For the fourth time this year, a Flagler County Sheriff’s Corrections deputy has resigned in the middle of an investigation into allegations of improper sexual conduct with an inmate during or after the inmate’s release.
Danielle Basciano, 23, who joined the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office last year, resigned in August as she was being investigated for improprieties with Salina Cox, 29, an inmate at the jail from January to May whose own wife was also incarcerated at the jail at the time.
Basciano denies having had an inappropriate relations with Cox while at the jail but said she knew her as a friend before her incarceration and carried on an intimate relationship with her upon her release, in violation of sheriff’s office policy.
“Is it your statement that you two are still dating as of this point?” a sheriff’s Internal Affairs investigator asked her.
“Yes Ma’am,” Basciano replied. “I do know that what my relationship now is wrong, I know that our policy says you are not supposed to associate with felons, I admitted I knew this was against policy and I admitted I knew there could be an investigation, I had other thoughts of leaving prior to this coming up because I am not stable.”
The investigation found against Basciano on several grounds, but she resigned on Aug. 8 before it was completed, saying she was doing so entirely of her own accord but that, she wrote, “I believe I am not fit for duty.” By then, she had been on administrative leave for two weeks.
Former detention deputies Bradley Gilyard, Julio Vazquez and Jonathan Vitale all resigned between January and May as allegations were coming to light that they had engaged in sexual relations with an inmate or sharing contraband with inmates and providing false information to investigators. The issue led the sheriff’s office to enact Prison Rape Elimination Act protocols on Jan. 20 at the jail, when services were also offered to potential victims and witnesses.

By then, Badciano had been employed at the jail eight months, and Cox, the inmate she was friendly with, had been at the jail three weeks.
Cox was a resident of Prosperity Lane in Palm Coast who has about half a dozen arrests in the past four years on charges ranging from robbery to grand theft, forgery and probation violations. She also had a past heroin addiction. She was last arrested the first of this year and released the morning on May 19—when Basciano picked her up at a Kangaroo gas station on State Road 100 and took her to her own home.
Basciano had spoken of her relationship with Cox to a deputy’s wife, who had at one point been in a close friendship with Basciano. The wife, significantly troubled by the revelation, reported the conversation to her husband, telling him Basciano had spoken of having an “affair” with an inmate since that January. The deputy, who had gone to a law enforcement academy with Basciano, then reported the issue to Louis Miceli, the deputy commander at the jail.
An Internal Affairs investigation was launched and the wife of the depiuty interviewed as part of the investigation. Basciano reportedly told the wife of the deputy, according to the investigative report, that she had exchanged notes and phone numbers with Cox when Cox was incarcerated, and that “the hardest part of the relationship is having to keep everything a secret because she knows what she is doing with former inmate Salina Cox is wrong and could cause her to lose her job and her certification as a law enforcement officer. But, Basciano said, it was worth the risk.
In early July, one of several detention staff deputies reported what she referred to as “what all of the other deputies know,” namely, that Basciano often spent “an unusual amount of time”—an hour at a time instead of the usual two to three minutes deputies usually spend with any one inmate—in Cox’s cell block “and it was starting to raise concern.” She was told that what she was doing “doesn’t look good.” She did not change her behavior, according to the investigative report. There was also word that Basciano was passing legal information to the inmate, a serious policy infraction.
Another guard, when informed of the reported allegation of an inappropriate relationship between a deputy and an inmate, reportedly said to Miceli, “now all of the puzzle pieces are fitting together”—only to deny to the investigator that that conversation had taken place.
At the time of the investigation. Basciano was still employed, but Miceli told the investigator he had never been informed of the allegations while Cox was still in jail. He was informed after her May 19 release.
Another individual interviewed during the internal investigation was another inmate, a 31-yuear-old woman who is legally married to Cox. There were issues in the marriage, she told the investigator, but “as far as she knew her marriage with Salina Cox was fine and she and Salina were working on mending their relationship and planned to be together upon her (the other inmate’s) release from rehabilitation.” Cox’s wife was released from the county jail on July 25, after a six-month stint there. She told the investigator that “Basciano was overly friendly with Salina Cox during her incarceration at the Flagler County Detention Facility and she did not feel her friendly behavior was appropriate for a Detention Deputy toward an inmate.”

The investigator interviewed Cox on July 17 at a Kentucky Fried Chicken, but Cox declined to be under oath or to confirm if her statements were truthful. She said her friendship with the deputy pre-dated her January jailing, at a time when her own marriage was “rocky,” that nothing inappropriate happened in jail and that Basciano had not picked her up after she was released from jail, though the two did meet later on. She denied living with the deputy, though she’d visited. By then, she said, she’d distanced herself from the deputy because of issues in her own life, but she insisted that the deputy had been professional throughout at the jail.
Several other inmates interviewed by the detective disputed that assessment, saying Basciano showed favoritism toward Cox, that her behavior was “flirtatious” including “winking” and “smiling,” “a lot of secretive talk” and differential treatment. One inmate said Cox had confided to her that she was in an “intimate relationship” with the deputy. None of the inmates or deputies interviewed reported any physical contact between the inmate and the deputy.
