It was never whether Donald Trump’s brand of lame-fisted fascism would brutalize this nation, but when.
We saw it all: Trump as cult, Trumpism deified, truth serially raped by the fabrications of social media’s and Fox-poisoned echo chambers. Mobs described as rallies. Brown shirts masked as patriots. Violence incited, glorified, carried out, never condemned. Baseless, slanderous claims of political opponents’ criminality. Assaults on government institutions, elections, voting rights. The endorsement of extra-constitutional means of subverting the rule of law. Racist, dehumanizing portrayals of minorities, adversaries, challengers, anyone not in line. The methodical vilification of the press at his mob shows and beyond, a choreography cribbed insult for insult from Goebbels’s nazified playbook of propaganda for dummies.
And that was all in the first few days from the launch of his campaign five years ago. Deplorable was a polite understatement. Fascism was being normalized.
The evidence was all there to see, the warnings in our faces every day, at times every hour as even the major media pandered to and profited from what they imagined would be a passing phenomenon even as Trump vulgarly insulted the press at every chance. The miscalculations were everywhere, too, as if simply saying this is America–that old and stupid presumption of exceptionalism–were inoculation enough. They’d imagined his transformation into actual power unimaginable, because “Fascism,” as Sinclair Lewis wrote in 1934, “can’t happen to America. We’re too democratic here.”
It wasn’t long before Lewis realized his mistake and wrote “It Can’t Happen Here,” the transformation of Buzz Windrip, a Josh Hawley-type goon, into the unlikely candidate, then president of the United States and leader of the “Patriotic Party” (the name Trump’s goons now want to call their metastatic cancer). Lewis had also predicted the occupation of Congress, with a scene of Windrip’s militia storming the legislature when it accused him of corruption: “The militia rose to Buzz Windrip’s orders as though they were his private army and, occupying the legislative chambers and all the state offices, and covering the streets leading to the Capitol with machine guns, they herded Buzz’s enemies out of town.” (I’d written how “improbable” that was in the margin when I read the book four years ago. How blind of me.) Windrip had his “Zero Hour,” an “Art of the Deal” replica filled with MAGA manifestoes crisp with white supremacy (“My one ambition is to get all Americans to realize that they are, and must continue to be, the greatest Race on the face of this Earth”). And of course Lewis had anticipated Trump’s lies, his idiotic ideas, his bogus piety, his “orgasm of oratory.”
Wednesday’s cascades of heaves on the capital, and the Capitol, cannot, as Chuck Schumer put it on the floor of the Senate once the vomit had been wiped off, be another in the “very short list of dates in American history that will live forever in infamy.” Not if the last five years aren’t on that list, which isn’t short at all anyway. By the time Trump appeared on the Ellipse yesterday, spitting sedition and inciting violence from behind his bulletproof glass, he’d had five years of encouragement from the same Republican charlatans who would later stand on the floors of the Senate and the House to declare themselves shocked, shocked that the rioters they’d flattered and cajoled and excused and courted and praised and called “fine people” and fellated with as much lechery as their Dear Leader had now invaded and “desecrated” and bloodied their little sanctum.
They were as responsible as Trump. They had enabled him, amplified his power and debased themselves at every turn, starting with Mike Pence, whose shameless, death-bed epiphany last night should not be so moronically credited as anything more than what it was: a poodle’s self-serving pivot to 2024, now that his owner has finally self-destructed. The same can be said for the Lindsay Grahams and Ben Sasses and other supposed brighter bulbs of the chambers who’d spent the last four years pimping Trump’s junta. (All those Trump bans now on Twitter, Facebook, Shopify and wherever else: five years too late, considering his lawless, malicious onslaughts against truth since 2015.)
It was good to see our own Rep. Mike Waltz finally abjure the confirmation charade and vote with the majority. But it was not much different than our own local goon and wishful killer of a county commissioner claiming to see the light yesterday, after he’d spent weeks amplifying lies, insulting the very institutions that got him elected, and paying for busloads of local dopes to be part of Wednesday’s organized insurrection. He was doing nothing less than covering his ass two and a half hours after three fellow-commissioners embarrassed him in a FlaglerLive story reporting the abuse of his position to push the false narrative of a fraudulent election on Florida’s congressional delegation. Victor Barbosa, the Palm Coast City Council member, was also boasting of being there.
These acts deserve infamy, because there was no doubt about the intention of the mob: it was all planned, Trump had been promoting it since Dec. 19, social media had been weaponizing it with his blessing, and as even the local group organizing its troops proved, the weaponizing was not a metaphor, just as Trump’s “stand by” message to the Proud Boys during one of the debates with Joe Biden last fall was not a slip of the tongue, either. It was the arming of the grenade.
You can only imagine how law enforcement, governors and the president would have acted had any of this organizing been done by, say, the Black Lives Matter movement. Washington may not have emptied out of fear, as it did on the approach of Martin Luther King’s famous march in 1963, when, live on TV, King was asked on Meet the Press whether “it would be impossible to bring 100,000 militant Negroes into Washington without incidents and possible rioting.” But we’d have seen similar police-state mobilizations we saw then, saw again all of last summer.
“President Kennedy worried discreetly about the specter of marchers rushing the aisles of Congress” during King’s march, Rick Perlstein writes in “Before the Storm,” his now-so aptly titled first volume history of the conservative movement since Barry Goldwater. “The Pentagon readied 4,000 troops in the suburbs; hospitals set aside beds. A contest between the Minnesota Twins and the Washington Senators at Griffith Stadium four miles away was cancelled on account of what the National Review called the ‘mob deployment.’”
So much for that good old fear of Blacks as predators–on the eve of the single greatest speech about American pluralism in the nation’s history. So much for white America always getting it in reverse. The fear hasn’t abated: BLM marches are still smeared with the same stereotypes and bigotries, the same fears and law enforcement presumptions (recall that Walmart and Kohl, among others, closed in Palm Coast when supremely peaceful BLM marches were organized here last year).
And guess who ended up rushing the aisles of Congress for the first time in the nation’s history, again with the terrorist-in-chief’s post-invasion blessing: “We love you,” he told them in the message Twitter deleted before banning him, the message intended to stand them down. But the false equivalencies between Wednesday’s domestic terrorists and last summer’s protesters or the Antifa canard will not abate, anymore than Trump’s now nakedly open Nazification will lack for apologists and worshippers, in Flagler County–Windrip County–especially.
