Note: For the first-person accounts of Vassili Mironov, who wrestled the gun from the suspect along with Roman Dubinschi and Joshua Auriemma, see their first interview hours after they were released from Halifax hospital here. Note as well: the three men were arrested four days later, on March 19, on disorderly conduct charges. The story here.
Daniel Noble, a 37-year-old Palm Coast resident, is at the Flagler County jail on an attempted first-degree charge and three aggravated battery charges after he walked into a restaurant at European Village with a rifle late Saturday night (March 15), where two patrons jumped on him, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office said this morning.
Noble fired “at least two shots” into the ground, the Sheriff’s Office’s Bob Weber said, after the patrons had managed to force the muzzle of the uzi-style assault weapon downward and grabbed the weapon from him. Noble then took out a knife and “slashed out” at two men, injuring both.
One man was injured in the eye, another had severe lacerations to both hands. One of the men was transported to Halifax hospital. The other refused treatment. Noble sustained minor lacerations to the face. Nobody else was hurt.
Noble had been drinking at the lounge earlier in the evening. He didn’t appear to have had any issues either with staff or with patrons at the time, Weber said. He then left and returned, armed. “Looks like he went in through the kitchen of Mezzaluna, that back alley, in the back side of European village,” Weber said, where Noble had some words or contact with staffers, Weber said, before emerging into the European Lounge.
The arrest report narrates the incident, based on witnesses, as follows: “Noble entered Europa dressed like ‘Rambo; and confronted at least two men in front of Europa. Vassili Mironov (victim) and Roman [Dubinschi] (victim) made contact with Noble in an effort to stop Noble from whatever he was planning to do. Noble allegedly displayed the rifle at Mironov, [Dubinschi] and other patrons. Mironov and [Dubinschi] made an effort to disarm Noble by ‘grabbbing the barrel of the rifle and point[ing] it toward the ground.’ Based on witness statements, the rifle was fired one to two times striking the ground.”
Europa owner Tiffany Burkhalter told police that Noble and Steven Hensel had been at her bar at about 7 p.m. They were friendly, having a good time and drinking. At 9:30 p.m., Noble’s father showed up. The two men spoke outside. When Noble came back in, his demeanor had changed drastically, according to his arrest report. “Tiffany stated that his father just gave him horrible news and told her that his father just told him he is dying.”
But police interviewed Noble’s father. He told police that he’d said no such thing, that they’d rather had a pleasant conversation. At that point, Noble tried to start an argument with other patrons–among them Mironov–before leaving.
He returned at 11:30 p.m.
“Tiffany followed Noble outside where he confronted the subjects sitting at the table,” the report states. “Tiffany observed Vassili grab the gun and that is when she stated a shot was fired and debris hit her legs from the sidewalk. Tiffany stated that several male subjects tackled Noble but before doing so she observed Noble pull a knife from his back area.” That’s when the owner said “she observed a lot of blood.”
The weapon has been recovered. Noble, a resident of 4 White House Drive in Palm Coast, is being held on no bond on the attempted murder charge, and on $60,000 bond on the three aggravated battery with a weapon charges.
Girl says
OMG…. what is going on in this County…we never had all this trouble before, what has changed?????
Oh yea I know… new people in charge…
RHWeir says
This place is nuts. If you look at personal assault stats for PC, we’re way above the national and state average. And we wonder why we have low property values.
Beach Guy says
DO NOT LET THIS GUY OUT OF JAIL!!! IMHO, this incident should result in life in prison. A 37 year old MUST know that firing a gun inside of a restaurant is wrong. If they don’t know this, they need to be locked up forever so that it doesn’t happen again, or someone gets killed. Put him away!!!
Erik Matlock says
All I see is one guy with a massive attitude issue. I don’t see this as the norm for Palm Coast. We have lived here over two years and thank God daily for living in such a great town. The only folks I ever hear complaining about it are people who never lived anywhere else.
This is paradise compared to where we came from. I will accept the occasional idiot. They show up everywhere. Don’t bash a great town like this. Please.
Don’t forget that there we a few heroes who stopped it. Those guys don’t show up everywhere, either.
devrie says
It’s wild to me that European Village has become this creepy place to go. When we pass the place, we can’t help but think its design was just awful from the beginning. It kind of looks like a forgotten low-income neighborhood right in the midst of a beautiful section of Palm Coast. I remember being kind of excited about the place when I came back to Flagler County several years ago, and when I first went there, it seemed like an interesting concept. My gut feels loaded with weight when I think of the business owners there.
My family took a trip there some time after the unfortunate suicide and just before another stabbing there. We ate some pizza and got some ice cream. We like what we got from those businesses, but I remember looking up into the balcony to see a man sitting there with a sad cloud hanging over his head, and he had a frustrated toddler clad in nothing but a diaper. It was just not what I expected to see. I imagined I’d see travelers–swimsuits draped on lounge chairs–happy couples sipping tea or latte while wearing sunglasses.
It was eerily quiet. I half expected to see dust bunnies and ghosts traversing the cement.
