Last Updated: March 25, 8 a.m.
Update: Fernando Chavez died on March 24, eight days after he was critically injured when his motorcycle struck a car on State Road A1A in Flagler Beach.
Note: An account has been opened at PNC Bank under the name Paola Arce (Fernando Chavez’s sister), subtitled “Team Nando,” to help the family with expenses. An account number is not necessary to make donations, only mention the name of the account.
For anyone who is interested in helping Fernando’s Family, this link takes you to a website where you can make donations. This money will be used towards funeral costs. Any help is appreciated.
The following was contributed by the family:
Fernando Chavez Funeral Services
Fernando Chavez born on November 25th, 1982 in Santa Cruz De La Sierra- Bolivia, passed away on March 24th, 2012 at the age of 29.
Fernando Chavez nacio el 25 de Noviembre de 1982, en Santa Cruz De La Sierra- Bolivia, fallecio el 24 de Marzo del 2012.
Funeral Services will be held at the Demaine Funeral Home on Sunday April 1st, 2012 from 1:00PM to 8:00PM.
Servicios funebres se llevaran acabo en Demaine Funeral Home el Domingo 1ro de Abril, 2012 desde la 1:00PM hasta las 8:00PM.
Demaine Funeral Home
Funeral Visitations 1PM-8PM
5308 Baclick Road
Springfiled, VA 22151
Phone: 703-941-9428
Funeral Catholic ceremony will also be held at the Demaine Funeral Home on Monday April 2, 2012 @10:00AM
La Ceremonia Catolica de cuerpo presente tambien se llevara acabo en la casa funeraria Demaine, pero sera el Lunes 2 de Abril, 2012 a las 10:00AM
Funeral Catholic Ceremony
Monday April 2, 2012 @ 10AM
Demaine Funeral Home
5308 Baclick Road
Springfield, VA 22151
Followed by the Catholic Ceremony we will have the burial at Fairfax Memorial Cementery @ 1PM on Monday April 2, 2012.
Seguido inmediatamente por el cepelio en Fairfax Memorial Cementery a la 1:00PM el mismo Lunes, 2 de Abril del 2012.
Fairfax Memorial Cementery-Section 6
9900 Braddock Rd
Fairfax, VA 22032
We will have maps of the actual cemetery so you can locate the place of burial.
Tendremos mapas del cementerio para que puedan localizar el lugar del cepelio.
Demaine Funeral Home
Springfield, MD
View Map · Get Directions
Nando GhostRyderz Chavez
A biker speeding south on A1A in Flagler Beach struck a two-door Pontiac GT this afternoon, sending the biker flying about between 140 and 180 feet, according to several witnesses at the scene, before falling on the road’s west shoulder. Fernando Chavez, 29, of Annandale, Va., was flown out on Flagler County Fire Rescue’s Fire Flight helicopter at 1:31 p.m.
The wreck took place at 12:50 p.m. on A1A between 22nd and 23rd Street North. A1A was shut down in both direction soon after, from 21st Street to 23rd Street, and remained shut down until 3:16 p.m., when the scene was cleared and traffic resumed in both directions.
“I was behind him, he was a ways up from me, and what i saw, I saw him go right into that car,” Carolyn Sanita, a resident of Flagler Beach who was driving a minivan behind the biker, said. “He just ran right into that car and went flying. That’s what I saw.”
“The motorcyclist was going at least 80 mph when he flew past our house,” LeighAnn Koch, another witness, said. “Neighbors and I heard him accelerating at higher rates of speed for minute, couple minutes before he passed us.”
There wasn’t much left of Chavez’s 2006 Suzuki motorcycle but a crumple as if welded to the front right side of the Pontiac, itself crumpled around the wheel. The right headlight and the immediate area surrounding it was intact. The damage begins about a foot behind the headlight, suggesting that the car may have been at an angle when the bike hit it.
Later in the afternoon, a Florida Highway Patrol investigator described the incident this way: the 52-year-old woman driving the Pontiac, Diane Toth of Palm Coast, had been at the Java Joint with her parents. The Pontiac had been parked on the ocean side of A1A, facing north. Toth then began doing a U-turn to head back south. Chavez struck the Pontiac at that point, never slowing down.
Chavez struck the car, the FHP investigator said, then violently struck the ground and bounced several times against the pavement and the sandy shoulder, finally landing some 50 to 60 yards, or 180 feet, south of the point of impact. The violence of both the initial impact and of hitting the ground repeatedly left Chavez with severe injuries to the head: he was not wearing a helmet, the FHP investigator said. As of this writing, he remains in critical condition at Halifax Hospital, but “it doesn’t look good,” the investigator said.
Charges are pending against Toth. She was not injured, nor were her parents.
Flagler Beach police, the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office and Florida Highway Patrol investigators were at the scene, along with the Flagler Beach Fire Department and Flagler County Fire Rescue. The scene was wrapped in a large square of crime-scene tape.
The Java Joint overlooks the scene. It’s the second Bike Week wreck there this week. The earlier one was less serious. Several people at the Java Joint, in cars traveling immediately behind or in front of the scene, and on the sidewalk saw or heard the accident, and were being interviewed by FHP. (The Java Joint remains open.) The scene was cleared by Roger’s Towing. By then, the Java Joint had not a single customer left.
palmcoaster says
The one making the U turn does not have a righ of way! The turn is to be made only if clear from incoming traffic. But for some drivers; bikers, cyclist and even pedestrians lives, are not deserving of waiting to make their turns..Hope the biker recovers.
Rocky Mac says
Not to make a same scenario comparison but you are right about drivers who disregard others. My husband and I while riding our bicycles were nearly hit twice by drivers not giving us the right of way. In both cases they pulled out of stop streets and almost hit us.
NortonSmitty says
But if you see the road is clear a distance that would allow a safe turn and some idiot is going over 100 MPH and hits you in an instant, It should not be the girls fault. And I ride a lot.
Anonymous says
Don’t call him an idiot. You ride too so it can happen to you.
just me says
I believe he was calling him an idiot not because he rides but because only an idiot would go 80 to 100 miles per hr with nothing around him for protection….
Carnage says
A bike can sound way faster than its actually going. To people that don’t ride I’m pretty sure they would of said he was flying.
Melissa says
Not to mention the people that said he was going 80 were stationary and its hard to tell speed when you are standing still. If he was going so fast the mini van following him would have been going just as fast. Bikes look fast and they sound fast because of how lots they are, but that’s just to help people hear them when they are near by.
Steve says
I have been riding for over 40 years, and I like others enjoy speed, but we as bikers also need to be observant of when it is safe to speed, and speeding in a 45mph residential zone is not safe for a motorcyclist to speed. I feel bad about the accident for both parties, but the motorcyclist was speeding at twice the speed limit, adding to the risk of motor cycle riding. I cannot believe that the driver intentionally decided to cut in front of the speeding motorcyclist, the motorcyclist should have backed off/slowed down as soon as he seen the car making a u turn.
Anonymous says
I am pretty sure, and based on the police report and the scene, that this woman did not see the rider, she was probably on the phone or maybe even drunk, and turn right in front of him, he did not have the chance to even brake, no skid marks on the ground.
She cut him off, plus the angle of where the bike hit, and how outside of the road it was, it clearly shows thats he cut him, and he tried to avoid him running to the dirt, no rider, would intentionally go to dirt for safety. THis only shows, she did not give him the chance to even brake, and the pictures show that.
So when speaking, people have to be objective, I am sure if it was a car and not a bike, people would not have such stupid comments on here.
Anonymous says
May you need to chose your words carefully. I wouldn’t have called him and idiot. I don’t think his family would like to hear that right now. That biker lost his life.
Family says
A u turn only takes about a fraction of time to make, less then 1 or 2 seconds of time, how far could he have been in order for her to make a decision to turn in front of him. Please note, that there were no skid marks on the ground, this woman turned unexpectedly in front of the driver, not even giving him the chance to attempt to break. She was not paying attention to incoming traffic, if he had been able to read her mine and know that she was going to turn in front of him, then it would have been a different story, but humans don’t have the capability to read mines…do we. She had no blinkers on to indicate she would be making a turn. She did not give him time to break she turned without looking or as far as I know caring , I think this is obvious. I hear a lot of people blaming the biker.. how about her, did she had the right away, did she look before turning, was she maybe on the phone, or was she thinking he has to see me, upto him to stop, I have a big car..he is the only one who can get hurt if he doesn’t stop or was she maybe talking to her parents or was she on drugs or maybe even drunk???? I mean it was Saturday afternoon on warm hot sunny day, who is to say, that she had not been drinking, as far as I know, no alcohol or drug test was performed on the car driver. Also, isnt’ strange that no police report has yet been issued, isnt strange that she seemed very well known by some of the fire fighters at the scene. Hmmm no police report, they are taking their time.
To all of you who claimed he had been riding on the road for a while, hope u know, it is not true, it was bike week in Daytona and they were hundred of bikes in flager beach, was his the only bike riding back and forth on the road. Freaking lyers. This woman turned in front of my brother, and u blame him??? he had the right away. No matter how fast u are going, if confronted to an object, an experience rider like Fernando would have attempted to break, she did not give him the chance due to her unexpected turn, if he had been in a car, all u idiot would not be blaming him, the fact that he was a biker, does not make him less of a human being.
