people that came to Palm Coast for a better life & peace of mind are leaving….People arent stupid, they see the mess at city hall. There are problems all over the city with no one to lead, no help in the near future. Its time we ellect people that work for us…Not themselves, and their politcal asperations. God help Palm Coast!
Dennis C Rathsam says
Why does all the crap land in Palm Coast?
David Schaefer says
What a joke it’s sad that we have to choose between two idiots. So glad I am not voting…….
Fed up says
Jane, go back to Ormond Beach. Nobody cares.
Roy Longo says
So Mullins demeanor has improved since his hospitalization. Or maybe, and I’m just spit balling here, it’s because he is up for reelection! This carpet bagging racist is hoping that voter have short term memory loss. That would be his only chance at reelection.
James M. Mejuto says
It seems trump hysteria has taken hold of Barbosa and Mullins( who by the way, deserve each other) and all the other Republicans in power.
Are there any Democrats or Independents with the guts to run against these lowlifes? All the Republicans!
I don’t understand what happened to Black churches who traditionally got their congregations out to vote.
Remember folks, politics start on the local level !
Michael Cocchiola says
Forget about “Party”. Whatever and whoever it takes to beat and discard Barbosa and Mullins. Note: I know Barbosa has calmed down, which is good, but he hasn’t earned a promotion.
Concerned Citizen says
Whatever happened to the FDLE investigation on Barbosa?
That caused quite an uproar. Then just as quickly got swept away all nice and tidy. Seems about right for this county recently.
John Thomson says
Are you really referring to yourself in the 3rd person? “You seem to be tossing Jane aside for no other reason.”. “not just referring to Jane as a permanent fixture ?”
To use your own words, that’s a shame…
Robjr says
Ok voters.
So far you have two choices.
Jump or get pushed.
Nobody asked me, but... says
Heather, you nailed it. Bunnell must run a credible candidate to represent Ag interests here. Not seeing one at the moment.
Leila says
Here’s an opportunity to take down three birds with one stone. ANYONE who wants to run in that seat will take down all the competition, guaranteed. Party doesn’t matter, competency does. Hoping someone with an Ag background will enter this race.
Donald says
Everything Barbosa is doing is an act nothing has changed about him. He’s being nice to FlaglerLive because he wants FlaglerLive to attack Mullins. So clearly FlaglerLive is writing mushy nice words about him. It’s working. He goes to meetings to be seen the escapes out the back door when no one’s looking. Everything is a photo shoot with this guy just like Mullins. Mullins what does DC care about Flagler? Oh and how quickly you to forget to tell people where you were on January 6th with Barbosa.
Barbosa never reads agendas and votes whatever people tell him. The Costa Rica thing is the tip of the iceberg wait until you see what’s in New Jersey and the reason that he landed in Costa Rica. Their saving that for this race. The Republicans need to wake up and realize just because their your friends doesn’t mean they would make a good councilman or commissioner. Please get a backbone and find someone else to run besides these two. You’re dealing with our quality of life and our tax money. Now is not the time to vote for people you like as friends. Why do people think that they should keep running for office? They’re an embarrassment to Flagler.
Tim Mcauliffe says
Maybe Burr and Hamilton had the right idea.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
To all you who bash me using fake names I assure you I have lived in Flagler County for over 19 years not Ormond Beach. Furthermore I did not lose the election in 2018 – the people of Flagler County lost the election. You lost hard working, caring person, who lobbies to save YOUR tax dollars , which you seem not to give a damn about as long as you can insult me. The real shame is that I really care about our future but it is nasty, ignorant people who are responsible for the electing the 2 ignorant men running for District 4 . I have pending legal actions unlike Mullins and then there is the Costa Rica Barbosa fiasco.
