
Every once in a while a newspaper like The New York Times runs really funny articles not intended to be that funny. One of those ran just before the Christmas holidays. It was about how Saudi women now get to wear multi-colored burqas, sit with men in coffee shops and attend some sporting events, thanks to the reforms of the new crown prince, the same guy who ordered the assassination and dismemberment of a Saudi journalist who was writing for the Washington Post.
The neo-orientalist article was funny because it’s intended to contrast with the superiority of western culture and make us feel all self-satisfied in our supposed liberties. We shouldn’t feel so smug.
The same week, the U.S. Supreme Court was allowing a Texas law banning all abortions starting at six weeks to stay in place while it gets litigated. The law also frees individuals who have absolutely nothing to do with a woman’s body or her rights, to turn vigilantes and sue her or clinics that may perform abortions. As of today, that’s now legal. Saudi Arabia and the Taliban have the very same vigilantes in place. They’re called the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice. But articles like the Times’ on Saudi Arabia seem to think we have evolved. Like I said, funny.
It was a few days earlier that the Supreme Court had heard arguments in the case of a Mississippi law banning abortion outright after 15 weeks, the law the court’s Christian mullahs upheld today. They overturned Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in 1973, with no restrictions in the first trimester. But at least women can still shop at Prada. Which brought Nancy Reagan to mind, at least–at last–in a good way: that’s how far we’ve cracked.
“I don’t give a damn about the right-to-lifers,” she had told her husband’s chief of staff as they were going over the final drafts of the 1987 State of the Union address. Ronald Reagan had wanted to insert a line about abortion. It never made it in. His most influential move on the right to abortion in his eight years was to protect it.
He had appointed Sandra Day O’Connor, making good on a campaign promise to name the first woman to the Supreme Court. O’Connor would go on to co-author the Casey decision that reaffirmed Roe v. Wade in most respects. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, either to Reagan or to conservatives. O’Connor had been a Republican leader in the Arizona Senate before appointments to the bench at a time when the dominant figure in Arizona politics was Barry Goldwater, one of the most right-wing politicians of the 1960s and an ideological inspiration to Reagan. But Goldwater’s wife Peggy was a co-founder of Planned Parenthood in Arizona. The Goldwaters’ daughter had an illegal abortion. And Goldwater as late as 1994 was saying that social conservatives like Jerry Falwell deserved “a swift kick in the ass” for their opposition to abortion.
Abortion, Goldwater said, “should be up to the woman involved, not the pope or some do-gooders or the religious right. It’s not a conservative issue at all.” But by then the fundamentalists were well on their way to taking over the Republican Party and making abortion a crusade they compared to abolitionism. Today they succeeded. And just like abolitionists, who had no idea and didn’t care what would happen to freed Blacks, abortion opponents have no idea and don’t care what happens to a life once born.
The debate has been corrupted at its root by language and religion. Opponents of abortion are called pro-life, as if those who defend a woman’s right to her body are anti-life, or even pro-abortion. I don’t think there’s a human being alive who’s pro-abortion. Pro-choice is more accurate, the way pro-life is not, because in the end, the definition of life is as subjective as clueless clerics deciding when life begins, or when a soul enters the human body. Those aren’t questions for politicians or judges but for theologians, and theology has no place in politics or law or human rights. It barely has a place in common sense.
To right-to-life theology, the woman’s right is non-existent. She’s a vessel. Again, we pretend to have evolved–it’s that New York Times smugness again–and in fits and starts, we had. But we’re regressing back to misogyny as old as ancient Greece and Medieval theology.
The English historian Diarmaid MacCullough summarized it: to the medieval Christian understanding of the roles of women and men in reproduction, procreation depended “entirely on male seed. A man’s semen contained the entire fetus in embryo, so anything that stopped male seed doing its job was an act of murder–anything, from masturbation to contraception to same-sex sexual relations.” (The emphasis is mine.) This is what we are returning to in the seething blowback against same-sex freedoms and abortion. Women have no voice. They have–or rather they are–uteruses. The rest of them must submit, and it must procreate. Take it and bear it.
Then good night and good luck. The moment a fetus is born, not only could opponents of abortion care less what happens to that life, but they turn on mother and child. We have no family leave worth a dime. Paying for child care is like paying rent. Women seeking assistance to raise children are still vilified as welfare queens (the vengeful age of Reagan is with us after all), and it’s not long before they call their children thugs and worse, especially if they’re people of color.