Ben Dover says
she prolly thought she had plenty of time the speed limit is like twenty five in that area not 80, it hadn`t been speeding he`d of been able to at least slow down some , both are at fault
Anonymous says
We get driver licences not to probably, but for precised decision, he had the right of away, so no excuses. She cut him off, no skid marks on the floor from the rider, she cut him, I am sure the rider did see the car coming from the other side, but never expected for her to cut him off in such way, making a u-turn in front of him. She should and will be prosecuted for this. She deserves no better, she shoudl not be driving, and speed driver should get a ticket, but the mistake and traffic fault she made took a life.
Anonymous says
absolutely correct!!!!!! You have to yield to the traffic when making a U-turn…they need to charge her!!!!
just me says
HOWEVER,had he not been traveling at such a high rate of speed he would have been able to slow down and swerve to avoid hitting the car or come to a stop.
Anonymous says
Again, he had to fix her mistake, she cut him off, no excuses, she killed him, and we will go after her.
Laurie Lanter says
Do we have an update on Nando Chavez’ condition? I am praying for his complete recovery everyday!LALA
S Vasquez says
I was informed by friends that he passed away. Sad story and may he rest in peace and to everyone out there please be safe…
A friend of nando says
He passed away today. Thank you all for your support
Anonymous says
Ileana says
Laurie he pasted away :'(
SpArX says
RIP homie GR NY SpARX sad to lose a brother!!
Unknown says
When A biker is speeding over 80mph I’m sure the bike wasn’t visible till it was too late. Bikers need to obey the laws and wear helmets or things can end badly. The speed limit is 35 on a1a. God bless both families involved.
Resident says
regardless if the biker was speeding or not he still had to right away.. Unknown you wouldn’t say that if it was you speeding in a car and someone made a uturn in front of you.
Arron says
Correct. He had the right of way reguardless.
NortonSmitty says
It’s actually 45 MPH.
Billybob says
Nice comment about not going 80 but the speed limit is absolutely NOT 35mph on A1A. It varies from 45 to 50 to 55mph the entire length of A1A in Flagler County. It is NEVER less than 45mph except within the city limits of Flagler Beach and the city limits of Marineland.
The speed limit runs as follows (stated as though driving from south to north)
45mph from the south county line to Flagler Beach
45mph from just out of Flagler Beach to just past Beverly Beach
50mph from Beverly Beach to just past south gate / curve of Hammock Dunes
55mph from Hammock Dunes all the way north to Marineland (end of county)
You must be the guy that keeps getting in front of me on A1A and going 32-34mph for miles and miles? Please don’t do that anymore, thanks.
Justin says
I was there, it was horrible. The guy’s body was twisted up like a pretzel, he had so much blood coming outta his head… The noises he was making were spine-tingling. I kneeled down next to him and prayed. Half for him, and half so that I can get the sight/sound outta my head
the bikers fam/friend says
Justin, thank you for having the courage to get close to him and for your prayer. The biker is my beloved cousin and best friend. He is an awesome guy all around, those that know him know how great he is and how much he is loved by all. We are praying for him and know that he will pull through. He is the toughest person I know and I know he will make it home to us.
Justin says
My wife and I are thinking about him and how he’s doing constantly. I found his Facebook page, pretty sure it was him since it had the pic of his bike. Makes it feel so much more personal. We, and many of our friends, continue to pray for him. Please let us know how he’s doing? Thanks
Fernandos family says
Justin. Thank you for your support. How can we contact you?
Anonymous says
Justin. Thank you for praying for nando. how can we contact you???
CODE says
Nando, was a rider in our community in Northern Virginia. He was loved by so many people. I’m sorry for the loss of an honest man and fellow biker. My heart goes out to his family and The GhostRidersMC. You’ll be deeply missed.
LeighAnn Koch says
Please let us know on here how he’s doing. I also was at side before the police came, talking to him w my hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him & keep him from moving – he kept trying to raise his head. Have been praying & worrying nonstop since it happened.
nova says
see update below.
Anonymous says
I know Fernando. Please pray for him. Very nice guy.
Justin says
Do you know how he is doing?
nova says
I am a family friend of the biker. He is currently stable but in critical condition. Many many many injuries. The doctors were able to stop the internal bleeding but legs, arms, ribs are broken and a very serious skull fracture with serious brain swelling. The next 72 hours are absolutely critical for him. We are all praying for him. Thank you to all the witnesses that stayed with him while help was on the way.
Carolyn says
I was behind the motorcycle when I saw him fly into the air about 180 ft and I couldn’t believe
what I was seeing. I stopped my van and went to the man. At first I couldn’t find where he landed
but then I found him and I could tell he had a very serious head trauma. He was trying to sit up
and the woman that was there with me was rubbing his back and telling him not to get up.
It was horrible to see the guy on the ground in that manner and it certainly affected me. The police
wouldn’t let me leave because I had to give a statement of what I saw and how this happen.
Anonymous says
First he did not fly 180 feet, he landed and stumbled to 150 feet., second if you were right behind him, where you also going 80 miles per hour?? if you were able to to see everything and right behind him, how fast where you going?? if you were going 50 and he was going 100 how were you able to see the accident, you slow speed and his fast speed, would have allowed u to see the accident, please explain??? I am very confused???
Anonymous says
He’s a great friend of mine…I hate hearing about this. ;/
An Anonymous Friend of the Biker says
I want to thank you for jumping right into prayer with him. That means a lot as we all here in his hometown are praying for a full recovery. I pray for you that you will not have those images prominently displayed in your memory as it will be heard in the begining. As for all theses comments that I see about ignorance and stupidity and who’s fault it is, I hope that they at least send a prayer to all parties involved. This is not easy on anyone.
Anonymous says
Fernando was my friend from middle school. I just heard about this and it truly is a trajedy. Thanks for being there and saying those prayers.
Anonymous says
Thanks for kneeling down next to him and praying, very grateful to you for that.
Cypress Grand says
The driver making the u-turn may have looked and did not see anyone coming, but considering that the biker was going 80mph may have been upon on her instantly. The speed limit at the JavaJoint is 45pmh.
Family says
Cypress a u turn does not take that long to make, she turned in front of him now allowing him to even break. Please keep in mind that he did not fly the distance this report says, he bounced and stumbled to get to 140 feet. This road is a straight line, this woman was not looking or did not care, after all she had the big car right?/ who had the disadvantage if it came to an accident. She had no blinkers on indicating she would turn in front of him. if you were in a car and somebody make a u turn in front of you I am sure it would be a different story. Bikers dont are not less human because they are bikers.
Melissa says
Was probably going more like 100? The 80mph wasn’t even verified by police, it was something an onlookers said. How had the mini van been following him if he had been going so fast. Just because they put it in an article that someone said it, doesn’t make it a fact. Don’t add to it. You dont know what happened, you weren’t there.
WHAT IF says
what if this was a car going 100mph down the road and hit another car. everyone would say STUPID DRIVER, the fact that is is bike week and a motorcycle for some reason seems to replace that thought and make people feel it was the driver. it is a criminal offense to drive at speeds of the high, and if it was a car not a bike the world would be angry with the speeder. This is no difference she bike was speeding i agree with poor driver dont spped wear a helment. it’s not always the cars fault, just because thousands of you bike come to our town
Anonymous says
These fools don’t get it. They want bikers to obey the law but cagers don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was talking on the phone or texting. Don’t be so quick to judge the rider. Was someone standing in front of the java joint with a radar gun. We modify bikes making them sound louder than they are when we speed up. Stop blaming the biker for other lack of attention.
Jim says
First off It is a Violation for speeding not a crime. Second stop making U turns on busy streets, go to the next intersection and make your turn. It is just plain lazyness and being in a hurry all the time to do these stupid moves. Oh and another thing STOP at stop signs don’t be rolling through them STOP means STOP
Unknown says
This is such a sad tragedy. Our family was getting into our car after a swim in the ocean and were physically startled as the biker revved his engine & sped by us. We both commented on how very fast he was going and that we found it daring to go that fast on such a busy road, especially without a helmet. Within a minute, we drove by the accident scene and were shocked. Regardless of circumstances, accidents are awful for all involved. It’s all too easy to blame one side or the other, however, time would be better spent praying for all involved and reminding ourselves to be safe & smart on the road.
Anonymous says
Just because you rev an engine or because its loud doesn’t mean he was speeding. the noise a sport bike makes can also come off as sounding faster then ones actually traveling
Anonymous says
SO true
Outsider says
Yes, if the bike was doing 80, the car driver may not have seen it or thought she had time had the bike been going the posted speed limit.
Phil Chanfrau says
As noted, only those U-Turns are illegal which interfere with oncoming traffic so close as to constitute and immediate hazard. Also as noted above a biker going 80+ mph is not so close as to constitute an immediate hazard, and has the right of way.
Bottom line: another needless accident due to bad driving. This one highlights the type of bad driving behavior that bikers always seem to get blamed for even though it is not always their fault.
palmcoaster says
@Unknown…first of all the speed of 80MPH is here say, to start with, the victim is being victimized again.
I could not tell with exactitude at what mileage per hour a car is passing by myself with such an exactitude. Only a destailed tech investigation can tell was his speed was. Also the victim is from VA and probably the one making a careless UTurn on incoming traffic is probably a local and out of Java Joint were her peers frequent. Sure she will have a lot of sympathizers to swear on her behalf..
