Georgia A. Rose, 39, of 16 Princess Luise Lane in Palm Coast, was arrested on a charge of cruelty to animals following the death of a young dog she had been caring for, and persistently neglectful conditions surrounding a second dog that survived.
Rose was arrested and booked at the Flagler County jail on July 14, though the initial charge on the same incident had been filed more than a year ago, dropped, then re-opened last week. The case was investigated by Agricultural and Ranch Deputy Steve Williams and Palm Coast Animal Control officer William Doonan and included repeat follow-up inspections at the house by Doonan, though the officer more often than not ran into resistance from Rose or her family at the time of each inspection.
The incident is the latest at a property with a history of troubled dogs. In September 2014, deputies had to Tase a pit bull that was attacking Lloyd Rose after attacking Georgia and her mother, Thelma. The full details were reported, with video, at the time, which suggests why authorities took particular care in the more recent investigation.
The more recent case focuses on two dogs, Asher and Remi, both young pit bull mixes. Remi survived. Asher did not. Well before more recent issues emerged, Rose had surrendered Asher and Remi to the Flagler Humane Society in 2014 but then had reclaimed them.
On Feb. 19, 2016, Flagler Animal Hospital contacted law enforcement to report that a dog at a house on Princess Luise Lane in Palm Coast was either in dire need of medical attention or was already dead. Williams and Doonan went to the house.
Rose led them into the garage. There was a pile of food, cardboard and swept in a pile next to a kennel. It smelled of ammonia, usually the smell of urine. There was no ventilation. Clutter made it difficult to move around. A brown and white pit bull mix dog—Remi–was in one kennel, alive, but its toe nails were long and looked neglected. Remi had a bowl of dirty water. Mixed fruit was in another bowl, next to wet cardboard and dog feces. When asked why the dog didn’t have normal dog food, Rose said she didn’t have any just then.
In a kennel nearby, a white dog wearing a black collar looked dead. That was Asher. The dog was in a small kennel full of feces, lying on its side on a soaked rug. Next to Asher’s black-metal wire “crate,” as Doonan described it, were some furniture, old tires, and piles of trash. The dog was “extremely emaciated,” Doonan reported. “You could see its ribs, vertebra and hind quarter/hip bones, along with some flies around the animal.”
Rose kept telling the officers the dog had died that afternoon, and even gave a precise time: 4:12 p.m. She told them it had been sick for a long time. She reported asking Flagler Animal Hospital if she could bring the dog to be euthanized, but was told that because of Asher’s age, an exam would have to be conducted to determine whether euthanizing was in order. But then the animal would have to be sent to the University of Florida for a necropsy, which would be costly.
She had called on Feb. 10, when she said she’d have to figure out how to get a ride and the money. She did not call the hospital again until Feb. 18, again asking of she could bring in the dog because Asher was acting funny, according to what she told Doonan, “kicking and trying to get out of the crate.”
Both Doonan and Williams had to walk out of the garage to continue their investigation, because the stench got so overpowering. By then Rose, the two officers reported, had changed her story about dog food and said she cooked the dogs chicken and rice and other foods. Though both she and her brother, Kayon Rose, 42, own the dogs, she said she’s responsible for feeding them.

The backyard, where Rose said the dogs are taken for exercise, was also cluttered. She was adamant that she did not want the dead dog taken away. She wanted to bury it in the backyard.
When Williams and Doonan talked, Williams was initially of two minds about arresting her, thinking the State Attorney—who files the actual charges—will note that Rose had made an effort to take the dog to the hospital, while the other dog was in relatively good shape. But Williams’s investigation was not done, and he would subsequently change his mind.
Doonan warned Rose that he would be checking on the dog’s condition once a week to ensure that Remi has food and is kept in sanitary conditions, or else she would be arrested. She agreed. Later, Rose’s father told the officers that he wishes she gave Remi away, as he did not want any dogs in the house.