Ron says
Notwithstanding the 2nd. Amendment, this is a good example of someone who should not have guns.
w.ryan says
Idle minds and unemployment. New leadership should not pass up opportunities for business incubators at City Market place for 2.3 million or other viable options than to spend 9 million dollars plus for a new city hall. Those two young men were great…Saved lives probably!
Happening Now says
Flagler County is more apt to tell it like it is so to speak. With all the Bikers and kids now, you won’t read or hear much about what happens in Daytona unless it is really news worthy.. Really bad for business,,,,
Genie says
I don’t think that more traffic cameras are going to help the growing violence we are seeing in this town. This is going to take a Sheriff and police who are a lot tougher than the ones we have now. It’s going to take much tougher state laws that don’t release criminals on bond for repeated assaults. This is going to take an entire community stating loud and clear that we’ve had enough of this, of the violence and the crime.
And we don’t have that community here. Nobody wants to be bothered.
Dissonant says
One more good reason to avoid public drinking establishments. In addition to the usual alcoholic drama, every once in a while there’s that loose cannon who throws a fist, or, in this unfortunate case, pulls a gun or a knife. If that’s your thing, go for it. I’d rather drink with friends at home, where you can actually hear your conversation, and not risk getting a DWI.
Guy says
Things like this happen every day in other counties. Most don’t hear about it because minor occurrences like this are only covered by local news sources. Now unless you read the news of other counties in the US daily I’m not really sure how you could come to the conclusion that this only happens here, in Flagler County.
confidential says
You hot the nail in the head Ryan. Unemployment along with guns and libations make for dangerous liaison’s. Aggravated by the pillage of our hard earned tax dollars in 9 million to start if so, a new city hall that we openly voted down! Lets vote down in coming November, the ones that voted for it.
Jim says
He’s soon gonna meet up with “Rambutt”, his cell mate. Absolutely a disgusting act.
Anonymous says
You got that right. Of course, multitudes will blame this on guns, but no one will blame it on alcohol.
Leave It To 911 says
First mistake, never use a Patron to remove or escort another Patron from ones business. If the situation is that bad that three individuals have to approach another call 911. This whole incident may have been avoided.
Leah whalen says
Scary man and he is adding alcohol to the equation
I hope we get more police in that area that bar Europa is a haven for misbehave
Tim says
I still support the second amendment. That said this man needs the book thrown at him and never see the light of a free day again. If you use a weapon, firearm, knife, club, poison, etc, in the commission of a crime make life in prison an option in the sentence.
Really? says
this is a good example of why good citizens need to carry guns. They are very fortunate the injuries were not deadly. good job guys.
Ron says
Really, Really??
Surely you’re saying that this guy (Noble) should be allowed to possess and carry firearms? How do we discern between “good” citizens and bad ones?
Seminole Pride says
We really need to start looking at those who live here. First, start with Rentals, we need to not allow Property owners to rent to anybody, but require criminal and credit back ground checks. Second, bring in a Hi tech or Professional Industry, and stop building these minimum wage mole holes. ie Mc Donalds, Family Dollar, ect., ect. We need to attract a more educate and productive work force. Our median income should be at least 65,000 per household,not an embarrassing $ 35,000. Nobody wants to live in a community with a low to poverty level income. Finally, We need to educate our children, and start putting more responsibilities on parents to raise their children. Perhaps tell parents that if their child drops out of school, they are required to pay a penalty.
And they say... says
Yeah, and the west side is the “bad” place to live…
Mystified says
So agreed! When those looking after the health and well-being of the county become corrupt everything else goes downhill, aye?
Genie says
@ Happening Now: This one made it to the national news, thanks to Flagler Live.
Jessic says
This young man suffers from PTSD. He is a veteran of this country. He obviously has mental problems that he is self medicating with alcohol. This country keeps sending men over seas and they come back with no preparation for civilian life. What he did is wrong. I agree. I am so thankful no one was killed. We have a mental illness problem in this country. Until we address that, we will continue to have these terrible acts to continue.
Howard Duley says
100% agree with your ideas. But there is a better chance that literal hell will freeze over first.
Ariana386 says
Well, first of all, @Seminole pride, we cannot begin to hope to attract a more educated and productive workforce when there is absolutely no industry here to attract them. If not for the min wage “mole holes” Flagler County wouldn’t have ANY jobs.
Secondly, the rental agencies DO run criminal background checks and credit checks–which is why there are a great many houses standing vacant–which is also inviting all kinds of criminal activity while the owners are struggling to pay for two homes and living out-of-state…
Third, there IS a penalty to pay if your children do not stay in school until at least 16 yrs old–the parent is actually the one charged with truancy…. Are you sure you want to throw the term “educated” around? Because it would appear you did not do any homework on your proposed “solutions” to our issues…
If you want people to stop looming around all depressed and unemployed, create jobs. It gets people out of their houses, and gives them a sense of purpose. Even if they are going to a “mole hole”. They are at least contributing and not walking around with a warped sense of entitlement. THAT would be the REAL issue with Flagler County. The 35-ish and younger crowd seem to think that the world owes them a living. I say, throw their butts out there so they can go and FIND that living they are ‘owed’ then. Go on. Get!