The biker family should have a case here of death by accident caused not by his speed, but by the careless Uturn on A1A. Is time that responsibility should be laid were it belongs. I have witness myself many times, were some vehicle drivers are out there just for the road kill wether wild life or people unfortunately. If a biker,cyclist or “jogger” as I have seeing, are going to fast they should be fined…not killed.
LeighAnn Koch says
Dear “PalmCoaster” – I was a first-hand witness. I minimalized when I said he was going 80 – when he passed us my first words were that he had to be going 80-100 mph. There’s no denying that speed. No hearsay, and I tend to underestimate things to be safe. When I hear an engine revving upwards that fast for that long, I’m going to take a look at what’s going on, because there’s a good chance it’s going to end badly. This block is a congested area on Fridays especially, with many cars & people because there is a popular coffee shop, a beautiful beach & a restaurant. The speed limit is 45, yet people often slow & stop for Java Joint, dozens make u-turns daily to get back there.
Ben Dover says
@Palm coaster the fact the guy flew 180 feet through the air is very telling of how fast he was going , she prolly never saw him coming.
just me says
Kimmy says
The streets here are dangerous when your driving in a car! Forget about riding a bike, I fear for my life every day on these streets, everyone is in a rush.
palmcoaster says
This is what some “road kill drivers”do to bikers, cyclist, joggers, pedestrians and wild life as well in Florida now:
We need harder punishment and stricter laws for this type of drivers as human as well as animal lives can’t be replaced.
Anonymous says
PalmCoaster I am sorry that you seem to have such a hard time digesting that fact that this man was speeding far over the speed limit. Whether it be 60mps or 100mph that is far too fast to be driving a motorcycle especially down busy A1A. Had the biker been going the speed limit he could have possibly escaped this accident. It is an unfortunate incident, I just dont think that it is fair for the driver to be held respoinsible or be blamed when clearly the biker was driving recklessly to start with. His own fait lied in his hands when he chose to speed on a bike and not wear a helmet? For him it was a risk he was willing to take and the result is extremely unfortunate for everyone involved.
Caw says
The bike was going north at a high rate of speed then turned around just north of marina bay and got on it. Having spent 25 plus years racing bikes I would have to say he was closer to 100. Senseless tragedy for all involved. Hubby and I both said just waiting to hear a crash. Still hear bikes flying by. Sad for all involved
Canon says
There is more to this story than is being said here. The cyclist was racing up and down A1A. I saw him go by a few times “red lining” it going north and I herd him hit his rev limiter shifting from 3rd gear into 4th. The first time he came by hauling ass I said what an idiot! The second time, I said what a stupid idiot! And then BAM! This women pulled out in front of him but he was literally Drag Racing, not just cruising at a high rate of speed! These guys give us responsible riders a bad name!
.... says
You can’t really tell when someone is redlining. …
Canon says
Actually you can because these bikes are set up with “rev limiters” and they will interrupt the spark going to the cylinder making a very distinctive sound. You actually hear the engine being shut down electronically about 3-4 times a second while hitting the rev limiter. And, the only way to get to the rev limiter is Togo past the “red line”!
Anonymous says
The bike does over 90 mph in first gear so how could he be” redlining ” 3rd and 4th if he was only doing between 80-100 mph? Please explain
Canon says
And as for speed, I had a 2006 gsxr 750 and when I hammered down on it I could hit 92 mph in 3rd gear. This guy was shifting into 4th, redlining it, on a 2006 gsxr 1000. He was flying!
Just Me II says
Are you people kidding me? I ride and I would never ride at 80mph. You are asking for trouble at those speeds. I am sure the driver looked carefully before trying to make her U-turn, if you look at where the vehicle is, she was almost completely finished which tells me that the motorcycle or automobile coming behind her would have enough time to slow up and allow her the space room and time to finish her turn. I can not believe that anyone could possibly blame her for this accident. It is tragic yes, but I think the victim in this case is her, not the biker. I continuously teach my children to look at the consequences of your actions before you do anything, maybe he should have done the same.
hmmm says
Making an illegal u-turn invites an accident, speeding invites an accident. When you make a u-turn like that you might hit somebody, when you speed you might hit somebody making an illegal turn. The hard part to admit for both sides is that both people are at fault. There is no reason to sit here an assign blame to either party. This isn’t a case of somebody being legal and somebody being illegal, they both were. Instead of spreading negativity around for both parties say something positive instead, the posters here will accomplish more that way. Both the driver of the car and the motorcyclist as well as their families have an incredible ordeal ahead of themselves, mental, medically and legally. The last thing they need to think about is what individuals with reduced internet filters are saying about them. Just let it be, allow the authorities to handle it and let them start dealing with their situation with out commentary that for all intents and purposes is useless to resolving their individual situations.
TB says
The biker is a homie of mine and honestly I DON’T CARE who was at fault. I just want my homie to live. We can sort out the stupid details later. Just pray for Nando to have a safe recovery.
Flagler Native II says
I was at the scene with the guy on the bike who was suffering unspeakable injuries due to the accident. The woman driver of the car making the u-turn was an older lady who looked to be 50+ and was devastated by what took place. I defiantly am not taking a side on this but will say that both could have done something to prevent this from being as horrific as it was. As a Flagler Beach resident and local business owner I know to obey the speed limits and even without an event such as bike week to look twice or even 3 times before pulling out to make a turn on to A1A . I’m sure that everyone can agree visibility can sometimes be tough with all the traffic, pedestrians walking, and cars parked at the beach an local shops. This woman was parked facing north and decided to do a u-turn in which she did driving fairly slow, the biker heading south to where he and his friends were staying only a few streets down from the Java Joint visiting from VA was defiantly traveling at a high speed. My thoughts at the time were how did she not see him, his bike is bright blue..even if he seemed distant at the time you have to notice he was traveling at a high speed and just stay put and wait for him to go by before thinking your clear to turn.We could hear the engine and the gears in the bike before we seen the accident so we knew he was coming. A1A is also a straight away road if you look ahead you can see for quite a distance and judging based on where he hit in the passenger front tire I’m positive if she would have looked twice or better the 1st time she may have seen him …speeding or not he had the right to be traveling down that road and have someone look twice to save his life and their own. My prayers go out to everyone involved. I did not know the man on the bike but talked to him and prayed with him until police and medical help arrived. I am hoping for an update on his condition my heart is broken for both family’s and their friends as I know no matter what the out come there will be a lot of healing necessary. Peace be with you.
Kippy says
I feel so sorry for Fernando, and his family, and I pray for a full recovery. AND I also feel sorry for the heartless people that left all of those negative comments blaming Fernando. HE is in CRiTICAL condition, he MAY not make it, his family and friends are reading your hateful comments. Instead of
Assessing blame and condemning Fernando or the driver of the car, why don’t you grow a heart and realize that a human being may loose his life—speeding or not, helmet or not, he is a person- he does not deserve
You obviously have NO heart. And as such I feel sorry for you. God bless any person physically or emotionally injured by this tragic accident. Prayers for a full recovery! And may god bless future commentator with a heart!
ol'sarge says
nobody is at fault here but the motorcycle driver…at the speeds the witnesses are indicating, it would have been impossible for the car driver to see, or even reasonably gauge the distance he was from her when she made her turn. I have no intent to speak ill of the injured, but he assumed all responsibility when he not only got on without a helmet, but then proceeded to drive like a moron…selfish and sad that that poor kid’s parents have to get that call…
Jr aka Tooth says
Fernando is my brother, and friend. For those that know him and has road with, know what kind of person and friend he is. For the people making your comments on who is at fault shame on you. If it was someone close to you, brother, sister or friend would would not think in that manner. I pray my brother returns home to us here in VA. GFFG
Justin says
Amen to that
Harold Maurer says
Funny ol’ sarge,but after your disclaimer about wishing not to speak ill of anyone you proceeded to attach blame to the cyclist for driving like a moron. First, I’m sure your comments were meant to be helpful to the situation, but doubt that Fernando’s parents and friends share your point of view. Every time any of us breaks the speed limit, does a rolling stop at a stop sign, ignores a parking meter or drives home after one slightly-too-many beers after work, aren’t we the same kinds of morons?
Behavior like this is a matter of degree, and just because the outcome was horrible, doesn’t make your sort of snap judgment any more valid than someone’s whose lens might be focused on you. Instead of being quick to judge a situation that satisfies our own biases, we should focus on our own self-excused lapses in judgment and carry any lessons learned from this forward in our own lives.
Finally, there are people suffering real grief and fear here, ranging from his father, mother, dear friend from work, countless friends and myself. Give them their moment of care and cherishing before you decide to make this tragedy yet another time-worn piece of evidence for your invective.
Mark Twain was fond of saying “There is little education in the second kick of a mule.” Next time, why not let the first kick lie.
Fernando, your friends, and a lot of caring people who don’t even know you, are pulling for you. That’s all that really matters right now.
I also know Nando and i am the President of my M.C as well! Doesn’t matter who’s fault it is! There is a Human Life at stake let’s not for get about that! Chain Driven M.C send prayers to Nando’s family as well as his M.C Family!
Joseph Davis says
There’s a lot of dialogue that the biker had right of way vs he was speeding.
