Agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) arrested six members of an organized retail theft ring accused of stealing nearly $90,000 worth of merchandise from big box retailers in Northeast Florida.
The suspects, all from Georgia, traveled to Florida weekly to steal merchandise using self-checkout lanes. Using self-checkout, the suspects made only partial payments before leaving stores with additional items.
Thefts occurred at stores in Nassau, Duval, St. Johns, Clay, Columbia, Volusia, Alachua, and Flagler counties. Agents say the theft ring is responsible for more than 70 separate thefts over the past 18 months.
“Organized retail theft is becoming increasingly common and impacts consumers with higher prices on the goods they buy,” FDLE Special Agent in Charge Mike Williams said. In Florida, FDLE agents fight this trend by making retail theft cases a priority and working to arrest all members of a criminal organization. I appreciate the support FDLE has from Attorney General Ashley Moody and her Office of Statewide Prosecution in ensuring those who commit these crimes are held accountable.”
FDLE’s Jacksonville Regional Operations Center began the investigation in August 2022 after receiving complaints from multiple retailers.
Robert Thad Bryant III, 40, Kingsland, Georgia, booked into Putnam County Jail
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), one count
Grand theft, 49 counts, Petit theft, seven counts
Kimberly Michelle Thompson, 46, Kingsland, Georgia, booked into Clay County Jail
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO), one count
Brian Lee Wallace, 42, Kingsland, Georgia, booked into Clay County Jail, bonded out
Grand theft, eight counts, Petit theft, one count
Christopher Neal Coats, 41, St. Mary’s, Georgia, booked into Clay County Jail
Grand theft, five counts, Petit theft, two counts
Mary Lynn Corwin, 50, Kingsland, Georgia, booked into Clay County Jail, bonded out
Grand theft, three counts, Petit theft, one count
Ryan Lee Mullis, 44, Kingsland, Georgia, booked into the Bacon County, Georgia Jail.
Grand theft, one count, Petit theft, two counts
Dennis C Rathsam says
Lock em up, and make a example of them! We dont put up with this in our state!
Joseph Barand says
Unless you happen to be an elected Republican.
Adam says
Low life’s that are too lazy to get a job.
Pogo says
@Interesting press release or whatever
And good news about bad guys.
It would be equally edifying to learn about the investigations of anticompetitive business practices, tax evasion, corruption of public officials, violation of wage and hour laws, etc., etc. — by them po lil big boxes.
Ashley dear, is the FHP remembering to send something home, from toasty Texas, for our corporate farms, mines, utilities, hotel and hospital chains, builders, manufacturers — oh hell, you know, your campaign donor list.
Speaking of thieves in the news
As stated
Another Concerned Taxpayer !!! says
Will our Governor now want to build a wall between Florida and Georgia and send troops to the Georgia Florida Line? Perfect use for his Army and Brownshirts.
TR says
Don’t know if you’re being sarcastic or not. However, you do realize that when things get stolen from stores, the stores just raise the prices of their items to make up for the lose and then you (and everyone else) have to pay for it if you want that item. So to return to your comment, If you don’t like what the Governor is doing you have options to solve the problem you have. Move to a blue state and see how that works out for you.
I hope that these morons get the strictest punishment allowed by law and hopefully not just a slap on the wrist. I also hope they will return to Ga. and never come back. I also agree with Dennis C on his comment.
Another Concerned Taxpayer !!! says
If you don’t recognize sarcasm, then there is not much I can say, you have other problems. Too often I see some people that disagree with another comment, suggest that that person move somewhere else, why is that? Personally, I am affiliated with no political party, because both parties have become too partisan and can’t seem to work together on things that benefit all, rather than gang up on each other and force partisan legislation through. Of course, these people should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law, after all, in theory, no one is supposed to be above the law.
TR says
First off I can recognize sarcasm when I hear it. But when one is typing it I can not (no one can) hear the tone the person is using making the comment as if they were speaking the words. So like everyone else recognizing so called sarcasm that someone has to read has nothing to do with the problems they have. Maybe the person that typed it has the other problems and should have done a better job to bring the sarcasm across so there would be no question.