Pro-life? It might help us to look beneath our own legal and social burquas once in a while. Maybe it’s not Saudi Arabia. But it’s not pretty, and it sure as hell isn’t nearly as moral or pro-life as you think.
If it’s the casualties of abortion we’re worried about, then let’s stick to that but see the picture whole. Half-way through An American Tragedy, the Theodore Dreiser classic published in 1925, there’s a lurid episode about the hunt for an abortion, for “some low-priced shady doctor somewhere,” as Dreiser described what we refer to as back-alley abortions, the fear of being found out just for looking, or the 10-year prison penalty doctors faced if caught, and of course the hypocrisies of doctors who turned down poor girls but performed abortions for richer ones, forcing the rest to grab the nearest clothes hanger.
This isn’t fiction but history: in the 1920s, 15,000 women and girls died every year from back-alley abortions. This is what they call pro-life. This is what abortion opponents prefer to ignore, along with the fact that when abortion was decriminalized in New York State alone, in 1971, the maternal mortality rate in the state dropped 45 percent. This was pro-life. Put another way, abortion saves lives.
It’s ironic in a ruefully American way that the justice who replaced Sandra Day O’Connor is Samuel Alito, the justice who wrote the decision that overturned Roe today, returning us to Dreiser’s America, to back alleys and to a sniff of women as handmaids. That decision almost entirely based on theological fictions is now law. It is a triumph of regression. It is a celebration of seediness. It is an American tragedy.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here. A version of this piece aired on WNZF.
Slutty Preggo says
The Democrats have not been this mad since the republicans freed the slaves lmao
William Moya says
They may be mad, but chill out, the Dems in power won’t do anything, other than talking and making promises, they have had plenty of chances and tools to act, but their goal is to keep the system going at any cost.
Rick G says
An excellent analysis of what the evangelicals are doing to this country. I wonder why I never see them at anti war rallies.. Thanks for this piece Pierre.
YankeeExPat says
I am sorry Rick for your disappointment but did you really think the Coat Hanger Christians give a Rats Ass?
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) last week at a Christian conference joked that Jesus didn’t have enough AR-15 rifles to “keep his government from killing him.”
The Hill.com
Jesus only ranks ranks as a distant third in the Evangelical Church.
1. Former President Donald J. Trump
2, Current Justice Clarence Thomas
3. Jesus H. Christ ( a bald faced Liberal who said
“Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5),
Maria Torres says
This is really sad We have the right to choose what goes on with our bodies. What’s next are they going to stop same sex marriages ? Are the going to stop Dark skinned people from marrying light skinned people? We need to keep moving forward not backwards …
Robin says
Thank you Pierre.
Deirdre says
The good news is now money can be poured into social services to raise the children from these unwanted pregnancies – orphanages, group homes, foster care, adoptions. People who are looking to make a quick buck can start small businesses in back alleys and bring back the manufacturing of wire hangers (sorry Joan Crawford).
Maybe they can transfer the embryos (from pregnant children, rape victims and drug addicts in particular) to women who want to be pregnant but were not successful, in spite of the miracles of modern science in helping women with reproductive opportunities.
I think as long as the babies burn before they tan this would be a great business option.
It’s also a good thing because it’s concerning how few people we have on the planet, we really need to look to increasing the population, especially for people living below the poverty line (to few to mention). Not enough bread? Eat cake!
Also, let’s not forget people have rights. No way should ANYONE have any barriers in carrying a loaded gun around in public, no way should anyone have to wear a mask in public, no way should anyone be asked to get a vaccination for a deadly illness. Even if it does lead to losing a few million lives, at least they’re not embryos!
Anyone who doesn’t think so should be imprisoned and suffer the death penalty.
We’ve made substantial progress in the development of assault weapons, so that should be the first choice in killing these criminals. Choice is important in these matters!
Yes, America is number one. Land of liberty (so say fascists), and we enjoy our freedoms – at least for ignorant, racist, homophobic and misogynistic people that founded this country, the ones originally from Europe.
I’m so grateful we honor the ideologies of people that lived centuries ago, they really had great insight into today’s issues. Isn’t it great the right wing can figure out what’s evil for all of us? Thanks!
Pogo says
@American ISIS — Made In The USA
This is not a drill.