The argument that the woman driver didn’t see the bike when she began her u turn is in my mind, as well as the fact she’s a woman – there is a certain lack of analytical ability involving three dimensional relationships that women are weaker at, and never develop. Even if she saw the bike she probably pulled out in good faith, thinking it was safe, because she had no concept of the speed the bike was actually travelling.
The counterpoint to this: while bikers seem to others as being reckless (some are, sometimes) their reflexes are usually pretty damned good. It says the biker hit the car without ever letting off or hitting the brakes, or that’s what I’m getting from it. For a guy whose best defense is actively and aggressively responding to all conditions, always always always paying attention to what is happening, it’s pretty obvious he didn’t see her either.
Toth didn’t wake up that morning and decide to try to kill someone, and Chavez wasn’t looking to get in an accident. Some of the comments on here demonizing either party are completely out of line.
just a thought says
God Bless all the emergency workers who I assume worked very hard to keep this young man alive all the way to the hospital. Let us not forget that they see this all the time and who ever is at fault means nothing to them. They will work just as hard on the guilty as the innocent.
Name says
Get well soon brother your VA family is praying for you!
PM says
I believe that there should be NO U-TUrns allowed in Flagler Beach on A1A. We were on our bike a few weeks ago and a white truck pulled out in the exact same location and thank God we were going slow and were able to brake and avoid an accident (and I did have my helmet on). When I have been in my truck I have parked on A1A in Flagler and even sitting high up in a truck it is sometimes difficult to see BOTH ways to attempt to even pull out and nearly impossible to see around all cars to make a U-Turn. It wouldn’t hurt anyone to drive just a block or two and turn down the street and go around the block to come back out and go the opposite way instead of trying to make a U-turn. DID ANYONE EVEN THINK THAT INSTEAD OF HITTING A CAR AT THAT SPEED, IT COULD HAVE BEEN A PEDESTRIAN??????? It’s a busy Beach Road and there are SPEED limits. I saw the accident and had to move my car in order for the helicopter to land, my car was next to the biker, at that time I believed that a pedestrian was hit since there was NO bike in site! The bike was far up north of the biker. His injuries HAUNT me still today, I sincerely pray for his recovery, he sure was twisted.
Unbiased says
Regardless if going 45 or 80, granted 80 is harder to stop, even at 45 chances are a bike would have skid or fish tailed right into that car. You can’t make an assumption that the driver looked both ways, paused for a reasonable amount of time, before deciding to maneuver into her u-turn. She is the only one who knows for sure. I also think its pathetic and shows poor morality in those of you you who choose to bad mouth a person who’s life hangs in the balance. I pray for Fernando to come home and give us his great smile again :-) see u at cue buddy!
LeighAnn Koch says
I’ve got to say regarding u-turns in the middle of A1A – it happens dozens of times a day on our block alone. It’s not technically illegal, but it’s a dangerous habit. Our blocks are so short here on the beachside; it would be nothing to go down to the next street & go around around the block – as long as the person doesn’t then speed down the residential backstreet. Something to think about for safety’s sake.
Flagler Native II says
To Fernando’s friends and family.. I was with him from the moment this happened and never left his side. Although he could not speak from the trauma I introduced myself and let him know that help was on the way. I let him know that he is loved and I prayed with him. I am devastated by the images but will tell you that he showed massive strength while awaiting help. I have made a friend request to his facebook page to let him know how to contact me in case the family is interested in the video of his rescue. My prayers are with you all.
Jr A. says
Hello my name is nantadla Abinader you can find me on facebook. I am a close friend
Marlon says
Contact me on FB, my name is Marlon Rangel.
Anonymous says
i understand you have the rescue video and would like to see it if possible
Harold Maurer says
As a friend of the cyclist, nothing said here matters. What does matter is if Fernando, young and a wonderful person, can recover from this awful circumstance. Let’s pray, hope or care for the continuation of his young life. Leave the accusations and recriminations for later…they matter least right now.
Anonymous says
Nothing matters right now but Fernando’s recovery, or anyone who was hurt in this awful accident. Who was right or wrong only punctuates “placing blame”. If Someone is to blame, does it mean they deserve this? Does judgement make us feel better?
Let’s all of us pray for Fernando that he pulls through. And for anyone involved.
Ruth Guerra says
Get well soon Buddy we are all praying for u and know that u will get better soon we will see u here in VA my thoughts and prayers are with u and ur FAMILY
jespo says
I wonder how poor Fernando would feel if he crushed a toddler who just walked into the roadway as he was testing the limits of his ride…for fun…on a crowded roadway with other bikers, vehicles, beachgoers and pedestrians….would probably be the parents fault right? Would poor Fernando feel bad if he smashed into the side of a convertible possibly decapitating some young occupants with his 100mph ride…..would it be the fault of those crazy kids going to beach to hang? What if poor Fernando killed Grandpa and Grandma as they pulled away on their trike from the JavaJoint after splitting a cappuccino before their weekly ride…would it be their fault because, you know, they’re old?
Only a selfish person speeds that fast on a busy beachside street in a residential area. People are only crying for this guy because he got hurt. Where was his sense of responsibility to others and himself? What hole did he crawl out of that he didnt know that racing a ride kills people, especially while not wearing a helmet. What the hell did he think would happen? Did he think it was cool and impressive? I empathize with his family and friends in the wake of this tragedy, but I have no sympathy for poor Fernando.
TB says
Jespo –
One day I want to be PERFECT just like you. I guess you are one step from being JESUS if you are not already claiming you are him. I take it you have never broken a law, took a pen home from work by mistake, drove above the speed limit, didn’t slow down at a yellow light, changed lanes with out signaling, told a lie huh or coveted others possessions
The facts are he did not decapitate some young occupants in a convertible, he did not hit a toddler, nor did he kill some elderly couple. He may have been speeding and I don’t think that justifies him potentially losing his life, the woman driving may not have looked that does not justify the emotional trauma she may be experiencing.
This 29 year old man is FIGHTING for his life, he has people who love and care about him coming on here to read about what happened. The pictures are graphic enough without your negative commentary. Contrary to what you may believe we are still in America – which means Nando AND the driver of the car are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law or a jury of their peers.
Though you felt your comments were justified as a fellow rider and a homie of Nando – I really did not need to come here and read your BS.
My mother used to tell me if you do not have something positive to say it’s best to keep your mouth shut, in this particular situation I really wish you had!
FYI we don’t need or want your sympathy – however we could use a prayer for this very young mans recovery.
God Bless You says
i am not here to write criticizing anyone or judging because i am not perfect, and even God who is perfect doesn’t judge but see us with love. Everyone is different and grew up in different environments and have gone through different battles therefore have different points of views. But no one is perfect, and there is nothing wrong with that because we are in this life to live and learn and grow to become better human beings and find our way back home to God. Separating facts from opinions and analysis. Fernando is a human being that is not perfect, as well as Toth and they were involved in the accident. We don’t know their feelings or how it exactly happened or what they were thinking about before the impact so we can not comment on that. The facts are that unfortunately they were both involved in an accident where Fernando was going over the speed limit and the lady was doing a dangerous U-turn. instead of writing things attacking each other or defending a party or trying to see who is at fault we should come together and pray for them. We are all brothers and sisters and sometimes we forget that and think we only have one family or certain friends. We are all a family and God is our Father. So instead of something like this separating us, it should unite us for the better. No one in this world is perfect and free of guilt so why not instead of looking at each other with resentment and anger why not look at each other with love and help each other grow. Fernando is a beautiful human being with a soul as well as Toth and you and me. So lets pray that everyone involved in this accident find peace inside them. Sometimes bad things like this have to happen to a person so he or she can learn from it. To learn to be more cautious, be more responsible, and make changes in ones life for the better.
Now lets all pray together.
God, i know you love us all the same. With all the love of our hearts, we ask you to please help Fernando. He is not only a man but a friend, a son, a cousin, your son, our brother. Give him strength, give him faith, give him love to overcome this obstacle. He still has a lot to live, to become a husband, to become a father, to become a grandfather, and to illuminate everyone around him with his inner light. He still has a lot of learning to do and a lot of growing. Also bless Toth and everyone involved. God Bless You All. Amen
Ralph Belcher says
My own brother was ticketed going 103 mph, and shame on him, I’d be very concerned for his recovery and yet ruefully shaking my head. I hate to see the m/cist suffer, I lament that this had to happen – there were many a witness estimating speeds approaching 100 mph and over 80 mph. This is not a risk we need to take. But we do take them anyway. I’ve done the same thing on very long rural straight roads with no population or other vehicles/intersections – and if I ended up flipped over, it would of been on me, for taking the risk to do so.
Jenn says
It is very sad to hear this I do no personally know him but I have tons of friends that due. Unfortuately accidents due happen. At this point it doesnt matter who’s fault it is what matters is someone might lose their life because of poor judgement.. We can sit hear and blame one or the other or both but it wont change anything. Summer is coming bikes will be out there please watch out for them. And bikers gear up regardless if its the law or not because it can save your life. We have speed limits and traffic signs for a reason pay attention to them. If speed is what you want take it to the track.. in my opinion its alot safer than the street you have ems, safety crew right there and you are fully geared up…
Lady P says
As a fellow biker its always heart breaking to hear a biker go down…..Please keep Nando as well as his family and friends in prayer…God has the last say so. While people who were not at the scene dont know what happened so dont be so quick to judge but turn that energy into praying for him.
