Ronald Tristani, a 71-year-old pedestrian and Palm Coast resident, was struck by a pick-up truck on State road A1A in Flagler Beach, at South 5th Street, at 10:42 this morning, and was flown out in critical condition within minutes.
Tristani suffered lacerations to the head, abrasions all over his body and a likely broken bone in one of his legs, authorities said. Flagler County Fire Flight, the county’s emergency helicopter, landed on A1A to transport the victim to Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach, where the helicopter landed around 11:20 a.m.
When Tristani was first evaluated by paramedics, he had a very low so-called Glasgow Coma Scale rating of 3, which is considered critical. The patient improved subsequently but remained incoherent.
Catherine Marler Lampe, a 48-year-old resident of Tivoli Lane in St. Johns County, just south of Jacksonville, was at the wheel of a 2011 GMC Sierra that struck Tristani. She said she never saw the man. A crash report states that Lampe was attempting to make a left turn onto A1A from South 5th Street and that she had checked for traffic twice before pulling out. As she entered the intersection she thought there was another vehicle to her right, so she looked to verify that the road was clear, and when she looked back left, she saw Tristani in her path. She tried to stop but it was too late, according to the report.
The road was briefly closed, but had reopened by 11:20 a.m. Flagler County Fire Rescue, the Flagler Beach Fire Department and Flagler Beach police responded.
The following day authorities spoke with Tristani at the hospital. He said he saw the vehicle at the intersection, but did not recall seeing a turning signal flashing. He said he also waited for 30 seconds the vehicle to turn, then started crossing the street. “No witnesses came forward, and due to statements provided by both parties, it is undetermined who had the right of way in the intersection,” the report concludes.
See the crash reconstruction below, from the crash report.
dave st. clair says
All vehicles are very heavy and have lots on kinetic energy underway, our bodies are like jellyfish around them and we will never win when they collide. Hope the gentleman is okay. People around AIA need to be aware the drivers these days may not be watching them so its up to the brains in your head to steer clear and look both ways. I watch too many close calls along the beach on a regular basis. Good Luck .
PeachesMcGee says
It’s surprising that more pedestrians haven’t been gravely injured in Flagler Beach.
Drivers do not stop at the posted cross-walks, nor do they abide by the posted limit.
Dave says
All I know from what I have witnessed, pedestrians in Flagler Beach just assume they always have the right of way anywhere along A1A. I had a man walk right out in front of me around the Turtle Shack, in Flagler Beach people refuse to walk in the cross walk and just jay walk everywhere. I’m just surprised more people are not hit. About time the police start monitoring that area and give out some tickets. Maybe just maybe a ticket to the right person might make a difference.
Oceanside says
Doesn’t say who was at fault. I’ve seen MANY pedestrians–including children–run out from between parked cars along A1A without ever looking at traffic. Also jaywalking at night from bars and restaurants, and with the low light street lamps, they don’t realize how impossible they are to see.
Both drivers AND pedestrians need to pay attention to their surroundings.
sw says
All due respect the pedestrian always has the right of way. May not be the case here but the drivers in these parts are way too caught up in their own importance and lack of any respect for others, motor vehicles or otherwise.
Bill says
I hope he recovers just because one believes they have the “right of way” to cross a street wherever one wishes does not mean a driver will see you and or be able to stop in time.
Bob says
My wife and I walk A1A several times a week. Two weeks ago we were crossing on the walkway at North 4 St and a vehicle just went round us. The driver had no intention of stopping and gave us the finger. We were already crossing on the walkway. Numerous times when trying to cross the road opposite Finns with the crossing sign giving us the right of way to cross we have almost been run over from cars in both directions.
Geezer says
This is a general comment – I don’t know who was at-fault with
regard to this accident.
I’m in my sixth decade of life. I can truly say that I’ve never seen
people as distracted as they are today. Whether distracted by a
smartphone or lowly cellphone – people are not paying attention
to walking or driving.
Pedestrians are aware that they always (well usually) have the right-of-way.
I notice now that they simply cross in your path without making eye contact.
This sense of entitlement reminds me to share a recurring image in my mind –
one of a tombstone inscribed as:
“Here lies a pedestrian – he had the right-of-way.”
ohrin says
right of way or not, pedestrians need to respect cars, its a battle the car wins every time. distracted drivers (smart phone drivers) are IDIOTS.
John Albert Smith says
Geezer, I agree with you 100 % .
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter if you had the “right of way” when you’re DEAD !! Even as a 5 year old kid, I looked both ways, before crossing the road. I’m not taking either side ,as I don’t have all the facts yet but the vehicle will always win ,right or wrong .
scrub jay says
OR the drivers upon finding a PARKING place on A1A, so thrilled they open the drivers side with out looking….. Too many times I had to make a fast move, and they don’t get it/. Scary stuff…
Geezer says
Things to consider: as a pedestrian or bicyclist you must
be sure that the driver of the vehicle you’re crossing in front of
sees and acknowledges you. That would indicate an alert driver who’s
not in the throes of a heart attack, epileptic fit, or under the influence
of booze or drugs, or simply an elder with dementia.
Those folks will turn you into a hood ornament.
“Common sense” should be re-named as “uncommon sense.”
Flagler residentsflagler residents says
I see many many many times when pedestrians just walk out across a1a without looking and come out from inbetween cars right into the road.I personally seen many pedestrians just walk out onto a1a without looking and especially when they pop out from inbetween cars. I always look both ways and then both ways again to be sure no one is crossing. But there have been many times that as I begin my turn someone just walks out into the road. It’s not just drivers it’s pedestrians too. If you’re not using the crosswalk it’s jay walking. A pedestrian may have the right away but that doesn’t mean you can just walk out into the road. Everyone needs to look not just drivers.