It’s in there, “…188 a. Repeal and/or nullify the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968…”
Machine guns for all.
Shrug that off.
Dee says
You don’t want to get pregnant? Use birth control ot get a tubal ligation.
Your body. Your choice.
Birth control has lead to increased weight gain, mental health issues, ovarian cysts, blood clots, etc and that’s all so we don’t get pregnant. Something that is not 100% effective!
Get our tubes tied? The amount of stories I’ve seen where women try to get it done and are denied is immaculate. The doctor’s argument generally is, “what if you find mr. right?” Even then, if you get them tied now you have an increased risk of getting cervical cancer.
So yes it is MY BODY MY CHOICE.
Why ban SAFE abortions?
D says
Hey, why don’t we just stop having intercourse with men? That will solve MANY problems.
JimBob says
I believe ol’ Aristophanes come up with that idea back in Greek times!
Fitzsiverling says
I did. My life is so much better without the hassle and drama. I’ve been a non-dater now for about 3 years. Maybe 4. I recommend trying it for a few months, to anyone currently unattached. I believe people ought to spend more times with themselves, swimming the lengths of their own inner currents. Know thyself, first and foremost. Spend some time thinking about the roots of your happiness and your flaws in equal measure. Cogito ergo sum. pp.
Heathen Lady says
Wow, your comment is ignorant and judgmental on many levels. That it comes from a woman is disturbing. People like you have no clue of the complexities of the abortion issue. Best you sit down and be quiet. You might learn something
Deborah Coffey says
Such naivete! Google all the life-threatening diseases that can crop up during pregnancies and the rate at which birth control fails. There are very good reasons for abortion and very, very few women use abortion as birth control…also can be Googled for correct data. Hopefully, you’ll never be forced to carry a dead fetus that is infecting your entire body for 9 months.
JimBob says
Are you genuinely unaware that the religious right wing cultists on the Supreme Court want to allow states to ban birth control by reversing Griswold v. Connecticut? Uncle Clarence says so explicitly in his concurrence.
John says
Thanks for your racist comment towards Judge Thomas
JimBob says
Well, at least you took no exception to “religious right wing cultists”! Do you, like Thomas, favor letting States ban birth control?
Been There says
Except nobody will tie your tubes if you don’t already have a child. Our right to contraception is also up for consideration. What of the women who DID want to become pregnant and the pregnancy isn’t viable and carrying it would result in death to the unformed fetus and the mother. Guess what, that’s two dead in states where abortion is illegal even in the cases of incest (not that little girl’s choice), rape (not the woman’s choice), medical necessity (where is my choice for my body then)?
Not so simple is it.
Edith Campins says
I grieve for this country. This ruling has in effect made all American women 2nd class citizens, without the “constitutional” right to make their own healthcare choices. 2 out of 3 women in the US support Roe v Wade. We are now being governed by radical, right wing minority which is imposing their religious beliefs on the majority. This is only the beginning. POS judge Thomas has already stated that he wants the court to revisit the laws that made contraception legal and the laws that made it possible for gay marriage.
William Moya says
So, how did we get here, where a super majority of the country wants to move forward but the reactionary forces win most of the time, are we not a democracy? Sadly we’re a D+ democracy with a penchant for telling the rest of the world to learn from us. We tend to neglect and to look at our foreign policy, as too distracting, painful, something that happens to others, “godless brown people”, so now here we are at home facing problems that other humans do. So to answer my own question, let’s read our Constitution that may give us some clues.
John says
We’re not a democracy we’re a constitutional republic apparently you didn’t pay attention in school either
Laurel says
John: We are a democratic republic, utilizing both ideals. To try to rid us of democracy is not going to work.
tulip says
Vote DeSantis out and let the new governor cancel some the dictator’s policies and allow access to safe abortion and take politics out of schools and education.
tulip says
If we wind up with Rep majority in House and Senate, plus Rep President, we could easily end up with absolutely no abortions in any state in the country. Pence stated that he would like to change it to NO abortions at all, except in case of possible death of mother. Also Justice Thomas said he’d like to ” look into same-sex marriages, no abortions, possibly contraception!! Facism! What a horrible way this country is going. Geesh! Who is he to talk, with a wife Ginni who helped with the capitol insurrection and likes Trumps ways and beliefs. Thomas himself had an affair many years ago, lied and threw his mistress, Anita Hill, to the lions, so to speak.
