Cynthia Fisher, President of the Volusia/Flagler Chapter of the ACLU of Florida, issued the following statement late Friday in response to Flagler County Administrator Jerry Cameron’s refusal to suspend a construction project around the Government Services Building for the two weeks of early voting. The Supervisor of Elections’ office, one of three early voting locations and site of a mail-in drop box, is part of the government complex. Cameron was invited to respond. He did not do so. Early voting ends today at 6 p.m. (See, “‘If They Can’t Understand the Detour They Shouldn’t Be Voting,’ County Administrator Says, Reversing Pledge to Suspend Construction at GSB,” and “‘Outraged’ Elections Supervisor Rips County Administrator Jerry Cameron Over ‘Contempt’ for Voters and Bad Planning.”)
The ACLU of Florida Volusia/Flagler Chapter condemns the condescending comments and voter suppression tactics of Flagler County Administrator, Jerry Cameron.
Against multiple appeals made by Flagler County Supervisor of Elections, Kaiti Lenhart, Mr. Cameron made the unilateral decision to move forward with construction work on the SOE office parking lot thereby impeding easy access to the site’s official early voting ballot drop box. The Flagler County Supervisor of Elections wisely requested that the construction be delayed for two weeks, during early voting, in order to accommodate the unprecedented number of early voters expected this year without the need for confusing detours. There is no logical reason that the construction could not have been suspended for this brief time, other than disregard and disrespect for the voters. We made an observation of the voting location today and were appalled at the congestion and confusion of eager early voters.
We further condemn Mr. Cameron’s attitude of overt disdain toward voters who expressed confusion over the imposed detour. When advised that voters were getting confused trying to navigate the path to vote, he implied that if they got lost they weren’t smart enough to vote and therefore didn’t deserve the right, by stating, “If they can’t understand the detour they shouldn’t be voting.”
We join with SOE Lenhart in imploring Mr. Cameron to support our democratic process by immediately suspending further construction and restoring normal traffic patterns through November 3.
Pete Di Giulio says
That Cameron should apologize for his rude comments.
John F Passero says
My wife and I understood the detours. That didnt make our search for a parking spot any easier. Yes there was confusion. Nothing was going to stop us though.
Get out and VOTE says
Hey ACLU, you want some CHEESE with that WHINE ? What a bunch of LOSERS. I went there for early voting. No problem parking or getting around. Of course you do need to be able to READ SIGNS. Maybe one problem with America is a LOT of people should NOT have a drivers license, because their too ignorant of common sense .
ML says
*they’re …..ignorant of common sense, clearly you would recognize someone like that
Voting supporter says
I teach my students a very simple rule to live by when trying to decide who to vote for. The people who are encouraging you to vote, who are helping you to vote, who want voting to be available to everyone — those are your friends.
The people who try to discourage you from voting, who put up roadblocks and barriers (literal and figurative), who make it more difficult for everyone to vote — those are NOT your friends.
You see, some of us are afraid of the voters, and some of us trust the voters.
Really helps to simplify, doesn’t it?
Wanda Morsell says
I can understand the disappointment with not suspending construction to accommodate voting. But on the other hand, I can understand not wanting delays to getting the project finished. For my husband and I, it did not hinder our voting in any way. The detour was not bad at all; parking was available and folk were orderly and gracious. I love Palm Coast because people are just nice.
Wanda Morsell says
Oh by the way, the construction wasn’t that problematic, but Mr. Cameron’s comments were. His attitude is not representative of the fine folk who live in Palm Coast.
A Concerned Observer says
Wake up people and smell the coffee. The A.C.L.U does not have A CLUe! What’s next? Do some people feel disenfranchised by Tuesday? Does rain have a more negative impact on one socioeconomic group than others? Well, if either of these conditions or phenomenon does not convince one group or another that they are being unfairly degraded, we can always count upon the A.C.L.U. to convince them that they are somehow under attack by them. The A.C.L.U. is very adept at stirring up strong feelings among folks needing to have a reason to blame someone else, ANYONE ELSE for whatever they feel is holding them back from enjoying whatever activity, job or livelihood is being withheld from them. It’s what they do. Every citizen of this great country is far better off when we are all pulling in the same direction. Our nation has not been unified since the 911 attack. We cannot survive as a nation with the divisive hate mongering perpetrated by the A.C.L.U. and other similarly minded separatist organizations. Unfortunately, under the guise of “informing the public” some news media further foster this decisiveness solely to sell soap. If anyone living in this wonderful country cannot understand how great it truly is, they have only to live in another country, ANY OTHER COUNTRY for a while. Furthermore, anyone eager to escape their original home to come here for our freedom to build better life must leave their own culture at the border and adopt what we have here to become a part of what we enjoy. If not, stay where you are. We don’t need you. We need to return to the “Melting Pot” mentality I learned about in the 50’s and not the pandering politically correct “Salad” euphemism we are now being force fed by such organizations. We do not need the A.C.L.U.