Prayers Up!
Friend of Fernando says
Praying for my friend! He is a tough one and he will win this fight. Praying for him constantly.
ol'sarge says
I owe an apology to the family of the motorcyclist…In my fervor to defend the poor woman who was standing on the sidewalk, destroyed, crying, i neglected the other family involved…while I do not agree with his riding practices, I do sincerely wish him and his family all the best and I do pray he can pull through.
Harold Maurer says
NP. We all agree with supporting our families. Then we get to the rest…
Eye witness says
I was on the deck at Java Junction having lunch with my husband when this happened. It was a horrific thing to see. The sound of the bike accelerating through the gears caught my attention, so I was looking up A1A as it happened. I heard the bike coming, and looked to see it – from the sound of the bike I knew he was moving fast, and still accelerating through gears. As I saw the bike, I also saw the car already well into the u-turn. I knew he couldn’t avoid a collision, he was too close. I don’t know what happened on his end, but he made no evasive actions, he didn’t turn in either direction, he didn’t brake (verified later by no marks on the road).
My prayers are with him and his loved ones, as well as the woman who’s car he hit. This is a no-win situation. I hope never to see such a thing again. It will be with me forever.
Pedro says
Prayers for both the victim and the driver. Both at fault. An accident is what it is…An accident ! To many lives lost or injured for life because everyone is in a big hurry to go NOWHERE !
Anonymous says
What do you people NOT understand about an illegal u-turn? It makes no difference how fast he was going in this situation. She was NOT supposed to make that u-turn in the first place.
Canon says
It is not illegal to make a U-Turn on A1A in that area.
ol'sarge says
there is no indication making a u turn there is illegal
Brian says
11 years ago, my sister was involved in a crash on Cypress Point Pkwy in front of the Kangaroo and Steak N Shake. She was pulling out of Cypress Edge Drive from the Kangaroo (this was before the traffic light was installed there), and was hit by a car FLEEING a deputy sheriff at over 80 MPH! After being extricated from her car by the fire department and paramedics, she was charged for failure to yield the right of way to the fleeing suspect who was traveling nearly 3 times the posted speed limit! Turns out, the guy who hit her made an illegal right turn from Belle Terre onto Cypress Point when the deputy attempted to stop him. So because this moron decided to run from the cops for making an illegal turn on red, my sister in turn was charged with the crash when he hit her! Also, her car was totaled, and her insurance went up because of it. In the end, the driver of the car that hit her was charged with speeding, eluding police, and making an illegal turn.
They need to change these laws to better suit the situations. IF you are in violation of the law, even if the technicality says you are not at fault for the crash…..YOU ARE CHARGED WITH IT! Wanna fly on a crotch rocket down A1A at 80 mph…….any crash you are involved in will be YOUR FAULT!
Anonymous says
Anomyous, Im curious why you think it was an illegal u-turn? there are not signs stating that is it illegal to make a u-turn there. I have made u-turns on that road several times. If it was illegal I am sure the driver would have been issued a ticket immediately following the icident and futher charges would follow after the investigators did their jobs. I wish the best for both families!
rcumberland says
momofone says
that is in regards to passing a vehicle not a u-turn. it is unlawful to pass a vehicle when there are solid yellow double lines
Flagler Native II says
No one cares who is at fault..and no one planned the “ACCIDENT”. What’s important is that he survives the “ACCIDENT”. Let’s please pray for his recovery..he was in horrible shape and needs prayers.
@Brian I am sure at some point in you and your sisters lives you have been guilty of speeding..just saying.
No one is perfect
Bear says
Many prayers and many more are sent to comfort your family and ask for your healing. I was devastated to learn of your accident yesterday as you never want to hear of something like this happening to a riding partner of your acquaintance (or anyone for that matter). You always struck me as a strong willed guy, and I have faith that your strength will lead you to recovery. We are all wishing the best for you!
One love,
Game 7 Riderz MC
crazyVArider says
Nando, please pull through brotha. A lot of loved ones here are missinyg you and swould give anything to see your face again
palmcoaster says
If this biker was going too fast for quiet a while and the lady driver was making an illegal turn violating his right of way…where were our deputies/ police patrolling busy A1A this bike week weekend?
Did anyone see them around?
Unknown says
There was a cop car with a dummy in it a mile down the road. Otherwise, we saw none.
palmcoaster says
I wonder how is this young biker doing…Anyone knows. My prayers with him and all the others hospitalized as well and the families of the one’s we lost.
We should all ask that our elected officials address our law enforcement services to be out there in full presence for our next bike week event, checking speeders and careless drivers. Also a “No U Turn” temporary event signs ( the portable ones) near crowded places like restaurants and crossings to prevent what we have all seeing this week. In A1A Daytona Beach they use those in bike week.
Tido says
Nando, I’m praying for you buddy. Stay strong and keep fighting kid. I will keep checking up on your progress!! Much love!!
Jim J says
Everone is forgetting this guy was speeding
Flagler Native II says
no one has forgotten..what happened, is not as important as whats happening right now. Right now someone is is fighting for their life~
Flagler Native II says
Praying for you every moment..I have not been able to stop thinking about you. If any one has news on his condition it would be greatly appreciated.
Harold Maurer says
As far as any of us knows, Nando is still hanging in. There is a prayer vigil tonight in VA. Hope to hear more and better news there.
Bear says
Details please?
Alfredo says
We are all praying for you and hope to see you soon..
K says
Personally I’m tired of bikers coming in from out of town and making a mockery of our laws. Not all of them do this but those with the high speed japanese bikes tend to be more inclined to do so. What was he thinking?
I feel very sorry for the lady that was hit by the speeding biker. I personally know two of the witnesses to this event. I trust their estimates that the biker was traveling at excessively dangerous high rates of speed.
I hope the biker recovers but he deserves to be charged if he does. He is the person that broke the law, not the person in the car making a LEGAL U-turn.
Shane says
Well I am really sick and tired of reading what people are putting on here about blaming the woman driving the car and blaming the motorcycle. I was there, I know what happened. I am not going to go into deep details but I guarantee my facts are correct. Everyone is citing his speed saying it was or was not a factor. The article doesn’t reference his speed but at 80+ MPH. First lets think about this: He was thrown approximately 150′ from where the impact occurred. Hmmmm how fast must he of been going to be thrown off his bike that far. Anyone with half a brain can figure out that to be thrown that far he was moving at an excessive speed. I am not going to cite the exact speed, but it was well over 100+ MPH. So at that speed, he could of been well north of where the car was making a u-turn and not be seen. Or he could of be seen but the mindset of normal people might think they have enough time to safely make the turn not expecting a motorcycle to be approaching them at over 100MPH. This is truly an accident. Could it of been prevented? Yes… I’m sure by all the posts on here by the victims friends that he is a good guy. That day, he chose to make a bad decision and it has cost him. There is another victim here though, and that is the driver of the car. She was visibly distraught over what had happened. She needs the thoughts and well wishes of everyone as well. I hope both parties involved get better and heal over time. Physical injuries aren’t the only ones that need healed, emotional ones need time & help as well.
A local says
Shane’s reply is the one that brings everything too light. As a sportbike rider myself, I have almost been taken out many of times by vehicles and I was going the speed limit everytime. In this there is no finger pointing. This tragic situation was avoidable, just like every other one that has happened to anyone else in the world. Don’t blame the rider, don’t blame the driver, just think about the family, friends, and the wittness’es and there well being. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous says
Unfortunately , I am sure she is not as disturbed and emotional disturbed as his family is and will be if they loose him, i am sure if this happened to you and this woman had made a turn in from of you, i am sure, that no driver or rider is specting some idiot to make a u turn on their lane, that’s for sure, he might have see a car coming, but I am sure he never expected this car to make a u turn on his lane. Sorry for er pain and emotional stress, but I am sure this is not where near what his family is going thru.
anonymous says
Is it just me that sees the pontiac has damages on her front wheels only, this meaning she didn’t and wouldn’t have cleared that u turn. Yes the biker was going at a high speed but let’s remember its bike week and we all most be more cautious of our decisions when in the road. My prayer goes out to BOTH families.
Outsider says
A biker sits a little less than a meter above the ground. If an object is is dropped from one meter, it takes .45 seconds to hit the ground. It looks like the motorcycle stopped dead on impact; this would throw the biker forward and slightly upward which would make it take longer for him to contact the ground. Let’s say he was airborne for a full second, and he travelled the low estimate of 140 feet through the air. That would equate to 95 miles per hour. If he travelled the full 180 feet, that would be 122 miles per hour. Even if he were airborne for 1.5 seconds, which is extremely unlikely, that would equate to 63 miles per hour. Having seen a few helicopter/plane crash victims, one who I’d spoken to an hour before I saw him dead on the ground, I can tell you the laws of physics don’t care if you’re a nice guy, bad guy, pretty girl, ugly girl; speed can make them all ugly. Don’t do this kind of stuff. I pray for all involved.
Teresa8402 says
You are in our prayers. Be strong…pull thru & come back to us…we miss u here in VA.
nitza says
First of all…nando come back home..va misses u..second…yes he shouldn’t have been speeding..that is a no no..and yet people say he is dumb for not wearing a helmet…if u don’t know ur state law..florida doesn’t require u to wear a helmet…plus nando has always been very cautious..so people that don’t know him should shut their mouths….third…I believe in A1A its illegal to make a uturn because there’s not enough room since there’s always traffic….and also how can y’all be rude critizing him..when I bet y’all drink and drive..text and drive..and talk on cell and drive…eat and drive…y’all just don’t respect bikers..pedestrians…joggers..etc….so if u don’t have anything positive to say..then don’t comment!
