Monday evening Palm Coast City Manager Matt Morton learned that some sort of Trump rally was planned for Thursday morning–on City Hall property, adjacent to the city’s government building in Town Center. The city had not issued a permit for such a rally–certainly not on its property, where it would not do so, nor anywhere else in the city, where it would issue it if it had time and data to know what it was issuing it for.
But much of that information was elusive–there was confusion about the rally’s location, as opposed to where some of the rally’s equipment would be placed–and remained so even as today wore on.
On Monday afternoon a certain Doug Altman had contacted Jared Dawson in the city’s recreation department, informing him about the rally. Dawson wrote Code Enforcement Manager Barbara Grossman and Jacqueline Gonzalez, a senior planning technician, that from what he’d learned, Altman’s group “were planning a Trump rally on March 4th in Central Park. From what he told me, they plan on having a 40’x10′ float they want to park in the NE lot next to city hall from 9-10 a.m. It will be playing music and people can take pictures with it. He said that Joe Mullins and Ed Danko are supporting or involved with this event.”
Mullins is a county commissioner. Danko is a Palm Coast City Council members. Both are ardent Trump supporters who devote much of their time on social media promoting the ex-president. Danko is a member of the local Trump Club. Dawson was seeking guidance. “From our conversation it seemed like the commissioner and councilman might have just gave them a go ahead on this event but someone said they might need a permit so that is how I got involved.”
Neither Mullins nor Danko in their roles as elected officials have the authority to green-light a rally. Danko said he did not tell the organizers that they could hold a rally on City Hall grounds, only that they might find out what’s possible from City Hall. “These folks contacted me and they contacted Mullins and they wanted assistance setting it up,” Danko said. “I said I don’t know any place you could do it. Talk to City Hall. Joe sent them to City Hall, from what I understand. I’m told they filed for a permit.”
Danko elaborated: “This guy that texted me said Mullins sent him to City Hall and said do it there, and they were going to file for a permit. He told me whoever he filed with told him it should be pretty easy to get done, and I said well, let me know when you have a permit in hand and the Trump Club will announce you have a rally. But if you don’t have a permit we’re not announcing anything.”
Danko said Mullins directed them to hold their rally by City Hall because Mullins was under the impression that a Black Lives Rally had been held there. Mullins was inaccurate: no such rally had been held there.
As word spread of a possible Trump rally near City Hall, Morton said that given the current climate and recent history, staffers began worrying about what the rally would entail: it’s only a few weeks ago that insurrectionists stormed Congress in Trump’s name, in the culmination of a Trump rally.
The group–or individual, as the case may be–planning the Trump event in Palm Coast appears far more harmless though, based on its self-portrayal on the web. Danko said the group is called the Trump Unity Bridge. If that is in fact the entity that was planning the appearance, it is not much more than a man, Rob Cortis, with a pick-up truck trailing a gothically adorned pro-Trump float, itself not so much bait for a rally as a paradish display of the usual Trump catch phrases (“drain the swamp,” “build the wall,” “Honk 4 Trump,” “make America…” and so on), braced with loud speakers that play music as the float sits or drives by. If Liberace were a float, he might look a bit like Cortis’s.
He’s been crisscrossing the country since 2017. “It’s here to help unite America so everybody can learn to get along,” Cortis said in a brief interview on Fox and Friends shortly before the inauguration of Trump in 2017.
“From what I’ve gathered and from what they’ve also told me and I’ve looked at their website, they go around to various places and have these popup rallies for an hour or something,” Danko said. “They don’t look like a violent organization to me at all by those pictures they have up. You know, we’re not all insurgents.” But, the councilman said, “if they show up without a permit, that would be pretty dumb. If we’re not promoting it, none of our members are going to know about it.”