The country is shaken. It’s not changed. It’s not about to change. Wednesday’s insurrection was a mere variant on five years’ assaults on certain American values, and more particularly on millions of Americans outside the prototypical mold of Trumpist servility. The assaults were welcomed and applauded unchecked, just as the last five years are the latest perversion of the conservative movement’s mutations since Barry Goldwater.
The aisles of Congress have been rushed by bandits and thugs for years. That they have titles like Senator and Representative and Honorable, that they can make speeches slightly more coherent and politely quotable than those of their progeny on Facebook, doesn’t diminish the vileness at their core, their unrelenting, cowardly complicity in a degradation of a once great power into what George W. Bush, one of the accelerants of that devolution, yesterday called by its increasingly more recognizable name: a banana republic. Shades of blue are not about to cure the yellow from spreading. But like King in ‘63, we can always keep dreaming.
Pierre Tristam is FlaglerLive’s editor. Reach him by email here.
Steve says
We all watched the above unfold over the last 5 plus years. The movements culmination was Yesterday. 45 is a Traitor. At this point finally HE is Indefensible.
Peter M. Studd says
Pelosi is what is wrong with this country. Along with schumer, Shiff, Nadler, AOC & the Squad. Antifa, BLM. NBA, NFL, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, ETC. Should I go on. Any platform that is out there to sucker you in to there way of thinking. The younger you are the stupider you are. No common sense. This is what Democrats stand for.
jane says
Not just Demorats – also Rinos – all the DC lifers. There needs to be term limits for all of them.
Brutus says
The term limit is called voting them out. RINO Voters keep putting the same RINOS in and expect them to act differently.
We could have had Barry Goldwater, Chuck Baldwin, or Ron Paul, but nooo. RINO voters do not look at the man, they look at the mascot.
In the end it is like two mules fighting over a turnip.
Go to defytyrants DOT COM, go to the sermons and listen to “Ending the Status Quo: Application of the Lesser Magistrate Doctrine”.
This last cycle should teach us all a lesson.
Steve says
So glad to see that the Koolaid is free flowing in your Trump World. May you and your fellow believers of the Deep State enjoy your Minority in Congress and otherwise for decades to come. So how’d that all work out for you in Ga. Good luck no hard feelings in that your comments are mute. It’s only 8 years it will go by quickly. See you at the Inauguration. Biden Harris 2020 2024
Steve says
Projecting again??? DJT= INDEFENSIBLE
Steve says
FYI 45 had OVER 57000 Tweets. With 70M followers. What was that you said?? lol
Rufkutdiamnd says
Every single one of these from Florida that has spread Trump’s rhetoric should immediately resign! Waltz only did this to save his ass! No Mullins didn’t have an epiphany, he still wants liberals beheaded. Barbosa, what an embarrassment to our city. This is not who Flagler County is and to further allow these to remain in office will just continue to keep a stain that will take years to remove. By the county commission and the city not calling for their resignation is still enabling them for the future of hateful rhetoric, conspiracy theories and an embarrassment of our democracy.
Trumpism will be defeated and there are many willing to take it down. So Mayor Holland and the County Commission it’s in your hands now. Step up and do the right thing. Either you’re Pro-Democracy or Facism.
Dennis says
This article is total Liberal Trash. I love when the left calls Trump Nazis . I believe the the left is the Nazis . Who controls the media the left . Who wants to take everyone’s guns the left .And to believe Joe Biden got 80 million plus votes is a total joke . We know what the answers for all Biden’s failures in the future will be is Trump caused .I do think what happen in DC was horrific but it was caused by paid bad people and a lot off people that got caught in something that got out of hand . Everyone on the left says people on the right that supported Trump should resign or be prosecuted . How do you expect to mind fences if you want to do this . Remember 70 plus million voted for Trump .So our votes don’t count. The left can move on and work with right or continue to causes issues .
John Stove says
Trump Lost
Republican Party is gone
MAGA was the biggest con in history.
William Moya says
75 million would probably disagree with you.
John Stove says
I will grant you that 75 million voted for Trump…..however the MAJORITY of the people of the US voted against Trump (Biden 81,281,502 votes) and thus President Biden won the electoral college.
TRUMP lost
MAGA lost
REPUBLICANS lost (oh yeah the Senate too)
So….what did the Republicans say when Hillary lost???…..oh yeah “suck it up snowflake”
Steve says
Just an FYI The Left Liberals as you call them have a Majority as of the Ga. Election runoff. Work with or not their Agendas on the docket and will be put into Law. You are too close to the Trump Forest to see the Trees . This is only the beginning of the dismantling of the GOP. After about 30 to 50% of you come out of your spell you might be able to comprehend the Reality that is the end of your game.
William Moya says
Ossoff is a centrist, Warnock is a centrist and a pastor, I don’t see the Left here.
Ruchard says
Welcome to the Baghdad Bob club.
Rufkutdiamnd says
You’re another stain on society. Yes everyone of his supporters should resign. Insurrection is in the constitution and they can be removed by congress. Get off the far right media sites! That was all pro-trump supporters. Not paid actors. Oh but I forgot trump supporters can’t use their brain to look anything up.
My 2 Sense says
We have a systemic issue in our society called conspiratorial thinking. “Paid bad people” is a classic example of this, this far, far right talk.
Talk to anyone of these right extremists, and you’ll see, a “conspiracy” actually does not exist since it, the “conspiracy”, is information designed and crafted by (fill in the blank; i.e. “big pharma” is a popular one to fill in here, “the radical left” is another popular one to use) to cover up a cover up. I know, it took me a long while, too, to understand.
You cannot rationalize with someone once they adopt this mentality; they are officially gone. Just nod your head, and walk away, and hope for the best.
Steve says
I call it functional Illiterates
Steve says
As my late Father used to say at the Bar” Just the one more” BIG BLUE TSUNAMI Deal with it snowflake
Mike Cocchiola says
To all Republicans who may see this… for shame!
To those who “merely” supported and voted for Trump, did you not see this coming? You were repeatedly warned by Trump himself of his eagerness to disparage, disrupt, and dismiss our democratic institutions to gain total political power in America. You watched him actively promote hate and violence against those who would not follow him. From December 3rd on, he openly incited violence to keep himself in power. We all knew. You knew!
