Aura Aero Inc., the French designer and manufacturer of next-generation aircraft founded in 2018, announced today its intent to build a 500,000-square-foot manufacturing and assembly plant in Volusia County at the Daytona Beach International Airport. The facility will create more than 1,000 high-paying jobs in the area. Flagler County had been in contention for the facility.
The announcement of the selection of Volusia County — made at the Brown & Brown headquarters in Daytona Beach and in a release issued by the company — follows an Aura Aero decision in July to narrow down the location of the new facility to the state of Florida.
To meet the needs of the important American market, developing its presence in the United States is an essential step for Aura Aero, which is also continuing its industrial development in Europe, notably with the AURA Factory project at Toulouse-Francazal airport in France.
The company had previously considered a number of locations, quickly narrowing the decision to Texas and Florida as potential locations for its stateside manufacturing operations.
“Aura Aero’s decision to establish its U.S. headquarters at the Daytona Beach International Airport is a tremendous win for aerospace, aviation, education, the local and regional economy, and the people of Volusia County,” said Volusia County Manager George Recktenwald. “This partnership not only highlights the strength and strategic importance of our airport — it also positions our community as a hub for cutting-edge technology and opens the doors for other innovative companies to choose Volusia County.”
Over the past decade, Volusia County has seen the creation of over 7,000 jobs with a significant economic impact.
Aura Aero CEO Jérémy Caussade is enthusiastic about the area and the strong welcome and support he’s received from community leaders, industry and academic partners. “We couldn’t be more pleased to partner with the state of Florida, Volusia County, the Daytona Beach International Airport and other key partners as we advance our mission to design and manufacture headway electric aircraft that accelerate air transport and decarbonization,” said Caussade. “This area and its leadership support economic growth and development along with technological advancement, and we’re excited to be a part of its future development while providing high-value jobs that will dramatically change the aviation industry.”
The facility will manufacture and assemble hybrid electric regional aircraft (ERA), with the goal of producing 100 ERAs per year. Construction of the facility is expected to begin in 2026, and the plant is estimated to be operational in the fourth quarter of 2028, which is when the company will begin assembling aircraft at its new home at the Daytona Beach airport.
According to Embry‑Riddle Aeronautical University President P. Barry Butler, “Through the generous gifts and support of Philanthropists Cici and Hyatt Brown, as well as strong industry partnerships, Embry‑Riddle has been able to make transformational expansions and create a career pipeline for students in aviation, aerospace and other STEM-related fields. As an invaluable corporate partner, Aura Aero — an anchor tenant at our Research Park — will continue to be a vital partner with our university and research community to bring its vision to the world.”
“Our mission is to support job creation and capital investment in Volusia County,” Kent Sharples, president of the Daytona-based CEO Business Alliance, said. “With today’s announcement, I can say to my state, community and business partners — job well done. And to Aura Aero, welcome to Volusia County.”
Daytona Beach Mayor Derrick Henry added a welcome from the city of Daytona Beach. “We are proud to welcome Aura Aero to Daytona Beach,” he said. “This is a monumental step forward for our community. Their investment will profoundly impact our local economy, bringing over 1,000 high-paying jobs and making Daytona Beach a hub for innovation in the aviation industry. Thank you to our partners who worked tirelessly to bring them to Daytona Beach,” he said.
Keith Norden, president and CEO of Team Volusia Economic Development Council (EDC), shared the excitement of his colleagues and the anticipation for this monumental announcement. “Since January of 2023, Team Volusia EDC has had the opportunity to work with Aura Aero during their U.S. site selection process, promoting the many geographic and strategic benefits of locating in Volusia County. We are excited to join the state of Florida, Volusia County, the CEO Business Alliance and all our excellent regional partners in welcoming Aura Aero to our community!”
Bob says
Flagler is just for strip malls, gas stations, and housing developments.
Shark says
You forgot pizza joints and storage facilities.
feddy says
Don’t forget storage units.
Tony says
Just another loss for us. Maybe Alfin will build a storage facility in it’s place !!!!
JimboXYZ says
Alfin won’t be building much going forward.
The Sour Kraut says
I hate to say it, but that location made more sense than Palm Coast. We sure could have used the jobs though.
Sam says
And Flagler’s job creation is where? Oh that’s right, all main arteries lead to residential.
David schaefer says
Another Bullshit job by Flagler County Government.
