Updated Feb. 23 with Sheriff Don Fleming’s response.
Jim Manfre senses a vulnerable sheriff in Don Fleming. Declaring himself a candidate for the office this week, Manfre cited Fleming’s still-unexplained involvement in the case of a 76-year-old woman struck and killed by a motorist last November as the catalyst for his decision to run again for a post Manfre held from 2001 to 2005, and has contested unsuccessfully twice since.
“It really comes down to this recent incident,” Manfre said, “because it exemplifies everything that’s gone on with this administration for the past eight years.” Manfre, a lawyer in private practice in Flagler Beach, had thought of running for the county judge seat Sharon Atack is leaving. But the bad publicity Fleming drew through his and his department’s handling of the accident tipped his decision in favor of the sheriff’s post.
The case is turning into a central issue in the race for sheriff, with three candidates criticizing Fleming directly over his handling of it. Manfre’s attacks are the starkest.
Francoise Pécqueur was struck and killed by Jamesine Fischer’s PT Cruiser while Pécqueur was walking her dog at dusk in Palm Coast’s C section last November. Fischer is married to Flagler County School Board member John Fischer, a friend of Fleming’s. She did not call 911. It was 12 hours before John Fischer called authorities: he called the sheriff at his home. The sheriff advised him to call 911. But the two exchanged at least six calls over the next two days. Pécqueur died of her injuries. Read more details of the case and Fleming’s involvement here.
Fischer ended up retaining the same attorney who defended Fleming’s son in a minor prescription drug case. The sheriff said he was merely advising a friend, not interfering in an investigation. Earlier this month the Fischer’s insurer settled a wrongful death lawsuit filed just three weeks earlier by Pécqueur’s daughter, for $1.25 million.
Manfre, along with two other candidates for the sheriff’s post—John Pollinger, a former police chief in New Jersey, and Ray Stevens, a former detective in Ossining, N.Y.—all criticize the absence of a deputy at the original accident scene, and Fleming’s subsequent conversations with Fischer, which Manfre called “cronyism.”
“This is what the community fears the most, that different people will be treated differently, based on who they know,” Manfre said. A news release circulated Corris Caro on Manfre’s behalf Monday put it more harshly: “Having been troubled over the past four years about a continued pattern of cronyism, carelessness and corruption in the Flagler County Sheriff’s office, and now observing the community’s outrage over the conduct of Sheriff Fleming and his department in the handling of the recent hit-and-run fatality, Jim Manfre is announcing his candidacy for Flagler County Sheriff.”
Fleming was repeatedly contacted for this story on Monday and Tuesday, through his cell phone and his office line, but could not be reached. Messages were left requesting reactions to Manfre’s decision to run—and Manfre’s line of criticism. On Tuesday, Capt. Lynne Catoggio said the sheriff would have a response by Wednesday–which he did, in writing.
“Mrr. Manfre’s statement about ‘community outcry’ in regards to my involvement, or lack thereof, in this incident is nothing more than sensationalism,” Fleming said. “There were phone calls with Mr. Fischer. I have acknowledged that. However, what Jim Manfre fails to mention is that at no time was there any attempt to influence the investigation conducted by an independent law enforcement agency. As an elected official, I regularly receive telephone calls from members of governing boards as well as citizens inquiring as to how to handle an incident that is criminal in nature.”
Fleming said that during the Robert McCarthy era at the sheriff’s office, deputies responded to medical calls. That policy, he said, was ended under Manfre. “While this practice has continued during my tenure,” Fleming said, there have not been any issues or concerns that have been brought to my attention with the exception of the tragic incident involving Francoise Pecqueur.”
Manfre termed that response ““a lie, it’s an outright lie.” He said Fleming was confusing policies. “This was not a medical response, this was somebody lying on the side of a road,” Manfre said. “This was a suspicious incident because no one knew why she was lying on the side on the road. It’s two completely different incidents he’s talking about. I did not stop deputies going to medical calls if it was a suspicious incident.”
Manfre, 54, has run for Flagler County sheriff in every election for the office since 2000. He won that first time and served until 2005. A Democrat, he lost in the 2004 primary, but not to Don Fleming, the Republican and eventual winner. Manfre had himself been weakened by a series of allegations about his handling of the office. He ran again four years ago, losing to Fleming in one of the closest recorded elections for that office—by 836 votes out of 46,000 cast, and with Stevens as an independent candidate in the mix.
