Last Updated: 4:32 p.m.
Steven Nobile today announced his resignation by email to fellow-Palm Coast City Council members and the city administration, writing late this morning that family health issues are precipitating a decision he’d made months ago to move to the Tampa area.
“I want to tell each of you that it has been a pleasure and an honor to serve this great city with you,” Nobile wrote council members. “Regardless of the words and the tones, I see each of you as heroes who stepped up to the challenge of doing what most people will not even consider.”
The reference to words and tone alluded to what had become a more caustic, less collegial relationship between council members in the last year and a half–since the last election–with Nobile frequently in conflict with Mayor Milissa Holland and Council member Nick Klufas, and in dissent over such matters as the handling of the charter review and, more intensely, the hiring of a manager to replace Jim Landon: twice Nobile tried to have Landon fired, and twice he failed. Nobile has ridiculed the rest of the council’s decision to stretch out the replacement of Landon over two years.
In an interview this afternoon, Nobile–always the insurgent–was more blunt about the council’s dynamics in the last two years, contrasting them sharply with those pre-dating the election of Holland, Klufas and Bob Cuff to say outright that the current council made it easier for him to move on, “because honestly I’m not enjoying it right now, that made the decision a little easier.”
Klufas spoke only of his concerns for Nobile and his family. “It’s interesting,” he said of the resignation. “I certainly hope that this isn’t his health related or they’re fighting something that isn’t a life-concerning issue. I don’t wish him any harm and I hope everything is OK.”
Nobile in the interview clarified that his decision to leave had nothing to do with his own health nor with anyone’s illness, specifically: no one is dying. It was strictly a matter of deciding how to best care for Nobile’s mother-in-law, whose health has been frail. “She’s going to be 91, She fell and hit her eye and she lost sight in that eye,” Nobile said, “had a couple of operations, then she fell and broke her leg, so she can’t be alone anymore.” The family thought about moving her to Palm Coast and renovating the house here, but that proved unfeasible, with a two-level house. So the decision was made to move to Tampa.
“It was a bittersweet, because on the one hand I get to be with my kids and grandbaby,” Nobile said, “on the other hand I have to leave where I basically grew up. I mean, this is what I call home now. I’ve been here since I was 21, 22, and I’m 57 now. So this is home. This was hard. We’ve got a lot of friends here. But it’s interesting because most of our friends are moving away. I don’t know why. They’re downsizing for one, and looking at different areas–DeLand, north. It’s strange. But it was difficult. We pondered this for months, and it just got to the level where we had to do something.”
McGuire’s resignation put the council in a difficult position as it did not wish to appoint one of the individuals already running for the seat, nor was it eager to appoint someone for just a few weeks–a sacrificial lamb, or someone who might play a key role on policy decisions only to be gone soon after. Bob Cuff essentially came to the rescue: he was one of the candidates running for McGuire’s seat. He happened to win an outright majority in the August primary, eliminating the need for a run-off in November. That made it easy for the council to simply appoint Cuff a few weeks ahead of time. He’s been on the council since.
The council may and may not have the same luck this time around. One candidate has declared for Nobile’s seat so far–John Tipton. The council could drag its feet the way it did in 2016, hoping for an outcome that would resolve the issue in the August primary. But because the resignation is happening sooner, it is likelier to discuss a replacement for what amounts to an eighth of a term. The council is likely to discuss the issue at its workshop Tuesday morning.
Holland could not immediately be reached, citing by text a series of meetings until late afternoon. Speaking after the article posted, Holland said “it will be more likely” this time that the council will make an appointment, given the timeline. “We need to discuss it as a council on what the best approach will be. I don’t want to make certain assumptions without hearing from each and every one of my colleagues. I certainly watched their approach when Bill McGuire had to move and vacate his seat. I watched the discussion as they debated with it being so close to the election, I think they approached it wisely.”
If Holland cheered at all when she first got word of Nobile’s resignation this morning, she did not let on when interviewed this afternoon, sticking to a more formal reaction: “I would never wish anyone off an election body I serve with, I respect each and every person that I serve with,” Holland said. “We certainly had lively debates but I never took it personally.”
“I have never enjoyed being verbally abused and praised so much.”
