The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office Operations Center at 901 East Moody Boulevard was completely evacuated as of 2:30 p.m. on Friday afternoon.
The move began with the east side of the building on Monday and concluded with the executive offices on Friday. Sheriff Rick Staly and his executive staff were the final tenants to vacate the building, leaving offices on the west side of the building that had largely been spared the effects of apparent sick-building syndrome that led to more than two dozen employees to file claims related to health problems in the past two months. The Sheriff has left the building.
While air quality testing was completed and measures taken to address mold problems found in two rooms, earlier this year, four affected employees who’d been allowed to relocate temporarily continued to suffer from symptoms after re-entry to the building. The return or worsening of employees’ symptoms caused Staly to request more extensive testing by the county. He ordered a complete move out of the building until the building can be deemed safe.
County Administrator Craig Coffey agreed to conduct a second round of testing. That took place this week. ESI, an environmental firm hired by the county, did the work.
Staly also hired a medical doctor to review all claims and medical reports in hopes to identify a potential link. “This profession is dangerous enough from criminals,” Staly said. “My employees should not have to live in fear of their workplace causing them illnesses. I want to thank the Flagler County Administrator, the Board of County Commissioners, the County’s IT staff, Heidi Petito and her staff, and all of the employees of the County and the Courthouse for assisting us and welcoming us into our temporary accommodations. We are hopeful for a swift resolution to this issue.”
The Sheriff’s Investigative Services Division, Records Unit, Seniors versus Crime Unit, and Community Policing Command Staff have relocated to the first floor of the county courthouse. A Sheriff’s Office Public Safety Officer will staff the front desk. The second floor will house the Governmental Affairs and Volunteers Manager, Human Resources, Business Services, Accreditation, Public Affairs and General Counsel. The Sheriff, Undersheriff, and Victims’ Advocates are located on the third floor.
The Training Unit, Purchasing Unit, Crime Scene Investigators, and Evidence Unit have relocated to the Jail Administration Building. The Jail Admin building is located at 1002 Justice Lane in Bunnell. All email addresses and phone numbers for all agency personnel will remain the same.
It is unknown at this time when Sheriff’s Office employees will be able to move back into the Sheriff’s Operations Center or the long-term outcome.
Anonymous says
Well that stay was short lived ! I would like to know what firm did the inspection of the building and gave the ok move right in …all’s ok ……
Anonymous says
To try and renovate an abandoned Hospital, when the main frame of said building is nearing the end of its normal lifespan, is at best poor judgment and false economy and at the worst a criminal act where by public funds were expended to purchase and renovate a run down dilapidated building such as this not for the good of the taxpayer, but for the profiting of the public officials who made and voted for the deal. Dig Deeper folks, much more to this story I’m afraid.
Dave says
Whos idea was is it to buy this infested building ? Hmm. I think they should test the quality of life in the Jail itself, i have heard of the dirtiness and infections from that place. Lets make sure our fellow guys n gals are being properly taken care of while locked up.
Anonymous says
Yes, dig deeper and “follow the money”.
Dennis McDonald says
Many a Flagler Commissioner stated publicly…” This building has GOOD BONES ”
What happened ? The Flagler BOCC built a new JAIL for the criminals and renovated on the cheap a known vertical junkyard. The question to dig in on is , WHY ?
This March Rufallo and I made a presentation to the Florida DEP at their regional HQ after going to Tallahassee to ask for a sit down with the DEP Commissioner. In April 2018 the Flagler BOCC was FINED the MAXIMUM allowed by the Florida DEP. for DEMOTION WITHOUT PERMIT of the 21,000 sq ft. four old hospital wings at the new Sheriff HQ. Two Hundred Eleven truckloads of those…” GOOD BONES ” !
Very happy are Deputies are now out of harms way.
Much more to come.
Dennis McDonald
Anonymous says
Thank you Mr. McDonald and Mr. Ruffalo for seeing that our BOCC and Craig Coffey are held accountable—our deplorable’s
Anonymous says
Odd how the sheriff’s office was the final tenant to leave but the County IT department remains in the building because they were too busy moving the sheriff staff out. I heard they might move out next week. Thankless job and no one seems to care about them. Heidi Petito’s department did very little to move us, it was mostly County IT with a staff member from the clerk’s office helping them. They deserve a big thank you, and maybe even an office of their own to go into.
Now let’s figure out a permanent solution to the issues!
Mark101 says
If the county felt that this building has good bones then the county commissioners and Coffeys crew can move there, since they said it had good bones and all.
Just the facts says
Since Cofey and the commissioners seem to think there is nothing wrong with the building, I propose we move their offices to the newly emptied building and have them stay there for the same period of time the Sheriff’s Department have been there.
If the building had “good bones”, why was the rest of it demolished? Just asking.