The city was less aware of what was behind the request from Altman (a Delray Beach resident who three years ago told the Palm Beach Post that Trump was the greatest president next to Abraham Lincoln). Altman himself did not respond to an email before this article published. But he exchanged emails with the city’s Gonzalez, who sent him an event request form and a site map of Central Park, along with a map of the lot next to City Hall, where he apparently foresaw setting up the float.
“Please complete both forms and return to me as soon as possible,” Gonzalez told him around midday Tuesday. The subject line of the email thread was” “Trump Rally.”
“Joe Mullins tells me he has us setting up right beside City Hall, so I assume it is in the City Hall parking lot,” Altman responded, confirming that it was, in fact, Mullins who had given him the impression he could set up there. (It’s not clear why Mullins hadn;t directed them to county grounds: local Trump supporters held a permit-less rally that drew scores of vehicles and hundreds of participants on the grounds of the county courthouse on Election day last year.)
Gonzalez corrected him. “It can’t be placed in City Hall Parking Lot. The area shown on your plan is an secured area for City Fleet Vehicles and can only be accessed except by key card,” she wrote him back. But she gave him an option of an adjacent location. “Each one of the location participants can stand on the sidewalk or in grass area that’s
[] City Property. Please confirm which option you prefer, or provide an alternative.” Altman chose a particular lot. (The documents provided FlaglerLive did not include the site maps where he showed his preference.)
This morning, Altman asked Gonzalez: “How are you doing on approval?”
“Can you come in and sign the original hold harmless agreement,” she wrote him back early this afternoon. “I am a notary, so I can then sign it for you.” By then, Morton had asked city staff not to issue a permit or to communicate with Altman since there was no time to study the request and determine whether it would comply with event requirements from a public safety perspective. “I issued a full stop on this, until we have time to evaluate all this,” the city manager said this afternoon. But Morton acknowledged that the city process in response to such requests must be clarified, so timelines and deadlines are more explicitly laid out.
Morton was under the impression that Altman would show up regardless, with or without permit. Morton, after meeting with the city attorney, said that in the absence of a better understanding of what a particular rally might entail, and without the proper preparations and security measures in place–without an executed permit, in other words–the city could more legally restrict demonstrations on its own City Hall property, but it could not do so on such grounds as Central Park, a city park, for example, or in the streets. “People have the right for peaceful assembly, that’s enshrined,” he said.
At 1:47 p.m., Altman emailed Gonzalez again about the “hold harmless” agreement: “Thank you, Jacqueline, but I am in Delray Beach. I guess it’s not going to happen. Thanks, anyway.” Morton took that to mean that Altman intended to hold the event regardless.
Danko, who learned of the developments separately, said that was not the case, from what he understood.
“These guys sent me the message that they didn’t get the permit, that the city wanted them to come in and sign a waiver in person, so they told me the event is cancelled,” Danko said. “At this point is a non-starter.”
It may well be. But given the float’s peripatetic history, it could just as well appear in the city at some point anyway: by mid-evening, word was they might park it at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Richard says
All of the left liberals have their panties in a wad only because it has something to do with Trump. I’d bet that if representatives of Biden or Harris wanted to do something similar people in Palm coast would be falling over one another to make it happen. Hypocrites they are!
CJ says
Like President Trump, who is also a hypocrite? Seems like you need to learn your history.
Bill C says
If anyone is a hypocrite it is you and all the law and order Trumpists. This rally, without a permit, was illegal.
Outsider says
And in order to maintain consistency in his policies Biden should give all the rally-goers free food, medical care and housing.
Brando says
How thick can you get mate? He lost move on get over it, it isn’t healthy to worship people like this. I haven’t seen anything like this in my life what a bunch of sore losers. If I remember correctly didn’t you guys say to the democrats to get over it when he won in 2016? Now, look where we are at and you guys have to get over it move on. You gotta be one of those Hale Bopp comet kinda person believing that he’s getting in on the 4th of march, Do you wear the tin foil on your head and look at the sky for aliens? The city doesn’t want that in their town regardless of what you think. You would have a hard time in Europe where I come from this is laughed at.