Pollinger is attempting to project a less confrontational strategy in his race. He declines to criticize the sheriff directly. He had little to say about Manfre’s run. “I’m not concerned about his entry into the race because my focus is on winning the Republican primary,” Pollinger said. “Speaking about any other candidate is just taking away my time and speaking about myself and my credentials.”
Stevens is more readily confrontational. “I welcome his campaign and I wish him luck,” he said of Manfre. “I don’t know where exactly he stand on the present-day issues, but he’s an experienced politician. He was never a policeman or a cop, he never spent a minute on the street, he was at the district attorney’s office. The only policing experience he has is as sheriff for four years.”
Pollinger and Stevens are Republicans. Manfre is facing one other Democrat in the August primary, Karl Tozzi, whom he faced in 2008. Tozzi got just 9 percent of the vote in that four-way primary.
Before moving to Flagler County in 1999, Manfre had served as an assistant district attorney in Suffolk County, N.Y., and as the deputy town attorney for Babylon, N.Y., from 1990 to 1996. He’s currently of counsel with Nowell, Bayer and Maguire, the Flagler Beach firm. Sid Nowell was Manfre’s attorney during his tenure as sheriff. Bayer represented several individuals who filed discrimination suits against Fleming during his first term. The cases resulted in settlements of upward of $400,000, and are part of Manfre’s line of attack now when the ex-sheriff claims Fleming has not been a good or fair administrators.
Manfre says the office has become top heavy with brass, including three majors, three captains and seven lieutenants, compared with one captain, one major and two lieutenants during his own tenure. The ranks have grown since, he said, but not that disproportionately.
The sheriff’s office, Fleming responded, “follows the military guidelines for span of control with one supervisor per seven to nine members.” With growing numbers of deputies, supervisors have increased, too. Fleming also charged Manfre of maintaining “friends and family” hiring practices, including the hiring of his executive assistant, administrative staff, corrections officers “and others who were unqualified for their positions.”
“What he’s doing is trying to push back,” Manfre said. “These are false allegations. They have no basis in fact.”
Manfre says he’ll also make an issue of Fleming’s management of the jail, which, during his first term, was the scene of brutality against inmates, including Lisa Tanner, the daughter of then-State Attorney John Tanner. That case drew a lawsuit as well, which was settled with an apology to Tanner from two deputies and other undisclosed terms, though John Tanner’s conduct itself became the center of the state attorney’s next election, which he lost.
Manfre has his issues, too. His first year in office as sheriff was dogged by a public-record issue he had to settle for $10,000. A woman had crashed her car in the side of a school in 2001. After the crash, Manfre refused to release information about the woman’s whereabouts, citing medical privacy. The News-Journal sued and won a settlement, including $10,000 and a concession that Manfre’s interpretation of the law had been incorrect. The money sponsored an open-record seminar in which Manfre, as a good sport, appeared and play-acted a politician learning a lesson on compliance with Florida’s Sunshine law.
Manfre’s relations with the county commission were dismal. Only George Hanns remains from that commission. Manfre says he has excellent relations with the current commission, though he has not had occasion to interact with them except socially.
His last year as sheriff was dogged by another open-record issue. The department spent $22,000 on putting together and mailing a calendar to constituents. The calendar was justified under the guise of an annual report. It had a few numbers about the department’s operations. A few other counties did likewise. But it also featured pictures and messages about Manfre himself, for the months of August and November—the months of the primary and the general election. It looked like a campaign ad, paid for with taxpayer dollars. Pat McGuire was a county commissioner at the time, and the president of the Police Benevolent Association. He’d been a leading supporter of Manfre in his first run in 2000. He’d also pressed for raises for his ranks. Manfre had resisted. With the calendar, McGuire saw an opening to hit Manfre hard, and did.