How we vote in the Midterms and in Nov is CRUCIAL this time around. Look at the younger people in your family, especially the girls, and ask if what has happened and other things going on, is the way you want them live in the future—with their medical, and private rights taken away.
I will not vote for ANY Republican candidate for any office, especially House, Senate, Gov, President, and local. I am a registered Independent and will either vote Democrat, or if I don’t like either choice, I won’t vote for either candidate. We also have to now see what Dictator DeSantis comes up with on his rules for abortion. We are losing our freedoms and it kind of makes the 4th of July less of a celebration of freedom.
AndyinHammock says
There is zero chance of there being enough votes in the Senate to overcome a filibuster.
You know – the filibuster. The thing Democrats rant against.
Suddenly it makes a bit more sense. Doesn’t it?
William Moya says
Alas, I admire your enthusiasm for the election process, but it wont change anything, other than perceptions.
Norris says
Dems are in for a big shellacking come November. Blame Biden. At the very least he could exercise some humility and blame someone other than his predecessor and Putin for our economic woes. Alas, hopefully they will learn from this.
Edith Campin says
Do you think that the current challenges we are facing happened in the last two years? We are seeing the results of four years of trump’s failed policies. And you expect Pres. Biden to fix it? With a Republican controlled Senate? Remenber trump’s failed tariff that cost the taxpayers billions in a bailout to farmers? Remember his tax cut for the rich and corporations? Remeber when he was praising Putin and taking his word agaisnt our own intelligence services?
William Moya says
Definitely , not Biden, I suggest a quick visit to Twitter many videos of Biden’s proclamations on abortion. but I would have expected the Democrats who have been in and out of power for the last 50 years, Obama comes to mind. The same goes for the economic reforms that are needed, wasn’t last year that we were going to pass a comprehensive package of infrastructure AND social programs, what happened?
Heathen Lady says
1: Biden has shown more humility than Trump (and DeSantis) have their whole lives.
2. Biden is at least TRYING to fix the mess Trump left him. (No thanks to Republican .fascists). All Trump did was sit on his fat butt tweeting and watching Fox Noise. (And blabbing classified secrets to Putin and his entourage.)
3. It is foolhardy to predict election outcomes, especially this far out.
Justsayin says
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Alexander Hamilton
Joe Biden only 16 years ago. https://youtu.be/–DWDMI32hY
Pierre Tristam says
Not sure what that Justsayin comment and the link to Biden explaining himself on abortion was intended to imply: that Biden stands for nothing? Did you watch the clip? Is there a more measured approach?
Justsayin says
Where in his speech Friday did he use the rare. I guess his position on the Hyde amendment dose not count either. How is it more black babies can be aborted in New York city than born. That does not sound rare to me. There most be a real woman’s health crisis no is talking about, or is abortion just now birth control with no limits. From conception to birth, kill them if you want. Maybe I have the term rare wrong, but here is what Merriam- Webster calls rare:
“seldom occurring or found”
marlee says
Excellent piece, Pierre…I forwarded it.
…there is a great quote I heard yesterday:
The Supreme Court has become politicians in black robes
Stan says
Cope and seeth
Jane E K says
Thank you Pierre for your well worded article. This is indeed a tragedy. Our country is going backwards – we are not progressing at all. A sad, sad day for America. And a damn frightening one.
William Moya says
Your nihilism is contagious.
John says
Justice Thomas should be careful. At the rate he wants to roll back the rights of Americans, he might find himself being someone else’s property.
Dean Gallberry III says
And, divorced.
TheyAreComingForYouToo says
I already wrote a lengthy post about my feelings and what’s to come (a rollback of rights for a lot of people because this is and was always about more than abortion).
Bottom line – this is a violation of my religious rights. Period. I’m not Christian nor am I a Christian Fascist. This nation has a clear divide between church and state and they are shredding that constitutional right with every ruling. If someone can deny a wedding cake based on religious beliefs, Jewish women, Muslim women, Atheist women, Pagan women, Wiccan women, see where I’m going here…are all having their religious freedoms violated with this ruling. Same thing will be true when they eliminate contraception, roll back LGBTQ rights, etc. Not everyone prescribes to this fascist ideology. If you’re going to use religion to scapegoat your racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, the you need to use the entire Bible:
“Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord.”
No tattoos. Shame. Shame. Abomination.
“Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”
Uh oh – no mingling of brown cows and spotted, no mixed cloth on your bodies.
“Ye shall not round the corners of your heads, neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard.”
Oh no men – long hair and long beards only anything else is an abomination.
“And when any will offer a meat offering unto the Lord, his offering shall be of fine flour; and he shall pour oil upon it, and put frankincense thereon:”
Oops looks like we’re ALL eating wrong – abomination!!!
“And the man that committeth adultery with another man’s wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour’s wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.”
Ohhhhhh boy!!!! All you orgy loving, threesome-engaging married couples (and singles with married couples), and other adulterous people – God has spoken his word and that word is death, I mean God said it not me. I mean you quote the passage about homosexuality (it’s not though, it was rewritten from one about pedophilia because guess why – Catholics love their children) but I digress that passage merely says abomination this one, THIS one even made his Top Ten list of commandments.
I mean you want to Bible-quote, quote all of it, follow all of it, don’t ignore the parts that reflect upon you because it’s inconvenient. It’s either all or you’re just using and abusing the word of your god to justify why you are the way you are – closed-minded, power-hungry, and controlling of others. That old do as I say but not as I do, the rules apply to thee and not me approach. In other words – hypocrisy.
Arianna Higgins says
yep-hilarious but true!! Just look up “Abominations of Leviticus” by Douglas. Basic reading for anthropology students.
cgm says
Blame the Dem’s they had fifty + years to pass and abortion rights bill and never did now they have until November.
c says
So, just when does Justice Thomas intend on going after mixed-race marriages? If he is honestly thinking that all these old, established precedents need re-examination (abortion, legal consensual sex between unmarried couples, LBGTQ+ rights, etc.) then he shouldn’t ignore mixed-race marriages.
And, for the record, I am NOT opposed any of the above.
And, over and above the particular case here – here’s a question : When the Supreme Court Justices are going through their confirmation hearings – are they under oath? If so, then you now have at least three Justices who LIED to Congress under oath during their hearing – anyone gonna do something about that? Or are we just supposed to accept that the highest representatives of our Justice system can lie to Congress and the American people whether under oath or not – and get away with it? Shades of Trump!
Laurel says
George Carlin said:
“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren’t they? They’re all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you’re born, you’re on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don’t want to know about you. They don’t want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re preborn, you’re fine; if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”
For me, that’s proof positive antiabortionists are all about controlling women. They don’t give a damn about life. What could be much crueler than forcing a woman to bare a rapist’s offspring? Shame on women who back this return to the dark ages.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Laurel ..I could not have said the reality better than you. Back to the days of wire hangers and ruined lives of ‘careless’ women is the new future for America . Not to worry though nobody is going to take away your assault weapons because you still have your ‘ constitutional rights ‘ to blow out the brains of anyone who ‘offends’ you.
Sam says
Well women’s rights just went to back in time.
Get out and vote in November and make sure you know who your voting for and who not to.
William Moya says
Alas, is not just women’s rights, we are now back in ante-bellum America.
A.j says
A woman can’t choose to have an abortion. White men have always tried to rule and run another person’s life. Mrs, Barret is a white woman. Should I say white people have always tried to run and ruin another person’s life. Soon no same sex marriage, Black People will be under Jim Crow laws again. They will say he as Bkack People are worth nothing and they will probably have the white men rape our women and kill them. The white cops will go on a murdering rage and kill Black Men at will. The Court will say they have that right because we as a Blacj People are nothing but the scum of the earth. We will not be allowed to vote, they are making it harder for people of color to vote. We as a Black People will not be able to own anything. No schooling no education. We will be stripped of all our dignity. They will consider animals more worthy than we to live. People whole we have a chance we need to vote Dems in and Repubs out. Wake up and c what the Repubs are doing. If the Repubs can take away one right what make you think they will not try to take other rights away. Black People Jim Crowe is coming again. He never went anywhere he just got a little quiet. Thanks to Donald and other white people he is speaking louder everyday. Black People it is time to Pray for mercy because we will need it.
Laurel says
Aj: How’d we get from women losing their rights to women participating putting people of color back in chains? Tell me if I’m wrong but I think there may be a few evangelical people of color too, no? Do not forget that white people marched along side of black people and some lost their lives in the process. You are categorizing. Prejudgement sees no color.
larry krasner says
A judge is a lawyer promoted by a politician
William Moya says
…or a judge is a politician.
justsaying says
Pierre, Your title says it all… Roe was a tragedy! By the shear grace of God, the America that God once blessed is turning back from their murderous past. This past Monday the federal government recognized another tragic past, Juneteenth. No longer can any one person “own” another person. Maybe this new court ruling should now be a national holiday as well.
