A black bear was spotted late this afternoon in the area of Belle Terre Parkway and Brookside Lane in northwestern Palm Coast. A short time later, it was seen in the area of Brownstone.
Sheriff’s deputies headed to the area, including Agricultural and Ranch Deputy Steve Williams (of recent crane-rescue fame).
Sheriff’s spokesman Bob Weber, who was also on his way to the B Section, said authorities will leave the bear alone and let him get on his way as long as he doesn’t injure any individuals or destroy any private or public property. But if the bear does become in any way belligerent–even though, of course, it would be his or her right to be so, this being its grounds long before they were ITT’s and Palm Coast’s–then deputies have “tools” they can use to stop the bear.
This is a developing story. There are no images of the bear yet, but they will be published the moment one is available.
The Palm Coast Observer’s Brian McMillan went to the scene and tweeted from there, with an eyewitness account describing the bear as “mid-sized.”
Black bears are black to light blonde and weigh an average of 100 to 300 lbs. If you see something like a large toe arc, with toe imprints far apart, you’re on its trail. But the claws leave no impression. Don’t go chasing it though. If you encounter it, stay calm, make no sudden movements, give the bear room to maneuver, let it go about its business. “If it changes its behavior,” the bear-safety tips on About.com tell us, “you’re too close so back away. If you see a bear but the bear doesn’t see you, detour quickly and quietly. If a bear spots you, try to get its attention while it is still farther away. You want it to know you’re human so talk in a normal voice and waive your arms. Remember that a standing bear is not always a sign of aggression. Many times, bears will stand to get a better view. Throw something onto the ground (like your camera) if the bear pursues you, as it may be distracted by this and allow you to escape.
Never feed or throw food to a bear.”
“It was apparently passing through the area,” Weber said at 5:33 p.m., suggesting that the bear may have already skipped town. “There was nothing to be had.”
There’s always this:
Ken Dodge says
A bear in the B section. What’s next, a lion in the L section, or an elephant in the E section?
Petra Weider–Gaartens says
It’s thought that once bears associate humans with a tasty,
high-energy meal — once they’ve learned that hitting a trash can
or, for that matter, just two brimming bird feeders can deliver a day’s worth
of calories — they’ll never go back to digging up carpenter ants. But as long
as human food is available, bears actually prefer it.
Don’t be little piggies and litter. It can cost a bear his life.
Hungry Herman says
Image that, a Bear in Palm Coast . Well, I’ve seen coyotes, bobcats, panther, alligators, deer, wild hogs, otters, turkey. Good to know if all heck breaks loose in America I can find plenty to eat :)
Charles Ericksen, Jr says
We only have Egrets left in the E section.. Code enforcement took the elephant out a year or so ago..
Madeline says
He probably thought the B was for “Bear”
Brittany Figueroa says
People in sleeping bags are the soft tacos of the bear world
Kristen says
I saw a bear in the P section (pine grove area) about a year ago.
tulip says
If there is a bear around, I hope the people in that, and surrounding neighborhoods, will be smart enough to keep food, bird seed, and garbage inside the garage and not be stupid like some of the people in some of the areas they’ve had bears and some people got hurt. People have had enough warning from tv and other media to keep food supplies away from wild animals so hopefully there will be no bad events.
Genie says
Yesterday a JAX radio station carried a story of a 300 pound female bear with two cubs spotted at the World Golf Village.
Pretty cool that we have so much wildlife. Lots of deer charging out, crossing traffic. Drive safely.
Cheesehead says
confidential says
Give that bear plenty of room as he was hear first way before we ever set foot in Palm Coast! This is his territory and sanctuary, not ours.
Kind of like happens now at the south border we took those states almost half of today’s USA territory, from Mexico in 1848 where all were welcomed and now even when refugee children come to the USA, asking for asylum escaping certain death, abuse, rape arriving into a land that was then theirs and we boot them out back into a certain death and/or hunger if GOP members in Congress pass their bill or do nothing abut it..
John says
We had a black bear in our yard Sept 22, 2014 at 3 pm. in Pine Grove section of Palm Coast. It was standing up at the Pine tree near our bird feeder.
Christina says
I saw a furry black something when I was driving to work that morning and I wanted to turn around and see if it was a bear, I thought it was, but I didn’t because I would’ve been late for work. Now, I bet it was him! Dangit! BTW, I was driving down Old Kings, towards PCP, and saw it in the middle of the road when I looked left down Farnum, it was around 6am.