Trough his position as commissioner, McGuire—who later served five years in prison, until last October, for molesting two girls—charged that Manfre was politicking through the calendar, and that he was hiding the true cost of it. The case turned into a scandal stretched over several months just as the sheriff’s election was unfolding. It highlighted the broken relations between the commission and the sheriff. The commission pursued the sheriff to open his records, and grant open access to his computers. The sheriff resisted. In the end, he relented to some extent: nothing of significance was uncovered, and to this day Mafre maintains that he did nothing wrong. Norman Wolfinger, a State Attorney for the 18th judicial Circuit, issued an opinion stating that the case was not “prosecutable,” though first amendment lawyers and the head of Florida’s First Amendment Foundation questioned the findings.
Manfre’s tenure in Baylon was rocky, too, including a lawsuit against him by the town that appeared politically motivated, and that he countered with allegations of his own that resulted in criminal charges against town officials, and a conviction on a misdemeanor charge of one of those officials, for falsifying records.
Manfre was also a candidate for Congress: when he was in Babylon, he ran unsuccessfully against then Republican Rep. Rick Lazio, who eventually was later defeated by Hillary Clinton in a U.S. Senate race.
Joe A. says
Mr. Manfre served as sheriff and was rejected by the voters TWICE. He is another politician who seeks office every 4 years. This election would be his 4th attempt at the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office. I think it is a big disappointment to the voters of Flagler County, that this is the best Democrat.
My question to Mr. Manfre is this: If you are rejected by the voters for the 3rd time are you going to run again in 4 years? If Mr. Manfre’s candidacy is any indication of the strength of the Democratic Party, then I believe we are going to see a Republican sweep from the Presidency on down.
– Got to love that Rick Lazio!
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
The last thing we need is a lawyer running a law enforcement agency.
Kendall Clark-StJacques via Facebook says
Doesn’t he ever give up?
palmcoaster says
Jim Manfre is an honest law enforcement and abiding citizen, an exceptional family man that shows in the education of his children as all three of them excel in their school academics and gained them scholarships to the best universities and were never involved in drugs like Fleming’s did. Doesn’t it speak for itself? Mr. Manfre likewise our Supervisor of Elections Mrs. Weeks now, has been witch hunted by then county commissioners leader McGuire. That commissioner was Pat MCGuire a police union boss, which ended up 5 years in jail for sexually molesting his step daughter, afterwards. Darby, Hanns, O’Connell, Mcguire and Hutch King (If I recall correct) were in that Board and shamefully those 4 commissioners were driven by sexual predator Commissioner Pat McGuire in his successful demise of Sheriff Jim Manfre with the support of some on the police benevolent. We are paying now for that with probably well over half million in salaries of unneeded top brass. The first one to speak in favor of Fleming here, Captain Cattoggio (over 85,000/year): http://www.news-journalonline.com/reports/publicsalary/, is the daughter of one of the power hands in the local Chamber of Commerce Tony Cattoggio. Be all aware that the current sheriff has employed and promoted “children of several current community leaders to exercise big influences” in this county.
Manfre was attacked and defeated over a calendar and now we have the current one with cover ups of cases like Fischer hit and run, vehicular killings like 15 year old Kirt, Mr Taylor hit and run yet the perpetrator to be found. Lets do not forget the “labeled murder suicide of the Kevin Henderson family”. Lets remember that the Henderson’s published a one page political advertisement endorsement in the News Journal and Tribune in 2005, for Manfre’s failed campaign against Fleming.
The local Republican Party, Chamber of Commerce and government officials “driven by a sexual predator in 2005” defeated by few votes and honest man over an informative calendar that was done and accepted with no problems in other counties. This is the law enforcement that they gave us and we have today in this county and I do not refer to our deputies that only obey orders. One more and very important point, Jim Manfre “does not have a drinking problem” or has drinking buddies. I never seeing in all these years this man with a cocktail/alcoholics in his hands.. Parents that set a good example produce children without addictions!! Before you decide your vote this time better do an in depth research and do not let yourselves driven by the “old guard” already at work here. We need a change of guard.
jc says
Oh please! Enough already!
dontbesoparanoid says
“Parents that set a good example produce children without addictions!!” <—That is a statement of complete ignorance as is the rest of your post.
Begonia says
change of the guard? It sounds to me like you need an investigation by the State Atty. General’s office.
Holy Cow, Palmcoaster, after hearing all this I think I need to take a shower.