Wallingford says
It seems that Long-term this will be beneficial but are there any Tax Incentives that Florida, Volusia County, or Daytona Beach are proffering?
Atwp says
Am glad Daytona Beach will get the business. I think the Mayor of Daytona is a Democrat. A good slap in the face for the bad Republicans of Flagler County. Would like for the Republicans loose out on all good things. Good job Daytona.
Donald J Trump says
Electric airplanes, no thank you. To many problems with cars and trucks and golf carts. Makes no sense without a very long extension cord.
Old DJT says
These aren’t good jobs because all they do is “take [pieces] out of a box and assemble them. We could have a child do it.” And don’t worry about Aura because I’m going to put tariffs on anything that they try to bring into the good ole USA.
Wow says
And what’s wrong with hiring children? Let’s put them to work!
Laurel says
Thank you Sarah Huckabee Sanders!
Ray W, says
Hello Donald J. Trump.
I have been reading a bit about the Aura Aero plane design over the last few days.
Aura also produces a graphene aluminum-ion battery pack that promises 250,000 recharge cycles before degrading. Liquid-state lithium-ion batteries promise 2,500 recharge cycles before degrading.
Current liquid-state lithium-ion batteries consist of a number of battery units interconnected into one battery pack, sized to fit into a uniform space. This design goal permits swapping out batteries as newer and more powerful batteries become available.
According to one article, each unit costs $1000 and a battery pack can cost as much as $12,000. An equivalent unit using a graphene aluminum-ion battery costs $10,000 per unit. Since a standard liquid-state lithium-ion battery would have to be replaced 100 times over the lifespan of one graphene aluminum-ion battery, the lifetime cost for a liquid-state lithium-ion battery would be $100,000 per unit, compared to the one-time cost of $10,000 per unit.
Graphene is a porous derivative of graphite, which is carbon-based. Current graphene design permits packing three aluminum ions into each porous space in the graphene, which theoretically allows for three times the power density of a liquid-state lithium-ion battery, that packs energy one ion at a time.
The ability to pack three ions per graphene space during charging means that the ions are fitting into a space already created for that purpose. Thus, a graphene aluminum-ion battery does not expand during recharging. And little heat is generated during the recharging process. Such a battery can be recharged must faster than a liquid-state lithium-ion battery, which can catch fire if recharged too quickly.
Other literature suggests that the battery operates efficiently over a wide range of temperatures, including below zero. If the battery fails or is damaged, it is easily recycled, because aluminum and the carbon from which graphene is produced are non-toxic elements, unlike lithium; they can simply be melted down and the elements recycled. A graphene aluminum-ion battery uses no rare-earth metals, nor does it use copper.
According to one publication, “the graphene aluminum-ion batteries could provide an answer to a lot of the concerns surrounding EV car batteries. They would provide a longer range and charge much faster. They would also be a more sustainable solution, as the batteries are easier to recycle due to their stable base materials. The new graphene aluminum batteries are also safer, with no upper ampere limit to cause spontaneous overheating.”
The proposed regional 19-passenger plane to be assembled in the new factory uses eight electric motors driving propellors. A hybrid, by definition, combines both battery power and carbon-based power to run. None of the literature I found describes the engine-style used in the aircraft, but the design shows small air inlets near the rear of the craft, suggesting an ICE.
I infer from this limited information that the batteries are to provide the additional power needed for take-off and for the climb to cruising altitude, at which point the engine, be it jet or piston-driven, starts up to provide enough electricity to maintain cruising speed. After all, take-off and climbing to altitude place by far the greatest demand for power during flight.
No need for eight separate engines (by definition engines are not motors) in this design. One small yet efficient engine (hypothetically a small, turbocharged gasoline engine) can generate the electricity needed to keep the batteries charged throughout the cruising and descending parts of the regional flight. If the single engine were to fail in-flight, the reserve power in the battery packs should permit the pilot to extend a gliding descent to the closest airport. Arguably, bird-strike jet engine failures would be a thing of the past. And if one electric motor fails, seven remain to power flight.
Make of this what you will. Me? I think Donald J. Trump just might have it backwards. Lead-acid battery-powered golf carts driven by fancy automobile starter motors are light-years behind coming battery and electric motor technologies. As I recall, a university researcher was the first to produce graphene in a lab in 2009. In 15 short years, it might be just one of many fantastic recent scientific achievements meant to power our future.
