Based on the pillorying he regularly gets from the floor’s more abrasive fibers at Palm Coast City Council meetings, David Alfin can look like a mayor more embattled than front-running barely three months from an August primary when he’ll face, at last count, at least four challengers.
But council crowds can be deceptive, disproportionately giving voice to the indignant–what Alfin himself has called “the loudmouth minority”–while the more approving, having little to complain about, stay away. Judging from this morning’s town hall-style “Coffee Chat” with Alfin at Panera Bread, the restaurant on State Road 100, reports of Alin’s demise may be premature. “I love you Mayor” isn’t something you hear at council meetings lately. It was something a woman who’d met Alfin for the first time this morning told him before leaving, eliciting a laugh and a “thank you” from him as the gathering wound down.
“I didn’t want you to miss the din of enthusiasm and opportunity that the residents of Palm Coast feel when government is willing to listen to them,” Alfin said just then. “There are lots of problems. There are lots of issues. There were so many things to be done better. But I feel an energy in the room when folks get together and air their opinions, their questions, their views together in a group. I think this is a great program and I’ll support it every way I can.”
Alfin’s coffee talk was the last of five such events the city organized with each of the council embers, at different venues with different perks: Alfin’s coffee talk had just a big batch of Panera coffee. He drew 22 people. Events organized for Council members Danko and Cathy Heighter offered free lunches, and drew 33 people for Danko and 45 for Heighter. Council member Pontieri drew 20 at the dog park near the new Southern Recreational center. The idea was to let each council member connect informally with constituents, hear their concerns or ideas while giving the council members themselves a chance to speak outside the strictures of meetings and workshops.
“I know a lot of people expressed frustration about coming up to the podium and having three minutes and then having to sit back down, so these town halls are really your opportunity to have an open engagement and discussion with your city council members,” Pontieri said, summing up her experience to her colleagues at a council meeting earlier this month. “I just want to encourage people to keep an eye out for those and again.”
The crowd of 22 at Panera was engaged, questioning, critical or skeptical of many things–growth, the “westward expansion,” congestion, the absence of public transportation, the disappearance of the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club, though that’s the school board’s doing–but never critical of Alfin, or even snarky to him, as is often the case at council these days. Standing and speaking most of the time, he was comfortable if too at ease with generalities, and not once condescending, as the tensions of council meetings occasionally trip him to be. There were no gaffes, no awkward jokes, and aside from repeating his beloved metaphor of the city’s future as a three-legged stool, the talk was hokey-free.
He did not promise the moon, though he did promise a few shooting stars–promises that shimmer briefly but don’t require specificity, as when he promised that green spaces would be set aside in perpetuity in the westward expansion, without saying how much, or in what proportion, or when he said there would be a public transportation master plan in the works (it’s one of the council’s new priorities), without saying that such a master plan is more easily shelved than enacted.
When the questions were too specific, too much like serious issues residents face but can’t get resolved, he deferred to a trio of staffers–Interim Manager Lauren Johnston, Chief of Staff Jason DeLorenzo, and Communications and Marketing Manager Shannon Martin, who would either field the issue or take names for further reference. In what could have been a misstep, he at one point credited only DeLorenzo by name, and his “team,” not Johnston, for helping to draw down the bounty of state appropriations of the last two years.
“For those who don’t know, I am your mayor, David Alfin,” he quipped at the top of the hour. After repeating the old complaint about the disproportion between residential and commercial property tax revenue, he had clearly anticipated questions (or complaints) about growth by addressing them almost before they were asked: sure there’s growth, and there’ll continue to be growth, but it’s happening for a reason: “It’s growing because people want to be here,” he said, subtly dismissing claims that growth goes against Palm Coast’s grain.
When he got repeated questions about congestion, he almost punted, first by saying that “capital improvements on roads is a lengthy process,” and dropped, for the first of many times, word of his membership, or chairmanship, or past or future membership, or close association with, this or that organization, the Sheriff’s Office, the Home Builders Association, and so on, while reverting to big-picture hopes rather than immediate policies: he spoke of a future when residents could move away from the one-person-one-car habit toward walkable communities. He also proposed an odd solution in the shorter term: more policing, because, he claimed, “because I think the sheriff will testify that a big percentage of your congestion is caused by bad driving.”
Would he? And is it? To the extent that car crashes cause congestion (which they do), that’s certainly a contributing factor, the federal Department of Transportation says in an analysis of congestion, but the causes are broader than that, with population growth playing a notable role.