Jim Manfre,….. GIVE IT UP !!! We told you we didnt want you why do you keep running. Oh, now I remember,,,,Its your spotless past. (LOL) Now about this quote “The office has become top heavy with brass, including three majors, three captains and seven lieutenants, compared with one captain, one major and two lieutenants during my tenure. The ranks have grown since, but not that disproportionately”. Population in Flagler county 2000.=.49,832 …..poulation 2012= 95,696
RLH says
Welcome to Palm Coast, where you need your hip boots to wade through the muck and mire of local politicians.
I understand one of these candidates is registered in two states in two different parties. maybe somebody needs to be looking into that one.
dontbesoparanoid says
Some things I would also like for you to clarify…
1) Is Lynn Catoggio Tony’s daughter? Find out and post again.
2) Who has a drinking problem?
3) Name those children of big influences that the Sheriff has promoted.
Michelle says
Correction @palmcoaster – Captain Cattoggio is Mr. Tony Cattoggio’s Daughter-In-Law.
Joe A. says
But Jim Manfre has lost credibility with the voters. Constantly seeing his name on the ballot does not make me want to vote for him. Irregardless of who else was on the board, he was the Sheriff previously and his performance was not acceptable.
Which candidate are you insinuating has a drinking problem? Speak up, no need for innuendos.
I agree that we need a changing of the guard, but going backwards for Manfre is not the answer. I also think that his dealings in the community as an attorney creates some conflict of interest. Will he continue to practice law if he is elected to sheriff?
Concerned Citizen says
PLEASE VOTE FOR JIM MANFRE we have to get the new blood in as sheriff BELIEVE ME !!!!
I know what goes on behind closed doors at the Sheriff’s office and Fleming needs to GO!
Sally says
Ok I am confused again. Now a lawyer does not understand the timeline of events. I do believe my previous suspicion has been proven correct in that this bashing of Sheriff Fleming is fueled by his opponents and for these negative articles to keep reocurring well maybe someone at flaglerlive has some issues also..(freedom of speech goes both ways). As far as too much brass, well I know that I received a substantial increase in pay when I was promoted at my place of employment. I am not over hundreds of employees but I would certainly imagine that it takes more than a couple of captains to supervise that amount of team work. For people that do not understand there is this thing called a budget and it is divided into parts, I am sure that employee compensation is one of those line items and guess what the state does not feed it freely to Sheriff Fleming. .So if your paranoid minds are correct sooner or later Fleming will blow the budget by paying off too many officers and get fired. So maybe every negative person should put their energy into something worthwhile like I dont know seeing how many muslims are now employed by our US Government , while they wait for that to happen. And if palmcoaster, knows anything, know this, not all people addicted to drugs are a direct result of parenting. I personally know many of my past peers who had two parents with a stay at home MoM and a great base for a home life and ended up dead or addicted. And to add negativity to the losing battle, and may I add see through negativity, does not and never will win a race.
palmcoaster says
@Don’tbesoparanoid: Have you raised any children? Could you tell us here what is the percentage of kids that follow their parents traits/examples/life styles and the ones that don’t?
Please document your cleaver comments, as I do here my supposedly ignorant one’s. For next Sheriff elections remember that will be a choice among others, between the two following candidates;
Jim Manfre that raised these kids: https://flaglerlive.com/32980/bractlet-smartlet-manfres
And Don Fleming that raised this 34 years old man :
Do some real research and fact finding, before you attack. I new these arrows were coming my way.
Joe A. says
I understand two of the candidates running this year financially supported candidates of the opposing party in the same election year. Maybe those are the real questions that need to be asked.
Dudley Doright says
I normally am impressed with your comments, facts and knowledge about the issues in Palm Coast/Flagler County. However, the comment you made about Sheriff Fleming’s son is a low blow. You need to understand that this could happen to anyone. It is a major health problem fueled by doctors who over prescribe…pill pushers. Remember the saying “There but for the Grace of God go I” Think about it!
palmcoaster says
@Michelle thank you for the clarification/ correction. Too many years of Flagler names and events to memorize perfect. I recalled the main word “daughter” and forgot… -in law.
