On Sept. 19, 2010, Nate Truelove, 7 at the time, was involved in a debilitating car wreck on Old Kings Road. He survived, barely, was in a long coma, then began a remarkable recovery, but at great cost to his family, who had small means. His great grandmother, Charlene Yazurlo, organized numerous fund-raisers and kept his story before the public eye with regular updates. Here’s Charlene’s latest.
Nate has made fantastic progress. He is walking very well. He is so proud that he’s learned to swing on the swing set, and loves to show off each new skill. He is reading early 2nd grade books (he was in the second grade at the time of the accident) and some times he’ll read stories to the younger children. He is very happy and is so sweet and loving, just like he always was!
Nate is still fed through a G tube, and will finally see a gastroenterologist on July 20. A Keloid has developed around his tube and will be burned off. His tube will also be replaced with a different type. Nate will be 8 years old on July 31 and has requested a Florida Seminole cake. It would be wonderful if he is able to actually eat it; if not, we‘ll freeze it until he can. He is really looking forward to blowing out eight candles.
Click On:
- Nate Update, III
- Nate Update, II: At Home
- Nate Update, I
- 7-Year-Old Nate Truelove, Old Kings Wreck Victim, Is Going Home
- Small Recovery Victories for Nate Truelove, the 7-Year-Old in Brutal Old Kings Road Wreck
- 7-Year-Old Boy Critical After Crash on Old Kings Road Shears Car in Half
Nate is long overdue for an MRI (due to local transportation’s failures to show), and is now scheduled for Aug. 12. His neurosurgeon will check to see if his ventricles have gone down. If they haven’t, it will be necessary to perform a shunt tap to see if any fluid comes out. If not, then his ventricles will stay the same. In a brain injury, the ventricles never do go back to the same size. Nevertheless, the doctors are amazed at his progress and can’t believe how far he’s come in 10 months. Praise be to God and the power of prayer.
The benefit concert which was hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Society in Ormond Beach was a wonderful experience. The spirit of love in the Sanctuary was palpable. Many tears of joy were shed. Donations were huge and supported Nate’s family for many months. We are very thankful to the UU family, David Stone, Shari Farmer, and all who were able to share in this event.
Nate’s “Gaga” (Heather’s Mom, Leslie) is trying to arrange a poker run for the end of August or September, which will mark the 1-year anniversary of the accident that had such an impact on Nate and his family, and will celebrate his continuing recovery. Volunteers to help with this project would be greatly appreciated. Leslie can be reached at 386-439-4583.
Heather has found a job and works in the evenings for about 5 hours. This helps some towards finances, but not nearly enough. She and Mike are always struggling. Last week the air conditioner in their home broke. Extreme heat can cause seizures to Nate. So money was borrowed from many sources and the AC was fixed. Nate’s over-the-counter drugs are also extremely expensive. Heather will lose her cell phone July 12; she doesn’t have $65 to pay the bill. Any help will be extremely appreciated. Donations, gas cards, etc., can be sent to Heather Jenkins at 425&½ W. Howry Ave., Deland, FL 32720.
–Charlene Yazurlo
The September 2010 Wreck on Old Kings Road
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Pep2156 says
Nate is doing so very, very well! He has surpassed every Dr.s expectations!! This is ALL GOD’s work! Dr.’s are here to do God’s work but GOD is the TRUE miracleworker! Heather and Mike are doing the best that they can but unfortunatly their money goes so far. All of their money goes to keeping all utilities on. ANY & ALL money collected and at the fundraiser goes for Nate’s care as does any money Heather or Mike has! Nate’s maternal family has given as much money whenever Heather needs it to make ends meet. Most of Nate’s med’s are over the counter and the STATE does not pay for them regardless of what SOME people do. Heather’s cell phone is going to be turned off in a day or two if the bill isn’t paid & the phone is very important for Heather to keep in touch w/everyone and dr.’s for Nate. Nate’s paternal family for SOME reason has not helped AT ALL finacially except to visit him occassionally @ his rehab facality. His oncle would pop up every day at the rehab in Jax. to see if Heather was there for Nate. Which of course she was! She has not spent one night away from Nate since his accident & has learned everything there is about taking care of a child that has needs like Nate had. She’s been told she should go to school when Nate is fine which I believe he will be by the end of the yr. GOD has revealed this to me. Any help would be appreciated and yes, there is a trust where money is being kept for Nate in the future besides other things that are in the works. Hopefully a bike run will be set up by the end of Aug, or Sept. Keep watching for updates.
rickg says
Please Pep2156 enough with the imaginary friend in the clouds… If there really was a god looking down on us wouldn’t he have prevented Nate from going through this horrible experience?? If not then it is no god I would want to sing praises.. Unfortunately Nate’s medical experience cries again for a national health insurance initiative. Get well Nate and hang in there despite the health system under which you and I live.
Haw Creek Girl says
It wasn’t God that was driving the car RickG…it was Nate’s maternal gma. God offers us all free will and often, we must suffer the consequences of a not so good choice. It’s unfortunate that Nate suffered for surely he was not consulted in any choices….that’s why God has shown up in a major way! Jesus loves the little innocent children of the world and he has made evidence of that by bringing Nate much farther than man could have ever expected. I’ll take my God over a national health iniative any day, just sayin….now if the nation in which I live would just embrace “In God we trust” and then read a little Thessalonians…….then we’d all be better off!
rickg says
Its really sad to hear that some will trust an imaginary cloud being instead of taking responsibility for one’s own action. If there truly was a god and Jesus really loved all the little children why would something like this happen. And if its because of free will then why do we need to believe in something that can’t stop a tragic accident like this? Its time to wake up and realize that there is no answer to why good people or little children suffer.
Haw Creek Girl says
I know employees of the landlord of this little boy’s mom. They were served a 3 day notice in preparation for the eviction process within the last week. If anyone is interested in helping them keep their home, I can give you the landlord’s info and you can pay directly to him. They are apparently severely in arrears.
Charlene Yazurlo says
This Landlord is a slum Landlord!! When the family initially rented the house it was overrun with roaches and unfit for human habitation. All it had going for it was it was cheap. The city of Deland has condemned the house because of faulty wiring, plumbing and air conditioning, all of which are the Landlord’s responsibility. The family is not “severely in arrears”. The house is uninhabitable. Don’t give that Landlord a penny. He takes pleasure on preying on poor folks. He has 63 homes that he owns and rents in Volusia County and drives a Mercedes. I don’t know where Haw Creek Girl is coming from, but I would be ashamed to claim any association with this crook! Nate’s family must find a new home by Wednesday, 9/7/11. For more info, contact me.
Charlene Yazurlo says
By the way, to rickg and Haw Creek Girl, God certainly did not cause the tragedy that occurred to Nate. However, God has brought much good out of this tragedy. And He has amazingly healed Nate. And He has made all of the folks who have been effected by this accident stronger. So much of life depends upon our attitude. We can look for the positive and grow from what we learn, or we can dwell on the negative and wallow in our misery. That is one of life’s primary challenges. We all have a choice.