Nevertheless, the city is in fact working toward congestion and safety improvements, with–for example–a series of turning-lane additions along Belle Terre Parkway coming soon, and a $500,000 study for the corridor between Point Pleasant Drive, where it meets Royal Palms Parkway, the Parkway’s intersection with Town Center Boulevard, and the boulevard’s intersection with Old Kings Road–all notoriously congested intersections at rush hour, with two big new subdivisions at each end soon to dumb yet more cars on the corridor.
As growth continues, Alfin is seeking to remove stigma surrounding “high-density” development: more dense developments allow for more green spaces, he said. More density also allows for less expensive homes. He promised that that would not affect the value of existing homes, as higher density areas would be parceled off. Which brought him to the westward expansion, and this general pledge: “You can rest assured that nothing will be built until the green space is secured.” He is also hoping to see a younger population move in to re-balance a current population where 31 percent of residents are 65 and over, though in reality, Palm Coast today is what the nation will be like in two generations, according to Census projections.
As for the westward expansion–the 20,000 acres west of U.S. 1 and the Florida East Coast railroad–“the city is not putting together a Lego-build of what’s going to go in there,” the mayor said, noting that he’s been going to school (he’s working on a master’s in urban planning at the University of Florida) to better she[herd what’s ahead. Closer to the heart of the city, he said a YMCA is “coming, it’s in the works,” but when a resident complained about the closing of the Belle Terre Swim and Racquet Club to members, he said he would soon be addressing the schoolboard in hopes of reversing the decision. His plan, however, hinges on the school board selling land to generate revenue that would subsidize the money-losing club–a legally tenuous proposal at best, and one that may be a vote too late: the school board has put the issue to rest.
Alfin’s most provocative initiative was in response to a resident complaining about the six-month wait to see a neurologist at AdventHealth Palm Coast.
“I’ve been a patient at AdventHealth hospital probably more times than I would like to acknowledge. I’ve had several surgeries. My experience there has been very, very good,” Alfin said. But the city is big enough to warrant competition. “It would be my goal to identify and locate and talk to a competitive, competing healthcare network because I believe the residents of the city of Palm Coast deserve a competing health network. I’m talking to them now. I can assure, you it’s the best brand in the state. So many of you are forced to travel south or traveled north for specialists.” That, he says, has to change. “So I believe that if we have competing health networks, we will broaden the spectrum of medical specialty services that residents would apply for. I’m working on it.” He did not specify further.
At least two candidates were in attendance–Jeff Seib, who is running for a council seat, and Mike Norris, one of Alfin’s challengers. Norris was not impressed. “I think he’s all bluff. He’s just a politician talking,” Norris said. He frequently addresses the council at meetings. This morning, he only listened. He is critical of the westward expansion, which he says Alfin is championing at the expense of existing infrastructure that needs attention. Politicians, he said, “talk in circles and never say anything.”
But Alfin walked out of Panera certainly more buoyant than he has from some of the council meetings. “I will suggest to my fellow council members that we perhaps double the number of these events that we have,” he told the crowd just before it dispersed. There was no mystery as to why.
Dan says
Obviously a family member or someone who never shops or drives the overcrowded hiways we drive on everyday. All brought on by the excessive building of new homes by his buddies
Michael J Cocchiola says
I thought thetown hall went very well attendees asked some though questions for which there are no easy answers. The audience seemed to understand that. Wonder if they represent the greater population in Palm Coast.
This mayoral race is going to be a real dog fight.
Clear Thinker in Palm Coast says
At the beginning of January 2024, I contacted Peter Johnson. He’s the young man who’s thrown his hat in the ring for City of Palm Coast Mayor.
Peter Johnson called me back and I asked if we could meet so I could get to know him better as well as to find out what he’s done in his life, what he thinks about things in Palm Coast, etc. You know, all the things we’re all concerned about at this point in time.
Peter Johnson spent 2 hours with me on a January day. He impressed me as someone who’s done his homework. He’s met behind the scenes with many people in Palm Coast and Flagler County who hold different positions in different organizations, both government and non-government related.
This young man really impressed me when it comes to his knowledge about the City of Palm Coast. He impressed me as being a clear thinker undeterred by rhetoric from outside sources and the regular blowhards in the community.
We have Alan Lowe, who’s a failed candidate how many times?
