By Trevor Tucker
House Bill 7069 will change education in Flagler County for generations to come. The bill has some good points, but the overall effect will hurt the children in Flagler County.
Instead of listing all of the problems with this bill, I will try to give you one reason why taxpayers should urge Gov. Rick Scott to veto HB 7069.
Capital dollars are currently allocated to the school district to maintain the publicly held buildings the school district owns. This bill will take tax dollars and give them to building owners to renovate, remodel, or build additions to privately owned buildings that charter schools lease. If a given charter school moves out of the building or shuts down, the public does not get the building or the benefit of the taxpayer-funded renovations.
In order for Flagler Schools to expend capital dollars, the district must show a need for those dollars in a FISH (Florida Inventory of School Houses) report. Charter schools will not have to demonstrate the need for these dollars. They will receive them based solely on student enrollment. Charter schools will also have the flexibility to expend these dollars on digital instruction software and operating systems, license fees, and annual leave payouts.
Capital dollars should be used for taxpayer buildings, not to enrich the building owners of charter schools. Supporting the needs of charter schools should not be to the detriment of traditional public schools. The capital needs of charter schools should be addressed in legislation that allows taxpayers the ability to recoup the dollars invested in the building if the charter school fails. That could be achieved either through joint ownership of the building or a payback from the building owner for the improvements.
I urge all citizens to email or write Governor Scott to oppose using tax dollars to enrich private enterprises with tax dollars that do not benefit the public.
Email the Governor here, or call (850) 488-7146, or write: Office of Governor Rick Scott, State of Florida, The Capitol, 400 S. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001.
Trevor Tucker is chairman of the Flagler County School Board and a business owner. Reach him by email here. This piece, which he sent to all local media, is separate from a letter to the governor opposing HB7069 and signed collectively by the Flagler County School Board.
Merrill Shapiro says
Our School Board deserves a standing ovation for rising up to oppose and challenge the enemies of public education, chief among those enemies, our Governor and our legislators.
Taxpayer says
Well isn’t taxpayer money being used for over a decade to keep the Belle Terre swim club afloat, whats the difference, you spend tax dollars for 200 private members to keep them with a place to swim, at least chater schools use it to educate children who dislike the public school system!
Pogo says
Just like old times.
“You may not be able to change the world, but at least you can embarrass the guilty.”
– Jessica Mitford
Reality says
Charter schools have awful outcomes that are measured. They take resources from public schools and provide an inferior product. If you don’t like your local school, get involved and be the change you want to see in the world.
palmcoaster says
Thank you Pierre and School Board. I e-mailed the governor and will call him as well tomorrow.
@Taxpayer the Belle Terre Swim Club is our public property owned by our public school that serves mostly the elderly that pay a member fee, it is also used by school children I understand.
The monies intended by HB 7069 will leave our traditional public education capital projects to go into private corporations hands and “for profit” in spite that the claim otherwise, on a way of no return as we will not own those capital projects like we own our schools today. Rest my case. The privatization of my hard earned taxes is not what will make America any greater!
JF says
That really cannot be what you ascertained from this article.
Sherry Epley says
@Pogo. . . every single Flaglerlive reader should “educate” themselves by carefully reading the article you have provided . . . in order to even begin to comprehend the “criminal” that is now the governor of Florida. The trouble is that few will read it, and even fewer will care. that Scott is a corrupt billionaire who headed a massive Medicare fraud that lined his own pockets with hard earned tax payers dollars. Hell. . . they elected him!!! This is just the beginning. . . it’s likely they’ll send him to Congress.
Unfortunately, . . . on top of it all. . . I don’t think Scott is the least bit embarrassed. . . any more than trump would be. They just love playing honest citizens as “chumps”. . . they are rubbing their hands with glee!!
Michael says
Perhaps it is because people have lost faith in our Public School system?
Sherry Epley says
Sure the “public” school system could do better. . . always. But, how in the world does turning over our educational system (and other critical services) to “for profit” companies make any sense at all? Just like health care. . . the focus is, and will become more and more on “maximizing profits”. . . . NOT providing higher quality education.
Those who see “capitalism” as a panacea that solves all problems are forgetting the GREED factor, and are playing right into the hands of multi billionaires like scott and trump. . . who are laughing all the way to the bank with our tax dollars!!!!
palmcoaster says
Oh yes for those that believe have lost faith in our public school system… What are you talking about..?