Flagler Native II says
Any update on his condition? Prayers for all involved.
Mickens says
Hopefully we should know something by tonight. Last night we had a wonderful turnout for a candlelight prayer/vigil in his honor.
I am so sick and tired of reading all of these responses of people judging Fernando. Yes, he made a mistake but if we were all penalized for every mistake that we made, this world would be an ugly mistake. How many times have you been caught speeding in your life?. Or accidentally ran a light and thanked god that there were no cars there?. To say that someone deserves what they got for a bad choice is absolutely absurd and god have mercy on your soul. Right now is not the time to speculate or insinuate as to what happened or who did what, but it is time for everyone to hug those closest to them and pray for Fernando’s recovery.
Please come home soon, we love you and miss you Nando!
Eye witness says
It IS legal to make a u-turn at that location on A1A. I asked the officer on the scene. The driver did not fly 140 or 180 ft. through the air. He hit the ground twice before sliding and coming to rest 180 ft. from the impact. The officer said his tachometer was broken on impact – he was in 5th gear with a tach reading between 7,900 and 8,000 rpm. According to the officer this would indicate a speed of 100 to 120mph. It just takes one time of NOT being cautious to change your world. We’re all praying for Nando.
Waiting in NOVA says
I’ve been reading these comments since day one and have refrained from saying anyting but i can’t hold it in anymore….i am APPAULED at the lack of humanity in some of you. Who gives a damn whos fault it was. At this point in time what does it matter and how does you pointing fingers change the outcome??? I do pray for the driver as i’m sure it cannot be easy knowing that moving violation performed by many and often put her in a situation like this. I doubt she did this with intentions to hurt anyone and it cannot be easy dealing with the emotional damage she suffered. As for Nando’s situation, it is devastating and definatley not one requiring judgement. We all do things against better judgement at some time in our lives so lets not cast stones if we live in a glass house. The fact of who is to blame does not make his and his friends and family suffereing any easier. Illegal u-turns and speeding is an everyday occurance that doesn NOT end like this on everyday basis. Lets not worry about pointing fingers but PRAY for a full recovery for Nando. We’re all praying for you at home buddy, keep fighting like you have been and come back home.
jim antal says
my best friend was killed in front of the iron horse he was doing 45 mph,a man pulled out in front of him,,i felt so heart broken,,but if he was doing 80 mph,,i would have given him a stupid award instead of flowers,any one ignorant enough to do 80 plus down A1A is on a suicide mission,i have been riding since 1959,,and never would do anything that horrible,,he endangered every pedestrian,,car,,bicycle,child,,etc.,,very thoughtless!!!!!!!
Flagler Native says
@Jim.. I highly doubt your words..Mr insensitive. You may have wondered why your friend decided to go that fast and thought his actions were stupid but if you were a real friend you would still have given flowers and been sorry for the loss. I was at the scene of this “ACCIDENT” and trust me you would not be pointing fingers either way. It was horrible for all involved. My heart goes out to the woman driver and the biker. Emotionally she I’m sure is worried about and concerned for the biker. As he heals and recovers she then can to. BOTH of their lives will be changed forever by this day. Please pray more judge less.
LeighAnn Koch says
Amen about “pray more, judge less” & that this was an accident. As I said to the driver & her parents – all three of whom were distraught & devastated- during the course of the afternoon, “that’s why they call them “accidents” & that once both events – the speeding & the u-turn – were set into motion, there was no way to avoid this.” This was a horrible culmination of two events. Stop throwing blame, keep praying for all involved. I’m sure I’m not the only one there whose thoughts constantly turn to Fernando, as well as Mrs. Toth. It was horrible enough seeing the damage & trying not to dwell on it – but imagine to be one of the four involved – both drivers & Mrs. Toth’s parents who were in the veh. I cannot imagine how much worse it is for all of them.
***Fernando’s family/friends*** – if you can, please update us on here. We are all so very concerned about him & pray to see progress.
Anonymous says
As concerned as I am for this mans life and I do pray for his recovery I also agree with Shane, lets not forget to pray for the recovery of the women driving the car. This is a devistating accident that took place and both parties involved will have a long road to recovery. This mans irrersponsible riding is the womens burden she will carry for the rest of her life. I could not imiagine the pain inflicted on either of the families invloved. As Shane said, physical or not emotional damage can change someones life too.
X.I.S.R. MC Pacman VP says
i dont know you but we share your pain..all the way from the westcoast lancaster/palmdale california los angeles area. on behalf of my XISRMC (xtremeIntentionz Street Riders MC) family we are sending our prayers to our fallen brother on 2 wheels.. its sucks to hear this 2 words “RIDER DOWN!!” may GOD guide you and heal you. praying for you nando!
pacman (XISR vice Prez)
palmcoaster says
@Eye witness; Is legal to make a U-turn only when there is NOT incoming traffic and no matter at what speed is coming.
PM says
I was there and saw him suffering until help arrived and he was taken by helicopter. Flagler Beach, why don’t you enforce a temporary NO U-TURN during busy events???? AND, put a REAL cop in the area instead of a dummy in a car up the road. I pray for this young man, please pray for him too! PLEASE, I keep checking this site for an update on his recovery and injuries (I’m worried about his leg), any information that you can share?
Lowell Katzman says
It’s terrible. Period. I wish for a full recovery for the rider, even if he was speeding. As far as the woman in the car goes…she wouldn’t hurt a flea. She’s a caring, compassionate woman, as well as a excellent driver and a person who loves motorcycles. I know. Peace.
comment says
How does pointing out the fact that the biker was speeding in any way diminish the hope that he make a full recovery? It is obvious that Fernando will be surrounded by a strong and loving network of friends and family during his recovery, what a great Blessing to have, but it does not diminish the fact that he was speeding. This reminds me of the lady who burned herself with coffee and sued McDonald’s. Did she not know that putting hot coffee between her legs could cause burns? Did Fernando not know that traveling at a higher rate of speed would put himself and others at greater risk for injury or death? Accountability! I hope all the victims involved and their families make a full recovery.
Update says
Fernando is still fighting for his life. He has undergone multiple surgeries to try to help his brain heal. He still has major swelling and went in for another surgery. The doctors are really just focusing on his brain/head injuries right now, everything else is secondary. He is surrounded by family and friends and that’s the best thing for him right now. There are a few fundraisers that will be taking place soon. I will put links to the fundraisers in the coming days.
Eye witness says
Thanks for the update. We continue to keep him in our prayers.
Anonymous says
hit’s a bad ordeal for everyone involved. biker had already flown by in one direction at a high rate of speed. he had the rev limiter pegged. my family and moved over on the ocean side of the shoulder, and I herd him coming again. the Pontiac pulled out from behind me. at the time of impact it sounded like the bike blew up. unfortunately neither one of them had time to react. he was going so fast he couldn’t. and when she pulled out, he was right there. its a bad incident all the way around. but you don’t do 80/90 mph on a 2 lane road and especially with no helmet. our prayers are with him and his family and hopes he makes a great turn around!!
just a sad sad incident. .
Anonymous says
Nando we love you and hope you get well soon. Come on home..day day
Joseph Davis says
Well, there’s been a bit of FB discussion about this since my last post. A couple very valid points were made:
– there is a lot of sensationalism surrounding motorcycles. Look at the accident. The motorcycle is mostly intact, laying a foot from the car. Mr Chavez wasn’t going 85mph, and was realistically within 10 mph of the speed limit if not within the speed limit.
– Mr Chavez would be conscious and not fighting for his life is he had been wearing his safety gear.
I’m holding a good thought for everybody touched by this accident.
Unknown says
So sad…. Our family continues to pray for his recovery and that the driver emotionally is able to recover as well. No one wins in an accident, ever. Wasn’t sure if you read that police on scene cited his probable speed & he more than doubled the speed limit. He blew by our car headed North so fast that my husband commented being glad our child was already safely in the car and at that point (pre-accident) I sent out a quick prayer for his safety. In the time we got into our seats, started the ignition & drove by the scene (maybe a minute tops) we were shocked at what we saw. Then to find out that he had been going so fast as to turn around, head south, & be at that point in the road within that minute… Made my heart break for all involved. Until he recovers details don’t really matter. And blame just turns a tragic incident even more so. Hoping that his family gets some good news soon & that the family & driver are held up by the positive thoughts everyone is sending their way. Peace & healing.
DINA says
Fernandito, keep fighting. We love u. U r in my prayers all day and all night.
Meh says
Wow… 10 over doesn’t break a frame, break apart controller arms on a car, bend a wheel, crush a sub frame, obliterate forks and send a rider 120ft away…
Praying for all parties involved. Hope in time they can ALL heal, physically and mentally.