As far as some people telling others to move somewhere else because they don’t agree with their comment. I can’t speak for others on why they do that. But I can say for myself that it’s because the comment from the other person(s) was that they are not happy or came across that they are not happy where they are. So for me the suggestion is that they should move to a place that will make them happy.
As far as the rest of your comment, I agree. I also am not affiliated with any political party. I agree with what I think is good for everyone across the board. I vote in the same manner.
The Geode says
Mann… “explaining is losing”. Stand on what you say or don’t say nothing. I will sometimes say the most inflammatory things possible, sometimes for impact – sometimes for emphasis – sometimes for the sheer hell of it. I am not going to worry myself with what a stranger thinks about it. Neither should you…
Joe D says
Alway thought the self checkout lanes would be easy for thieves to circumvent, and if they are REALLY good at it they could have a second person have a “problem” with their checkout (therefore causing a distraction for the clerk manning the self check out area).
I’m hoping there are future such operations…those prices are high enough already.
Ed P says
Oops, retailers rolled out self checkouts too quickly without taking into account the “hidden costs”. Cut payroll, increase net profits!
Customers steal more than $3 billion worth of goods at self check outs annually in the United States.
Full service on the come back trail.
Bob says
All released immediately! What a joke. Be back tomorrow in your neighborhood.
John Moreno says
Why? I think some times it just for the thrill of it. It’s exciting to get away with stuff like this.
Concerned Citizen says
They weren’t an elected official. And couldn’t bluster their way out of the situation.
Yes we still remember Victor Barbosa.
Marlee says
Big Box stores won’t have that problem…IF they….,
Get rid of Self-Checkout lanes….!
Hire more people to check out customers at registers…….
Laurel says
We go for the cashier to promote the job.
Pogo says
@Congratulations to the regular trolls
Buckle up mean girls — AI augmentation of surveillance systems already extant is awakening even as your somnambulant conga line slouches to hell.
Ask Staly, et al., if that’s mistaken.
V- Time says
Thank you to law enforcement for apprehending these thieves. I wish they would have published their faces for all to see on here
Bill m says
Does the taxpaying public know that our wonderful governor sent 70 troopers to Texas for 60 days on our dime . how much did that cost the taxpaying public, 70 troopers 70 cars 210 meals,hotels etc etc did anyone ask us or just go spend our hard earned tax money ?
Dianne says
Seriously…what he is doing is trying to help stop the bs at the border..guess you like whose coming to our country…not to mention the drugs that are killing our children….wise up …guess we know which side you vote on…
Nephew Of Uncle Sam says
Dianne why are the House Republicans holding up the bi-partisan border bill that the Senate passed? You know the one where Senate Republicans said it was a great bill.
dave says
This has zip to do with boarder’s. All of these worthless humans noted here in this article were born right here in the US of A. All have had prior arrest. What we have here is a failed Justice System. If our justice system in this country would do its job and stop pretending all criminals will be rehabilitated with a slap on the wrist, maybe these criminals would be still in jail. There is NO deterrent to crime.
Jeff says
Nice to see Florida does something about organized retail theft. In my former state of California law enforcement just shrugs about it and doesn’t even bother sending anyone out. Less than $900 stolen is a misdemeanor thanks to voters there passing a proposition that decriminalized it. So glad I left that state.
Sherry says
@ jeff. . . so glad you left California too. We absolutely did the right thing to move from Florida (where we were born and raised) to California for a thousand different reasons. Enjoy Florida’s creeping fear and hate filled Fascism!
California= open minded kindness, peace, culture, the arts, natural beauty, great food and wine, educated populace, acceptance of others, and much, much more.
Ed P says
Yep…13.3 % income tax for earners over $1,000,000 plus a 1% surcharge for mental health
Nearly 200,000 homeless(over 25%of US total)
Last year California wiped out 11 million arrest and conviction records
Near 70 BILLION deficit near term and 30 BILLION annual deficit.
Ps todays ave gas price in heaven $4.80/gallon…hooray!
More Democrat voters roaming around. They need to go to NY or Commiefornia where they won’t get arrested.