By Ron Stagg
People around the world — including many Americans — cannot understand why a sizeable portion of the United States population continues to support Donald Trump, despite an ever-increasing list of charges against him, including the latest indictments in Georgia.
Before the newest charges were announced, Trump was running neck and neck against President Joe Biden in a hypothetical rematch. It seems unlikely the Georgia indictments, pertaining to alleged attempts to interfere with the 2020 presidential election results, will erode the former president’s support.
This shocks people because strong backing of a man who lies, cheats and threatens the U.S. Constitution has no precedent in national politics. However, there is a precedent in state politics which almost reached the presidential level, and some comparable situations in other countries.
You can always get what you want?
Those who support Trump unconditionally have not varied much since the last election. This support encompasses numerous groups with numerous reasons, but, for most, there is one overriding concern. They believe that he will get them results on the issues that they feel are the most important in the country.
Evangelical Christians who support him do so because he appointed conservative justices, leading to — among other outcomes — the overturning of Roe v. Wade. His extra-marital affairs pale in comparison to this long-term goal of the Christian right.
Some disenchanted Democratic voters have joined the Trump bandwagon. They include blue-collar workers and small business people who see jobs being sent overseas, as well as some Latino voters who regard Trump as acting in concert with their Catholic morality by appointing justices who are more conservative. They also like his opposition to illegal immigration.
The tens of thousands of potential immigrants struggling to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border frighten those worried that they will lose the non-skilled jobs still remaining in the U.S., and those in rural areas who see the values of what they consider traditional white America under threat.
For all of these supporters, getting what they want is more important than worrying about Trump’s marital indiscretions, purloined government documents or whether he tried to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election or encouraged the storming of the Capitol building on Jan. 6, 2021.
Lies become the truth
Of course, there is more to Trump’s appeal than simply promising to Make America Great Again. He is a true demagogue who repeats his simple message over and over again, often loudly and with great emphasis. He repeatedly and relentlessly demeans his detractors and lies about the 2020 election.
A quote attributed to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, translates roughly as: “Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth.”
Trump uses this technique very effectively with his supporters, including those on the far-right fringe, who respond well to his implied message to “make America white again.” A substantial portion of the Republican Party reinforces Trump’s lies by either agreeing with his claims of election fraud, or being careful not to comment on them or to criticize Trump.
The effect of social media in Trump’s allure shouldn’t be dismissed. There you will find “proof” of Trump’s claims — plots by the “Deep State” and by Democratic justice officials to persecute the winner of the 2020 election. These allegations are highly effective with citizens who have turned away from mainstream media because of its criticism of the man who is working for them.
While there is no other presidential candidate who has used this demagoguery and appeal to prejudice so brazenly, there is a partial parallel in Huey Long, governor of Louisiana from 1928 to 1932 and a U.S. senator from 1932 to 1935.
A supporter of the poor, a harsh critic of banks and a believer in authoritarian government, he was famous for his rousing speeches. A controversial figure, he was dogged by accusations of political corruption but nonetheless loved by many. He was planning to run for president but was assassinated in 1935.
Trump’s Brazilian doppelganger
For a modern parallel, one must look outside the United States.
The most obvious parallel is in Brazil, where strongman Jair Bolsonaro ruled from 2018 to 2023. He is a man Trump admires, claiming that Bolsonaro “fights hard for, and loves, the people of Brazil — just like I do for the people of the United States.”
Bolsonaro believed in cutting taxes, defending “family values” and was opposed to gun control and immigration from places like Haiti and the Middle East. Considered racist, sexist and homophobic by some, his fiery speeches often incited violence, particularly against political opponents, criminals and “reds.”
He dismissed COVID-19 as a fantasy, resulting in Brazil having one of the highest rates of infection in the world. Defeated in 2022, he did not acknowledge the defeat, but said that he would abide by the country’s constitution.
He left the country rather than acknowledge his defeat, but his supporters stormed the Supreme Court, the congress building and the presidential palace to try to overturn the election. Unlike Trump, he’s been barred from running for office until 2030 because of his refusal to accept his defeat, and prosecuted for election fraud.
The coming months will reveal whether the charges against Trump will erode his support or instead encourage his supporters to continue donating millions of dollars to support his election bid and his legal fees. So far, those supporters are showing no signs of turning against him.
Ron Stagg is Professor of History at Toronto Metropolitan University.

Justbob says
There of course is a reason Trump stated he loves the uneducated.
The dude says
Because they’re jingoistic and simple minded dullards.
They conflate a flag lapel pin with true patriotism.
Are impressed with people who carry pocket constitutions even if those people don’t know or understand what that constitution actually says.
And they’re just plain hateful and fearful of everything.
Jimbo99 or Dennis will be along shortly to confirm all I’ve said.
