By Clara Moore
From childhood on, I’ve spent my life haunted by the ghost of poverty.
A myth exists in America that financial well-being follows if we just work hard and make good choices. But it’s not that simple. At some point, most of us face unforeseen obstacles — from physical or mental health challenges to lost jobs, economic downturns, and natural disasters.
Along with low wages and other structural causes of poverty, that puts financial well-being out of reach for about 140 million people in this country, the Poor People’s Campaign estimates.
The reality of poverty isn’t even close to the stereotype propagated by politicians who want only to fund the military and subsidize the rich while cutting everything else. This isn’t a lifestyle one chooses by being lazy and getting fat off some mythical government largesse.
For many of us, poverty means working multiple low-wage jobs and still being short on rent, child care, food, or the energy bill. Poverty means you don’t have stable transportation and live in fear of anyone in your family needing health care.
It means your children go without good winter boots or new clothes because you need the lights to stay on. It means there’s no time or money for anything beyond the scrape of daily life — no waterparks, no road trips, no relief.
People don’t choose this lifestyle. It’s created by policymakers who prioritize corporate profit and bloated military spending over investing in families in this country. Yet they expect poor people to be the ones who feel ashamed.
At one point I was living the American Dream. I’d been a successful chef, even bought a house at 23. But the 2008 collapse flipped my mortgage upside down, and the single investment I’d been able to make for my future crumbled.
A few years later, after the birth of my child, I was cast back into the same poverty I’d grown up with. Programs like Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC — the program to support women, infants, and children — kept our heads above water while I returned to university to complete an unfinished Bachelor’s degree. But our heads dipped under a few times. It was exhausting.
By the time I’d completed a graduate program and we’d eked out some stability, the pandemic hit. But this time, the help was different.
The expanded and enhanced Child Tax Credit in President Biden’s American Rescue Plan not only helped me pay my rent and monthly bills — it helped me be a better mom. Relieved of some financial anxiety, I could spend more time with my daughter and commit to the post-graduate job search, ultimately getting the good job that I have today.
Now I’m financially stable for the first time in my life. But tens of millions of others won’t get that same chance unless lawmakers act. Congress let the expanded Child Tax Credit expire at the end of 2021, even though it had cut child poverty in half. Subsequently, child poverty immediately skyrocketed — a disaster.
But now, Congress again has a chance to expand the Child Tax Credit in a tax package that may pass soon. Frustratingly, the package gives more tax breaks to corporations that already pay little to no taxes, even as it modestly expands the Child Tax Credit again — although by less than before — and improves the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit.
According to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, the new credit would lift 400,000 children out of poverty, make 3 million children less poor, and help a substantial number of the remaining 19 million poor children currently excluded from the full benefit.
It’s necessary, but not enough — too much money in the bill goes to corporations that don’t need it. Again, investment priorities are skewed in favor of the wealthy and corporations.
It’s only when we prioritize the well-being of families that we will see families thrive.
Clara Moore is a researcher and mom who lives in Newark, New Jersey. She shares her experiences in poverty as an advocate with RESULTS Educational Fund. All opinions expressed are her own and do not represent her employer.
Ban the gop says
The enhanced credit dropped child poverty by 50%! Of course the republicons want poor children so they let it expire even though every democrat voted to keep it. Sounds like they really care about kids hahaha. Forced births, banned books, and no tax credits from the “fredum” party lol.
JimboXYZ says
One flaw to this, Democrats controlled Congress in 2021, they could pass or retain anything they wanted to,
they had the votes. Biden duped you, Inflation started 01/22/2021, any coincidence it was when we got Biden-Harris sworn in ? Biden-Harris like every Government thing Democrat took away your precious child tax credit. We all end up paying more when Biden & his crew play games with the variables of pricing & overcharging for profits that are nothing more than wealth transfers. Maybe you’ll figure it out someday ?
Endless dark money says
Congress let it expire because zero republicons supported it and they have half the Congress. So once again domestic terror called gop wins.
Al says
Why only child tax credit, how about people without children. I guess you choose to have kids others have to pay.
1) corporations don’t pay taxes they just pass it thru to the consumer. It’s just an easy target for the left as most people don’t understand how the system works.
2)) it’s your child not mine so get on gear and take care of the your own.
3) same people always crying help me, help me. Your savior Joe Butthole is the reason that you can’t afford to live. Raise minimum wage , it doesn’t raise pri especially and cut jobs does it? Let in more illegals, give them food, housing, phones, and transportation it’s all free. Why should you get paid more when an illegal will do it better and cheaper?
You created your own he’ll when you voted for that jerk in the Whitehouse and you’re getting a just payback. My family is doing quite well and frankly I couldn’t give a damn about you crybabies. Elections have consequences and your seeing that first hand, ENJOY.
Pogo says
@In sum
Now I know the full power of evil. It makes ugliness seem beautiful and goodness seem ugly and weak.
— August Strindberg
The dude says
Definitely some old man yelling at the clouds energy there…
Ronald Dumpner says
Can you claim your wife’s boyfriends son on your taxes ?
Adam Friedland says
Yes! I claim Adam Junior and Lamar as well.
Greg says
I thank this is crazy. Raise your own kids, just like generations before you have. Mom and dad did without to provide for your kids. Just a free give away if tax dollars, so parents can buy a new car, or fancy wheels for the car they have. America is crap to what it used to be.
Sherry says
@greg. . . forced birth is an abomination to human kind!
Sherry says
@ greg- spoken like a positive, kind humanitarian that we all would love to be around. . . NOT!
blondee says
No mention of dad??