To those Trump worshippers – like our own (unfortunately) Joe Mullins – you are as culpable as Trump for yesterday’s assault on our Democracy. You, Don Jr, Rudy, Tucker Carlson, Ted Cruze and all those others that conspired with and carried the messages for Trump are guilty of promoting insurrection. People died yesterday. Some will lose their jobs. Some will be arrested and charged with felonies (the F.B.I. has your pictures!) And some will go to prison. And for what? To delay the confirmation of the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris by a few hours? You are complicit in the failed Trump coup whether you were there or not. You have so much to answer for.
We will move on as a nation. We will deal with the challenges ahead. But we can never erase the stain on our national honor that yesterday’s horror has left. I will never forget nor will I forgive. Not until I am assured that we have flushed the last vestiges of Trumpism down our national toilet.
Bill C says
Yesterday, in response to the storming of the Capitol, I put a Biden 2020 lawn sign in front of my house. By this morning it was stolen. I should have known. The thugs and goons who stormed the Capitol ARE the Trump base, filtering right down to the local level. Senator Rick Scott is just one of a handful of Senators who supported this insurgency by voting to deny Biden the presidency, and he is just another undemocratic goon.
tulip says
80 something million people did not vote for Trump because they knew what he was like and paid attention to news other than Fox news and observed things for themselves. The 70 million who voted for Trump obviously didn’t care that he lied, cheated, was a white nationalist, through his own admission and, in general, a very dangerous man, but the voters joined his cult anyway. Now all those pro trump people are going to learn the hard way the real truth and that they are partially responsible for enabling him, along with all the senators and leaders that let him get his way. It will be a long long time before I ever vote for a
Republican again, and that includes Republicans on our county BOCC
I watched President Biden speak yesterday (jan6) and today, and it was very calming and reassuring to listen and watch a man speak who spoke with sincerity in what he said without yelling and screaming and being demeaning and very sincere in wanting to get this country back to an honorable place to live. I found it quite nice after listening to him not to be riled up or upset at some god awful thing that was said or going to be done by trump. There is only 4 years difference in age between Biden and trump, it’s just that trump is a loud mouth and liar and Biden speaks more calmly and softer, however very meaningful.
amazed says
Biden had an earpiece. And also 47 years experience in a corrupt government. Both sides are corrupt. Media just creates more drama to ‘sell more papers’ as we used to say 40 years ago pre-internet.
Biden, when competent, speaks calmer and slower because he has little to say. Trump is loud so that people will hear him.
No one president will ever be able to empty the swamp. As it was seen at the Capitol last night, if you try to break into a chamber unarmed, you will be shot, and there wont even be a protest about it.
Amazing no one cares about all the businesses BLM and Antifa burned down. But break a window at the capitol where there are government officials and you die.
Nothing will change that drastically over the next 4 years, same as the last 47. So just go with the flow, and turn off your damn TV.
Steve says
Break a window. Well that’s one way to downplay that event. Lol Look 6 people died needlessly over an Election that has been over for 8 weeks. Incited by a mentally I’ll unfit for office unqualified Authoritarian wanna be. SMH
My 2 sense says
Non-trust in things you do not understand, such as government, is how conspiratorial thinking begins, which, I’ve said once I’ll say again, is a systemic issue in our society.
The conspiracy (which I’ve explained on this page, does not exist) yet it provides comfort for the believer.
Nod the head, walk away.
TRUTH says
My 2 sense: Actually there are 12 conspiracy theories in our country that were proven to be TRUE!
John Stove says
“Amazed”…your response is classic…
Did you know that destruction of Federal Property in excess of $100 is punishable by a fine of $100,000 and up to 10 years in prison?
Do you know what the punishment for sedition and treason are?
Did you know that 316 people were arrested and charged with crimes during BLM protests but only 61 people were arrested when unlawfully breaking in to Federal Property can killing a DC Police Officer?
John Stove says
The Republican Party (they call themselves the “party of law and order”) has not existed since Trump was nominated as their Presidential candidate. Every ally Trump has now once called him “ unfit for office”, “a racist”, “a bigot” but when he became President they all took a knee and licked his boots because they were in power.
Republicans who supported and enabled Trump since 2016 are treasonous cowardly spineless posers.
They don’t care about this country, they don’t care about you or I and they certainly don’t care about law and order.
Were are the Republican heroes who will put Country first?…..
Reviled and Disgusted says
Clean up on Isle 5. Clean up of Palm Coast. Let’s start by removing the urine stain on our community: Commissioner Joe Mullins. There is not enough Clorox in our county to clean the stain that he and his band of losers have left on our beloved community but we can make a start. We are in the process of removing the scourge from our country as I type. Remove Joe Mullins from any county position. Now.
Jane E K says
Goodbye Trump- We are SO happy to see you go!!! You are a disgrace!
Mr Clean says
“Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both, and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”
18 U.S.C. §2383
Looking at you Joe Mullins and your band of losers
Francois says
To Pierre Tristan,
If you move any further to the left you’ll fall off the planet.
Pierre Tristam says
You assume that my county is still of this planet. Indications suggest not.
Dennis says
Pierre you just put gas on a fire with this article .Be careful on what you wish for .
Steve says
No fuel needed.Poered by the blathering old failed Bankrupt business man who masqueraded as President in the form of a Reality show
My 2 sense says
Conspiratorial thinking often spawns hatred towards others, as only the conspirator can be correct. It is impossible to reason with a conspiratorial thinker. Again, this is a systemic issue in our society. I’m sorry but I like the article, keep it up PT.
TR says
I wish all you loud mouth left liberals that voted to have a career crook as our President would realize that you voted for an idiot. I wonder if these same loud mouths will be as loud when your taxes go through the roof, the gas prices go past the 4.00 a gallon mark and none of what Biden promised to all Americans happen. Lets see how loud they yell then. Oh wait they’ll still blame Trump. At least trump accomplished more for all the people in this country then Biden has in his entire political career. The man reminds me of Walter the puppet from Jeff Dunham. Oh wait that would be an insult to Walter. But instead of being a puppet for Jeff, he’s a puppet for Pelosi and Schummer with two hands up his ares. Now with all that being said, I do not agree with what happened yesterday in Washington. But I didn’t see Trump hold a gun to anyone’s head and force them to do what they did. But yet all these loud mouths didn’t say anything about Max Waters telling the American people to push back and tell them we don’ t want you here. We’ll I’ll say it I don’t want any left liberals here in this country so take you loud mouths and get the hell out and go to China or Venezuela and you can have your communist lifestyle. This request is a one way trip with no return when you realize how good you had it.