Skibum says
Very interesting information, not only about the innovation of the electric commuter plane, but also about the potential future of the batteries that will power yet to be built vehicles. Thank you for your take on this new and exciting technology.
Ray W, says
Hello Skibum.
Aura Aero is incorporated in France. But air travel is more concentrated in America compared to the rest of the world. It makes sense to assemble the regional transport planes that are not intended to travel long distances here first, rather than to assemble them in France and fly them here. The world’s biggest marketplace for such planes is North America.
The company does have a factory in France that builds an experimental vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) plane that uses conventional turbofan jet engines.
I don’t doubt that many of the parts and components of the plane will be manufactured elsewhere and shipped to Daytona for assembly, just as Harley-Davidson sources parts and components from all over the world to build/assemble its motorcycles in its two American factories.
For that matter, Boeing assembles many of its planes from parts and components sourced from all over the world. The Italian judiciary recently started an investigation into two Italian sub-component manufacturers and eight people, including the company owners, for manufacturing components for Boeing that were fabricated from a substandard grade of aluminum. Boeing contracted with two component manufacturers. The two component manufacturers then contracted out parts and subcomponents to smaller firms. In order to increase profits, two of the smaller subcontracting companies allegedly sourced far cheaper grades of aluminum and passed their parts and subcomponents off as aircraft grade.
Using a grade of aluminum that is lower than aviation grade means that components may not have the metal strength and/or resilience to last the expected lifespan of the plane. I have commented on this over and over again: the gullible among us who think that any regulation is bad have it backwards. In their limited fantasy world of deregulation, no one commits fraud for profit.
Under the Italian system of law, if the judiciary determines sufficient evidence exists to further investigate, the case can be referred to prosecutors to continue the investigation.
As an aside, had Aura Aero decided to assemble its planes on Flagler airport grounds, the electric motors would have made the planes far quieter and much less lead-pollutive. If the ICE that generates electricity is a more modern version of a turbocharged engine, it may not even need to use leaded fuel. If sufficient stored battery power can get the plane from takeoff to cruising altitude before the ICE kicks in to generate electricity, then any exhaust fumes would be barely existent near Flagler County homes.
Yes, I know that engine exhaust is harmful not matter the altitude, but a cleaner aircraft near ground level that is also quieter could have been a welcome economic addition to the airport area.
Gina Weiss says
Ray W.: Thank you once again for your brilliant research.
The dude says
“ Over the past decade, Volusia County has seen the creation of over 7,000 jobs with a significant economic impact.”
Now do Flagler… oh wait…
But seriously… Does picking palmetto berries count as a job with significant economic impact?
Charles says
Very disappointing, this would have been great for Flagler County.
Doug says
Gee, I wonder if that decision is reflective of the poor leadership and decision making of our counties elected officials.
FlaPharmTech says
Congratulations, Daytona Beach. Now if only Palm Coast could court something similar to bring real jobs to our town. First fix the plumbing tho.
protonbeam says
Not the first or last time. Business’ see Flagler as unstable, corrupt and difficult to work in – a lot of this is a flawed perception stemming from a few bad actors and selfish assholes who have done and continue to do tremendous damage to our community – and the revolving door of unqualified leadership so to render zero continuity – but thank McDonald, Danko, Lowe, Walsh and others for fucking us.
The dude says
Let’s not get it twisted… Those “few bad actors” have plenty of support in this town.
Tells you a lot about the people here.
FlaPharmTech says
Pierre, please don’t accept comments containing profanity. I’m hardly a wilting daisy, but it cheapens your site. Points can be made without profanity. Protonbeam, I do agree. Rise above the muck. trump has already cheapened and vilified and bullied and denigrated and raped and and and in nauseam et al our USA, our democracy. I want to resort to cursing and violence, as I feel bullied to it, but I strive everyday against those impulses.
I don’t mean this to be a lessen to an obviously thinking adult, but we’ve got to rise above the grift. Thanx.
protonbeam says
Well taken – Not only does Flagler Live report with a rarely seen transparency and honesty in this day and age, they are open to criticism of their own ideas and views– Flaglerlive is literally unique in allowing adults to engage in free speech – in my years of commenting I dont think ive ever used foul language, but it did seem appropriate at the time. I agree and don’t want to cheapen the site – and IF YOU HAVEN’T DONATED TO FLAGLERLIVE, now is a great time :) I know I am overdue for contributing.