Percy's mother says
ESI, an environmental firm, was hired by “the county”
Who did the hiring of ESI? Who in “the county” made the decision to retain the environmental firm, ESI, to investigate this sick building?
It would seem the investigative results of “ESI” might be slanted in favor of “the county”.
These questions need to be answered. I would also imagine OSHA has been notified??
Gone without a trace says
General services is tied up with Coffey and Sherman held together by Joe Mayer they have no supervision and do what they wish a mong themselves. They create Frankenstein positions so they can justify their high raises they take. Frankenstein position is where they fire a high paid person and split their salary without replacing them. County employees are only able to hold one position seems funny Joe Mayer has three positions human resources the library and food services. There is no training for the workers safeties put aside are told to do what they do or be fired. They all knew about the mold conditions in the old courthouse and they also knew about all the hazards in the sheriffs office. The mold readings in both places were deemed in habitable but for some reason the next day the testing was found to be fine. That’s what happens when you’re in a right to work state and workers have no recourse to help them with their jobs. It’s the good old boy system if anyone has more knowledge than them they are put to the bottom until they can find a reason to fire them. Check out the payroll for the past few years and see that their favorite 10 to 11 guys get unlimited overtime while the rest dont. Mike Dixon thinks he’s just a building contractor and takes care of his men who are building the cabins at Princess Place or river of the sea. When an emergency arises in the Eoc is used especially funded by FEMA check out the food bills $7000 for Italian food for one day. Karma will take it’s course as we see in the past few days of everything written let’s hope the commissioners open their eyes and do some supervision to take control of the nonsense that’s been going on since Coffey and Petito showed up.
Tax payer says
I’m sorry… But who exactly is paying for all this?? The testing, moving, building, and time?
Anonymous says
Percy’s Mother-I am sure those that have been affected by the sick building would want a fair, through, and impartial agency to be called in to do testing and make determinations. Relying on the county to call someone in is like a student grading their own paper. The people who are ill deserve better!!! It is time for the BOCC to take this seriously and do something about about the county attorney and county administrator. Being neglectful is not best treating these people and time may be of essence!
Sean says
Mike Dixon says it all
Jane Gentile-Youd says
The original 2013 ” Don’t buy this crap ‘gang members;
The recent'” now- in 2018 the ” I told you so(s) gang members”:
Dennis McDonald
Joan Affatato
Jack Carrall
Jane Gentile-Youd
Who is the ONLY county commissioner still sitting today who didn’t listen to the gang in 2013?
Who is the ONLY county commissioner still sitting today who assured the county would not ‘close’ onabuilding with asbestos etc and brags about being an ‘expert’ in asbestos (Flagler County audio 1 May 6, 2013 – forward to 49 minutes through 1 hour 16 minutes) : Nate McLaughlin…..
It is, and was, a disgraceful show of disregard for the ‘health, welfare and safety of the public, total disrespect for the county employees, the taxpayers as well as to every person who has to enter that building for any reason.
The ‘GANG’ was right in 2013 – the same GANG is right in 20018.
FOR ONCE PUT OUR TAX DOLLARS TO GOOD USE – LEVEL the building and fire Coffey and his gang
john brady says
Stop with the testing, already. The fact is people got sick working in this building. Unfortunately, the only solution is to start over with a new building or adding on to the Emergency Operation Center. It is hard for me to understand how OSHA will approve anything else.
The building is and will be a “sick” building
Anonymous says
The Sheriff’s office has and will remain the bottom of the priority list as far as they are concerned. The Commissioners must be blind and stupid to not see what Coffey is doing. What a bunch of gullible people. It’s a shame it’s come down to the employee’s health being under jeopardy.
Anonymous says
The only way to fix the problem is vote out of office Nate McLaughlin and fire Craig Coffey and Al Hadeed….they are all to blame for putting our blue in harms way!!
Anonymous says
We won’t actually know the long term affects the sick building has had on the community for years down the road. There have been a lot of people exposed who aren’t currently experiencing illness, but may do so in the future. I want to know why more testing wasn’t done on the wings before they were tore down, I want to know what those who did the demolition work were exposed to rather than worry and wonder. The county should immediately fire Coffey and take this seriously. The county was warned that people who worked in the hospital before it was closed were affected with many sick building illnesses. Shame on you BOCC and Craig Coffey. The Volusia county manager was fired yesterday for the morgue dysfunction and Coffey should be immediately fired as well. He doesn’t deserve another dollar of our tax dollars!!!
Dave says
A disgrace and major blemish for the city
Anonymous says
And just think the BOCC Doesn’t even seem to care yet Nate McLaughlin is putting reelection signs up throughout the county! Nate McLaughlin needs to start packing….he will not get votes, nor does he deserve votes to be re-elected! Revels-gone, Hanns-gone, McLaughlin- getting ready to be gone! The only way thing in this county will improve is to vote these people out of office!