John Stove says
Bye Felicia
Don’t forget to pack your carnival tent from the Trump
S**T show
Trump/Covid2020 says
Comprehensive Care for All Your Mental Illness, Addiction, and Behavioral Healthcare Needs
Rufkutdiamnd says
Omg you didn’t see Trump hold a gun? Maybe you don’t remember he said he could kill someone on 5th Avenue and he wouldn’t lose support. He incited the supporters since mid December on his Twitter feed, Facebook and Instagram. He said be there on 1/6 it’s going to be wild. Yesterday he said at his pre-insurrection rally March to the capitol and I’m walking with you. Rudy and Jr. we’re yelling at the crowd to violently fight. Time to take your orange glasses off cause Trumpism will be dead soon.
coyote says
Don’t forget the Trump-spawns’ comment at the rally on Wednesday:
“This gathering should send a message to them; this isn’t their Republican party anymore, this is Donald Trump’s Republican party, this is the Republican party that will put America first,”.
The Truth says
You don’t agree with what happened in DC yet you spew the same hatred and rhetoric. I look forward to Jan 20th when Trump is removed from office. He’s an embarrassment to our country and so are people like you who viciously attack others for their political and personal beliefs.
William Moya says
Sadly, it’s the “moderate, pragmatic center” that got the U.S in the mess is in. The embarrassment is the outright racist culture that has been implicitly allow to foster in the name of patriotism.
GArdila says
Finally someone smart, educated, and real patriot. Thank you for your appreciation on this charade of election. What a shame for America , the latest BANANA REPUBLIC. So disturbing watching the double standarts, the selective information, the disregard for what real democracy is. 70 + million smart people saw it for what it is. Greatest accomplishments a real American, far away for the clowns governing China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela and all the other countries without freedom of speach, no way to defend themselves, dying from hunger, but with obese and healthy leaders stuffing themselves with the food, the gold and the millions they steal from their suppressed people. Amen for your comment. That is right, a Latin word that means: “so be it”. Not a “gender attached statement. What a joke what we are sadly watching in the Country of the freedom. It is ok, seeing our cities burning, our monuments distroy, our police locked inside of a district office with a mob of young antifa criminals ready to set it on fire! Those were “peaceful protesters”. What happen in DC is the expression of frustration for the so call DEMOCRACY that place an illegitimate senile and corrupt president to lead the one time most powerful country in the world. Now we became a nice joke for the world ! Do not subestimate the power of discernment of 70 + million of Americans who love their country.
William Moya says
Cuba and Venezuela are under a U.S. economic blockade by us with the given result, and that because they refuse to kneel to the Capitalistic and colonialism that we are well known for.
My 2 sense says
The use of a “real patriot” is another example of conspiratorial thinking, which is a systemic issue in our society.
Steve says
The largest most secure transparent Election in History get over it
Edith Campins says
I will skip most of your ill informed diatribe but I can’t ignore your statement “…trump accomplished more for all the people…” Has Mexico paid for the non existent wall? Where is the healthcare plan he said he had? The infrastructure plan? Did he balance the budget? Did he pay down the debt? Did N. Korea get rid of a single nuke?
Did he fix the VA? Did he fix the immigration problem? The “great negotiator” exited Reagan’s signature arms treaty but did he negotiate something better? The same for the climate treaty, the Iran treaty, the Open skies treaty. Had he acted in November 2019, when he was first told about the virus, how many lives could have been saved? How did spending $144+ million tax dollars golfing, more than any other president in history, 298 times so far, help Americans? Where is the middle class tax cut he promised Nov 2018? Did he give the military the 10% pay raise he promised? He leaves a stain on our history, a nation more divided than ever before, deeply in debt
and one that has become the laughinstock of the world.
coyote says
Unfortunately, the following two quotes pretty much explain the futility of trying to argue with a Trumpeteer.
“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
Thomas Paine
“I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it”.
Steve says
The DOJ FBI AGs and other Govt. Agencies differ with your opinion. That’s ok because you and your Part which wont exist as you know it soon have been wrong about every outcome. See you at the Inauguration. Biden Harris 2020
My 2 sense says
Conspiratorial thinkers often get frustrated when they cannot argue with anyone (since only they are correct). This is a very frustrating side effect of conspiratorial thinking, which is a systemic issue in our society. Often, the conspiratorial thinker believes they are superior in all right. Just nod the head, and walk away – you cannot reason with a conspiratorial thinker.
Mod says
The thing about trump that maybe trump people don’t get
Is that he like to,pit people against people and have them do his dirty work for him
He doesn’t care about anyone but himself
Maybe the trump people are just like him
Since living in Florida I find how most contractor independent like to be paid cash so they don’t have to pay taxes… sound familiar
Birds of a feather…now just fly away
And stop dumping on those who do right and pay their taxes and are kind to their neighbors
And stop labeling those who want to see progress in their communities
Snap out out
TR says
Mod, The practice of contractors getting paid cash so they don’t have to pay taxes on that money has been going on since I’ve been alive and I’m 60 yrs old.
Jan Cullinane Culllinane says
Perfectly said, Pierre.
Deborah Coffey says
Jimbo99 says
Interesting the same 90 days that Nancy Pelosi crafted the 25th Amendment-like Baker Act she stands before the nation trying to invoke it ? Too coincidental. Odd that nobody Congress got injured in the 01/06/2021 White House siege ? I mean really, everyone remember Benghazi ? More American lives lost there than at the White House siege of 2021. Why weren’t there any notable Congressional casualties ? Too coincidental again ? From 2016-today has just been a series of failed Democrat coups to remove Trump. And Pelosi went out of her way to state that the 25th Amendment she crafted had nothing to do with POTUS Trump. If Trumps debate slip of the tongue is damning evidence, Pelosi spearheading the initial impeach & remove failure and a year later crafting a Baker Act of sorts for a POTUS removal, calling to invoke it with the likes of herself & the “Squad”
OK, let’s address the BLM protests in downtown Palm Coast ? So there’s a history of protests that had a track record of riots & looting. Wal-Mart & others chose to close. That’s really nothing new seeing how a lot of the businesses in larger cities were closed too. Neither side was admitting the lunatic fringes were their armies of destruction of public property. And none of them will ever admit to any of it ever. Prior to election we had the black woman that was arrested for trying to destroy signage for Trump. Let’s face it, Flagler county & Palm Coast is a Republican stronghold, has been for probably as long as it has ever existed. Sheriff Staly doesn’t really stand for shenanigans of lawlessness & disorder. So Flagler & Palm Coast will remain in a time warp, even under Biden-Harris.