JimboXYZ says
Ask yourself if you are truly better off for Biden-Harris 3 years into the crap show ? This isn’t about Trump, it’s more about the 1st 3 years of Biden. Maybe you like to pay double for what you were getting before and get less while doing it ?
Everything they’ve indicted Trump of, the whole bunch is guilty of. Funny, haven’t read any stories of Trump bank accounts getting millions of dollars in deposits from foreign sources that were never taxed & paid ? Why is that ?
I’m the last one to wrap up what’s going on in an American Flag & play the Star Spangled Banner in the background. For some reason the software doesn’t like Jimbo99 for the numbers, so I had to create Jimbo XYZ to post this.
Edith Campins says
Yes, we are better. We are not being lied to constantly, promised things like a healthcare plan that never materialized, the national debt isn’t being increased by trillions due to unneeded tax cuts, we know that there won’t be an attack on the capitol if Biden loses the election. Economist are that the economy is doing better and inflation is coming down. The stock market is higher than ever. As for the deposits into bank accounts, etc., why is it that with all their hearings and investigations Republicans haven’t come up with any actual proof of such things? We do however, know for a fact that Jared got $2 billion from the same Saudis that gave us bin Laden and dismembered Kashoggi.
Tired of it says
You obviously missed this:
Skibum says
To answer your question, HELL YES! America would have been better off having a pet rock as president after 4 horrible years of the disgraced, twice impeached, sexual abuser, child-like mob boss ex-prez. And this is remembering his presidency even before he incited the MAGA mob to storm the U.S. Capitol, causing the deaths of police officers and at least one of his supporters inside the capitol bldg, all the while conspiring with his sycophants to fraudulently attempt to send fake elector documents, confiscate and alter states’ election machines, and beg elected officials to find and give him votes against the wishes of the voters who cast their votes for another candidate. HELL YES, I am better off, you are better off, and America is so much better off now that the despicable loser is gone and facing the justice that he so well deserves!
Steve says
I would pay 5Xs more for Everything than have that fool represent me
Sherry says
@ Dude. . . Don’t worry, all the Jimbos, and of course dennis, will soon post their mindless FOX talking points. . . Yawn!
Scott says
How blind can they be when the truth is right out there except of course on Fake Fox. Trump isn’t paying attorney’s fee’s for those that are getting arrested for lying for him. He didn’t help those that went to prison after January 6th. He could careless about them all he cares about is himself and asking suckers to keep sending him money so he can pay for his lawyers and play golf everyday.
Stop being his fool and face the truth.
Skibum says
I’m not at all surprised by those trumpty dumpty loving individuals who continue to remain loyal to their mob boss ex president despite the multiple indictments and the truth that is plainly visible to so many of the rest of America. My mom, although I love her to death, has been self-isolating from Earth 1 for quite a few years, only getting news and information from Fauxinfotainment and right-wing religious broadcasting TV stations that correspond to her own views and perspectives. When I have discussed everyday news topics or even general knowledge information with her, I have been shocked and dismayed not only by the sheer lack of knowledge and insight she has regarding what is happening in the nation and around the world, but also by the amount of misinformation and distrust that has been pounded into her head by idiot right wing religious fanatics and TV personalities who have led her to believe she cannot trust or believe information from any other sources except them. A recent national poll showed that a whopping 71% of the indicted ex-prez’s followers believe he is more trustworthy than the followers’ own friends and family members. Talk about a cult personality disorder!!!
Sherry says
A must read for all those who still believe in our democracy:
Laurel says
Sherry: Yes, I’ve seen lifelong Republican retired Federal Judge Michael Luttig speak more than once. He is a very intelligent individual, who is still a solid conservative Republican. People should not be afraid to watch your link.
JimBob says
The simple truth is that Trump and his acolytes like Marjorie Taylor and Matt Gaetz reflect the character of a near majority of the American public, that character having been shaped by the internet and by the depraved and distorted moral values of pseudo-evangelical Christianity widely popular in our country.
Laurel says
Justbob, Dude and Scott: You all got it right!
It’s mind blowing just how determined Trump’s followers are to ignore the truth and stick by him no matter what bs he provides them. He doesn’t give a damn about them other than for them to stay loyal to him. They should be careful what they ask for as they just might get it: a dictator.
I will be watching the Republican debate tonight, but I will not waste time with proven liars Trump and Carlson. I watched an interview with Trump and Kudlow, and Trump just rambled on and on and on, in multiple, unrelated directions, without saying anything. This is just another one of his marketing stunts. He is scared to death of Christie, and I wish Fox Entertainment would avoid Trump altogether, but they won’t. A mug shot would be nice, though.
Jackson says
The Republicans are holding primary elections just to try and give people the impression that they are a functional political party instead of the cult that they are.