Mark says
Last time I checked, this was America, and peaceful protesting was allowed. Even encouraged. Get over it!
CJ says
How about you get over it by posting trigger comments that is borderline Spam here?
Michael Cocchiola says
Not any more if Florida enacts the bill going through our legislature that would impose criminal penalties for protests that annoy DeSantis or Republican-infected counties.
except if you are black, be real dude, stop talking with blinders on
brando says
Is that where we are? peaceful protesting with Trump? did you miss Jan. 6th? Do you need a history lesson? Get off it and move on your starting to look funny. You need to get over it.
Graylon E Johnson says
There is no end to Mullins and Danko continual to push lies about Trump election lost. Trump lost and this has to stop. This is supporting the march that is planned on the capital tomorrow. They are elected officials and should not be involved in this activity. This supports QAnon false claim that Trump will be President tomorrow. Time for these two to start representing all Palm Coast residents and not just Trump supporters.
Matthew says
Well how about a put Reagan back in office I realise he’s dead but reanimate him because I’m a new ignorant dumb Republican wooo!! I hope you feel the sarcasm get over he lost wtf…..get a new drive or focus in your life because it’s still the only country were you can
Concerned Citizen says
When are these nitwits going to get it through their fog of illusion that trump is no longer president, he did NOT win, and realistically, will most likely never be again? Can we say delusional???? These people need to take their meds. Seriously.
Whatever. says
Q Rally! haha, what idiots! I heard Trump said yesterday to go run off a cliff – he said it was the only way to show your patriotism as a true patriot! Bet the McDonalds will be guest Q speakers at this highlight event!
ASF says
These Trumpers are an embarrassment to our town. They run all over everybody else and act like complete bullies. But they are not Lords and Ladies of the manor with the rest of the town (and especially City Hall) functioning as Serfs who do their personal political bidding.
Enough is enough–especially where Mullins is concerned. He has gotten WAY more than the three strikes anyone else would be accorded. He should be out.
Victoria says
They have the right to do whatever they please, as long as they do not interfere with my life. After all this is Trump Country. If I find it repugnant, I will need to move. They will be happy to see me gone and I will no longer need to deal with people who have diminished mentality and limited to no critical thinking skills.
Linda Hagman says
If this is “Trump Country” –it’s time to take our Country back!
deb says
Not enough voters to vote, its the same people that re-elected Mullins
ASF says
…As for Altman and Cortis–They aren’t even residents of Palm Coast. They are Trump political operatives from out of town. This is all on Danko and Mullins.
Michael Cocchiola says
Danko and Mullins are beyond irrational. Some might call them unhinged, and worse. They both have such troubled personal histories that in a saner world they’d be precluded from holding public office. They worship a deposed, disgraced, and dangerous threat to our democracy. They continue to promote his Big Lie that led directly to a deadly insurrection. They plot and scheme to turn Flagler County into a dark and disturbing haven for right-wing nutjobs. They tried to usurp authority and hold a “rally” at our Palm Coast City Hall for the most delusional and potentially violent trumpers to demonstrate to their false god just how far they’d go to restore his dictatorial powers.
Our community needs to come together and excise the deadly cancer of trumpism. Danko and Mullins must go!
Ramone says
It’s truly amazing how unhinged the Liberal Left has become in this Country. If you don’t want to participate in a rally or protest, don’t. Stay home! But don’t tread on the rights of those that choose to support political candidates that you’re not happy with. This fragmentation that’s occurred in this country (because the Left hate orange man) has destroyed 245 years of what we’ve worked to achieve in this country. It’s truly sad. You should all be ashamed.
Reba says
I believe the point was that proper authorization was required. This is after the fact so I don’t know if any rally/protest went on. You need permissions for both.