FlaPharmTech says
I do donate. And thank you for your POV.
Celia Pugliese says
Take McDonald and Lowe out of your bully derogatory equation! You cowardly hide under and alias then whom do you work for county, city or developer? MacDonald have always been on the side of the residents defending our causes and supporting us. So what is your problem with a good tax watch dog?. Lowe may have made some big mistakes in his youth, but some made much worst and became Governors, Senators and Presidents! Lowe have brought some realistic and economic bids for canals dredging projects and ignored by city. among other things. No one is perfect but the essence of their work for the community is what counts. Stop the witch hunt and value individuals for the good they make for the community and not just some errors made as no one is perfect. Stop punching while hiding under an alias and have the courage (pair if any) I have, to speak the truth and not conspiracies.
CPFL says
All this company had to do was look up sites with posts about businesses/development trying to come into PC and come up with a big fat NO. People want restaurants and stores to come to PC but nothing else that goes with it. 1k high paying jobs lost to Dirtona.
Backslapping Commission says
If a city cannot properly plan its own growth and development (obvious by reviewing the city plans for the last 24 years). Seeing city problems with (infrastructure, sewer, water, flooding, traffic, protecting residents’ safety and health). Then how can the city convenience any corporations that they’ll be able to protect a corporate’s assets and employees? All a visiting corporation VIP Staff would have to do is drive on the non-gated residential streets of Palm Coast to see how the city values their own residents to know how they will eventually be treated just like them.
Brian says
How do you convenience a corporation?
Fly Tim says
I don’t know what you all are thinking , can you imagine how many people would have complained about more traffic at the airport. I can hear the old people now, I. Can’t leave my windows open because of all the buzzing going on
Tony Mack says
So true but — think of all those folks buying those $300K-$450K homes along US 1 just to hear those freight trains come roaring through their living at all times of the day and night. I’m in the “L” Section off Matanzas Woods and I hear them every morning when I’m having coffee on my enclosed patio! On the bright side, all those residents like the rest of us in the “Northern Territory” needn’t worry about facing traffic jams getting into a Publix or a Winn-Dixie to shop. AAh, good times…more storage units, please./s
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Those train tracks were there a long long time before any idea of Palm Coast or even Dixie Highway/Old Brick Road was thought of. Those train tracks could be an economic boost for PC, Bunnell and Flagler County if only the people in charge would open their eyes.
Gina Weiss says
Nephew Of Uncle Sam: YOU ARE SOOO RIGHT!
Willy Boy says
Hey, don’t forget that these anals also are convinced that the fuel that the planes use are killing all of us with lead poisoning! One of the biggest winers is Ray Stevens!
Using common sense says
Ray Stevens is right! Speaking up to protect the rights of the citizens is not whining, it is being an advocate for common sense and standing up for our safety, health, and welfare
Did my Common Sense Offend You? says
Willy Boy- According to the EPA, lead from single piston engines, like the hundreds that circle Flagler County an average of 520 times each day at 100, 200 and 300 feet over our homes, IS killing us, and harming our children. Flagler Airport is in the top 100 lead polluters in the Country! 720 pounds of lead polluted every single year. Residents need to SPEAK UP to protect their safety, health and welfare and demand our quality of life be returned to us. NO MORE excessive training school flights at FIN! We the People have Rights in the USA!
Backslapping Commission says
5000 COMPLAINTS AND COUNTING: a airport complaint portal was set us
this past summer and received 5000 complaints from the thousands of touch
and goes generated by the flight school mills operating in and out of this
this doughnut hole airport in the middle of PC as this is a flight training field
and not an airport by any traditional definition, one can’t book a flight in or out.
And you can bet that those million dollar electric planes will not make the
hammering buzzing sounds like those piss a*s cessa leaded fuel cash cow
planes do. Aero did it’s homework they know that Sieger and Petito are 2 losers
along with a FCBOCC who can’t even run this airport the right way. Plus one can be
sure that Aero knows about our dwindling weak infrastructure , how are you
going to fit 1000 more people going to work at this airport on these already
crowded poorly designed 2 lanes on each side SR 100 road, and one lane backroads.