We have Mike Norris, whose resume reads well; however, he hasn’t shown his crazy side yet. By that I mean, he’s Danko 10.0. He flies off the handle easily. He’s a member of the Flagler Republican Executive Committee. I’ve sat in many a meeting listening to him yelling and screaming and holding up the REC meetings for 3 hours. No one wants to talk about “that side” of Mike Norris. Do we want another Danko as mayor of Palm Coast? Yes, we know he’s former military. But is that all it takes to be voted into elected office? Having experienced his crazy side in many Flagler Republican Executive Committee meetings (the group protects its own), I will not vote for him. If you want crazy, go ahead.
David Alfin our current mayor. If you’re happy with what’s been going on, vote for him again. If you want westward expansion, vote for him again. If you want to continue with falling apart roads, vote for him again. If you want more vanity projects, vote for him again. If you want more money thrown at the splash pad, vote for him again.
As for me, after spending 2 hours talking to Peter Johnson, one-on-one, I’m voting for Peter Johnson.
He’s open to talking to anyone anywhere. Don’t discount him because he’s younger than the rest. He knows how to think.
It (the mayors race) doesn’t have to be a dog fight.
Call Peter Johnson like I did, and he’ll be more than happy to make time to meet with you one-on-one.
I will not vote for the almost perennial loser, Alan Lowe. Plus, he runs a business here in Palm Coast and Flagler County without a business tax receipt (city or county). That means he does not pay taxes like everyone else. You can look that up on the city website and Flagler County website. He’s welcome to prove me wrong.
Status quo (Alfin) is not acceptable at this point in time. We’re at a tipping point, and we need to make the correct decision this time. Remember Sally Hunt. You voted for her didn’t you?
James says
I think it’s time someone should corroborate some of these claims.
Does Alan Lowe pay taxes?
Is Mike Norris a hot head?… Pierre is a Republican if I recall correctly, he’s entitled to attend FREC meetings is he not? If he has, can he confirm this? Anyone else?
Is Johnston “a really nice guy?”
Just say’n.
And by the way, I do remember Hunt.
Laughing and mystified says
James, you really don’t have a clue do you? Pierre a Republican?
Republicans are going to protect their own. No one from the FREC is going to tell on Mike Norris. Many of them want Norris instead of Alfin. Shocking but not shocking.
If you want to find out about Alan Lowe having business tax receipts like every other business owner in Flagler County, look it up online. Do you know how to do that?
Pierre Tristam says
I am in fact registered Republican as far as I recall.
Ray W. says
At one time, I was registered as a Republican, too, Brother Pierre!
James says
Well, I was never a Republican.
But I will honestly have to say I always felt like one when I lived in NY. Here in Florida, I certainly feel like a Democrat… which is somewhat surprising since I’ve never been a Democrat either.
But then neither was Ike, I think… at least until he was called to serve his country in a different capacity. You don’t get invited to parties, but I can see a hidden value in this stance.
Up to a point… I clearly see the value of this to the individual voter, but if one does consider to run for office, one should make a choice.
Just my opinion.
James says
I don’t think I was born yesterday. Were you?
You seem to have missed my point… or perhaps you just want another one of my rambling opinions.
I’ll be succinct, I don’t want to be told what to think by anyone… no matter how “clearly” they may claim to be at it.
Just my OPINION… and nothing more (and should be only considered as such).
TR says
How do I get a hold of him? Would love a sit down with him.
James says
Well, the election season is clearly underway… pundits did predict an early start.
No, he should get out there and speak to everyone… he apparently has spoken to enough folks behind “closed doors” already in my opinion.
Enough “one-on-one” conversations.
Just my opinion.
Tina olive says
I’m not sure who you thought you were listening to but I have yet to hear Mike Norris scream or yell about anything. This guy makes perfect sense. And he definitely sees what the rest of the tax payers see a mayor only out for himself. This is the election to take our city back and I believe Mike Norris is the person to get this city back on track…This city has been a mess starting with the golf course cluster $%%%% mess to the insane Trash Company debacle…to the Rezoning mess the list goes on and on…and who’s the leader of this ridiculous mess…..ALFIN…. It’s waaaaay past time for a change. The only thing that I can see that’s CRAZY is if people don’t get out and vote on election day.
Facts says
Okay Clear Thinker. Are you a member of the REC, because I am. Mike Norris never held up a meeting for 3 hours. He got up during a few meetings to stand up for what was right. He called out the former leadership for some underhanded, unethical dealings. In my humble opinion that is exactly the kind of Mayor our fine city needs.
If you are a member then you should be ashamed of yourself for spreading false information.
Just my opinion.