David Schaefer says
Agree 100%. Thank You for your comment.
mausborn says
Trump and Co. lied and fleeced his base and then left them out to dry. Right about now that realization is hitting home for most of them. Sad, not sad. If it wasn’t a pandemic I would implore the Bernie supporters (the college sorority clubs) to show up at these sad protests and just give them all a hug. They all thought they were finally a part of something, they mattered, they were somebody. It’s got to be a big let down to find out he’s just your average conman, no different than some sleazy used car salesman.
Even if there’s just one of them, the press would rather zoom in and give these Trumpistas the special treatment, than ask any of the 81 million Americans who voted for Biden—and saw the Republicans embark on a vicious two-month campaign to throw out their votes and overthrow their government—-what they think about things. The “all white diner” interviews of Trump voters are a permanent feature of journalism, apparently. The view of the vast majority: not of interest to NBC, ABC, CBS, or the New York Times.
Rob says
Yuck. Trump is horrible. What is the attraction to this guy? It seems like forty something percent of our population is suffering from some sort of mass insanity.
Make America GREAT Again says
Ill be there with my ” F*CK BIDEN ” flag !!!!
YankeeExPat says
News Flash…… Make America GREAT Again.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
Just stop and think how much of our hard earned tax dollars are being squandered on an elected official whose only interest is chopping heads off of ‘liberals’ .hurl libelous at his constituents ..organize events that have no bearing on the job he is paid to do..and yet he has the chutzpah to announce how busy his other businesses keep him ! Mullins can’t even come up.with a humane tethering ordinance he promised a year ago.. no time for anything other than collecting a paycheck to spend at his whims which unfortunately are further from reality in my opinion than earth is from Mars.
LetThemEatCake says
If it was a BLM rally , they would bring the cops in, so I expect the same done for a non-permitted rally.
robjr says
If those Klu Klux trumpers and their heil hitler performance show up be sure to have the local SWAT , State Police, with dogs and tear gas at the ready as a show of force.
New to Flagler says
Hey I have an idea…Mullins and Danko how about spending less time and energy on that irrelevant “has-been” and instead focus on the people in your county? Novel idea I know but thought I’d throw it out there. We are ALL tired of the clown car parades, give it a rest.
David S. says
We are sick and tired of Trump get over it people he lost period.
Jack Beam says
its their right….. TRUMP 2024
oldtimer says
Mullins involved, what a suprise
Sad Times says
Stupidity abounds…when Republicans are around. It is as simple as that. Rules are for everyone else, but Republicans…who can’t win…unless they lie and cheat. Simple!
But, citizens….you are responsible. You voted the stupidity to run our local government. You voted for Republicans who care NOTHING about you. You voted for Republicans who care only about lining their own pockets. Simple!
I still am looking for a TRUE answer….why do citizens vote for Republicans who care NOTHING about them? What do you get? You certainly get chaos. Perhaps that is what our citizens want? Do you like that our officials are dealing with this possibility of an illegal assembly? Money out of your pockets, citizens!
I resent the fact that we citizens have to pay our taxes…for the stupidity of our local government …who follow an ex-president who has been impeached twice; who claims to be a good businessman, but who has gone bankrupt over four times. I don’t believe that a true businessman, such as Warren Buffet…has gone bankrupt four times. Stupidity on the part of voters who believe Trump has been a good businessman. Stupidity.
Ron says
I voted for our former President. But why bother peacefully protesting? Let’s continue to call out the corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle who are only in politics for their own gain. Let’s institute term limits and stop lobbyist.
Sure I am not happy. Let’s revamp our election process requiring picture ID’s and only US citizens. This election cycle was full of corruption.
Whathehck? says
Please name a few or even just one non-US citizen who voted in this past election. Name a few dead Democrats who voted, name a few Democrats who voted twice in the past election and you would have a leg to stand on. The proof is in the pudding, so stop your nonsense and stop following the piper. Look up words in the dictionary like lie, deception, fabrication, falsehood, falsification, fiction, untruth, it will do you good and you might learn something.
palmcoaster says
Keep up with the lies denying that Biden wont fare and square and adding fuel to the fire…an I am GOP registered that voted for him to boot a dictator. The orange man lost so get over!