Also add to the multiple failures is that this airport has NO RADAR, and will
never have radar as the FAA reported it’s not cost efficient to put radar in
this airport. What billion dollar company would invest here knowing this?
Chris says
I am ok with the airport here. Doesn’t bother me the noise from the piss a** piper cubs or any other plane! Airport was here long before most of us.
Backslapping Commission says
Chris:Once again the important points are misconstrued in your statement,
NO RADAR AT THIS AIRPORT, furthermore what was HIDDEN and kept SECRET
from the residents were the agendas between the past and some of the current
FCBOCC is that this is a FLIGHT SCHOOL TRAINING FIELD AIRPORT, the money that
Sieger gets from the FAA is what keeps the airport thriving otherwise the
2022 FOIA requested financial end of the year report states that it is
close to one million dollars in the red wereas if you READ the article Volusia
County is an aviation/aerospace hub similar to the place in France where
Aero is based. This airport is a small doughnut hole private money making
flight training school pit for Sieger and his cronies whose sole purpose
is to disrupt the lives of the homeowners, businesses, school and health
facilities that it flies over incessantly day and night, holidays, weekends, etc,
thus posing imminent danger to the people in the communities lives.
Retired says
Preach brother. Ince again the fly over my house sun up till sun down. Circle circle. Circle. Got into a discussion on reddit with one of the idiots who told me they do it on purpose to tick people off. Their is a commision meting at the courthouse oct 21 at 1pm about the noise. Be there!!!!
FlaPharmTech says
Agreed, but IF Palm Coast could consider the future development, steps should be taken to alleviate negative impacts and maintain our infrastructure. Clearly Palm Coast leadership has failed spectacularly. We need good jobs! As a 57 year old female who is not renewing her pharmacy tech license cuz I am done with the abuse and disrespect, where do I look for say a decent paying office admin role? Here in PC my choices are retail, hospitality, healthcare (done with it) and????? I had a well paying newspaper job in Palm Beach County. The skills I have, along with my Bachelor’s degree, equate to a $15.00 per hour job here in PC, if I could find it. So, I’m pondering getting a Realtor license, and into the muck, where I do not want to be. Whew…
Upper body male strength, if only I had it, equates to a well paying job in construction, which is thriving in PC. Perhaps I could clean new construction homes for $15 an hour?!
Grumpy Old Lady says
What!!!!! “I can hear all the old people now”. One day you will be old.
palmcoaster says
Grumpy, those are the ageist galore calling annals to 5000 complainers about this training field nuisance FIN airport . They “do not have a pair: being coward bullies name calling justified complainers, probably associates benefitting from residents misery. Airport operates in the red just benefitting the few insiders while using the subsidizing taxpayers in the ground as targets affecting their safety, health, quality of life, remote jobs and value of their homes. Sooner or later affected residents will win. We just need Ray Stevens, Jeffery Seib and Mike Norris in the city council,
David says
Rumor is they heard so it all the residents who complain about airport noise and decided against coming here.
Backslapping Commission says
David: this airport is NOT the economic panacea of PC
that Sieger made it out to be to all of the past and some
of the present idiots on the FCBOCC. This would have been
great for PC had the airport remained what is was before
all the flight school mills came in and tore apart the runways
with their 170,000 or so freebie touch and goes performed
yearly so that Sieger can get his numbers up to receive
millions of dollars in funding from the FAA to build his own
little castle. Sieger, Petito, and some past and present county
commissioners do not care about the citizens of PC who are
enduring and have endured the constant roaring sounds and
yes the dropping of leaded fuel from these piss a*s student
flight school planes (flight school mills) over their homes, people
can’t even work remote as they not only interfere with their
internet service by flying so low but also they can’t hear above the
hammering sound these planes make. That’s why there were never
any noise studies done which should have been done about 10
years ago , they were afraid of what results would come out of
the noise studies. We shall see what shall come about in the 2025
county comprehensive plan when many of these issues will be
addressed as Pennington and Dance has promised.
Shoregal says
I moved to the area in 2006. Our realtor took us down to Seminole woods. I saw that we would be near this small airport not knowing much at all about it. Common sense told me that there would be airplanes flying around in the area. So I USED my common sense and chose a different area. As I did not want to hear planes flying overhead.