JimboXYZ says
Take a good look at Royal Palms Parkway to I-95 where Town Center Parkway is that 3 way. The fact you can see I-95 from there means all of that leveled to dirt Earth are going to be residential. That’s the vision of 2050. That 3-way needs to be at least a traffic circle roundabout, if not outright a traffic light. That road is 2 lanes, 1 in each direction with a bottle neck being the school around the corner or the underpass at I-95. Town Center Parkway simply won’t handle that load of traffic at peak growth & commuting. Just as Royal Palms Parkway can’t handle peak commuting at Belle Terre with the current residential density, with more residential on the way, expect worse for gridlock.
The one’s at Panera just haven’t figured that the road that takes hem to Panera is going to be a mess of gridlock from US-1 to FL-100 for Seminole Woods Parkway heading North. And it won’t be any better from Royal Palm Parkway to FL-100 for Town Center Parkway heading South.
That has nothing to do with loving or hating David Alfin as a person. When taxes increase everytime that inflation or gouging happens. That road will need to be repaved, widened and anything else so that people can make left turns without getting t-boned & killed in a traffic accident. That’s where the love of a free muffin & cup of coffee over at Panera wears thin for the future of the mayor bringing this level of gridlock misery to effectively the mainland side of Flagler County & end to end.
TR says
Jimbo XYZ please don’t give these moronic council members and mayor anymore ideas as to where to put in another Round a bout. A traffic light at that intersection will work just fine and cost a lot less to the tax payers. So far the round a bouts that have been added to this area are on roadways that are state roads and controlled by the DOT. The intersection you speak of is not a state roadway and the tax payers have to pay for whatever is put there to control the traffic. Apparently the city has no money to fix the roadways that are in major need for repair now and are discussing raising the milage Property taxes) rate to cover the cost to repair them. So if their going to raise the taxes for a controlled device at that intersection, I vote for a traffic light.
Celia Pugliese says
The last Round about for 2.5 gouging millions was nit the city vote but the county commissioners. That is why we do not want any incumbents from anywhere there. All new please! Kim Carney, Pam Richardson and Fernando Melendez. As we have many issues affecting Palmcoasters under the authority of the FC Board of County Commissioners. The number one for the Seminole Woods and Quail Hollow residents specially, are the ever increasing world wide students flight schools “touch and goes” and flying around training threatening our safety and health. 2 the funding for the students safety SRO in the schools and also the funding for 50 to 80,000 the Belle Terre 1078 membership comprised of: special needs, elderly and families with kids and limited income! Meanwhile they approve a 2.5 millions round about to benefit development? Need URGENT change.
The Sour Kraut says
I should have gone. He could of had raspberries with his coffee. 33 people will hardly be enough to get him re-elected.
Alfin, THE GREAT PRETENDER, it’s all BS folks and if you vote him in
for another term ya’ll deserve what you get, just look at the messes we are
currently in with irresponsible overdevelopment, poor infrastructure, flooding
of residents homes due to poor city management (all high paying office chiefs
and not enough workers to go around to fix the swales), bottom line he is
a realtor and in the business for his best interest: TO DEVELOP .
NJ says
Now, if we can get pRep Waltz to finally have a town hall meeting so he can listen to the pttttteople of his district so that he can understand what they want!! Rep Waltz, where are the jobs (Military Sub-contractors, etc, etc) you PROMISED to bring to your district? Where is the B you PROMISED for Homeless Veterans? People in Bunnell are still WAITING for the HELP you PROMISED with Low Income Housing! Your Promises are WORTHLESS and I am Mad that I Wasted my time working on your FIRST Campaign to get elected! Stop appearing on Fox News and come to your district and LISTEN to the people ( including the “CRAZY ONES” that your Palm Coast has told everyone that are “afraid’ to meet). DO YOUR JOB!!!
Jim says
I think Waltz is gambling that being a Republican in a heavily Republican district guarantees him reelection. His staff never responds to any letters I send to his office even though I explicitly request a response. As far as jobs from the military subs, that would be hard for him to deliver on when he voted against the appropriate of funding for Ukraine last week. This funding primarily provided the financial backing for the military to replace items being sent to Ukraine which means most of that money goes into the US economy and US jobs. I specifically asked why he voted against that bill and I’ve heard crickets.
I hope the Dems put someone up against him. Maybe there will be enough disgusted voters to show Waltz that he’s not effective and no longer needed here.
Greg says
Most likely all his family.
Jim says
I don’t support Alfin because he raised his pay and he fired the city manager without providing any reason that makes sense. Why would I go to his cheerleading session to listen to a man that has every reason to tell us the sun will shine with him as mayor. Well the sun hasn’t been shining and I’m done with him.