Veterans who voted for Republicans are relieved the Democrats stopped their representatives from sending them into poverty, suffering and death. Republican veterans sure hope the Democrats can continue to save them from their Republican Congresspeople even after they vote Republicans in again.
Sherry says
Bet you won’t see this news report on Fox or Newsmax:
A Delaware judge on Wednesday rejected Newsmax’s attempt to throw out part of a defamation case brought by the election technology company Smartmatic against the right-wing network.
Smartmatic sued Newsmax after the network repeatedly aired false claims about the 2020 election — specifically the lie that the company’s software was involved in an international plot to rig the presidential election against Donald Trump. The company later updated its lawsuit to add 26 additional examples of alleged defamation, claiming it found the new material during the discovery process, when Newsmax turned over “hundreds of hours” of broadcasts.
The ruling on Wednesday from Delaware Superior Court Judge Eric Davis means those additional allegations will remain in the lawsuit, in a blow to Newsmax.
Smartmatic is also suing Fox News for $2.7 billion over the right-wing network’s airing of baseless conspiracy theories surrounding the 2020 election. Dominion Voting Systems, another voting technology company that settled a defamation suit against Fox News for a historic $787 million, is also suing Newsmax over the false claims.
Boobycuse says
Trumps got my vote
Sherry says
@booby. . . so very sad for you!
Laurel says
Well, I watched the debate last night. My lifelong Republican husband (who changed to NPA when Trump got in) left after 30 minutes. I hung in there for another 15 minutes until disgust overcame me too.
In my opinion, Fox did a terrible job of monitoring the candidates, letting them yammer all over the place. Fox loves discourse. DeSantis looked like a lunatic. Anyone with half a brain knows no one would perform an abortion at the time of birth, how stupid is that? It’s completely illogical, yet, that’s what the lunatic stated. Vivek Ramaswamy also, looked off the charts wacko, with the same claim. If their fans were paying any attention at all, they would see the lies. Neither could answer a straight question.
Nikki Haley surprised me by being more moderate. She actually appeared to have at least one foot on the ground. Chris Christie disappointed me when he compared Ramaswamy to Obama. That was absurd, but he at least kept his lips off Trump’s ass.
All but two were there for Trump, and raised their hands in support of Trump, even if he becomes a convicted felon. What a pathetic group! So, with the exception of two, the rest of the group was there not to run for President, but to work for Trump. What a waste of time.
This is not the Republican Party. This is the Trump Party. These are not conservatives, and should not be referred to as such. They are the Party of Trump, and should be named so from now on. Meanwhile, Trump did his me, me, me, victim, me thing (I did not watch) elsewhere, and tonight, he will turn himself in for the Georgia indictment, during prime time on TV. I’ll be watching Netflix, my time being much more valuable than spending it with his narcissistic crap.
Tony Mack says
Republicans create nothing to help the average American — they only destroy. And they intend to destroy this Republic!!! Think about last night’s Republican debate — each of them essentially said they would be just fine with a convict sitting in the White House, his finger on the nuclear trigger. And think about the fact that all Republican members of the House and Senate also would be just fine with a convicted felon sitting in the White House. And think about the fact that approximately 75 million Americans would be just fine with a convict sitting in the very same place as FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Reagan…what the hell has happened to this country I fought for?
Everyone of Trump’s co-conspirators should be voted out of office.
Laurel says
Tony Mack: Allow me to reiterate. These are not Republicans. They are the Trump Party.
Republicans believe government should not be in your bedroom.
Trump Party believes they should legislate your genitals.
Trump Party believes they know better who you should love.
Republicans believe in Rule of Law.
Trump Party believes anything Trump wants he should get, and ignore the law.
Republicans believe that the government should not have overreach of businesses.
Trump Party (who DeSantis mimics) fights Mickey Mouse when the mouse stands up for free speech.
Republicans believe there should not be an authoritarian, kingdom style government.
Trump Party’s leader states “I alone can do it.”
Republicans believe in the Constitution.
Trump Party’s leader stated he wants to terminate the Constitution.
I’m sure there are real Republicans out there who could tell us more.
These current, supposed *Republicans* are not Republicans, or conservatives, they are the Party of Trump. Aka, the Trump Cult.
John says
Donald is counting on the idiots that only listen to Fox lies and propaganda. They aren’t smart enough to listen to the truth. They worship someone that could careless about them. FOOLS RUSH IN!
David Schaefer says
To all those TRUMP supporters on this page you have a screw loose. Why in the world are you still supporting that crook is beyond me . Trump is a looser we all know that , he is the biggest POS ever….
Ed says
What if it’s a Trojan horse? The DNC believes that President Biden would be the only probable victor against Trump. And the Republican Primary voting doesn’t start until March 2024 and the Don withdraws a week before? The Republicans then assemble a formidable team from the 9 remaining candidates, a President and Vice Presidential candidate to run against who? RFK Jr, Gavin Newsom? The Dems are between a sh## and a sweat. Kamala? Good luck. No bench, no options.