Backslapping Commission says
This is not about private, or hobby planes flying around an area located in
a doughnut hole airport in the middle of PC. This is about the county
inviting without proper public notice, public imput and public address,
flight schools mills to train student pilots mostly from foreign countries,
flying at low altitudes, below 500 feet of one’s property, performing touch and
goes, without the county obtaining avigation easements from the homeowners
over 170,000 touch and goes, averages over 500 a day without following FAA
rules and regs and the airports own policies and procedures. This is dangerous as
these flight schools also fly over businesses, a hospital, a senior nursing facility
and a high school, so they are all over PC not only in the Seminole Woods area.
So use your COMMON SENSE and think about it. Also in 2006 there were very few
flight schools flying at our the airport. And don’t be so nonchalant as to the
plight of others, soon they will be flying over your area, it’s just a matter of time,
you are not immuned so maybe you should come on board and join our cause. I have
friends in Flagler Beach who are also complaining sbout the flight school performing
low touch and goes over their homes too. You are the type of person who not
only ignores the misery of others but also with the school of thought that since it’s
not happening to you the hell with the rest of the community.
Shoregal says
Again did you not think that planes would be flying around??? You still made that decision. Just like the people who are choosing to live right next to I-95 or the people who choose to live near the train tracks.
Backslapping Commission says
Shoregal : once again you purposely missed the issues. Of course we know that planes
would be flying around as going in and out of the airport , stop highjacking
the issues, what people were not privy to was 170,000 or more student flight
school planes performing touch and goes 500 times/day plus, less then 500 feet
above their homes, stop twisting words around to suit your agenda, you call yourself Shoregal, we take it that you mean you live close to the beach, most people cannot afford
to live on the coastline therefore go to where their pockets can afford to live,
their financial state should not dictate a decent quality of life. Once again your elitist
attitude comes shining through. What is your argument then to people who move
close to a heavy traffic area, that they knew and shouldn’t have traffic calming
conditions brought to that area that once did not have that much heavy traffic????
As for I 95 due to poor city/county planning with irresponsible overdevelopment
alot of trees were taken down that acted as buffers for people close to it, once again
poor planning and flooding conditions, what do you have to say to those flooded
victims???? Oh, too bad, since the developers next to their houses built 4 feet higher
and they bought when there were not many new homes next to them so they need
to suffer too??? This is ALL ABOUT poor planning and county/city officials both
past and still some present who made decisions without the communities and
taxpayers quality of life in mind, greedy , selfish , entitled individuals. Next time
you get hit with a hurricane you will be the first to cry.
Celia Pugliese says
Take McDonald and Lowe out of your bully derogatory equation! You cowardly hide under and alias then whom do you work for county, city or developer? MacDonald have always been on the side of the residents defending our causes and supporting us. So what is your problem with a good tax watch dog?. Lowe may have made some big mistakes in his youth, but some made much worst and became Governors, Senators and Presidents! Lowe have brought some realistic and economic bids for canals dredging projects and ignored by city. among other things. No one is perfect but the essence of their work for the community is what counts. Stop the witch hunt and value individuals for the good they make for the community and not just some errors made as no one is perfect. Stop punching while hiding under an alias and have the courage (pair if any) I have with my name, to speak the truth and not conspiracies.
Seeking Peace in Palm Coast says
David- The complaints against the airplane noise are because of more than 520 daily flight school circles over our homes, schools, and business at unsafe decibels and polluting our air, water, and lungs with lead. The Flagler County BOCC must take a stand for the safety, health, and welfare of the residents and PROHIBIT student pilot training school touch and go maneuvers at Flagler County Airport. Our Quality of Life is diminished by the sound pollution, lead, and loss of peace from this constant nuisance.
Kendall says
I live within 1/4 mile of the runways in Seminole Woods and have none of those complaints.
The airport was here LONG before any homes were built in the vicinity. You should have done your homework before buying your house.
Backslapping Commission says
Kendall: Facts don’t lie. There were over 100 homes built in the
vicinity before the airport even existed, another fact is
that there is a graveyard in the airport too. So your chicken
and everlasting egg argument is MOOT!
Celia Pugliese says
Hey Kendall how you profit from the FIN schools creating havoc to residents and even causing to loose their remote jobs at home? Do you rent your small craft to them or work at the airport benefitting from the adjacent residents misery? Houses were there way before they brought the schools here in early 2000’s. So your ignorance needs to get realistically informed!