I do read all the posts thus far, they go back to 2016 and indicate that Trump has assaulted their American values ? Yet Flagler county flourished until the Pandemic and election year. Coronavirus has killed 50ish, The flu alone in 2018 killed 21. That was 2 years ago. As a care giver for my elderly father I can tell you first hand 2 years if aging for someone with comorbidity is really not much time to see a healthier elderly person decline to pass away. It may be the diabetes, heart condition, the lungs, that turns into ESRD. And once the body as a complete system can’t rid toxins, the immune system also weakens. Septic conditions set in and devoid of oxygenated blood and the brain retards as well. What does that mean ? Well perhaps several elderly that passed away died from those comorbidity more so than any Coronavirus. Life accumulates in that regard, so pick a true cause of death, none of us are even guaranteed tomorrow. At one point in all of this, we lost more lives in an accident near Bunnell on FL 100 than we had Coronavirus deaths, in fact that accident was 4 lives vs the 2 that passed away from Covid.
I won’t defense Joe Mullins, but they did have the 2 votes that enabled him to remain , his 3rd vote clinched non-censure for himself. And now a Mullins led group went to DC. I don’t see how the County doesn’t censure him at this point. And it took him roughly 2 months to get back into the hot seat of controversy.
End of the day here, 2020 had way too many man created anomalies in a perfect storm for any of this to be coincidental. We’d have to be stupid to not see the power grab across the board. In a year where 360K eligible voters died, they found 27 million new votes ? Yet another coincidence. I’m just trying to make sense of this perfect storm. I mean we did have a Hurricane that stopped dead in it’s tracks and miss Palm Coast & FL altogether. That’s not man contrived, acts of God, but what we saw Pandemic hit worse than that Hurricane would’ve devastated. And then everything else was just man-made control & manipulations.
Just a thought says
Please explain how Pelosi crafted the 25 Amendment? It was drafted and became an amendment in the 60’s. Twenty years before Pelosi was first elected.
My 2 sense says
Conspiratorial thinkers often rationalize falsehoods, and you have to understand they are only doing this as they have to, they must, they have to make this crazy stuff make sense. To them, it makes perfect sense. You cannot rationalize with a conspiratorial thinker, especially about vote counting. Again, conspiratorial thinking is a systemic issue in our society.
Katcunwer says
I was there. What you see on the news are the ones who made bad choices. For the entire day I walked, marched, prayed and sang in support of the USA and my constitutional rights and what I believe strongly for…abortion, taxes, getting the US to be the leaders and most importantly my freedom and rights. I would love to share some of my photos and videos so your strongly biased opinion doesn’t spew hatred on Trump supporters. Where are the Democrats marching for the girl that was shot in the Capital?? Why are they not demanding the arrest of that officer who shot an unarmed girl? George and Brianna were glorified…..you didn’t even mention her. remember all of our recent riots, looting and hatred…..Oregon for example? I don’t think one store was looted or burned yesterday. I saw the DC police help move the barricades and let people on. The riots for BLM ‘were needed so voices could be heard’. Biden called the supporters yesterday “domestic terrorists” today. I guess our voices weren’t heard. BUT what I heard and experienced yesterday was a remarkable show of patriotism and upset Americans. All the hatred today for people who wanted their voices heard…..maybe they should have rioted, looted and burned the city down for our senators to hear their concerns. You may feel fascism is here and I am waiting for the socialism to start. Remember we are allowed to have our own beliefs and speak them. This “goon” went in and peacefully did what I felt I needed to do. I would love to share some of the stories of the people I met and what the day was for us. I think it was wrong for the few of the thousands to do what they did but DON’T speak about this Republican like that. Your cyber bullying and hatred is NOT what this world needs. I would be more than happy to share photos and videos of Patriots that went for what they felt they needed to do. GOD BLESS AMERICA.
William Moya says
I would not want you your beliefs or the right to loudly express them taken away from you, or mine, but at the end of the day let’s do it under a democratic system, which as it’s implied, the one who gets the most vote wins, instead of having an Electoral College, and a senate which is in itself anti-democratic.
Katcunwer: Thank you for sharing your experiences and the fact that over 74 million people feel disenfranchised speaks volume BUT our political party on both sides does not want to address this, the fact that over 74 million people do not trust our system will not be ignored and it is not going to go away, the voices of these people need to be heard and not shut down or cancelled by the cancel culture. People should not be afraid to VOICE what party they support and should not be called criminals because of a few who hijack movements, Anderson Cooper should not refer to these people as Olive Garden and Holiday Inn patrons. I am appalled at some of the irresponsible cold hearted comments I see on social media in reference to boycotting local businesses, and in support of antifa who is a real domestic threat and terrorist organization supported by soros! Do any of these people ever think about the tens of thousands of soldiers who have fought for our country and our freedoms who died or were maimed forever in battle to keep your tired old lazy arses safe!
Pierre Tristam says
I was one of 66 million people who voted for Clinton in 2016. I didn’t for a second mistrust the system, or the outcome, even though 3 million more of us had voted for her than for the goon. I was flabbergasted, but not mistrustful. I was one of the 59 million people who voted for Kerry in 2004. I didn’t for a moment mistrust the system or the outcome. I was one of the 51 million majority that voted for Gore in 2000. I did mistrust quite a few of Florida’s election systems, and there was good reason for it, and I questioned then, and question still, the magical realism of the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision ending the Florida recount. But that’s where it ended. I was among the 42 million who… but anyway. You get the point. (Incidentally I really wish you’d stick to the same sign-on, especially since you’re stealing mine for my WNZF gig.)
Pierre, people feel disenfranchised for many many legit reasons which the left caused onto themselves, example: Gavin Newson Cali gov. calling for one of the most strictest of state shutdowns and guess what, is seen celebrating in a fancy pants restaurant along with his peers and his wife dining on a 300 dollar meal per person NO MASK on any of them and he lied that they were outdoors when they were photographed indoors, all going on as people are losing their businesses, Pelosi seen getting her hair done no mask in site, Cuomo worst gov. in the history of NY caused over 11,000 seniors to die maybe more by putting COVID patients with them in nursing homes and his egotistical brother seen in public at the height of the COVID crisis walking around in public and going into elevators with other people without a mask, I can go on and on, and I have yet to see the solar panels on Gore’s mansions, the left have this elitist cocky attitude that everyone but themselves are stupid and to be quite frank I’m disgusted with it.