Justin says
I have to beg to differ on you here; he hit that car so hard it split the frame of the bike. The front brake rotors are almost folded in half. Not to mention how far he flew after impact. If you look at the first pic, look towards the street corner where a group of emergency personnel are standing. That’s where he landed. Compare that to the where the bike is. Between those two points, 45-55mph is pretty much outta the question…
Shane says
Are you kidding me? The motorcycle was in tact? It split the frame and the rest of the bike. The rotor was bent more than 90 degrees. Pieces of the bike are embedded in the rim. Since it has already been put out there, the bike was in 5th gear and the tachometer was at approximately 8,000 RPMs. It broke the axle of the car. That is why the bike is still right by the car, the impact was absorbed and distributed there. Dude, he flew 150′ from the impact. His speed was well over 100 MPH not just 55. See, there is a little thing that gets done that uses measurements and such to figure out how fast something is moving, not just looking at a picture and making stupid comments about what you think you know. As for the safety gear, yes a helmet might of helped with his head injuries, but not the others.
I hope all parties involved are getting better… Hang in there Fernando!!!
stephanie says
hi who has the video of the accident please contact me on facebook search for my name stephanie moruno moya sending me a messege saying that you have the video
Daniel says
its a sad incident in both cases. my van is in one of the pictures on the ocean side of the shoulder. the lady was parked behind me before she pulled out.. mr chavez had already flown by north doing well over 80mph. what ever gear he was in,the rev limiter was pegged.. the lady ,her mother&father and gotten in the pontaic , i heard the bike screaming, heading back south bound. i told my kids stay in the car till he passes. i looked down to put my van in park, i heard what i thought was the engine on the bike blowing up. thats when my daughter said oh my God daddy help him!! he had just stopped tumbling by the time another guy and i got to him.. guys, its a horrible horrible accident.. my wife began praying immediately when she heard the impact.. im not blamming anyone. God uses people every day in different situations..weather to open peoples eyes,to be alert or whatever..
but guys, mr chavez was flying and the lady did make a u-turn.. he was driving so fast he didn’t have time to react,and by the time ms toth pulled out, it was too late for either of them to make a change.. that goes to show,cardriver and bikers,,anything can happen in a blink of an eye. i saw him coming and had looked down to put my gear shifter in park and bam!!! it wasn’t 2 seconds that went by.. that’s how quickly that happened or anything else can happen .. im thainking about the guy everyday, i hope he pulls through..he’s made it this far.. i don’t wanna log in one day and see the the worse has happened.. were really praying for his full recovery, for his family and friends.. were from out of town and it was the first time my girls had ever been to the ocean..lol, my 10 yr old said can’t wait to see whats next.. poor girl was tramatized.the accident happened right in her window… but she’s good now. were just hoping and praying for a full recovery as possible for mr chavez… guys riding bikes please please wear helmets ,i’ve owned a gxr crotchrocket myself, i know what there cappable of.. guys be safe!! please keep the updates coming.
Unknown says
Rev limiter pegged?
None of this is a laughing matter, but please be sensitive to the terms used on these comments. What one may mistake as “the rev limiter being pegged” may simply be just the performance exhaust that was on the bike matched with a screaming inline four engine…
Just a friendly reminder to refrain from loosely throwing around terms that could possibly be false…it’s how rumors start and half truths grow legs…
Daniel says
Eye witness says
He was in 5th gear according to the police officer who interviewed me that weekend. The tach broke at between 7900 and 8000 rpms.
Daniel says
has there been any updates on mr chavez? my family and i are praying for a good recovery for this man.. it was a horrible accident..thats the thing about history,we cant change it no matter how bad it was.. but God put us, who were there at the scene for a reason. he had already wrote this in our book of life.. why God uses us as examples to make points and open our eyes is something only he knows.. i hope that one day mr chavez will be able to use this story one day to maybe change someone else’s life..
the only important issue at hand now is for his healing and recovery..we can’t change what happened that day.it doesn’t matter now, how fast anyone was going or who made the wrong turn at that time..
its tragic,but unfortunately it happened for a reason, that only Gods knows..
i use to be a hardhead,knew all..and thought i controlled my life… i was wrong on more than one occasion.lol, i had to learn God was in control at all times.. cause just when you think you are, he’ll knock on your door!! he has mine a few times..
i pray for peace and comfort for him,his family, and friends thorugh this trying time.. i pray he makes a recovery frrom this..
please keep us updated..thanks.
Mickens says
I hate to be the one to write this not Fernando passed away. My condolences go out to the Chavez family. O have known Fernando since middle school and this absolutely breaks my heart. RIP Nando.
Friend says
He passed away this afernoon :'( RIP Nando
dina says
It is with great sorrow to inform your readers Fernanado is with the Lord – he went to his eternal rest today. Dear God give his beloved family and friends confort in their hearts. Plese let us accept your choices and not to question you.. My prayers go for his mother, father, sister, family and friends. Fernando was a very good son. He now rests in your arms dear Lord – give us the wisdom in words and prayers to console his family.
Unknown says
Thank your words are kind
Ghost Ryder says
The Rider passed away today. Rest in Peace. He was a good, hard working man who was dearly loved my many.
Marlon says
Fernando Chavez “NANDO” passed away today 3/24/2012 at 2:30 pm.
Anonymous says
He passed away earlier today. RIP Nando.
4U2NO says
He passed away today.
A friend of nando says
Unfortunately he passed away today, please pray for his family. Thank you all for your support
Anonymous says
Sad to report Nando did not recover. May he rest in peace.
rc says
Nando has passed.
DMV says
It saddens me to report the passing of Fernando Chavez on this day, 3/24/12. May he Rest In Peace.
VA girl says
I am sorry to inform you that Fernando passed away yesterday. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. Thank you to all of you that have been concerned and waiting for updates.
Anonymous says
I am sorry to let you all know that not to long ago Fernando passed away. He is in my thoughts and prayers as well as his family who is by his side.
Friend says
Fernando passed away today. RIP you will be missed!
Prayforus says
The gentlemen died today..may he rest in peace.
S Vasquez says
Fernando passed away today. RIP Nando Chavez and may God give the strength to both families to deal with this tragedy….
Ghost Ryder says
Fernando passed away today. Rest in Peace. He was a kind, hard working man who was very dearly loved my many.
He will be missed terribly.
Sadly, just read on Facebook that he did not pull through. Rest in peace brother.
:( says
It is with great sadness that I write, I received notice of Fernando’s passing…
Teresa8402 says
Unfortunately, he has passed away today.
Fernando “Nando”…..may you Rest In Peace…we will meet again someday. Thank you for the wonderful moments that we’ve shared….these 14yrs that i’ve known you will always be treasured. Luv you!!
Teresa :'(
Doesn't matter says
RIP Brother you will be missed.
Close friend says
Just saw word that he did not make it, despite the circumstances the world lost a great person today, the likes to never be replaced in the riding community. I hope that his loss will motivate our brothers and sisters on two wheels to protect themselves and cagers to pay more attention to whats going on around them at all times.
Ride in Paradise Nando, we’ll see you soon, please keep a watchful eye over all of us
Teresa8402 says
As mentioned in my previous post….unfortunately Nando has left us and is in a better place and at peace.
There’s a Fundraiser that is taking place 03/25/2012 12pm-4pm at his favortie lunchbox called “El Hangueo” located in woodbridge, VA. An account with PNC Bank has been set up, for those who would like to make a donation….as a help for his family with any funeral arrangements or other expenses.
Again, Thank you to all for the prayers and well wishes. God bless.
anonymous says
RIP Fernando. We will all miss you smile but we know you are in a better place now.
nitza says
it is sad that i should share this but as of march 24 2012 fernando “nando” chavez has departed to a better place. may god have him in mercy and we will always carry his greatest memories in our hearts. god bless
????? says
RIP Nando praying for the Chavez Family
gc says
Unfortunately Nando died this afternoon. Please keep parying for his family….RIP Fernando…you wiil be missed!
RIP Nando says
Nando has passed away
anonymous says
RIP Fernando. Please keep his family in your prayers and respect their mourning in these difficult times
Friend of Fernando says
Unfortunately Fernando passed away yesterday he was a great friend and a wonderful person and will be missed by everyone that knew him.
sad one says
He passed away yesterday
dina says
The Lord has called on one of his children to be with him. Papayito rest in piece. Thank you for letting me be part of your life. I know you were a great son, a good brother and a good friend. May the Lord bless your beloved family and confort them through such a heart ache. I know now nothing hurts, no more surgeries to worry about. You are healthy, strong and happy. We will never forget you. I will pray for your mom, dad and sister every day. God bless you Papayito. He gave you to us and now he has called you home. I know it was too soon but we can not ask questions. He knows why. I never thought this would happen to my friend Menchi, but dear God give me the strength to confort her in such an enormous loss.
marcela says
NOBODY SHOULD BE CALLING HIM A IDIOT. He’s my family member, you guys shouldnt be calling him names after his death. so please have some synpathy.
Amaliegha Reagan via Facebook says
thats so sad
palmcoaster says
So sad we lost him as the Almighty welcomed him to ride in His Heaven, with no traffic no speed limits there among the Angels. My sincere condolences to his family.
PM says
I’m so sorry to read this news, I was there that day, I thought about him each day. Where on facebook is the information? I also read above that God uses some of his “Earth Angels” to help open our eyes. Since that accident my husband just started wearing his helmet. I always wore mine, but he did not. I shared with him what I saw that Friday and without further discussion, out of nowhere he started putting his helmet on his head when we road instead of letting the helmet ride in the storage area. Everyone’s lives touch us in some way, RIP Fernando, and love and prayers to the family.