NO record; I have NO debts, my husband don’t owe a dime to anyone. My daddy didn’t buy our home or make us rich – My husband and I bought our home with our money and spend most of our free time making our home our castle. My credit score is over 800 and I am not being served with lawsuits not criminal charges. I repeat YOU lost the election- not me. I am just fine. It is a shame that I still spend my time trying to make Flagler County a better place to live for even those of you who don’t have a clue nor give a damn. That is the shame.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
oops – I have NO pending legal actions…
flatsflyer says
Maybe the voters need withhold any support for anyone under criminal investigation. Simple question, would you invite either of these two into your home if you had a $5 bill ling on your kitchen counter or if you has a teenage daughter?
HF Goodmeyer says
Jane, time to come back to reality. You lost the election, get over it. Try something smaller like running for your HOA board …scratch that they all know you. How about , I can’t even come up with anything else everybody knows you.
Guido says
He is no smarter either. He and Mullins do not belong in the Republican Party, never mind in a city or county elected position. They are just “wannabe ” Trump Republicans. They don’t come close to the business knowledge Trump has. Both should go away and stop the damage they are doing to P. C. and the party
Deborah Coffey says
Gosh, two alleged felons, federally investigated, for Commissioner? What is wrong with the voters in Palm Coast?
FlaglerLive says
A federal, civil lawsuit is not a federal investigation.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Why is everyone piling on Jane Gentile Youd? She is, by far, the most experienced person running for the position. As FlaglerLive said, she is a regular at commissioners meetings because she cares and obviously takes the time to be informed. Barbosa or Mullins? Pick your poison. Both are out to enrich themselves off real estate deals. How is that not a conflict of interests? Jane may not have had the big developers contributing to her campaign, so she couldn’t paper the county with signs like Mullins did last time around, but she will represent the people honestly and ethically.
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Exactly! Why are so many commissioners real estate developers or speculators? It’s the foxes guarding the henhouse and getting rich on both sides of the equation.
Denise Calderwood says
Calming down, better now, lawsuits questionable character and definitely narcissists..are these the words we want to use when writing articles about our county commissioners? There is another alternative and if you all remember Elections run through Bobber so we have plenty of time to continue watching how these guys behave
Yes Jane is an independent so she goes through the primary and that means there’s plenty of time to get to know her. She is knowledeable, dependable and she follows through she has worked.on significant issues that affected Plantàtion Bay residents and she wants to being the lessons she learned over the twenty years she has been here to the test of the county. The county isn’t a Red like Joe and Victor want you to believe. We do have. Independent thinkers and hopefully this time they will come out and vote. I for one have had enough of the games and money should not be the factor
BUT apparently it is..and this is what we get for it. I for one want my money back because these guys just waste it. Jane isn’t afraid to hold developers accountable just ask Mori Husseni the owner of ICI and he will tell you that she isn’t easily intimidated. These two guys that is all they do Bully and Intimidate from their seat at the table.
Celia M Pugliese says
I totally agree lets vote for Jane Gentile-Youd that is also running and was not mentioned in the headlines as she run in the past. She attends almost all FCBCC meetings and lobby’s against against ill planned growth and the frivolous and unfair spending of our hard earned taxes. Here she is in two of the past FCBOCC meetings lobbying against what negatively affects all the county residents. Look at Jane attending the FCBOCC meeting Nov 15 at minute 1.2049 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAOWwtuKg1M she appeared several times on several issues during the long meeting.
Flagler County Live Stream
Also on this earlier FCBOCC meeting: FCBOCC 9/20/21 meeting minute 53.20 and minute 1.16-44 Jane Gentile-Youd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_wyzWSsOcto
Flagler County Commission Regular Meeting 9/20/2021
palmcoaster says
Yes there is a brave Independent running Jane Gentile-Youd. Look at the FCBOCC meeting videos in YouTube.
Celia M Pugliese says
I totally agree Denise regarding Jane Gentile-Youd. She is who we need in the FCBOCC after 20 years of battling against these developers approved undermining projects to the existing residents and the improper use of our hard earned taxes.
Lorraine says
Starting to sounds like “political” ad pumping for Jane!!! So she goes to the meetings and is probably an upstanding citizen. But I would much rather hear about her credentials related to our county and what she has done to help our county!!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
To HF ‘Goodmeyer’ : Why don’t you use your real name to vicious , very defamatory post?