We’ll find out how loved he is soon.
TR says
Agree 100%. Not to mention he doesn’t seem to realize he works for us. Which by any business lesson, the boss decides who gets a raise and who does not. We are the boss and he’s the employee. So to me the raise was done illegally and come November should be lowered to a more reasonable rate for the new council and the new mayor.
Pogo says
@All you can eat
“Anything that makes a noise is satisfactory to a crowd.”
— Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop
James says
@What would have been a better title/caption…
“Make sure that woman gets a bowl of soup!”
… what Alf said to the proprietor of Panera Bread as he and his team left. The reporter noting that he didn’t say who would pay for it.
Just kidding… I think.
Who paid for the coffee?
FlaglerLive says
The city paid for the food or drinks at the five council town halls.
James says
And here I was commenting on grocery prices and Starbucks in another thread.
I’ve never been to Panera Bread, but my impression is the soup isn’t cheap… but then perhaps a cup coffee is.
Just say’n.
Pogo says
Alfin was the best person in the report. Alfin actually wants a better world. Sorry, Mr. Alfin — you got off the bus on the wrong planet.
James says
“I’d love to change the world… but I don’t know what to do… ”
Well, he could start by bringing a large thermos of coffee to his next town hall… held at town hall.
Not at Panera Bread… who owns that franchise anyway? Another member of a certain local political party? A friend, I suppose.
Just wondering.
Flatsflyer says
Wasn’t this clearly a political campaign event? As such no city employees should have participated. Drawing a taxpayer salary while campaigning for your BOSS is wrong, illegal and just plain stupid. The Mayor continually displays many reasons each and every day why he unfit and unqualified for any elected office. I call for him to drop out of this election cycle and too immediately resign as Mayor. He is an embarrassment and I haven’t even mentioned the criminal activities that I feel he has participated in and share the spoils.
FlaglerLive says
It was not a campaign event. It was one of five town-hall style gatherings scheduled in succession with each of the five council members.
JimboXYZ says
Every day on the job is a campaign event for any politician, especially since this is an election year. If any of them are running for elected office with a Nov 2024 vote, voters are watching & listening. The last 3 years of Alfin have been a campaign event. If those voicing disapproval of anything the 1st term of Alfin, everything is on the table for scrutiny. When anyone sits in gridlock traffic, they know who to blame. When entire fields of forests are leveled to dirt while they sit in gridlock on the roads, they have the visual of the 2050 vision as that reminder of what it once was, what it currently is, what it will become & who to blame for that.
Amyone else notice the light that Costco has erected a hundred yards or so from the Racetrack gas station at the corner of FL-100 & Seminole Woods Parkway. When that retail & traffic light, all that goes live. The gridlock of FL-100 will be complete for that commercial development with only adding more retail to that area on either side of FL-100. If it sucks now for gridlock, it’s only getting worse. That show was brought to us by Alfin & his vision of Palm Coast. Remember the dashboard cam of FCSO chasing the Target retail thieves ? That was the gridlock of FL-100 without that new traffic light at & Costco operational. Gey a good look at it, that was prior to peak commuting time of traffic to & from work at 2:30 PM. The video shows vehicles stopped on FL-100. That’s a 50 mph road in gridlock for stopped traffic without Costco open for business with their own traffic light.
Just me ? If Costco is required to have a dedicated stop light for commercial to create more gridlock ? Why wouldn’t any of this new & approved residential be required to have similar traffic control devices to manage the increase in traffic on Royal Palms Parkway. We already have a dead body when the elderly woman was t-boned. Her death is blood on Alfin’s hands for growing pains.
EJ says
Hey Jimbo, get with the program buddy. Costco is in Daytona Beach. BJs is what is being built on 100.
Jim says
No offense but when a politician goes to the toilet, it’s a campaign event. Granted it’s the mayor speaking to the citizens and answering their questions (sort of) but he’s campaigning whenever his eyes and mouth are open.
Charles says
Glad he got a warm welcome still will never vote for him as Mayor.
James says
As I’ve said, every leader has followers and Alf is no exception.
He WAS elected… so SOMEONE must have voted for him… by the way, I wasn’t one of them.
So should I be surprised that somebody in a modestly sized crowd of twenty-two, from this modestly sized city of perhaps (conservatively), 100,000 people… mostly all Republicans. Of which there might be ten or twelve in attendance that actually voted for him… and still would. That one or even two might proclaim that they love 😘 Alf?
Nope, not surprised.
Just an opinion.