@DBSParanoid, there you have your first answer. The other two, you will have to research yourself or maybe just exchanging information among us here, will surface sooner or later. Probably Concerned Citizen knows as well.
palmcoaster says
@Dudley D. Thank you for your words and I am sorry to have to be this straight to the point. I didn’t mean a “low blow” but instead and alert to our community. We are talking here about a 34 years old that we can see frequenting very obscure social circles as reported; “It was discovered that the 27-year-old passenger with Fleming was on probation for grand theft”. Is not just dependency of medications faulted by some irresponsible greedy professional prescriptions. We need to stop looking for justification and escape goats.
dontbesoparanoid says
What do you know about the Sheriff’s son’s upbringing? In fact what do you know about him at all? This kid wasn’t a pill head. He was injured and became addicted to his prescription. It could happen to anyone’s kid.
And I already knew the answers to the questions I posd to you. You ask me to document my cleaver comments.. What does that even mean?… You have not presented any facts. I suggest you take your own advice on doing some research.
FlaglerLive says
HomeSchool4me, two things: one, if people want to use the word “irregardless” here, they’re free to do so. It’s not for you to arbitrate language usage here. Two, the moment you tell anyone to shut up–or, as you even more inelegantly put it, shut their pie holes–your comment is itself shut up without looking at it further, irregardless of its validity. Please try again. Badger issues all you like. Just don’t gratuitously badger commenters.
Will says
What’s an “escape goat” as mentioned by Palmcoaster above? :)
PalmCoast says
“CORRUPTION” has run Flagler County far to long!! Manfre and Flemming both have shown their talents with their records! NEW!! era needs new blood…..out with the “old” trash and bring in a gleam of hope for Flagler County…..the judgeship seat has been a family tradition for the Atack family also…first by the husband…now the seat is currently held by his wife after he past and now the son is looking to join the ranks as a judge by filling her seat….I am voting for Ray Stevens for Sheriff and Scott Westbrook for judge!!
Go away...don't be mad...just go away says
Seems like Manfre just wants someone’s high paying job, he doesn’t care who’s it is. This man is all about himself. Is he a legend in his own mind? Can he really be trusted? After the 2008 elections he threw big expensive signs in the trash and stated he wasn’t going to run for Sheriff again. He apparently had no regard for his own money or donations that he received then, and now will want and need more donations now in 2012. How can we trust him with a multiple million dollar budget as Sheriff? From what I read, he didn’t spend our tax dollars wisely when he was Sheriff before. We don’t need more of the same old. Will Manfre run for President in 2016?
palmcoaster says
@Will; good proof reading, txs. Always picking errors …to diminish the subject.? No one is perfect… http://www.thefreedictionary.com/Scape+goat.
palmcoaster says
@DBSParanoid: all we know about the Sheriff’s son is what was in the link provided above! You should not be justifying this 34 years old man as you trying with your words ” his kid wasn’t a pill head. He was injured and became addicted to his prescription. It could happen to anyone’s kid” To that I reply; and his addiction as per your words, not at all to a fault of his own at 34, also makes him to hang out with delinquents, as well? Please and again, stop excusing crime and looking for “scapegoats/scape goats”
Any constructive proof reading, welcomed!
palmcoaster says
@Goawaynow; you need to get better informed about Sheriff’s last and current budgets. Just get the public records budgets numbers of the last year of Manfre as a Sheriff, then Fleming’s budget one or two years later. Including the several millions (anyone welcome to itemize) that we, Palmcoasters, have to pay for the deputies to serve our city. So we pay twice, the county and our city for this law enforcement we have now. Looks to me that could be easier and safer for you, to get these records.
Geezer Butler says
The new sheriff will ride into town on his ceremonial “escape goat.”
The goat in question will have a deputy’s badge tattooed on its right shoulder.
Never seen an escape goat? What you say?
Usually they’re encased in a glass with a little hammer that says:
“Break glass in case of need to blame other person.”
I have an escape goat and he gets along with my children very well.
But he makes my German Shepherd jealous, and has been known to
eat the labels off of canned goods in my pantry.
He gets blamed for everything.
palmcoaster says
@GeezerB. Very creative your comic rant! Too bad that didn’t rime.