NPA Marie says
Concerned Observer, based on your opinion of [leaving their own] culture at the border and adopt (which should be adapt) we should all be speaking the language of the Indigenous Native People, from whom the European settlers stole land and pushed them nearly to extinction. Just saying. I agree in theory with adapting to your new home. If I were to move to Germany, I would expect to learn German. However, I’ve been to Germany twice and most people there also speak English or even a third language and are easy to communicate with. I have no objection to immigrants keeping some of their original familial culture and traditions as long as they also make the sincere effort to speak English. At the same time, Americans are a bit pompous to think that everyone in the world should speak OUR language and we don’t make the effort to ever learn another one. We have traveled to several foreign countries and the locals are always appreciative when we make the effort to use a few phrases in their language. It shows respect. My ancestry is Scandinavian, the UK, Irish, and German, with a touch of French. Many of them settled in the northeast, dating back to the Mayflower. Should I have to give up the foods I like associated with those countries because they are not “American?” What do you propose I should eat that is all-American besides hot dogs? People, open up your minds a bit. This mentality is part of the reason our country is so divided right now. You can be very patriotic, support your country, be fiscally responsible, yet respect human rights, compassion for others’ struggles, and reach out to help instead of digging in your heels and telling people to GTFHome.
Chief Lizard Tail says
Hoow Paleface lady, you speak with fork tongue. Maybe you would like to eat some native American food ? Corn ….Corn…..and more Corn…….. As a Native American, I have great respect for the European White man. He brought many good foods to our lands. He brought education to our people ( those that would learn and not stay drunk ). I have many feathers from Great Eagles in my headband. But I wear a MAGA HAT when I’m off the reservation……. As the Great Sky God would say….. ” Lighten Up Sunshine “
Jules Nye says
Lol, Ok Boomer.
James says
Regardless if the detour was confusing or not or some of the posted comments that sound like the administrator, nobody in public office should say what he said, he’s is an embarrassment to our county.
Sherry says
The comments here include a “rant” from an obvious “xenophobe” who has seemingly never visited a foreign country that was highly civilized. Your know, like wonderful Democratic Socialistic Norway. . . that country from which trump wants “white” people to immigrate to the US. Or, is it that they have never extensively traveled to any other countries and explored other cultures? Perhaps preferring to sequester themselves in the FOX LaLa Land of FEAR and HATE. . . which they spew almost daily on this site?
While yet another person posted a “diatribe” about those that “HE” has determined are too “ignorant” to vote. He blatantly shows his own lack of education by misusing the SIMPLE word “they’re”. . . incorrectly using the possessive “their” instead. As they say . . . “Consider the Source” of these comments.
Popeye the MAGA Man says
Their their little Miss can’t be wrong ( That’s a good song by the way “). Not everyone can be as “up nosed” as you seem to be. And you must not have a job because you are constantly on this web site leaving liberal comments . Perhaps a day or two at the Spa might loosen those tight facial wrinkles,
Tina says
He should resign or be fired.
Sherry says
Yet again, I will remind you of just how this situation smacks of voter suppression and why “BIGOTED” Jerry Cameron should be reprimanded for his comment. Voting is a fundamental constitutional “RIGHT OF ALL US CITIZENS”. . . . not just the ones in your particular tribe! Pry open your minds and hearts and do try and consider those less fortunate! Their RIGHT TO VOTE IS EQUAL TO YOURS, no matter what you may think!
* The military veteran with no legs
* Grandma who no longer drives
* Those who do NOT even own a car . . . in a state with almost ZERO public transportation
* Those who cannot easily get time off of work without jeopardizing their job
* Those who are ill. . . maybe with Covid, which is increasing due to our FAILED government leadership
* Those who are caring for children/ parents in their homes. . . and on, and on, and on. . .
Arl says
Cameron should be fired – it is common sense not to impale anyone from voting during election time. For those who feel it is not a big deal, just wait until you are an elderly senior citizen or have a physical handicap and your government impedes your voting rights. Yes, our senior citizens are the ones who actually served and fought in wars to defend our freedoms – the freedoms that you young folks know nothing about!
John F Passero says
MAGA? How far back would Trump supporters like to take the country back? Maybe to segregation or would it be slavery?
Frank Clair says
My wife and I had no problem getting to the Supervisor of Elections office or finding a parking spot. The ACLU should think about the price paid by the contractor and the workers who would have to find other work or face a 2 week layoff. I believe the ACLU are just a bunch of cry babies.
President Trump 2 Terms says
Fortunately, those too lazy to get a job are also too lazy to vote.
So Tired of the Meanness says
That parking lot expansion project has been in the plans for over a decade. Odd how suddenly it’s got to be done right at this period of time. This would have been a perfect project to complete during the shut down….Mr. Cameron sounds like a real piece of work. Dare I say arrogant?
A. J. says
I live in Palm Coast, my wife and I had no problems. We voted. We are African Americans, our fore fathers had a very hard time in this hypocritivle country. They survived the jim crowe laws. As a black man I know how to overcome hard obstacles. Do not let anybody stop you from voting. Some of my people were lynched because they tried to vote. I will never allow anyperson to stop me from voting. Just saying.