T says
Fine them all big show business
Percy's mother says
Yet another big sigh . . . still looking for another planet I can live on (peacefully).
Agkistrodon says
“Those people don’t think like ME, so they should be SILENCED”, that is what I am hearing from a bunch of “tolerant” people. Tolerant-accepting only like minded people-Tolerant….there that can be YOUR new definition to substantiate your tolerance……sad sad people, so concerned with what others are doing, and so much desire to control them,….yep that is tolerance.
Jimmy059 says
Writing as a 45yr Republican, this has been the single most issue as to why Republicans lost the house, Senate, and White House. It’s because of Trump and his racist, sexist, and any other “ists” you can think of. He IS responsible for a significant number of virus deaths due to his lack of leadership. This is a guy who lost by 7 million votes and never received over 50% approval ratings. NEVER. Republicans need to move on way past Trump and his circus clowns and start pulling up great leaders from our ranks and start putting forward good plans for our country or we will never get back into office. Leave these Cruz, Hauley, and Portmans behind and lets get back to doing what we do best. People like Mullins and Danko are followers. We need leaders. Leaders that can work for everyone and not one party. We don’t need to continue with rallies for a failed leader. We need rallies for bringing up ideas and showing leadership. Not continuing to cry and whine that we lost. The Republicans are now becoming the NO group. Saying NO to everything even it’s the best idea for all. Look at our senators and representatives. They are all NO people now. Not a leader in the group.
Get smart fellow Republicans. If we don’t move on from this clown, we will never have our ideas brought forward and put in place. Lets work with everyone for the best of everyone.
Ejh says
You are spot on unless the R party can produce charismatic leaders with a message other than fictitious voter fraud the party is doomed. Attempts to suppress the vote will brand the R party as racists and eliminate the minority vote for generations. You can’t win with just angry white men, Trumpism has buried the party for decades, move on or become extinct.
Concerned Citizen says
I’m still waiting on Mullins to be charged and arrested for his comments on the air.
Sadly it will never happen because we have a Republican Sheriff who is more interested in prosecuting our children. And is more interested in protecting a BOCC member.
If you or I had made those comments we would still be sitting in jail with no bond. And getting the maximum sentence.
Jane Gentile-Youd says
To Concerned citizen..You are spot on. Sheriff and State Attorney both in Joe’s pocket in my opinion in addition to his 2 pals on the commission
SodaMichael says
The guy that created this said “It’s here to help unite America so everybody can learn to get along,”
A wonderful idea. Maybe I’ll bring my Biden Harris flag and stand at one end of his bridge to show how it is bringing Americans together.
Can someone make sure that EMS is close by when the “Trumpies” show what they think about uniting the country??
Mythoughts says
Why are elected officials like Mullin and Danko allowed to be out promoting any party, they should be out there telling the taxpayers that pay their salaries what they are doing for us.
Someone needs to tell Mullin and Danko that Donald Trump is no longer the President and is just another citizen like anyone else so why are they wanting to have a public rally for him?
If Mullin and Danko want to spend their time promoting someone that is just a regular citizen now let them resign from their positions with Flagler County and the City of Palm Coast and go work for Donald polishing his golf clubs.
Michael Cocchiola says
I woke up this morning wondering if the former guy was restored to power in a massive revolution of 74 million QAnon cultists supported by law enforcement and the military services. Guess not. Our democracy still stands according to MSNBC.
When’s the next revolution? Joe or Ed… you get the word yet? I don’t follow QAnon so I miss a lot of the important stuff.
Mark says
I think it is now legal in Florida to run protesters over with your car. Jus sayin.