I deserve it, for I have really shaken the wasp nest.
dontbesoparanoid says
Not excusing it and neither did the Sheriff his father. What I am refuting is your claim of parenting being the reason.
jespo says
@palmcoaster…I always feel sullied and dirty after reading your comments as if I was lulled to sleep with melodious intelligent whispering but woke up with a crumpled twenty in my hand instead. You start with experience and facts and end with mud slinging; most regrettable because any informative or pursuasive message is lost in inane rhetoric. Just take the time to read a bit on the disease before telling the world about your vast knowledge of the disease and its root causes.
I don’t know who is the better candidate for Sheriff, but you can be sure I’ll do my homework before voting; and my decsion won’t be based on what I think of their kids and the parenting they had growing up…it will be based on who I think would be the best Sheriff.
dontbesoparanoid says
What records have you yourself obtained thus far?
Of course the budget increased…at the time the population about doubled and continued to grow. Deputies pay rate was brought to an acceptable level and more deputied were hired to meet the demand of a growing population.
[Please don’t tell our commenters to stop posting what they’re posting, or make assumptions about their posts you wouldn’t want made about yours. Thanks.
Also, don’t be so paranoid.–FL]
jespo says
Until he escapes….
Angie says
Manfre is ANYTHING BUT “new blood”. He was a terrible sheriff. He’s only running for the paycheck because the Manfre’s are losing their shirts in the real estate market. He was already in trouble in 2008 when he couldn’t pay his property taxes on his Grand Haven home. He’s an opportunist and is not the answer to a better FCSO.
palmcoaster says
@Jespo, we always have the choice of not reading what we do not like. Be my guest with mine.
Jimmy says
I have friends and family that work for FCSO. They are most defiantly top heavy with brass. The deputies have been denied raises every year because of budget issues, but then 20 people were promoted. So 20 people got at least a 7% raise. So which is it? No money for raises or only for people who backed the Sheriff with an election year coming up. It so clear what is going on. A complete revamping of Admin just before an election year. They have way to many chiefs and they are walking around with the lastest and greatest in technology paid for by the Sheriff’s office/tax payers (phones,tablets, ect.) while deputies, who actually are out working and risking their lives doing the job, are struggling to survive. I don’t know anyone who has been at a job for 5yrs+ and is still making starting salary. The deputies have even been forced to pay 3% into the pension fund so actually 5+ years of service and your making 3% less than when you starting. Are you seriously kidding me? Time for a change! If that’s not “cronyism” then I don’t know what is.
Will says
Geezer Butler….
Thanks for clarifiying about the goat! :)
You should offer more wisdom like that ! LOL
Geezer Butler says
palmcoaster: You are a good sport!
Everyone makes mistakes – the eraser factories are putting out prodigious amounts of those gummy do-dads.
Thanks for the kind words.
dontbesoparanoid says
You said: ” So which is it? No money for raises or only for people who backed the Sheriff with an election year coming up.”
Did the Sheriff only promote those who backed him? Find out from your “friends and family”.
The subject of raises has to be brought before the county commission (which Fleming has done and was denied). Also the 3% was forced by our Governor.
Please advise those you know with FCSO to learn the difference as knowledge is power. They are also lucky to have not suffered any lay offs like numerous other law enforcement agencies throughout our state and the country.
Jacksonville PD just laid off 30 officers. Try crying to those cops how you’re upset you didn’t get a raise. Fleming was forced to shave approx. 3 million from the budget and did it without laying anyone off. The entire country is in a hole for too long now. People are getting frustrated but better to be frustrated and working than frustrated and unemployed like so many others.
palmcoaster says
@Jimmy. Thank you for your insights about what is really going on behind close doors at the Sheriff’s Administration. Maybe some of the 20 benefited high paid are right here: http://www.news-journalonline.com/reports/publicsalary/ and not mentioning the luxury gadgets and vehicles provided. I know well is not our deputies fault.
Some of these compensations are totally out of line as per my taxpayers view in a county were the median income is barely $44,000 and we endure 16.5% unemployment and we pay these high taxes, to sustain these elite. We are just a bunch of hearded sheep afraid to speak up!
@DBSParanoid: of course the county commission with its chairman (is ,was) Milissa Holland marrying the second in command at the Sheriff’s, O’Brien, will approve anything his boss ask for!! She needs to resign her County Commissioner seat right now! Given conflict of interest! The newcomers in this county just don’t know! Can we expect anything more with the sheriff department in bed with the county commission?
