Sierra R. McRoberts and Jocelyn Miley, both 18 and from Palm Coast, face child abuse and other charges–including aggravated child abuse for Miley–following a violent confrontation near the Flagler Beach pier on Sunday with a 14-year-old girl who was allegedly physically set-upon by three people, attacked and pepper-sprayed. A significant part of the incident was captured on video.
The girl told Flagler Beach police that she was in the water when a 16-year-old girl approached her and sprayed her with something. The victim left the water and walked under the pier, only to be followed by the two 18-year-old women and the 16-year-old girl, who then circled the 14 year old and allegedly attacked her. The three, she told police, were known to have issues with her sister.
A video of the incident ended up on social media. According to Flagler Beach police’s account, it shows the 16-year-old girl grabbing the 14 year old by the hair, the younger girl striking the older girl a few times in the face before being thrown to the ground, where she is seen attempting to defend herself but looking “disoriented and overpowered” by the other girl, who is “rapidly striking her in the face with a closed fist.” The video shows a second person, allegedly one of the two 18 year olds, then approaching the younger girl and kicking her and grabbing her by the hair as the other 18 year old–McRoberts–sits on the younger girl and pummels her face with a closed fist.
At one point one of the girls yells out, “Sierra let’s go, you’ve got your one, let[‘s] go in my car.” “McRoberts ignored the plea and continued to strike [the 14 year old] in the face and head area,” the report states. The younger girl manages to get back on her feet but can;t get away: she’s being held by the hair.
There were witnesses. Two separate witnesses described the incident in similar terms: they saw five or six girls circling two other females and one of the girls pepper-spraying another before the two girls being circled tried to run away, only to be followed under the pier, where the confrontation escalated. Flagler Beach police determined that McRoberts, Miley and a third girl were the aggressors, and the 14 year old their victim, with McRoberts at first watching the 16-year-old allegedly attack the 14 year old without attempting to stop the fight–but rather joining it.
“It is determined that McRoberts willfully, intentionally and maliciously battered a juvenile female, while encouraging another juvenile female to take part in the criminal activity,” McRoberts’s arrest report states. “The disturbance that took place in a public area caused such a scene that bystanders began to videotape the incident.” The incident took place around 4:30 p.m. Sunday.
McRoberts was arrested on Tuesday, Miley on Wednesday. The day of her arrest, McRoberts had an additional charge tacked on from an alleged shoplifting the week before at Blaze N Flame on Belle Terre Parkway, where the act was also captured on surveillance video. She is alleged to have stolen a lighter. Both remain at the Flagler County jail on $16,000 bond each.
Richard says
More of our finest upstanding citizens, wouldn’t you say! Of course they will only get the typical slap on the wrist and off you go only to have it happen again but maybe next time instead of fists and pepper spray they’ll use an illegal handgun.
Kathy Laban says
Why did no one stop it if there were so many witnesses?
ASF says
They were too busy recording the fight on their cell phones. Have to get those “likes”, ya’ know! oh well, it least the recordings might come in handy in court.
E.R.G. says
Nobody wants to get involved anymore. Scared of retaliation.
Steve says
Witnesses watched ok. HMMM Just a disgusting display of lack of humanity to attack after macing . A 14 yr old. Thug wannabees Put them away and let the real tough girls put them in their place for several years. The minors parents should make these idiots lives miserable for a long time. The second incident in as many days. Only here in gangland jerkwater USA
Flagler Female says
This is disturbing on so many levels and this is exactly the type of crime we moved from Atlanta to escape. These girls are clearly sociopaths and should be punished severely for committing this unsolicited attack on a child. And the bystanders who video taped the incident instead of helping???!!! Shame on them! If we let this go without setting the example that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated, then we will get what we deserve – more of the same crime.
John says
I agree for the most part.
Unfortunately if the bystanders got involved they would oyld then get sued by the thugs. Possibly veven arrested for assault. Nobody gets involved anymore because the damn courts and liberal judges punish them for helping out. I’ve seen it back in the Atlanta GA area. Was pretty especially in Clayton County.
J says
Not exactly unsolicited. This wasn’t published in the papers but the 14 yr old and her sister actually initiated an attack on these two a bit before this. This was just them retaliating. Not defending it cause it’s petty, dumb, and deserving of punishment but just the truth I suppose.
JustBeNice says
And bystanders videotaped it instead of maybe calling 911 ? Maybe someone did. I hope so but the girls weren’t arrested until Tuesday and Wednesday…I hope the victim is ok.
Mary Crawford says
This is a really sad article to read only today did I read another article that stated playing dodgeball was also bullying how true.
John says
I disagree, games like Dodge ball, if property supervised, are games that help to build physical agilities, hand eye coordination, speed, toughness, etc. We caudal our children to much and don’t let/make them stand up for themselves anymore.