Shoregal says
I believe the 1,000s of vehicles that have recently arrived and the 1000’s more that will be here soon is more of a quality of life issue by having to sit through multiple light cycles, smelling marijuana with our children in vehicles . With no infrastructure to support any of it.
Celia Pugliese says
Shoregal I do not get you..! You looking for support in your ground traffic problem and do not support us against the nuisance of the FIN training field for pilot schools that not only is the noise, but the health also affected and danger over us? We do not have a problem at all with the airport but just the increased use by schools for free “touch and goes” practice over residents homes! Residents are even loosing their remote jobs from home over not being able to hold zoom/phone meets. One thing is to have “planes flying around” taking off to a destination or coming back from a destination and total different “touch and goes” all day and till midnight! A tragedy will take place sooner or later as is just students learning . I would like to know if they are required to have proper liability insurance to use the airport requested by the County Commission.
Backslapping Commission says
Celia: There is no insurance liability for punitive damages, so all
who knew on the county and did nothing will be sued in the event of a tragedy,
I am surprised that we have a commissioner who has an insurance
background or company is either unaware or knowingly silent about this
but then again we have a reject airport director who Tampa didn’t
want that came running back here after he resigned from our airport. A county
commissioner back then unfortunately rehired him. That same commissioner was
eventully fired and is now working as a commissioner in another unfortunate
Darlene Shelley says
The threat of lead pollution from single piston training aircraft continually circling our County at unsafe decibels of noise should be your concern. Cars use unleaded fuel or are electric. Lead gets in the air, water ,and soil and is without question a threat to ALL of the residents of Palm Coast, Flagler Beach, Bunnell, and Flagler County. The EPA determined this precisely one year ago, yet still the FCBOCC refuses to simply amend their Rules and Regulations and ban the dangerous flight school touch and go maneuvers that cause the large majority of the lead pollution and noise issues for the local residents of Flagler County.
Jbeagly says
Do we still pay Jason Delorenzo??
Thought that was his job to acquire business?
Atwp says
Other opportunities will come and go. What will the Republican leaders of this city do? What happened to the Data Center? It was suppose to bring in a lot of jobs.
Laurel says
Thank goodness this will not be developed in Flagler County! Did y’all see the clear cutting and concrete in the planning? People are constantly complaining about over building and flooding, heavy traffic, about cutting down trees and paving paradise, but now you’re upset about not land clearing needed to build this operation?
If you qualify for any of the oh, so coveted jobs, are y’all telling me you cannot drive to Daytona?
Make up your minds.
Backslapping Commission says
Laurel: Aero did their job and knows that we have
no radar at our airport, also there were never any
noise studies, EPA studies, we are the ONLY airport
in Florida without a Noise Compability Program,
all of these studies I was recently told by a official
should have been done 10 years ago, they purposely
avoided them which is why we are in the trouble we
are in now also was recommended in the 2009 and updated
2015 Master Plans which was ignored for the sole
purpose of bringing in the flight mills. Don’t let these
airport trolls on here BS and blame the residents who
complain that this was the reason we did not get Aero.
What goes around comes around, Karma , perhaps if
Sieger and the county did the right thing from the
beginning as Darly Hickman and Les Abend had recommended
the 2 dynamic pilots, instructors and professors that they are,
who were on the Airport Advisory Committee and brought
about all of the dangers and wrong doings with Sieger running
this airport maybe we would have had a chance but I do agree
with you only more traffic, torn down trees on what is
already poor weaken infrastructure of irresponsible overdevelopment
Rapid Growth rather than Responsible growth lies with not only
the county but also the past and some present city officials.
Laurel says
Backslapping: People are not looking at this realistically. If you were Aura Aero, would you build next to a small, local airport or next to Embry Riddle and Daytona Beach International Airport? It’s a no brainier. They made the smart choice.
People should stop moving to a place that has “no jobs” and bitching that there are no jobs. That’s a no brainier too.
The dude says
Because this place “has no jobs”, it should stay that way?
The location of Flagler is ideal to set up manufacturing or technology companies that feed Jacksonville or Orlando.
This place could have lots of jobs. But there’s nobody to fill those qualified jobs in this area.
Only things anybody of working age here are qualified for would be mow’n’blow specialist, spectacularly
Overpriced handyman (who does equally spectacularly shoddy work) or Palmetto berry picking.