@Begonia and RLH: yes the muck is enough deep to require hip high boots and a shower!
I know, more arrows coming my way, but at least I am prepared !
palmcoaster says
Looks like our deputies may want change…not like the 20 top brass though!
Deputies with 5 years without a raise..? 2 years too many as our economic downturn was in 2008. The raise freeze should have been shared across the board not only for deputies.
Ed says
dont, so you fall under the idea that the deputies are lucky to have jobs? Crazy, no one and I mean no one is going with 0 raises. Everything is going up but the deputies salary. Mcdonald’s employees have even got raises. My grandson has worked at Mcdonald’s for 2 years and got raises and makes more money then when he was hired. Come on, I would love to know who has gone 5+ years at a job and is still making the same as someone who starts tomorrow. There are departments laying off, but there are also departments getting raises. Fleming being forced to shave budgets has not impacted the admin at all? 20k on tablets and the latest and greatest smart phones. Come on? The 3% was the governor, but the 0% raises is the Sheriff. The deputies from what I understand have taken cuts with medical insurance too. So where does it end? Someone who chooses a career in law enforcement shouldn’t be in a dead end job and put in years of service and still make no progressions in the salary tier. Admin walking around with 10s of thousands of tax payer dollars in electronic gadgets just rubs deputies faces in it. I don’t know how they all sleep at night. My family members don’t deserve that. Wake up!
dontbesoparanoid says
Ed or Jimmy whatever you’re going by now…Those electronic gadgets (“Tablets” etc…) are funded with grants not taxpayer dollars. Infact the latest hiring of deputies by Sheriff’s Office is not on the tax payers dime. A grant is paying their salaries. If you are that upset with deputies not receiving raises you should be going before the county commission to state your case and not sitting behind a computer complaining about it on a website.
FCSO deputies are better equipped than many agencies in Florida. When I started in law enforcement I worked for a city department. All of my equipment was hand me downs. My uniforms and everything on my duty belt was already used and so was my vest!! I looked like a seasoned cop my first day on the job. My firearm was 7 years old when they gave it to me. My patrol car already had 90,000 miles on it.
Deputies here have all brand new equipment right out of the gate. The dept. even pays for their boots. They get take home cars here…a perk they were going to lose with the budget cuts but Fleming fought for them to keep. So what more would the deputies be paying at the gas pump to get to work? I hope things get better sooner than later and salaries adjusted as I agree on the pay scale issue I just don’t agree on where the blame is being put. County Commission votes on these raises.
dontbesoparanoid says
I forgot to add Ed..you said: “dont, so you fall under the idea that the deputies are lucky to have jobs? Crazy, no one and I mean no one is going with 0 raises.
No one? Read my post again. And no, I do not fall under the idea that deputies are lucky to have jobs. I fall under the idea that thankfully none has had to lose their job as has happened and is happening in many other law enforcement jurisdictions. We are on the same side with the salary issue but I see the fingers pointed in the wrong direction.
palmcoaster, I’m on your side (most of the time…)
We can only hope says
Will the honeymoon for Milissa Holland be over if a new Sheriff is elected and David O’Brian doesn’t maintain his $100,000 a year job with the Flagler County Sheriffs Office? Don’t you agree we all have had the wool pulled over our eyes for quite some time with Flagler County Commissioner Milissa Holland who took part inapproving the Sheriffs budget knowing her personal relationship with O’Brian. At the very least, Holland should have excused her self because of a conflict of interest. Isn’t this the true meaning of holding hands, and an example of corruption in Flagler County at it’s finest? Doesn’t she have an entitlement mentality, and doesn’t she need the job because daddy’s money is all gone is probably why she won’t resign? We can only hope Ed Caroe will file an ethics complaint against Milissa Holland as he did against Commissioner Nate McLaughlin and prevailed.
dontbesoparanoid says
You said: ” Milissa Holland marrying the second in command at the Sheriff’s, O’Brien, will approve anything his boss ask for!!”
My feeling is you are acting on your dislike for Holland for whatever reason and I really don’t care to know the reason as that is your issue BUT…. You can’t accuse someone of something that hasn’t happened. You’re accusing her of doing something you BELIEVE she will do at some point in the future. That isn’t right no matter which angle you’re looking at it from.