Steve says
Your dissing Cooper for his comments after 5 years of 45s lambasting of every sector of Society is indefensible
The Other Side says
You actually voted for those 3 MORONS ? Damn Tristam, you got some serious MENTAL ISSUES !!
Bethechange says
Too little too late. They are all culpable.
Justsayin says
Where was your outrage over the summer? A federal courthouse under seige for weeks, police stations burned to the ground. City blocks taken over by “protesters” for weeks in Seattle. No. You post a story of how it was mostly peaceful.
Jack says
What happened in D.C is just the tip of the ice burg on what is to come. The politicians and news media can blame Trump all they want for what happened. The truth is it was the politicians that are to blame. You will see more and more people standing up and fighting back as the Democrats reign in their control in the months that follow. There is a insurrection coming, Americans are not going to put up with what the Democrats have in store for this country.
Libterd says
This American is looking forward to some affordable healthcare. This American is looking forward to a fair living wage for all workers. This American is looking forward to smoother roads, safer bridges, and secured utilities. This American is looking forward to breathing clean air. This American is looking forward to not getting shot in the back by a cop.
My 2 sense says
IP addresses of conspiratorial thinkers, such as this one, should be examined by the FCSO technology forensics unit. Not all of them will walk the walk, but it only takes one. Again, this is a systemic issue in our world right now enblazened by falsehoods and misinformation.
Justsayin says
Then what, have the FCSO go in Jack’s house and confiscate anything “you feel” is a threat to the country. Should Jack be required to attend a re education camp so he thinks like you. Be very careful what you wish for. Your words may be next.
Steve says
Thinking maybe Jack should be an Adult and not commence with veiled threats under the incorrect guise of a fraudulent Election.
Dennis says
Total one sided crap. Let’s talk about the riots and destruction all last year that the democrats endorsed. How easily some fools forget.
William Moya says
Let’s also include in the discussion the police response to those demonstrations vis-a-vis their response to the Fascists’ attempt to a coup d’etat.
Steve says
Your dissing Cooper for his comments after 5 years of 45s lambasting of every sector of Society is indefensible
Steve says
Remember C19 cover up. Never forget. 45 is a liar
marlee says
and…then trump threw his supporters (who obediently did what he told them to do)
under the bus in his 2 min speech last nite!
Who will go to jail?
Not trump…
A New Party says
We need a new party to fight the democrats and republicans. We need term limits for both congress and the senate. Not one of these parties is looking out for the people and doing what’s right. No one is being direct with the people of this nation. The lies and deceit have become to much. The selling of American souls just to get votes is out of control. Our children and grandchildren future’s look dim, because these people only care about power and wealth. Done with republicans and democrats.
Out with the old on both sides says
A New Party: Spot on! This is a CLASS WAR all about MONEY and POWER, both sides suck!
pierre you are the communist sir. where were all the liberals
when they destroyed all the cities such as seattle which looks
like a 3rd world city, new york, portland. minneapolis, antifa
black lifes matter destroyed monuments please sir the
hated trump from the 1st day in office, how has your
income been since he has been in 4 yrs sir? are you starving
sir? listen what took place in washinghton has nothing to do
with president trump it was some wicked individuals. last
note pierre you want socialisim, and marxisim it is here jan
Steve says
Ahhh Yawn ZZZzzzz Build back Better. You seem to have a short term memory loss. Prevagen works well. The C19 lack of response alone makes 45s agenda INDEFENSIBLE NEXT
Steve says
It was all done under 45s watch. Where were you Golfing . Where was He. Oh that’s right raising money and campaigning at staged rallies and golfing ignoring C19 at the momentum of the spread accelerated.
My 2 sense says
This is an example of a conspiratorial thinker who consumes themself daily, if not hourly, with conspiratorial news and practices thinking regularly. These are the worst types of conspiratorial thinkers, which again is a huge issue in our society right now.
Okay, this is my last post, sorry for so many.
Mythoughts says
Donald Trump, Ivanka, Don Jr. Rudy, Cruz, Hawley and Trump’s sidekicks, Bannon, Flynn and Stone that organized this attack on our Capitol all need to be charged with Treason against our Democracy.
Joe Mullin needs to be removed from office because he is walking the streets of Flagler County organizing this kind of actions against our country.
They also need to be charged with murder since people have died because of this unforgivable behavior as well as pay for all the damages that were done on the Capitol.
It is one thing to object to something and protest but it is another thing to promote violence and encourage a riot. That is against the law and those involved all need to be charged.
Richard says
Pierre, you haven’t disappointed me for one nano-second with your latest Trump bashing op-ed. What I am really disappointed with is that when Seattle and Portland were under siege or the crap happening in Kenosha, Washington DC and many other major cities across this country, there wasn’t anyone on the left including you that STRONGLY condemned any of the death and destruction that occurred for months on end all because of the George Floyd situation. Nothing was said about all of the radical rhetoric spewed by many famous congressmen and women representing us in Washington over the last 4 years. Nothing was said about the all of the lies and rhetoric spewed by the main street media including FlaglerLive. But now when it is “Trump’s gang” that storms the Capitol it is all out tyranny. I have often predicted on many social media sites that we are headed for another civil war. What you saw on Tuesday was possibly just a dress rehearsal. I believe that it could have totally been prevented if only people would have been honest, transparent and forthcoming with truthful information about ALL of the questions raised after the November 3 presidential election. By sweeping it under the rug as if they are all conspiracy theories has only increased the divide in this country. Statistics don’t lie like people do! How is that in ALL previous elections for some states, there was on average a small percentage of absentee ballots rejected but for the 2020 presidential election the rejection rate was zero percent? No one has addressed that question along with many others.