Doonan later secured a 5-lb. bag of dog food for Rose’s dog from the Humane Society. But when he went back to her house, he was met at the door by Stanford Rose, 36, also a resident at the house, who told Doonan he was in charge of the dog “and who are we to say that his dog was not fed and mistreated,” according to Doonan’s report.
When Doonan asked him why he hadn’t taken Asher to the vet with his truck, Stanford Rose replied that he was “not going to miss a day of work for the dog.” He declined to provide his phone number, and when told that someone would have to be at the house for the next inspection, Sanford Rose essentially told the officer that he would have to try his luck: if no one was there, he’d have to come back later.
That’s not how it’s going to work, Doonan informed him: there had to be someone present at the house for an inspection.
That second inspection revealed a somewhat better-kept garage, but there were still issues with smells, lack of ventilation, and a backyard in the same condition as before. Officials at the State Attorney’s office informed him to keep monitoring the situation. Over the next several weeks, a pattern developed: Georgia Rose would not answer her phone, officers would show up at her house, either she or others would be there, the inspection would be carried out, but little progress would be seen. Remi’s surroundings stayed dirty and lacked sanitation.
Four weeks ago, during another inspection, Georgia Rose refused to let Doonan see the dog and said all was well with Remi. Georgia’s mother shouted from the kitchen to tell Doonan to leave the property.
On July 13, an arrest warrant was signed for Georgia Rose. “Based on my investigation, I believe the criteria for felony Animal Abuse have been met,” Williams, the sheriff’s agricultural deputy, had concluded. “The Roses had weeks to make arrangements to get the dog named Asher to the Animal Hospital but refused to do so. They allowed the dog to suffer a horrible death which could have been prevented.”
Rose was arrested on July 13. Doonan tried to check on Remi and any other animals in the house. Rose’s mother, Thelma, forbade entry.
Rose posted bail on $5,000 bond on July 14 and was released. She faces a third-degree felony. Her arraignment is on July 27.

Violet says
That is absolutely disgusting!!! It’s a shame that Asher had to die under such circumstances. Please, please, take this dog somewhere it will be treated better and forbid this family of idiots from ever having another animal.
[email protected] says
OMG why did it take so long
JM says
There is a special place in hell for the kind of people who would treat animals this way.
Nancy says
I am a neighbor and I have complained MANY times to the city to clean up their house. It is a pigsty! Also, I believe they had pits in the past and a previous dog bit the owner, an elderly man. Probably about three or four years ago… These people should not be allowed to own dogs!!!!!
ASF says
Animal neglect and abuse such as this and hoarding often occur together–they are part of the symptomology of a serious Brain Disorder. The owners need a psychiatric evaluation but I should warn that a great deal of resistance can be expected.
PCer says
Are there children in the house? Has DCF been called if there are?
Duncan says
Makes no sense! Animal Control finds an extremely emaciated dead dog in the garage and allow them to keep the other dog? That is crazy!
ann says
This happened too often, why do people take/adopta animal. Shame on them, hope the courts take this far! Punishment is very needed! Poor dog! Bad people!
Markingthedays says
I’m pretty sure this is the same house where a deputy had to taser an uncontrollable dog in the driveway.
Will says
Jim says
It’s a shame when we protect animals rights more than a human babies rights.
Joe says
Cruelty to animals my ass, these dogs were tortured!
Rick Kang says
Sad,very Sad! People should take good care of their pets or give them to someone who will take good care of them!
Just the truth says
A huge thanks to PC Animal Control Officer William Doonan for doing what an Animal Control officer is paid to do and that is to be sure an animal that can’t speak for themselves has an Officer as William Doonan do it for them.
This dog died a horrible death and any more animals in that house need to be taken away. As a taxpayer my taxes are paying PC Animal Control to do exactly what Officer William Doonan.
Thank you for bringing justice to an animal that died at the hands of these people is so obvious neglect.
They never need to ever own an animal. Why if neighbors complained about the conditions of their house nothing more wasn’t done?
