A four-vehicle crash triggered by the recklessness of a driver shut down I-95 in both directions early this morning and sent two people to area hospitals, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The crash took place at mile marker 294, just south of the Flagler-St. Johns County line, at 4:17 a.m.
According to FHP’s reconstruction, A 27-year-old man was traveling north on a motorcycle, and riding recklessly, according to witnesses. He was passing cars by using the right-emergency shoulder lane.
An SUV had been abandoned on the shoulder. The motorcyclist crashed into it and was ejected. The motorcycle disintegrated, sending significant debris onto the northbound lanes of the interstate.
A 26-year-old man from St. Cloud was at the wheel of an SUV, traveling north. When the SUV struck the debris, it overturned several times, rolled over the center guard lane and crashed on the southbound side of I-95, in the center lane, on its left side.
Another SUV was traveling south, driven by a 23-year-old Lyman, S.C. woman, with two 23-year-old passengers from the same city. That SUV struck debris from the St. Cloud driver’s SUV, ran off the road to the right shoulder, and caught on fire.
The motorcyclist had been wearing a helmet, and had been armed with a firearm, which was taken into sheriff’s custody for safekeeping. An emergency helicopter was briefly put on standby but the motorcyclist ended up being transported by ambulance to Halifax hospital with serious injuries. The driver from St. Cloud was taken to AdventHealth Palm Coast. The driver and occupants of the gold SUV that caught on fire were not injured.
Authorities were still searching for the occupant or owner of the abandoned SUV more than half an hour after the crash.
In addition to FHP, which is continuing the investigation, the crash drew the response from the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, the Palm Coast Fire Department, Flagler County Fire Rescue, and St. Johns County authorities.
Note: the Palm Coast Fire Department was marking its 50th anniversary at Station 21, at 9 Corporate Drive in Palm Coast.
Local says
But hey!….look out for bikers!
RitaMae says
My husband and I were traveling I95 North on Thursday. Right after we passed the exit for route 1, we were caught in another accident at the exit for 207. Thought that by the time we got to that exit, the crash would be cleared…WRONG! We crawled for approx. 45 minutes when we decided to get off and go home. We were told there was a crash right above this exit. Traffic was at a standstill. Now, here is another accident almost in the same location not even 2 days later! I hate taking this road. Drivers are NUTS for speed.
Land of no turn signals says says
Sounds like crotch rocket riding to me!
Dave says
So many wrecks along I-95 within the Flagler County section. Maybe a steady patrol of Flagler Cty deputies could reduce these wrecks. In this state there is just not enough Highway patrol’s to always be noticed.
palmcoaster says
These rocket crotch speeders with open no muffler exhaust Frid. Sat. and Sund, and some occasional week days late night like 11pm keep me awake racing in PC Parkway, Florida Park Drive, Old Kings Road and Clubhouse Drive…I hear them clearly. We need sheriff traffic units at least one in Palm Coast Parkway as sounds like the Daytona 500 in full swing late those nights.
Hard to believe says
YUP! I like Bikes have lot of friends that still ride a lot and there are a lot of safe riders out there. But there are so many unsafe riders, just today traveling north on Old King’s road just past Town Center, a south bond biker passed a car in the middle of the road between another south bond car and myself in the middle of the road endagering all of us including my two young children in my truck. Unbelievable and I am the one that is supposed to watch out for you!
Brian says
As does White View at Ravenwood. Just like you described. If I have my sliding door open at night I can’t hear tv. It is sad.
Bill says
Come move the Palm Coast it’s a beautiful city. The city has turned this shit in 20 years I’m out.
John H Yankovich says
I’ve been here since 2005 and since 2015 traffic in PC has gotten worse every year!!! I agree with Bill! John H Yankovich
jeffery c. seib says
We have former governor, now senator Rick Scott to thank (?) for his state budget cutting which essentially destroyed the state troopers. He closed many trooper headquarters and now they are really invisible. Driving on 95 at that time of night there are many big rigs and passenger vehicles going the speed limit and driving sensibly. Then there are the folks out of control. Ten, 20, or more MPH over the speed limit and driving recklessly. Used to be state troopers would slow it down, now they are nowhere in sight.
Concerned Citizen says
While I am grateful this accident wasn’t any worse I’ll point this out.
I have lived in Flagler County over 20 years. I drive a lot for my job. And cover an area from South Jax to Daytona Beach Shores. The amount of aggressive/reckless driving has more than doubled over the last 4 or 5 years. There’s a multitude of reasons but it all boils down to impatience. And lack of respect for others.
I will also say this. I see zero traffic enforcement of any kind towards the motorcycle community. And yet we see time and time again incidents of fast moving bikes tearing down the roads at high speeds. Just the other day I witnessed a Harley Davidson driver cut people off pulling out of a gas station on 100. Then ride up the white line between cars so he could make a turn. Again impatient with zero respect.
Before all the cameras came out you used to see FCSO sit in various places and at least attempt to monitor traffic. Now when I see them they are mostly parked 2 or 3 cars lined up chatting somewhere. Can’t do much traffic enforcement that way.
Before you ride me for not being supportive of our LEO’s I spent just over 30 years between a Sheriff’s Office and then retired as a Lieutenant from a large Fire Rescue Agency. I’ve worked all the major assignments and have seen and done it all. I’ve seen my share of fatalities. Most were avoidable.
Our area has some of the deadliest roads around. But we can change that. It starts with us. I can also say with certainty. That more needs to be done on the Law Enforcement side. By the way for all complaining about late evening racing. You can submit a traffic complaint form and call the non emergency number. If more of us report it they will eventually take action.
FCSO Traffic Complaint Form
Jay Tomm says
I’m not going to say I don’t speed, but I was doing 85 in the middle lane the other night heading north through the US1, to 100 section.
Cars were flying by me in the left lane like I wasn’t there. 100+ easy. This was around 11pm.
Plates all not FL.
I usually avoid 95. Had no choice last week to drive up & down 4 days at different times. It’s a flipping nightmare!