Pierre Tristam says
The commenter is repeating Foxy but false equivalencies that only reflect the moral delinquency of the argument. There was plenty of commentary about the deaths in the past year–the innumerable deaths at the hands of police that caused the protests, and some of the rioting–limited as it was but for your absurd exaggerations–which far, far outnumber any death or destruction your fabrications or blinkered moral sense can imagine. There’s no comparison between those protests, caused by unconscionable and historic injustice whose history you seem still eager to whitewash, emphasis on the white, and Wednesday’s assault on the Capitol, the heart (I won’t go as far as calling it the soul) of democracy, in an explicit coup to overturn an election no state, no judge, not a whit of evidence but those invented by the likes of you have deemed anything other than fair and accurate. Then again, accuracy is not your ken and I’m wasting my time here since you’re still big on that flock of canards about those “questions raised after the November 3 election.” Questions raised by whom, other than the same nutcase fascist who stood on the Ellipse Wednesday and incited the mob to violence–and his echo chambers I referred to above? Just because McCarthy claimed he had a list of commies in his breast pocket during his Wheeling speech doesn’t mean he had–and of course we knew then, and proved since, that all he had was just what you have: empty claims that the press has finally learned not only not to credit in the name of “balance,” but to actively and mercilessly refute. About time. That kind of bullshit doesn’t fly here. As one of our most frequent commenters, given broader berth than most because of your loyalty, I’d have thought you knew that by now. Now back to my Friday night chill time with my Veuve Clicquot (we’re celebrating the Georgia vote).
Steve says
And in Grand Style as it should be Dont forget the strawberries to clean the pallet. Big Blue Tsunami
jane says
It is absolutely amazing that many of you who post are advocating dismantling the GOP. What you would end up with is a one-party system. Is that what you people really want? If you do, I suggest you move to a country with a one party. You can even ask your buddy Joe to help you go, since he is oh so familiar with such a country. Goodbye, comrade.
William Moya says
Au contraire, Jane, we want to make our system more democratic and have even more political parties with a variety of political philosophies and points of view.
Diane Cocchiola says
For all who went to Washington to protest, you have made this county look like a third-rate banana republic. You preach Blue Lives Matter then watched a Capital Hill officer beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. Yes, that backs up what you speak. You listened to a clown who does not care about anyone but himself speak lies which his justice department stated untrue. Where and when confronted he tossed all of you under the bus. Here is a little hint- the FBI has photos of all that took place. They know who you are and the next knock on your door will not be one of your cohorts but the FBI with handcuffs to haul you off to jail for trial. If you can read look up the penalty for sedition.
Fuggetaboutit says
[Commenter banned for 30 days.–FL]
Skibum says
I drove to the Flagler Co. fairgrounds the other day so I would know where to go when for my vaccine I have an appointment for today. There were several cars and trucks and about 30 Trump supporters assembled, waving their banners and making noise in the middle of the street. I thought they were going to have a car rally, but I found out they were getting ready to load onto buses that were going to Washington D.C. for Wednesday’s mob riot orchestrated by the president himself. I don’t know if anyone in the local group were involved in the deadly breach into the U.S. Capitol building where police officers were attacked and injured, and at least one rioter was shot and killed. But those rioters were not patriots, they are domestic terrorists. Anyone from our local area who was involved in that mob action should be ashamed of themselves. If there is anyone left who still supports the maniacal tyrant who occupies the White House for another two weeks until his is thrown out of office, YOU are part of the problem and complicit in the lies and cowardice that has brought America almost to the breaking point.
William Moya says
Pierre, America has been changed, the veneer of exceptionalism used as an excuse to cover up everything that has gone wrong , is there from every one to see. But, alas, that not enough, the challenge to bring us back from a precipitous decline, our system (Constitution) it’s adverse to change, the ERA amendment is over 50 years old. Frankly I do not see a way out, platitudes, E Pluribus Unum (an anti-democratic concept) wont do it. So there has been changes, we can see the problem but we need more practical changes, and that takes back to the Constitution.
Sherry says
With the horrific attack on the US Capitol building on Wednesday, the world has seen the crazed faces of the (FOX) brainwashed “cult” mentality of trump supporters. . . . Racists, Xenophobes, Neo-Nazi Fascists, White Supremacists. While our Republic still stands strong and our Democratic processes continued through the night, our nation is shaken and wounded by those “criminals.”
Of course “deranged and dangerous” trump should be immediately removed from office, but he has long been protected and enabled by cowardly, criminally corrupt Republican politicians. . . and, I fear will continue to be.
It is my prayer and belief that we “the true people and patriots” will courageously rise and heal our nation from these wounds. That we will together build a brighter, stronger, more just future for our next, even more “diverse”, generations by driving out the lies, fear and hate that have been fomented by trump and his cult of followers.
Now is the time to seek out and be guided by our lost moral compass. To be guided through the morass of twisted misinformation/propaganda being churned out moment by moment by media outlets intent on dividing us and keeping us from the “FACTS” and from the “TRUTH”. Each of us has a responsibility to reject provocative presentations and “seek out” credible facts that have been verified by legitimate sources, because we can no longer simply tune into “one” TV program to get all the facts needed to determine a true understanding of what is happening in the world around us. It is the “truth that will set you free”.
Jack says
I just saw that queen Laurn Ingram declaired to her loyal fox subjects that it was not the trump criminals who stormed our capitol, it was actually the Antifa folks! And you know, she’s right, because if you looks closely at Rudy when he told his fellow trumpers to “prepare for battle”, you won’t notice any of that brown slime running down the side of his face. That makes it obvious that it was an Antifa imposter, posing as Rudy! Also, when Donny boy Jr made his “Stop the Steal” speech at the capitol, that was actually another Antifa stand in! That’s right, you can eaisly tell because there was no orange foam flowing out of Donny boy’s mouth.
Folks, that man walking in from of the Capitol with his fist raised in a salute to the trump thugs was not Sen Josh Hawley. Yep, you’re getting the point now, it was another Antifa imposter!
Thank goodness for fox “news?” people like queen laura, newsmax and other far right talking heads for telling the real truth.
My dad used say to me, “don’t be a follower son, be a leader” and what the trump enablers are doing, is blindly following trump right down the toilet. Should you defy him in any way and tell the real truth like Pence just did, he tosses you away like one of ex-wives or former porn star ex-girlfriends.
Gina Weiss says
You think we can stop the name calling and just have a decent conversation. First of all Pierre always present both sides in his comment section of his blog which is much more than our own main stream media does why aren’t they referred to as communist? I can think of many news reporters who do not report the actual news which is what they are suppose to do but put their own spin on their reporting which is not journalism, this is a blog meaning a web page typically run by an individual that is written in a informal or conversational style.