Wow says
Some intervention badly needed for these children.
steve says
They are irresponsible selfish adults
Anonymous says
Funny because these the same idiots that smoke weed and drop out of out high school. Hope they get that they truly deserve , a nice jail sentence.
Paula says
What’s also disturbing is the fact that NOT one of the bystanders had enough courage to stop them.
Instead they videoed the fight! COWARDS
They are just as bad as the attackers.
Disgusting and they should be ashamed of themselves!
ASF says
They are 18 years old–not children and certainly old enough to know better. Levy the appropriate consequences, before they do even more damage to themselves and others. They should be responsible for paying whatever medical costs their victims incur, along with other reparations/damages. Teach them to respect the laws of Cause and Effect, as well as the human rights of others, NOW–even if it means spending time behind bars.
Resident says
“Bystanders began to videotape”??!! You’ve gotta be kidding me. What has happened to this world. Couldn’t anyone or a bunch of people jump in and stop it? I would have at least tried and I’m not young.
Adalei Simmons says
Disgusting! Toss them in jail and leave them there. This is what young people do with their free time?! Society is rotting!
Bill May says
Future residents of a penitentiary somewhere. What really bothers me is that there were people nearby watching this assault who did absolutely nothing to help this child. That is unacceptable. I hope that they are prosecuted and punished appropriately.
Disgusted Mother of 2 Teens says
Why were these witnesses recording the incident rather than trying to break it up?!? This is disgusting behavior not only of these adult bullies, but of the adults who stood by, cell phones in hand, and did nothing to break it up! This is why my kids ask to go hang out with friends and I tell them NO! I bet these bullies were crying their little eyeballs out when they got arrested, great job FBPD.
Mary Fusco says
Disgusted Mother, I would call 911 but I would never get in between these 2 animals. At 18 YO they should be working, in school and/or preparing for their future. There is something wrong with 18 YO that behave like this. If they ever wake up, it will be too late for a decent future. There is no excuse for this adolescent behavior at 18.
Allie Newman says
A product of our society. It just keeps getting better.
Unfortunately it’s not wise to jump in to break up things like this, you might wind up being the third mugshot.
Instead of policing Flagler Beach citizens maybe City enforcement officers should be paying attention to the real problems.
Lance Carroll says
Allie has hit the nail dead on the head. Flagler Beach Police are way too busy with harassing local citizens to pay attention to the aspects of effective policing of Flagler Beach.
Mary Fusco says
It’s so sad that two young women (call them teens if you want) have no greater aspirations than beating someone’s arse at the Flagler Beach pier. Parents are not doing their young people any favors by allowing them to remain children. Teach them that there are consequences for all of their actions, whether good or bad.
Raisem Right says
Your so right kids nowadays have no respect for each other, for elders, teachers and any law. It all comes from the home.
Martin says
Nobody could help?Wth is wrong with people!
steve says
Need it to go viral don’t you know the rules of todays youth. Disgusting
Concerned Citizen says
The two perpetrators need to be charged and sentenced accordingly. At that age you know what you are doing.
In regards to vvideoing and standing there when a crime is being committed.
I believe that laws need to be passed to make you an accessory to a crime. If you stand there and witness a crime taking place and all you do is record it for Facebook or whatever then you are no better than the person committing an act. Several times recently serious crimes were committed and all people cared about was making a dumbass viral video for Facebook. Meanwhile someone died.
Truthfully no one cares about your 20 seconds of fame. And most of the time it makes you look like an ass. Let’s start trying to be humans again. And do the right thing when our fellow human beings need help.
CB from PC says
Those 18 year olds have a future in Corporate America where they will leverage their minority status . They will manage by bullying and intimidation, and the candy ass CEO and HR will do nothing out of fear of a discrimination suit.
Steve says
Those days are over
Steve says
So this must be the new thing had a personal experience this weekend with a young teen black female yelling profanities at me in front of all places Publix Town Ctr. Because she had to stop when I crossed. Get over it lol smh
Gunther says
I had a retired Sargent from NYPD tell me he would not help ANYONE out, whether auto accident or assault. He said he learned from NY that by getting involved you would become a target for lawyers in Law Suits.
Jo says
I had McRoberts last year in my class at FPC and sent her to the Deans Office for her bad attitude towards me and then she came back to my class and yelled and yelled that she wanted to fight me! Of course, I reported this incident Glad to see that her behavior caught up with her. Teens have a lot of anger and it’s always unsettling to hear girls in middle and high school talk about wanting to fight other girls They talk about this as if it’s the cool thing to do and can be popular with their so called friends.
Here We Go Again says
They should spend a week in a cage at the Humane Society. When you act like an animal you should be treated like one.
Lisa says
We used to enjoy Flagler Beach on the weekends, not what it used to be.
sandy says
Is there anything like the “Scared Straight” program from years ago? They think they are so tough(that comes from being scared someone will get you first) that when they wind up in a jail with prisoners who have been there,they face some reality. Maybe no supervision existed in their lives, maybe lots of good influence but they did not follow it…