Maybe Planned Parenthood and all the other abortion providers should have several videos of the various types of abortion procedure in the various stages of life playing on a loop outside their facilities and on the front page of their websites so everyone can see the work they are doing. Don’t forget the follow up videos with the living patient describing how great and satisfying their experience was.
And, for all those who are moaning about Christianity. Just remember this… If one lives their life as a Christian, speaking on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves, and you, who cry out for their death; when the death comes to each one of them, and heaven is not real, the Christian has lost nothing, but for the non-Christian, if heaven is real, they have forfeited eternity in heaven and foolishly chosen eternity in hell.
JimBob says
Hey, you stole every bit of that from Blaine Pascal without attribution!
Justsayin says
Who the hell is he, please show me what your talking about
Laurel says
George Carlin also said “Religion has convinced people that there’s an invisible man … living in the sky. Who watches everything you do every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a list of ten specific things he doesn’t want you to do. And if you do any of these things, he will send you to a special place, of burning and fire and smoke and torture and anguish for you to live forever, and suffer, and suffer, and burn, and scream, until the end of time. But he loves you. He loves you. He loves you and he needs money.”
I miss George.
Justsayin says
Somehow I am not surprised.
marlee says
OK… For every woman seeking an abortion, there’s a man responsible for that unwanted pregnancy. We need them in this fight.
They need to stand up and tell their stories, also. They need to feel what it is like to be judged like the women are.
I have never seen a man stand up at a pro-choice rally and say, “I’m so glad abortion is legal because I didn’t want to be a father.” Men never have to admit how relieved they feel once an abortion is over.
C.J. says
Simply put, the Supreme Court has endorsed the crimes of Rape and Incest by denying any cure for the crimes upon a female person, oh, they are no longer persons, so no crime here except the cure.
Skibum says
So I was wondering this morning about the legal ramifications that may be in play in states that have made abortion illegal. For crime victims, such as rape and incest, regardless of whether or not the suspect is known, can be identified and arrested, or is found guilty in a criminal trial, is there not now a legal cause of action that a female crime victim can pursue against such a state that forces the crime victim to carry to term and give birth to an unwanted baby? Because it is the state that has forced such a birth, shouldn’t the state then be required to assume child support costs? I would love to hear answers to these questions from an attorney who specializes in this area of law.
Been There says
Since they’re working on taking away our rights to make decisions about our own bodies and our medical privacy relative to doing so, its a good thing we are getting to keep our guns.
Don’t think women are going to lay down and just take this (like the thousands of times we said, “yes”, just to get it over with because you wouldn’t take, “no” for an answer and we were avoiding violence or punishment). We are going to fight. We’ve come to far and we are angry. Oh, yea, and overly emotional and hormonal.
Two words for the GOP, and they are NOT “Happy Birthday”. You ALL gotta go!
Justsayin says
I would just like to take a minute to thank the late Senator Harry Reid from Nevada. It was his use of the “Nuclear Option” that opened the door for the Justices we have today. Yes, the GOP expanded it to the Supreme Court, But Harry was the trailblazer to start it’s use. Thank you Democrat voters.
oldtimer says
where was my body my choice during mandatory covid shots
Sherry says
@ot. . . Please STOP “mindlessly” posting imbecilic FOX propaganda!!! There is ZERO comparison!
My abortion does NOTHING to you. . . NOTHING! However, “You” NOT getting vaccinated/masking up and spreading your HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS disgusting lethal germs. . . puts all those near you in grave danger of serious illness and possibly even death!!!
Skibum says
Well put. Possibly a total waste of time and energy saying it however, because so many of them have been so brainwashed by the fauxinfotainment garbage for so long that their brains are mushier than boiled grits.
Sherry says
You are so right Skibum. . . the mindless posting of FOX complete BS is pathetic and infuriating. Trying to encourage the FOX brainwashed to “think” and “seek FACTS” is extremely frustrating. Wishing I had a magic wand that would restore their ability to see the FOX propaganda for what it really is.
I’m hoping that not all cult members are completely lost to us. . . and to reality.