Daniel says
Words can’t describe the hurt in our hiearts for a falling Comrade,so young and full of life we pray for Nandos Family & Close Friends that God may start the healing process and comfort the heart of the hurt. As Bikers we love the independence of riding but also know the consequences. We pray for Gods mercy,protection, & guidence for all Bikers and know we will have an extra pair eyes looking out for US.
R . I . P
Fernando Chavez>NANDOz.>3-24-2012
FlaglerLive says
FlaglerLive is looking for the Fernando Chavez Facebook page. If anyone can help, please link it in the comments or write us at [email protected]. Thank you.
Teresa8402 says
You can find his fb page under Nando GhostRyderz Chavez
VA says
Shane says
So Sorry to hear this news… Fernando, Rest In Peace!!!
To all of Fernando’s family and friends, My families thoughts and prayers are with you…
TB says
The following is a link to Fernando’s FB page. We had a beautiful candle light vigil for him last week we also had a fundraiser for him this afternoon. He is going to be greatly missed.
May he RIP
nandos friend. says
RIP .. :'( it hurts me so much to think you left us… buddy you ll be missed forever…
Eye witness says
I never met Nando, but I was there to see this tragedy. He has been in my thoughts and in my prayers every day, more like dozens of times a day, since then. I feel as though he is part of my family. My love and my prayers go out to his family and friends at this time. He will be with me forever.
Team Nando says
Thank you to all that came out today to the Nando Fundraiser at “El Hangueo”…thank you for your presence and donations….for those whom weren’t ablt to attend and are inquiring on how to donate….Nando’s sister has opened a account with PNC Bank.nnder the name Paola Arce…subtitled “Team Nando”.
Once again…thank you. Funera arrangements are yet to be determined.
Marco says
U will be miss bro!!!;(
Ms. Johnson says
Lord I ask you to please give the family peace at a time like this please comfort them and let them know that their son, brother uncle etc is in a better place and he is no longer suffering in the hospital bed. I am a female rider myself and this accident as opened my eyes I will def be wearing my helmet at bike week and other events that are in states that don’t require helmets.
Mz. TaTa says
On behlaf of the MD REBELS i would like to send out condolences to Nando’s family, friends and his Ghost Riderz Fam. Please stay strong for eachother in this time of need. I didn’t personally know Nando but went to school (Annandale High) with him. May god bless his soul and May he RIP…
Bunnyfart says
Speed kills and I’m not talking drugs
Loved Nando says
May he Rest in peace! God Bless his soul.
Mz Bossi says
Fernando RIP….you were such a funny, loyal, honest and all around great person and friend. We will never forget you or your smile, your memory will live on through all that knew you. The world lost a star. To all the ignorant people leaving senseless careless comments the fact of the matter is an accident can happen to anyone anywhere regardless of the situation or formalities…..the thing to remember here is that a 29 year old persons life is over. That is the importance not speed or engine reving or u-turns….but helping friends and family cope w/ this and making sure something is done about this road as apparently there are numerous accidents at this location…..and whether the auto driver or bike rider had the right of way…it was BIKE WEEK hello!!! Be extra careful……common sense.
HarryV says
I had only recently met Fernando, and have spoken with him but 2-3 times. As friendly and warm a person as I’ve ever knownt. This is a sad tragedy whatever the circumstances. My best to his family and other friends.
Unknown says
I hate to sound inconsiderate but doesn’t it seem foolish to put a picture up of him holding a drink next to his bike. Im not sure of alcohol was a factor in his accident but considering his speeds and the fact he never hit his breaks shows that his judgement may have been impaired. God bless Fernando and his family and possibly consider putting up another picture to represent him in a better way.
Unknown says
It is respected that you pointed out the photo but then you left a speculative point of your own in regard to the braking comment
JC says
Heidi says
My heart felt condolences go out to the family and friends of this young man who lost his life yesterday. Life is always delicate and precious. I pray peace for his friends and family. It is a terrible loss for them :’ (
Pease everyone who rides, wear a helmut and slow down. Everyone who drives a car, truck etc. please slow down and be watchful for the motercyclists!!! Give them plenty of room ALways!!!! We can help avoid some of these tragedies!
Best Regards to the family!
Unknown says
Well said Heidi. I didn’t know the rider but hearing about something like this is a tragedy. As a fellow rider, I will think twice when I have the urge to ride fast in a busy area…Life is precious and this is a reminder of how quickly it can be taken away. My thoughts go out to the families and friends who knew him. I’m sorry for your loss.
unknown says
Earlier post didn’t come through….
short on time now.
Yes, you have a valid point about the photo. Let it known that this photo was taken of Nando while his bike was on display at a local event that he was supporting. He was not riding his bike that night.
(photo was pulled off FB page…obviously from the editors as they asked for his page. Sure there were some better options, and probably some not so better options….)
Please be VERY sensitive about your comments (even though you are only alluding to a possibe fact…it is uncertain and people start talking…rumors spread). If you do not know without a reason of a doubt that he did NOT apply his brakes at any point during the accident, please refrain from commenting as if it were or were not a fact. You point out one questionable piece about this article display…thank you, but somewhat tarnish it with another comment. I’m not trying to point fingers…just pointing it out.
my earlier post that didn’t make it was a lot more diplomatic than this one but I can’t retype it all now.
Unknown says
WHO was riding with him on this day…or was he on a solo ride?
Anonymous says
That’s a good question that I also would like to know. from his Facebook comments he wasn’t alone.
Unknown says
That’s a good question that I also would like to know b/c from his Facebook comments on the same day he was not alone.
Anonymous says
He was staying right around the corner between 22nd and 23rd, he had just left home, he had not been riding around there the whole morning, so who ever said saw him, really did not, he had just left home.
Daniel says
he was riding alone at the time of the accident..
Kathy & Tiffany Krupsky says
My daughter called me to tell me about a friend she had lost. Fernando was her classmate and friend. We are deeply saddened today and forever. Fernando we will truely miss you. If anyone hears about the funeral please let us know on facebook. Thanks t&kk
Justin says
Godspeed Fernando. I’m sure u will be missed by many.
Kevin Enoch says
R.I.P. Nando. We love you brother!
the reality is there says
an account for the deceased for expenses? the deceased was breaking vehicular laws when he got himself killed…..
i would rather donate money to the poor woman who needs o have her car repaired after a wreckless biker damaged it-and i would donate for her manetal anguish she now suffers from after being tramautized by the wreckless biker…
Unknown says
Your comment is extremely unnecessary. Regardless of how you feel of the situation, there are times when your own personal thoughts are best left unsaid. This is one of those times.
Nando’s family and friend are certainly grieving their loss. If you feel so inclined to donate to the other individual, I personally have no issue with that effort. In fact, it sounds like you have volunteered to do just that. It’s possible your kind offer would be graciously accepted by their family, and I’m sure they would thank you.
Are you willing to follow through?
I seriously doubt it.
Anonymous says
Just as an FYI YOU ARE COMPLETELY RUDE AND INCONSIDERATE FOR LEAVING YOUR COMMENT! I am a close friend of Fernando and have been for many years and for you to say something like that is extremely uncalled for no matter your feelings about the situation! If you lost someone close to you in an accident like this no matter if they were on the bike or in the car you would be pissed someone left this comment on their news article…
Unknown says
This was a tragedy however you look at it. And unexpected expenses are incurred due to tragedies like this.
And before you go making horrible comments such as” the deceased was breaking vehicular laws when he got himself killed….” you should think about the fact that he had the RIGHT OF WAY and the “poor Woman” (as you describe her) should have YIELDED to him when making her U-Turn. Maybe if you read the article a little more closely you would have seen the line that says “Charges are pending against Toth.”
You should be a little more diplomatic in your comments.
Daniel says
WOW!! really shocked .. did not expect to log in and see this today… he was a fighter for sure.. my prayers are with the family and friends of this man.. no more pain, no more suffering.. he’s in great hands now.. remember, God works in different ways. why or how in this case,we’ll never know.. but i bet mr chavez and the man above have had the conversation and know the reasons.. but i promise you the family and friends of this young man. where he is now , he wouldn’t trade it for the world.. as awitness to this accident that happened feet from my van, that has sent this man on a journey to his final home where our father has built many mansions for all of us. for our father has told us.. rest in heavenly peace mr chavez..
wow, still shocked..
Anonymous says
Please see the top of the article for funeral arrangements and locations.
unknown says
Everyone stating their opinion of who’s to blame and making accusations against both parties should be ashamed. I was one of the witnesses at Java Joint. If you had actually been there and literally watched the life of another human being taken away in such a tragic event, you might take off focus of his exact speed and the driver of the car. Even though he lived 8 more days, the bottom line is Mr Chavez basically lost his life in that moment, that day, that split second of an accident. Everyone makes bad choices, it is life. The focus should go to the loss you feel for this young man’s life, his family and friends at home trying to cope, and even the driver who has to live with this now. It was an accident, on both party’s involved. It was the most traumatic and heart wrenching thing I have ever witnessed, and to his family and friends, you are in my prayers. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Unknown says
100+ mph in a 45mph zone is not smart and will almost allways end up like this. The woman in the car could not even have see him going that fast. It is a dangerous road at 45mph. You make decisions in life and need to realize what that speed can and will do to you.