Smart money says Donald Trump knows he’s a place card holder with 91 indictments to fight. He maybe more of a Patriot and smarter then the Dems give him credit.
Laurel says
The Trojan Horse does not want to go to prison.
Just, please, explain how this narcissistic, lying piece of work is a “Patriot.” This I gotta hear.
Ed says
In his narcissistic brain, he loves this country and honestly believes his policies are what are needed to “make America Great”. At 77 years old who needs this shit? He believes he is a Patriot.
I’m not saying he’s right.
I would also suggest that anyone who thinks they are smart enough and worthy of being the Leader of The Free World, holding the most powerful position on the planet is a narcissist. How could they not be?
Just one persons opinion and I’m sure I’m wrong. Right?
Ps why is every opposing idea or opinion wrong to all you liberals? You remind me of the Nuns swatting my left hand while I learning to write because they said I was using the wrong hand! They were sure, but they were still wrong.
Remember we can’t see our nose until we look for it because we trained our brain to ignore it. We all need to retrain our minds…even you Ms Laurel, even you.
Laurel says
Ed: Well, I was just about to agree with parts of what you wrote, then you went back to assumptions. One of which is that you are the only one who knows his nose.
No, I do not believe Trump believes he is a patriot, or that his policies are intended to make America great. He stole the make America great again slogan from Regan. He goes wherever he believes serves him greatly. While most of his business was in New York, he was a Democrat in a Democratic majority state. That served him well then.
As a Republican, he has manipulated his followers to abandon many Republican values. He adores Putin. Republicans have always considered Russia the enemy, but he does want a hotel in Moscow. He wants to get rid of the Constitution as it doesn’t suit him. He pretends to align himself with evangelicals. Oh, I could go on and on. There’s no patriot there.
You are correct, mostly, about egos. I think Trump never expected to win the 2016 election, but when he did, that was that! Now he can’t lose or he’ll lose face. I’ve know many bosses who were dumber than rocks, so it isn’t always the brainy one who get the jobs.
Not all opposing viewpoints are wrong to liberals or moderates. In fact, I’ve noticed that liberals are much more interested in facts, and they seem to be more open to acceptance. You know, “liberal.”
You stated about Trump’s situation “…who needs this shit?” He wallows in it. If not, he would have gracefully handed over the power to the newly elected President. If he didn’t want all this shit, he would have handed over the multiple boxes of top secret documents when the FBI asked for them. Case closed.
Laurel says
I got an “Error establishing database,” so maybe this will be posted twice.
Ed: Well, I was just about to agree with parts of what you wrote, then you went back to assumptions. One of which is that you are the only one who knows his nose.
No, I do not believe Trump believes he is a patriot, or that his policies are intended to make America great. He stole the make America great again slogan from Regan. He goes wherever he believes serves him greatly. While most of his business was in New York, he was a Democrat in a Democratic majority state. That served him well then.
As a Republican, he has manipulated his followers to abandon many Republican values. He adores Putin. Republicans have always considered Russia the enemy, but he does want a hotel in Moscow. He wants to get rid of the Constitution as it doesn’t suit him. He pretends to align himself with evangelicals. Oh, I could go on and on. There’s no patriot there.
You are correct, mostly, about egos. I think Trump never expected to win the 2016 election, but when he did, that was that! Now he can’t lose or he’ll lose face. I’ve know many bosses who were dumber than rocks, so it isn’t always the brainy one who get the jobs.
Not all opposing viewpoints are wrong to liberals or moderates. In fact, I’ve noticed that liberals are much more interested in facts, and they seem to be more open to acceptance. You know, “liberal.”
You stated about Trump’s situation “…who needs this shit?” He wallows in it. If not, he would have gracefully handed over the power to the newly elected President. If he didn’t want all this shit, he would have handed over the multiple boxes of top secret documents when the FBI asked for them. Case closed.
Sherry says
@laurel. . . Thanks so much for pointing out what “should” be the obvious since your observations are based in facts. Unfortunately, engaging with those like ed, who embrace conspiracy theories while handing over their thought process to the likes of tucker carlson, will not sway their mindless, emotionally fraught agenda.
You are not wasting your time, though, because there are many, “still thinking”, readers who agree that you have a valuable perspective to add to this dialog. I especially enjoyed your comment comparing “True Republican” values and policies to those of the “trump cult members”. In my opinion, you are absolutely correct!
Even as a Democrat, I would absolutely love to see honest, ethical, reasonable, educated Republican party members rise up. . . and, take the party back from the trump/FOX cult. We need at least TWO “sane” political parties to have a healthy democratic Republic. Because we currently do not, we are on the terrible verge of losing our democracy all together!