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Jane has extraordinary credentials, Lorraine. She’s exactly what our commission needs. She has been a real estate broker for 34 years and moved to Flagler County (Ormond Beach address, but it’s the part of Plantation Bay that’s in Flagler) from Miami many years ago. She previously served on the Miami Dade Community Council and Zoning Board. She was presented a medal after 26 years of service and they even proclaimed April 12, 2002 as Jane Gentile-Youd Day. Jane is very familiar with zoning and water management issues, which are the areas of concern that a commissioner must know about in this county. As for what she has done to help out Flagler, she has been involved in many beautification projects and secured tree grants for roadways and community entrances, and she’s trying to do much more for the county by running for office. I didn’t make this stuff up, and it isn’t half of what she’s done. I am an independent voter who feels certain she would be an outstanding alternative to most of the present commissioners. This information comes straight from her public LinkedIn page, which anyone can access. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jane-gentile-youd-1139761a
Lorraine says
Thank you for the follow up information to Jane. As I said she seems like a very nice person! I don’t see any current information as to what she involved with other then mostly Plantation Bay, where she lives, with beautification projects and a long history of selling real estate. It appears her zoning and waterways knowledge are from many years ago. I would like to see someone who is involved in our community as a whole and not in real estate. JMHO! I do thank you for your insight into Jane’s history.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Lorraine, my most recent endeavors ( live on u-tube) are posted by Celia Pugliese in this very thread, My accomplishments in Flagler County from 2002 through 2018 are in my candidate bio on the Supervisor of Elections website under elections in 2018.
I will update my bio from 2018 through present day of my efforts which, all by the way, are all on my own time and my own dime. One of my on ongoing projects since 2002, is working with FDOT to improve the safety and appearance of I-95 . You are welcome to e-mail any specific concerns and questions to [email protected] . Hope this helps.
Lorraine says
Thank you for the insight into candidate Jane!! I would like to see someone like Andy Dance (commissioner), Allan Aflin (mayor), Sheryl and Colleen (school board) who has a long commitment to the community and an even appropriate demeanor and temperament and who is not involved in real estate!! There must be more more strong appropriate committed people who should run!! JMHO!!
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Lorraine… Please do some research into how , in person I spoke at the meetings in 2013 against the purchase of the old hospital for the Sheriff in Bunnell, not Plantiaton Bay, which has turned into a huge financial disaster for the county ; I spoke in person against the purchase of the pre-fab barn way out in the western part of our county ( with no electricity) for a fire station which the county bought anyway only to discover that the foundation can hold hold a fire truck with water – I read the inspection reports on my time which the county staff ignored; I have spoken and pledge to do something about the drainage, lack of mowing and lack of internet in the western part of the county; I spoke against another fiasco purchase in Palm Coast in person – the Sears building fiasco; I watch our tax dollars countywide , not just Plantation Bay. I am truly sorry that you have a preconceived impression of me which is inaccurate in every sense.
Kindly contact me directly so I can try to clarify your misconceptions of my almost 20 years of efforts for all of us. Thank you
Jane Gentile-Youd says
oops again – foundation CANNOT hold a fire truck filled with water
Keep Flagler Beautiful says
Your comments are thoughtful ones, Lorraine. My own immediate thought is, I would much rather have intelligent, community-minded people of any profession serving on the commission as an alternative to developers or real estate speculators. I don’t see how anyone who falls into those two camps could be objective in the role of commissioner. That has been amply proven by the actions of most of those currently serving on the commission.
tulip says
Guido—the only “business knowledge” that Trump does well is the business of being a grifter and so far has received $255 million dollars from donors and the way the contract is written, he can spend it as he pleases. That’s why he keeps hinting he might run because people will keep sending money. He is nothing but wealthy beggar and the so called legitimate businesses and organizations he had either went bankrupt or he sold them off to pay off debt. I find it odd that people who don’t earn a whole lot of money are willing to send contributions to a billonaire.