Tim stur says
The last time I checked the us constitution peaceful protests do not require a permit.
TR says
Be careful, you might get arrested for starting a trend.
Humanist says
Hello Americans/Human Race,
It saddens me that we have resorted to a non-unity system of Republicans vs. Democrats. We claim to be the most powerful and free country in the world, however we are in line to be the weakest positive conscience for freedom of thinking and forgiveness in the world. I am by far not an unrealistic person. Understand the fact that we all have differences, but we are one country and should do what is best for America and each other as a whole. America was based on a sovereign nation and should not be based on race, creed, color, sex, orientation or mindset. Please be kind and understanding of one another and realize that ego and mean thinking should not be the basis of our society. “Getting over” on someone does not make your life or theirs better.
Hawkeye says
For all: this county voted Trump. It’s a red county. Your negative comments from the other side fall on deaf ears.
Linda says
Enjoy it while it lasts…
Whathehck? says
Ok if you insist that this is a red county you will have to agree that this is a blue country. But you would be wrong in both instances because this is an American County in an American Country. Go red, white and blue.
Mythoughts says
Mullin should have been removed from office two years ago, is the County that desperate for Commissioners? Do they have to keep someone unhinged? Now there’s Danko his sidekick boy this County is going down the tubes, they need to start respecting taxpayers’ wishes and that gives these two their walking papers.
Mullin is a loose cannon and sooner or later the County is going to get suit for not getting rid of him. Look at his track record it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see he not a benefit to this county.
Wow says
‘ “People have the right for peaceful assembly, that’s enshrined,” he said.’
Well not if DeSantis gets his way. You do know that our governor wants to remove your constitutional right?
capt says
So much hate from both sides. Dam shame what this great country of ours has become.
Blerbfivefamily says
I am pretty sure that only Governor DeSantis could remove Mr. Mullins not the County Commissioners. The BOCC could have censured him but chose not to move forward so I do not think a lawsuit against the County would have any merit. And if you do not want Mr. Mullins re-elected then get out and vote.
Justamedstudent says
We need to move on. This Trump reddick has gone on long enough time to change the radio station see what else is out there. We need variety someone that knows what they are doing and has a cognitive thought process that can get us to where we need to be. I’m tired of being under a pandemic and the last clown didn’t care enough about the people to be proactive and start planning and protecting the people he instead was worried about himself. Personally, I think Biden is going to do a good job and he’s going to let scientist and educated people do their jobs and he isn’t going to silence them. That is what I enjoy the most about him as a future healthcare provider this is important what we do in medicine isn’t a joke and it is saved people’s lives. Trump has put so much stress on the healthcare workers it’s ridiculous. Overall it is time to move forward we are America and we are awesome and we will be fine with or without Trump he isn’t what defines what we are or who we are. He’s lost touch with reality and the values of this country and what it stands for and his followers have followed him and forgot too which is sad. Again this is just an opinion and just a comment you don’t have to agree that is the beautiful thing about this country. But if you disagree and say something that doesn’t make sense and you don’t have proof to back your claims on what you think is wrong I will ask you to provide proof and a valid peer-reviewed source. Don’t come at me and say he’s did great on the economy and healthcare and jobs show me the evidence. I’m a scientist and without proof or evidence, I will laugh at you and make you feel like a punk I won’t call you stupid we are adults here. Well some of us are haha.
Concerned Citizen says
So much hate and division among the commenters here.
All of you are arguing and fighting with each other. Calling names and insulting. Especially when an opinion differs from your own. That’s exactly what these polliticians strive for.
Half of you are ready to fight and go to jail over people who at the end of the day don’t give a rats ass about any of you. And surely won’t come bail you out.
All of these problems started with us the voters. We enable these politicians to do what they are doing. Some of us tried for change but the majority spoke. And wanted the same because it’s what you know and are comfortable with.
Remember this at the polls next time.
David Schaefer says
Trump started all of this hate in this country period.