Keep up the good job Officer William Doonan God will reward you, keep up the great job your doing.
Karma says
How in the world were they allowed to keep dogs after the previous visit from animal control? What a crying shame for Asher…. I know the neighbors and visit frequently and that property is disgusting…. My heart is broken for those dogs.
anonymous says
It took so long because the City of Palm Coast Code Enforcement administration did not want the officer to pursue it. Essentially it makes more work for Barbara Grossman, the head of Palm Coast Code Enforcement and the city attorneys, William E. Reischmann, Jr. and Jennifer Barrington Nix of Garganese, Weiss & D’Agresta, P.A that have a $400,000 annual contract with the city. Also, the animal control division of code enforcement would rather pursue dangerous dog cases because they are easier; they would rather take the easy way out instead of pursuing obvious cases of animal abuse.For example, look at this: http://www.palmcoastobserver.com/article/two-months-later-dog-remains-at-humane-society-while-city-of-palm-coast-conducts-dangerous-dog-investigation
The animal control officer had to take it upon himself to pursue this case because the city did not want him to do it. It would be surprising if he suffers repercussions because of it.
anonymous says
The dog is DEAD
It's just me says
I agree with you Nancy. I pray they take the dog away and she is charged and prosecuted. This is horrible. Makes me sick. I would never ever think of doing such a thing to my babies.
Anonymous says
Good job to Officer Doonan but a couple of questions need to be answer as to why did it take so long ,why was it not pursued back then and why was the other dog not taken back than it’s quite evident that from the photos it clearly indicates this was a crime of animal cruelty from the very beginning why was it not pursued , was the city afraid to pursue it and how many more of these cases are not being prosecuted by the state attorneys office maybe someone does not want to give the city a bad image. I worked as a police officer for 30 years in Pennsylvania and assisted the dog warden many times so I am puzzled with this case again very good job Officicer Doonan you deserve a medal for being persistent and showing compassion for animals
David Schaefer says
This story makes me sick to my stomach .This person should NEVER be able to have any animal again. What goes around comes around I hope that both of you get the same treatment that you gave those poor animals.
Shannon says
What about remi?! Get that dog out of there at all costs! He will die next. Please save REMI!!
Debbie Cottrell says
I’m pretty sure you’d have to tase me, if I had to live in that house. Who knows what that dog had been subjected to?
Dogs Friend says
I a m shocked and appalled at another pet being abused at the hands of it’s owner. It is time that the laws become stricter and harsher for these people. There is no excuse for this treatment of pets. All states should have a registry for known animal abusers.
Adrian says
This persons picture should be posted for all to see.EVERY WHERE
SaturnGal says
Our animal welfare laws in this state are pathetic, and in many others. There should have been no question that the dog needed removed!! Quit letting animals suffer and die because you, (the authorities) won’t do your jobs. The first time this POS refused to let animal control see the dog should have been the last. The dog should have been removed immediately with no questions asked. If the laws need changed so that you can remove an animal, then lets elect people that will do it. Start with city council members, then onto the mayor, and up the government chain! When candidates are asked questions about their positions on issues, animal welfare should also be asked! This abuse and neglect will not stop until our officials grow a set and start taking this seriously. Why have laws if no one is willing to abide by them. This also means make judges accountable for their lack of punishment given to abusers!!
Shannon barker says
Remove all animals from this home immediately! This is horrifying that our public officials are allowing this to happen!
Cheryl James says
Abuse will continue with any living thing this person comes in contact with! Social Services needs to be involved with ALL these Animal Abuse Cases!!!!
Connie Sparks says
This is filth and discusting. Animal abuse!! No More animals for her…Fines & jail Time.
Connie Sparks says
This is one of the worse animal cruelty I have ever seen. Disgrace please don’t ever let her have an animal again.Fines !!!! Neighbors need to be aware and call when suspect or see something like this abuse.
O Olon says
Make sure to get Remi out of that hell hole now and find him a wonderful and loving new home which he more than deserves.