Last Updated: May 18
The intersection of County Road 302 and County Road 305 in west Flagler, one of the most crash-prone intersections in the county, was the scene of another t-bone collision between vehicles Saturday evening, leaving Brandon Taylor Schwartz, 18, of Ormond Beach, in critical condition.
The Florida Highway Patrol investigated the crash but did not issue a report until six days after the crash, as has frequently been the case with Flagler crashes recently.
According to Flagler’s 911 dispatch notes, the crash occurred at 6:50 p.m., involving a white truck and a maroon Pontiac Vibe. The Pontiac was struck violently on the driver’s side, smashing in that side of the car and entrapping the driver, who was knocked unconscious by the blow and was bleeding from the mouth.
Schwartz came to moments later, barely, but was unable to speak and was seriously injured. There were no reports of injuries to Michael Emerson Snyder, the driver in the Dodge Ram.
Fire Flight, Flagler County’s emergency helicopter, launched at 7:05 p.m. Firefighters managed to extricate him by then and take him to Fire Flight after administering considerable aid. Fire Flight took off for Halifax hospital in Daytona Beach at 7:24, reaching the hospital. It was back at the airport in Flagler at 8:14.
A caller to 911 reported that before the crash the caller had witnessed the Pontiac “swerving all over the road.” The Florida Highway Patrol report states Schwartz ran a stop sign. The crash is not attributed to driver’s distraction. Svhwartz was not suspected of having been impaired, and no test was given.
The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office was initially at the scene, turning the scene over to FHP around 7:45 p.m. Flagler County Fire Rescue was among the responders to the scene. County Road 305 was shut down at West State Road 100 until the crash scene was cleared later that evening.
Randy says
Prayers to him and his family, perhaps a roundabout would ease the amount of wrecks at that intersection.
Art Bowles says
When will the county address this problem? When people die? Also why does the Palm Coast Fire Police continually leave Palm Coast??? And why are they still working crashes on I 95.??
Vicki D Nixon says
Thoughts and prayers go out to this young man’s family and friends!
hawkeye says
hopefully everyone involved will be allright. I go through this intersection every friday and saturday ,when I go shooting, you really have to pay attention and make sure the coast is clear before you pull out.
Concerned Citizen says
Prayers to the ones injured for a speedy recovery.
One thing I would like to point out. Please move over for our first responders. This not only includes when on the side of the road but also in travel. If it’s sae to do so move a lane over or to the side of the road and let them pass. It’s not an option it’s state law.
It’s frustrating to me as a former LEO /FF EMT to watch folks refuse to move and to hear them lay on the airhorns. If you see lights and sirens give them priority please. You can wait.
Concerned Citizen says
@ Art Bowles.
If I’m not mistaken parts of 95 are in Palm Coast. This means the Fire Department and Fire Police have jurisdiction. They also have an MOU to provide assistance.
Fire Police often arrive before LEO’s do and can keep our FF/Paramedics safe while working a scene. When I was on the Fire Department back home we didn’t have this program. Interstate crashes got kind of interesting to work sometimes.
Hope that addresses your question/complaint. ??
local resident says
This intersection is the scene of accidents because people pull out of 302 right in front of oncoming traffic on 305, which has the right of way. The speed limit is 50 mph and this road is heavily traveled by logging trucks and numerous semis hauling produce, among other things. I live out here and every single day have to slam on brakes or use my horn for people pulling out of 302, Mahogany and Canal St. directly in front of oncoming vehicles. This used to be a 4 way stop long ago and apparently these idiots think it still is. They seem to think that stopping briefly at the stop sign is all they need to do and that it is just fine to make a left turn out of 302 onto 305. It’s NOT. The county either needs to return the intersection to a 4 way stop, put up a light, or at the very least have a sheriff monitor it once in a while. If you are coming south on 305 from 100, invariably someone or several someones will pull out of 302 in front of you, even if you are going full speed. The only thing that surprises me is that there haven’t been more accidents there. People are careless, inattentive and basically stupid when they drive.
Concern person says
I don’t think we need a roundabout there Randy all they are good for is to be called suicide circle like in daytona Beach where the seabreeze bridge is and they took it out because there was so many accident there. I have been here for 40 years and there has not been that many accident there. There is a stop sign and a flashing light there put the stupid phone down it can wait.that is what causing the accident. when you start your car it should lock your phone ! end of story! i will pray for the 21 year old boy and his family my heart goes out to them!
SofaKing Tired says
A roundabout is NOT the answer. People who never grasp the concept of stop signs, or even worse totally disregard stop signs as if the laws don’t pertain to them, are the ones to blame. This is not just a biased opinion. My vehicle was destroyed and I was hospitalized due to a woman texting (and speeding) ran a stop sign and t-boned me. People who demonstrate this level of stupidity should have their license revoked permanently. Forcing the rest of us into one more inconvenience by attempting to dummy proof the world solves nothing as it only adds confusion for the dummies.
Concerned citizen 2 says
@concerned citizen, I witnessed this happen followed by instant karma the other day. A cop had a car pulled over on the Flagler Beach bridge (bad spot for them to pull over) and everyone was getting in the left lane but this Porsche decided to stay in the right lane and try to get by but the officer commanded them to pull over, had a good laugh the rest of the drive.
Trailer Bob says
I live out here and never saw that intersection as dangerous or tricky. I guess any intersection can be considered dangerous is drunk people are passing through it. And please, stop with the dumb suggestions about a roundabout. Really???
Randy says
@concerned person- where in this article does it say anything about use of a cellphone being the cause of this accident?? You know what happens when you ASSume….
Roundabout seemed to be the “best answer” at another deadly intersection I the county…..
Richard says
Usually a T-Bone accident means that someone wasn’t paying attention or distracted. Seems like that intersection is a good tool for weeding out the gene pool.
Concerned Citizen says
@ CC2
Yep karma has a way of getting you.
Best to just be polite and reduce speed then move over. Every so often you catch a LEO who isn’t distracted woking a road side incident. Then has time to deal with you !!
Rockin Robin says
Perhaps a roundabout is needed at this dangerous, crash-prone intersection?
Mary Fusco says
Perhaps folks need to learn the rules of the road and who has the right of way. Any idiot can steer a car but in order to remain safe they MUST know the rules of the road and put all electronic devices away when driving.