JimBob says
Clearly, “Katcunwer” has evidence relevant to an ongoing criminal investigation and FlaglerLive should post his Capitol Hill photos. At least, introduce him to the Green Roof Inn’s keeper.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Mullin’s pal Staley sent his employee ( whose salary we pay) Lutz to give this ‘group’ a ‘go get-em’ pep talk, including advice how to ‘handle’ the democrat anarchists, his best wishes and sanitizer when he should have said ” GO HOME -the election is OVER”. I did not vote for Biden. I am appalled at the states which encourage absentee voting ( for other than those in the military or are physically unable) which is I believe will be the biggest cancer for fraudulent election results ,but without proof of this fraud after 60 lawsuits filed, I accept the results as a law abiding American. Mullins and Staley both need to go in my opinion for encouraging chaos and insurrection both in our county and in Washington D.C.
Sheriff’s ” A duty to protect’ apparently does not apply to law abiding citizens who don’t support suing, threatening, stalking, banishing ,and beheading law abiding citizens. Do we need any more proof after the pre protest pep talk that they both need to go?
Steve says
I often said the FCS Staleys Political views are why I would not Vote for him again. Poor Judgement at the highest level . Otherwise a good LEO
Richard says
It’s ALL a conspiracy by the right as “My 2 sense” has claimed so many times in the comments as if he is attempting to DRUM it into your souls. Seems to me that there have been a number of conspiracies drummed up by the left over the last 5 years along with their conspiracy narrative and rhetoric that has divided this country competing in half.
The final point I will make before signing off for the last time is that regardless of what side you are on we are now standing on the brink of losing our democracy. History will repeat itself and eventually our democracy will fail. What causes a democracy to fall you ask? Below is a link to FIVE reasons why a democracy fails which is a good read. However, the bottom-line is when voters don’t get what they asked for their democracy is on the way out the door.
Erobot says
We are not a democracy aka mob rule. Our ff’s were too smart for that. We are a Constitutional Republic which means our elected officials don’t have carte blanche to do what they want, but are bound by the law and BTW, we are not all equal. A quick look around tells us we are all different, but we are EQUAL UNDER the LAW. That’s what allowed us to become the greatest country ever on this planet.
All gone now. I hope those in favor of the new regime remember: Be careful what you ask for, you may get it. Unfortunately the rest of us will get it with you.
Pierre Tristam says
The John Birch Society, Trumpism before Trumpism was cool (with apologies to Barbara Mandrell and George Jones), used to have its militants disrupt community and local government meetings with heckling about this being a “republic” not a democracy (along the same syntax-crushing cadences as Schlafly’s choice not an echo) and calling democracy mob rule, their mob’s tactics taking for an article of faith the projection on their opponents of what they themselves were in spades. Nothing has changed. Birchers have sprung more knotted limbs, robotically, or Erobotically as may be the case, parroting their nutsoid ancestors.
Fuggetaboutit says
[Commenter banned for 30 days.–FL]
Carl Lewis says
Just had to write in to add my support for Pierre Tristam for posting such a brave op-ed. It’s high time someone had the guts to call out what we are seeing as Fascism and indeed Nazism!
What is most disappointing to me is that several of our highest ranking elected officials, Congressmen and Senators, even after what happened on Wednesday, still persisted in enabling the insanity by objecting to the Electoral votes, when 59 cases brought to court, including the Supreme Court, packed with Trump appointees, rejected all of them.
Enough is enough! We need to work to recall all of these enablers, starting with Joe Mullins.
Richard says
“A riot,” Martin Luther King said, “is the language of the unheard.”
Sherry says
To the “cult” members who say that violent, deadly attacks on our government leaders are acceptable when the voters do not get what they want. . . the “MAJORITY” of voters DID get what they wanted, legally and legitimately. Present the hard substantiated “EVIDENCE” of massive voter fraud in court and accept the ruling of the judges . . . or, accept the FACT that trump lost. As the “cult” has crammed down our throats for 4 years. . . your candidate lost, “Get Over It”!!!
The FOX talking point that attacking the capitol of our nation, with the intention to overthrow our democracy, and to harm/kill our political leaders is equivalent in any way to the break ins and looting of empty businesses is sheer lunacy and nothing but part of their brainwashing propaganda.
Move away from Social Media/FOX/Rush/Breitbart as your sources. Seek the truth by gathering FACTS from news outlets like PBS and the Associated Press. Take a look at the BBC news for a perspective from the UK. Free yourselves from the lies and conspiracy theories in the “alternate reality”. . . come back to being up standing “American Citizens”. Together we can create a brighter future for future generations.
Richard says
It is up to the Democrats to prove their innocence.
Pogo says
@The next best seller on Republican and Libertarian party reading lists:
I can see it now: trump’s ugly face on the cover of a misleadingly titled (The Art of My Fight) re-issue.
To be clear, I’m not accusing trump’s book burners of reading.
Scott says
Can’t we all just get along?
Everyone loves Trump. We will miss him when he is gone. Even “libs” will miss Trump. I voted for Obama and Gore- didn’t much care for little Bush at the time. I really wanted to vote for Trump, and I wanted to vote for little Bush- but I couldn’t. I vote for the person I fear least, at the time it was Gore and not little Bush. I’m glad little Bush won.
I am 42 this morning- it’s my birthday- the 13th. I have lived in Palm Coast for 31 years, and I own 2 homes here. I quietly pay for my 70+ year old parents to live in the home they accidentally bought, and I’m breaking my back to do it. These are not easy times to make a living.
I really wanted to vote for Trump, and I only didn’t because I can’t deal with the hate- the scary of Proud Boys and white supremacy. Why has he not talked about this? He has not talked about the pandemic or the loss of jobs- locally. What happened to Sea Ray? What happened to Movie Gallery and Eckerds, Amy’s Hallmark? When did they replace Palm Harbor with Island Walk? The later is now scary. I used to work there- at Sea Ray, the Wendy’s, Sub Base and at the Pizza Hut that’s now another Mexican take out place. The Sub Base is on DoorDash still I hope, and ya’ll should check it out.
How come government doesn’t talk about the things we really need to talk about? I have had 30 jobs here in Palm Coast, Flagler, Bunnell and in Ormond Beach, Daytona. Today, I am afraid of my neighbors. I am a gun owning, liberal.. in the middle of a sea of people that lean right and hate me. I love you guys but I did not vote for Trump.
I grew up in Florida, and it’s as diverse as you could imagine. My wife is African and I think I’m Irish or something, I’m not sure anymore about anything. I just know that I’m happy here and I just want what’s best for Palm Coast. Please be good to each other, like we have been all these years.
Please reach out to your neighbors and stop judging.