Oh, and pizza baking…
I know, I know… some of you in a certain age group/demographic want to stay this way. But it’s a free country, no?
People have the right to move wherever they want, “no jobs” or not. Some of those people also have the right to create jobs where there are none. The local governments here do all they can to discourage this outside of t-shirt shops, pizza places, and storage units.
Laurel says
Dude: All my working life, I moved where the jobs were or commuted. It never occurred to me to move where there were few jobs and cry about it.
If I wanted a job today with Aura Areo, I would either move closer or commute again. That to me is a no brainier.
Aura Areo picked and area next to an aeronautical university and an international airport. That, too, is a no brainier.
So go ahead and continue to blame my generation for all your personal woes, as that will pacify you, and I will carry on as usual.
Grumpy Old Lady says
Laurel, You took those words right from my mouth. I was going to comment on the commute to Daytona. My husband traveled everyday to Daytona for his job. When we lived up north we traveled to different towns to work. You know where we came from US 1 is gridlock with lights at every corner, strip malls, strip malls, stores, stores, Walmarts, Walmarts, cars, cars, and more cars and sometimes they stop short cause they don’t want to miss the entrance etc…… Here you can get to Daytona in 35 mins on Rt1 and besides just like the other company coming here manufacturing bullets or whatever it is what type of high paying jobs do you think we are going to get. I for one do not want any of this type of building in Palm Coast, heck I don’t want any more building but that’s just me. And think of it what part of that building would the taxpayers of Palm Coast pay for just like all the residential building now we are going to pay for upgrading the crap hole that sits on my lawn! I’m getting closer and closer to being done with this BS. Not that it matters but I am far from old and I’m sick of watching and hearing those stupid planes invading my privacy and I live on the other side of town.
Laurel says
Grumpy Old Lady: With age comes wisdom.
Backslapping Commission says
A friend of mine picked this up from a GA employee
and supporter on a recent media page who states that from the 70’s
an airport must provide the FAA with a noise map based on future
craft use, type, frequency, and flight patterns. The inputs are very
subjective and can be based on limited growth or realistic increase
growth. Naturally the previous assumption helps the developers.
In the 90’s the aircraft data was based on what the manufacture
provided to the FAA as part of their compliance with the FAA rules.
This information was fed into FAA software to produce a noise
contour map in dB’s, these limits cannot exceded for schools,
hospitals, residentials neighborhoods, and commercial buildings.
This person felt that Aero studied this very closely with their future
increase in traffic, therefore he concluded that this deal was DEAD
even before it was announced thanks to our SHORT SITED POLITICIANS
Time for Solutions says
There is ZERO doubt that the decibel levels from the constant circling of training aircraft at Flagler High School, Advent Hospital, and hundreds of homes and businesses are at unhealthy levels in violation of FAA guidelines. It is time for the FCBOCC and City of Palm Coast to PROTECT the CITIZENS and not the Developers, Flight Schools, Fat Cats, and Cronies. THIS IS AN EASY FIX. Amend the Airport Rules which is in your purview and PROHIBIT touch and go maneuvers. There are too many six figure salaries, assistants to the assistant positions, nepotism, lack of accountability, and failure to act upon the valid concerns of the local residents, in my opinion and based on research and experience trying to get accountability from our elected officials.
Concerned in PC says
The facility that was lost to Daytona would have been in an area off FIN Way that is already cleared. Presently the area has a large quantity of privately owned tanker trucks and trailers on it (on airport property) that are not being maintained or contained. My understanding from a very reliable source is that this (fleet) currently has tens of thousands of gallons of unsecured and improperly stored diesel and aviation fuel which is currently leaking into the ground. This is happening on Sieger’s watch. Sieger is fully aware of the situation and nothing is being done as an environmental contamination event continues to unfold. Another sad example of leadership being non-existent in this county.
Backslapping Commission says
Concerned in PC: This needs to be investigated immediately,
no wonder our water in this area feels oily and smells like fuel
as I mentioned a way back we many have another Flint on our
hands. Also testing all homes for lead directly under the flight
paths and not just on the airport grounds in the 2025
Comprehensive Plan is necessary as well. Maybe this is why
Sieger is so afraid of being shut down.
palmcoaster says
Thank you for this info maybe the FL DEP and EPA have to be summoned to investigate this issue. You seemed to have proof of it and should be the indicated witness to report it if true.