“In order to stay in line with the charter I can’t imagine them not appointing somebody at this point,” Nobile said. He doesn’t see himself getting involved in the discussions. “I’m not even going to tell them what to do they have to figure out how they want to deal with this, if they want to take the hassle to wait until August and at that point seat him if he remains the only candidate,”
Asked what he was going to miss most on the council, he said it would have to be the sort of conversations and debates that would take place–but before the 2016 election, when Jason DeLorenzo, McGuire and Jon Netts were still there. He made a pointed distinction with the sort of conversations and debates that have taken place since. With DeLorenzo and McGuire, he said, “you could sit around and have a conversation, you could agree and disagree but you could feel everybody was trying to solve a problem or come to a solution. I don’t feel that anymore today.” He describes current debates as more chaotic and with less clear directions. (The memory of pre-Holland days may be a more rosy than Nobile lets on: he had recurring battles with the departed trio as well, though the clashes were more overt and candid than they have become since.)
Of the current council, he said: “The world is not as shiny as they make it seem. Especially with the city. The city is doing good, we’re doing fine, but we’re not superior, we’re not overly excellent, we do many things that need to be fixed, modified, altered. But if you don’t believe that, if you believe everything is perfect, you’ll never get there, it’ll always be mediocre.”
Nevertheless, in Nobile’s email to media, he’d written: “Aside from family time, the last three and half years have been my favorite in Palm Coast. Running for and winning an election for City Council District 4 was an exciting and edifying experience as has been serving in that position for the same period. I have had the privilege to meet and interact with the best of Palm Coast, which technically is a lot of people from the North East, so I feel like I never really left. […] I want you to know that I consider this position as one of my most honored. I have never enjoyed being verbally abused and praised so much. When it happened, I knew they were listening and that was a great pleasure.”
He ended with a quote attributed to Winnie the Pooh: “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” (The quote is actually from a 1975 movie, “The Other Side of the Mountain.”)
Just the truth says
knightwatch says
Buh Bye Steve. Now let’s get John Tipton elected to that seat.
MRC says
Too bad Mr. Noble is leaving. He was one of the only ones who had the guts to challenge the council when they rolled over to keep Landon. Less than collegial? SOMEONE needs to challenge the wimps in the city council and the non-existent Mayor’s office. Some “yes man” will no doubt be selected to replace him. Oh boy, just what we needed, another wimp on the so called council.
Layla says
Wishing you the best, Mr. Nobile. Thank you for caring about us.
palmcoaster says
Bad news to say the least. I wish Mr. Nobile success and happiness in this new chapter of his life. He will be missed by many.
Shark says
Holland and Netts are just landon lackeys !!!!!
Anonymous says
Sorry to see you go Steve. I wish you the best in the next chapter of your life. We for once had a council member who served the people and was squashed. Reminds me of the Kimberly Weeks tenure–she fought for us the people and stopped the illegal elections for Grand Haven and Hammock Dunes and brought to light the City of Palm Coast changed their Charter in 2011 without following the charter rules and Florida Statutes by NOT putting the ballot measure on the General Election Ballot and she became a target and eventually gave it up. Netts, Holland, Cuff and Klufus are the worse things that ever happened to this city. We need some new blood like that of Nobile that will stand up to the collusion and make this city better. I too am seeing a lot of my friends move from here and am seeing more and more crime and more and more tax dollars being spent making my taxes go up for no good reason. All of this should be an eye opener for all future elections…..we certainly need to stop recycling the people who have already served in public office and failed us! NO MORE HOLLAND OR NETTS for Flagler County. Can’t wait to see Jim Landon GO!
Fernando Melendez says
Although I have not met him personally, I have heard a lot of good things of Mr. Nobile, I would like to thank him for his service, and not because he served my district but because he’s a man of integrity, and someone who fought for his beliefs and challenged the city council on things he really cared about, my respect goes out to him as well as all the best wishes to his family, again thank you for your service. God Bless.
KMedley says
Mr. Nobile your service; but, more importantly your willingness to challenge others and speak your mind is appreciated and will be missed.
Walsh’s sycophants, Winkin’, Blinkin’, and Nod will soon confirm his next puppet thereby ensuring Palm Coast will be run by wooden figures incapable of independent thought and/or action. BTW is Landon really leaving?
Anonymous says
What a crooked city! This is the exact reason why there was a need for the charter to be reviewed. Thanks to Jon Netts’ puppet Melissa Holland all efforts by Nobile were blocked so this council could control and manipulate. Holland is bat shit crazy and Cuff and Dufas were planted for a reason. Cuff, an attorney with too much free time on his hands. There’s your sign! In 2018 vote NO on incumbents!