Those students will do one hundred percent better if their parents at home will contribute the 50% or more that is needed in the family environment of their every day life, as I believe. Parents need to get more involved with their kids education, home work, sports and activities after hours and monitoring their free time activities. Let off the phone with friends and much socializing and hear your kids daily accounts of their daily school experience and be part of it and tell then yours at work as an exchange and promote their confidence. Make those kids feel important as they should be your # One concern. Encourage them to join their school sports or their marching bands if they like music and be there in every game!! Our schools are not intended to be nurseries were we send our kids to be watched while we are at work…are intended for learning and should be monitoring if they do so. Our society is based in a very important footing called Family without it nothing either schools will work.
If we were to privatize all our services like some want their charters, then what we will happen when we call police or firemen… we will be getting a downgrade service if not privately chartered..? Lets always evaluate the side effects of what we wish for.
Anonymous says
This bill will take tax dollars and give them to building owners to renovate, remodel, or build additions to privately owned buildings that charter schools lease. If a given charter school moves out of the building or shuts down, the public does not get the building or the benefit of the taxpayer-funded renovations.
I have NO issue with this as it is about education of kids NOT who/what is getting the money. the same moneys used in a government school for repairs is not an issue why? My thought is that a lean should be placed on ANY privately owned building that gets this aid. That should be held on the building for at least 12 years as long as it is a functioning school with at least the same # of students as when the grant was given.
Geezer says
Sherry Epley:
“Efharisto” for your always insightful commentary.
“Yassou” from New England!
–Ye Old Geezer
Merrill Shapiro says
If chapter schools ever look remotely successful it’s because they get to pick and choose their students. Public schools don’t have this option. They are genuine examples of our American democracy. They’re for everyone!
Ben Hogarth says
You are simply a fool if you do not see this as a private scheme utilizing public tax dollars. In these people’s eyes, their long time family businesses have paid more than their “fair share” of taxes over the years and this is just another method of recouping their taxes through private ventures; all under the guise of providing children with education.
It is well known throughout the country that charter schools have a prevalence with fraud. This isn’t to say that some have been managed by “good actors” and were adequately providing some level of education, but the return on investment across the country is slim to none.
Additionally, we have children who fall so far behind because of this fraud, they are left forever in a state where they cannot jump back on the path towards a higher education.
We aren’t just “leaving the child behind” with many charter schools… we run them over with the bus.
Shame on every American who received a public education and who now puts the new generations in a bad place because they want to save a little money on their taxes. Public schools aren’t perfect and the system needs major reform..
But handing private enterprise the keys to kids future is reprehensible. Healthcare, education, and national public safety are NOT for-profit industries.
JasonB says
For profit health care, for profit prisons, for profit schools … Welcome to Trump’s Amerikkka
Pogo says
What do teaching and nursing have in common – besides the virtues required to do them well? Both used to be so-called women’s work: poorly paid, long hours, little advancement for most. Or the post office? Same thing – and a jobs program on the cheap for vets. Then they unionized. The usual suspects have been out to bust them ever since then.
The real agenda is to bust labor unions; cherry pick the high profit areas, and the rest of us get any scraps the pigs leave after they’ve stuffed themselves. Such a deal.
palmcoaster says
Welcome to the new Trumpamerikka Pogo! Without unions the workers become allover again slaves !!
palmcoaster says
We are already experiencing now the privatization of our Executive Branch as POTUS keeps all secret from the American people including his taxes, his meetings, his orders and the conflict of interest of his businesses promoted by his executive investiture,
Gerald Guy says
Don’t buy into the hysteria. The school board can’t see into the future to tell us what the core curriculum will be in 2025 let alone how this bill will affect generations to come. Frankly, if public education did a better job, private eduction would not have life.
American says
Freedom. Freedom of choice. Truth – One curriculum does not fit all children. Freedom. Truth – Public schools receive money for each home schooled child. Freedom from the socialist agenda, that what’s right for one is right for all. Freedom from those who do not put children first. Freedom from politics before the people. Freedom from school boards that do not poll parents on important issues then have the nerve to speak for us to our state government. Freedom from school board members we voted in and promised transparency.