TR says
I wasn’t one of them either.
James says
And sticking with those made-up numbers of mine, I began to think and flip them around.
In a modestly sized city of 100,000, one in a modestly sized crowd of 22 proclaims that they love 😘 Alf. Shouldn’t we think perhaps that odd? If someone were so inclined, they might conclude that’s only one in 100,000 and perhaps feel justified in some suspicion that that person was a shill of some sort.
But not exactly, it was a grouping of 22.
So in a population of 100,000, there could be approximately 4545 such individuals… now the “shill theory” seems a little less plausible… but still possible.
Just a little unrefined reality check.
Celia Pugliese says
I am sincerely so sorry I missed the event as incorrectly thought was Tuesday the 29th. I would have had some question for the Mayor. But I am glad that residents attending asked some of the same question that I would have asked. One was about the School Board majority 3 to 2 vote for closure of the Belle Terre Pool use to the city resident members and I like Mayor Alfin answer that he plans to talk to the School Board to reverse the closure and seriously hope materializes, But not crazy about his mind set for the school selling land unless, we the city buys it to properly manage the Belle Terre Pool with our Parks and Recreations Department. We do not need more developers buying school land for multifamily housing.
The questions about traffic congestion and growth were partially replied as all plans for solutions have been pushed to the back burner by former mayors as well and widening, turn lanes and more roads seat waiting when growth is not. His credit given to Mr. DeLorenzo can hurt his campaign, as many of us old timers know well that all the funding lobbied by him was for westward expansion and other alike projects and not taking care first of what we have and need first. Also his decision probably under Bevan taking away the PSP parcels well maintained by our Public Works departments since we incorporated and now contracting to a private landscaper (why?) and as I suspected are not being maintained and started looking like a nuisance in the middle of our well maintained right of ways whether by Public Works or our HOA’s landscapers. Mr .DeLorenzo needs to know that “if ain’t broke don’t fix it” in our city.
I would have asked one more of of already maybe dozens times in person or in writing ,when are we going to build for $392,000 our Florida Park Drive 2 traffic calming islands for which we taxpayers already paid $163,000 in engineering/architectural and traffic studies in 2021: https://flaglerlive.com/florida-park-drive-calming/#gsc.tab=0. Is Mr. DeLorenzo trashing our hard earned $163,000 tax funds? That is very gross mismanagement while FPD residents are exposed to speed including students waiting for the school bus as I copied Mayor and Council in the week of April
I agree that these gatherings by our elected council and mayor to hear us residents should be more than once a year, because the things we are asking for are not as millionaire cost like the one’s Mr. DeLorenzo lobbied for in Tallahassee and is obvious he is really still lobbying for “development”. The Belle Terre Pool keep open between $50/$ 80 thousand, the traffic calming islands in FPD $392,000, the widening of Old Kings Road to redirect the traffic off our narrow and curvy residential roads never as high as the westward expansion cost. Instead need to lobby the Fed and FDOT for a sidewalk in Cimarron for the safety of all the residents on it and in memory of Al Krier.
I know before elections many of our needs can be resolved that will decide who will occupy our Mayor seat. But the wrong advise and lobbying take our elected in the wrong trail against our best wishes.
endangered species says
Fire him without cause like the city manager!!Republicon crooks should be removed with haste.
Citizen united ensured your representation was for sale and no longer representing you.
Thankfully an endangered soecues says
Do you realize that HE is an elected official?
Thinking is a very underrated life skill.
BS says
My opinion as stated in another post. Why in the world would you go to one of those meetings to discuss the issues and ask the questions that are brought up at the monthly meetings. And who in their right mind would say “I Love You Mayor” I’m laughing my butt off., So yes in my opinion it was a campaign event for David. And as for the counsel members doing it as well they had to do it so it didn’t appear as it was A CAMPAIGN EVENT. Of course he was gonna listen to you and promise you everything under the sun because he has a need to continue to make his himself and his friends richer. There is not enough time for him to fix or resolve any issue we have he can try to resolve whatever he feels is going to help him but I’m a hard NO WAY WILL I VOTE FOR HIM. And the fact that the first item on his agenda when he took office was giving himself a raise. And that raise he gave himself is just DISGUSTING. I took a drive up Lakeview this morning and on the right side of the road is all flat land with a sign that says LAKEVIEW ESTATES coming soon Single Family Community with Premium Views and Park. WE BUY LAND. What premium views are the talking about the houses that are already there. OMG its so sad. Up alittle bit the sign says Developer: Forestar, Builders: TBD……..