Dacotah Clarke, a 19-year-old resident of 4657 Canal Avenue in Daytona North, or the Mondex, was sentenced Monday to 15 months in state prison by Circuit Judge Matthew Foxman after pleading guilty to armed robbery on Sept. 5 in Flagler Beach. (See the original story here.)
The charge in the plea deal, initially a first-degree felony, was reduced to robbery, a second-degree felony. Clarke had faced a maximum of 15 years in prison. He will also serve four years’ probation.
Clarke had robbed David Adam, 52, with a 17-year-old after the young pair had arranged to meet with Adam to buy several bikes from him. After a fight with Adam, the pair fled but police found them not much later. A 9 mm magazine, but no handgun, was found on Clarke, who was also charged with possession of a controlled substance. (See the incident report here.)
Adams, according to the 17 year old, met them behind a building in the area of North 4th, where Adams allegedly told Clarke to give him his money, which supposedly led to a brawl between Clarke and Adams. Clarke broke free and started running, as did the younger boy. The younger boy’s story “was extremely inconsistent,” the deputy reported. The boy “stated several times that he was not with [Clarke], but then would provide information about the incident that only someone with firsthand knowledge would know.
Clarke was also involved in a Dec. 7 shooting incident in the Mondex involving a disagreement over auto parts between neighbors. At the time, the sheriff’s office had reported that two suspects had come to 4571 Canal Street, just down the road from Clarke’s residence, and one of them had fired several shots into an unoccupied vehicle.
Clarke was arrested and charged with five counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. An AR-15 type weapon was recovered at the time of Clarke’s arrest. All those charges were dropped on Jan. 6
The shooter was identified as Spencer Sarmento, 23, of 4657 Canal Street. He was arrested and charged with five counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Those charges were dropped and replaced with a misdemeanor charge of firing a gun in public. He was found guilty of that charge on March 2, after he pleaded no contest, as well as a charge of being a principal to criminal mischief, and sentenced to 12 months’ probation with fines and restitution of $250.
Ken Dodge says
Could someone please explain the meaning/origin of the phrase “Daytona North, or the Mondex”?
This KiD keeps on getting away with severe charges!!!!!! 15 months what a joke!!!
Geezer says
Ken Dodge:
To answer your question, sir:
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call rural Flagler County.
Jock Bean says
I too would like to know Ken’s question
Doyle says
Freddy says
Daytona North is the official name of the subdivision of one plus acre lots with mixed mobile homes and regular houses West of US 1 and South of Hwy 100 on Hwy 305. Mondex I believe was the original land owner that subdivided that tract of land.
OldSeaDog says
GEEZER—As an OLD Geezer, I applaud your erudite answer!
(That will probably send the delightful residents there running to find out what the Hell wondering what
we are talking about.)
Haw Creek Girl says
In the 70’s Mondex was Deen Farms. Now, it’s an extension of the ‘hood. And no, it is not indicative of ‘rural Flagler County’. It is a small, contained blighted neighborhood with allure unknown to me. You will find very few natives in Mondex which was marketed and advertised as Daytona North in an attempt to fool Northerners in to thinking they were buying property very near Daytona’s Famous Beach. We natives would prefer it be returned to the Deen Family for farming and well, it’s occupants return up I95 North.
Jim says
arrested…charged with…. charges dropped
arrested…charged with…. charges dropped
arrested…charged with…. charges dropped
arrested…charged with…. charges dropped
ANYONE see a pattern here!?!?!?!? WTF is with this county and these judges!!!!!
Geezer says
From one geezer to another–thanks a lot!
You’re traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and
sound, but of mind–a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that
of imagination. That’s the signpost up ahead – your next stop, Bunnell.
Johnny C says
Use of a deadly weapon? 15 month? No wonder this country is a crime filled crap hole. ….im enjoying Australia, no crime here…..
Dodge Driver says
I have lived in Daytona North since 1981. Most of the people here are hard working people, just like the rest of the county. Just because we like the coutry life, instead of houses so close, like Palm Coast where you can hear your neighbor sneeze, does not make us bad people. I am offended by your comment that we should get on I-95 and head ” back north “.
Haw Creek Girl says
Sorry to offend you but many have fought and died for my right to express my opinion. If you were here in 1981, you recall we didn’t have the issues that we have now. Our jail census was maybe 45-50 at it’s peak. We could leave our door unlocked, our cars unlocked with the keys in them. Our grocery stores were friendly meeting places, our gas stations let you run a credit account….and so on. So, as you see, I would prefer our Mayberry back to what has become of our beautiful county. Be offended if you wish or look at the truths and realize we were better off.
Freddy says
My son just moved out of Palm Coast to the Mondex. My grand children are now enjoying the farm life of having chickens, ducks in a pond, goats, and horses to look at and no hassles from city code enforcement on boats and campers parked on your property. Having two acres and no neighbors on all four sides is a peaceful life that city dwellers do not experience.
theevoice says
jim, you are on the money..this county loves its criminals on the street..what a joke..
theevoice says
johnny you are soooooooo right..this county blows chunks..
Robert Joseph Fortier says
You should probably leave if you don’t like it.
You judge a peaceful community by the very few who are idiots.
Sounds like you would be better suited for New York City…um…I mean Palm Coast.
Dodge Driver says
@ Haw Creek Girl.
I was in the Army in the 70’s, and I would defend your right to free speech to this day. I agree that it was very nice back then, people helped people and always waved in passing. It is, as they say, progress. I believe it is better to embrace what we can not change, rather than look down on people just because they live in a certain area. We just need to be good, honest neighbors , and be thankful for what we once had. Good luck to you.
Fedup says
I moved here twenty five years ago this was just a bus stop McDonald’s by the way this town was peaceful very little to no crime I knew my neighbors they were sweet caring people then we became the little apple and the crime escalated problems in our schools most aggressive drivers I have ever seen and rudeness beyond comprehension in ten years as the original residents passed on new apples moved in and the decline of the area proceeded why do you think all the seniors walking in the am carry golf clubs this area is a victim of gravity and if your offended by facts SORRY
happeningnow says
Its all about the money. Again. Who has the lawyers or public defenders take the plea. Everybody happy, except one sentenced. ….Lived here a LONG time, and have not watched justice prevail. Only money talks here.
A.S.F. says
As someone who moved her from an urban area up north, I can only wonder at how some of the kids around here seriously think of themselves as “gangsta.” This young man may find out how seriously wrong about that he is once he starts mixing in with the general population in “big boy” prison. That smug smirk on his face might get wiped off real quick.
GT says
The Modex is a place where people that don’t like rules live, it’s a collection of old dirty Trailers and double wides that have a assortment of old buses appliances and junk cars that they horde. It may be one of the largest junk yards in the state.