“Salina Cox told Detective Nicole Thomas her relationship with Deputy Danielle Basciano during her incarceration was strictly professional because of the respect she (Salina Cox) had for Deputy Danielle Basciano’s job,” the investigative report states. “Salina Cox denied any special treatment from Deputy Danielle Basciano during her incarceration and also denied “passing notes” with Deputy Danielle Basciano other than receiving a piece of paper from Deputy Danielle Basciano providing her with what bands were playing in the County 500 concert.” (Cox was to provide a written statement subsequently but never did.)
Basciano herself became ill when she was served notice that she was under investigation—what was also described in the report as an “emotional breakdown”–and had to be sent home. She submitted to an investigative interview in late July, saying she was “in a relationship” with Cox at that point. “Yes, I spoke to her more than I should have but I did not give her any special treatment, I have more of a heart than most,” Basciano said of her interactions with Cox while Cox was incarcerated. “The time I spend with an inmate should not be taken as flirtatious.”
She added: “I do know once she got out pursuing anything more is guilty on my part, I take full responsibility for what I did, we probably did have something there before I just didn’t act on it, but nothing happened in the facility, nothing would have happened in the facility.”
Sw says
A regular ole Peyton place. Love triangles, the law WOW. never a dull moment.
Not a cop Fan! says
At Least the Sheriff’s office handled it as tactfully a they could. Something had to be done but no sense in making everyone’s life worse the young lady is trying to clean up her life and the deputy didn’t lie.
ASF says
Where are they getting these people? Are they advertising these jobs in the Pennysaver?
False allegations says
I have an issue were there are two females that claim to have been raped by Flagler County officers while in jail. The layout and videos of the inmates should be enough proof but yet these two females who are pregnant have cried rape so many times that no one believes them or see how it’s possible. These two females have had a long history of arrest and are nothing but liars. They make it so much harder for females who are TRULY RAPED for people to believe them. The town has watched these females get away with so much that no one has trust in the justice system anymore. The officers are scared to respond, to interact, to help because of these two pregnant females throwing it in their face constantly even though it’s all lies. I hope to God that when it comes out that they are lying and it will that they be held accountable for everything that they have done during these false allegations. Their children should be taken away, they should serve prison time and I am saying years of it for the damage it has cost the officers lives. Also the State attorney’s office should contact people who are very familiar with the two I don’t even know what to call them because calling them little girls would be a step up from what they are. Also they have been arrested being pregnant doing drugs while pregnant and it’s all stated in police reports and DCF apparently hasn’t stepped in either case. Nothing and I mean nothing has been done to the pregnant females. If the baby comes out with any type of birth defect caused by drugs why are they not going to prison for child abuse or attempted murder?? Nothing makes sense anymore.
Mark101 says
Odd prison guards so hard up, you end up losing your job, its rather disgusting and just plain stupid.
Anonymous says
Cops should be held to a higher standard…..these for clowns deserve to be prosecuted! There is something terribly wrong if they are not. The participants no doubt will now be suing Flagler County, and if the FCSO employees are not prosecuted the participants should rightfully sue, and prevail.
Downtown says
the Sheriff calls it “The Green Roof Inn”. Sounds like “Love Shack” would be a better name.
Just me says
I absolutely believe this. I was in county for a brief stay so don’t label me as a jailbird. However during the time I was there and just trying to get by until I went home, she was a total arrogant Bitch toward me bcuz I had nothing to do with any of it. I was there during Vasquez, vitale, and Gillard. I am so glad this was all brought to light bcuz it was so wrong there. I got home and had one of the guards somehow find my Facebook and was messaging me. Shit is so crazy. Thank God it all came to light…..
a tiny manatee says
These poor, poor officers who were forced to resign will no doubt find shelter in the bunnell and flagler beach police departments.
Concerned Citizen says
I disagree with Not A Cop Fan on this one.
Deputies and Correctional Officers continue to get into trouble and the cycle repeats because nothing is done about it.
The Sheriff’s Office continues to slap these people on the wrist and let them resign. Most of the time they end up working somewhere else and the pattern continues.
When you choose a career in Law Enforcement you are sworn in and are expected to uphold that oath. If you violate that Oath whether by committing a criminal act or misconduct you commit the crime of Malfeasance Of Office.
In Florida it’s a Second Degree Felony punishable up to 15 years in prison. If they pursued this along with sexual battery on an inmate it might send a strong message to other Law Enforcement personnel.
When a deputy is terminated for misconduct or a criminal offense FDLE should get involved as well. A state certification is at risk and why should you be allowed to keep it with conduct like this?
Keeping it in house allows for it to be swept under the rug and allows for the cycle to continue. I think The SO needs to do a serious audit and review of jail staff and procedures.
Born and Raised Here says
Romance in the workplace is no tolerant in the workplace.