A Buddy Taylor Middle School student stabbed another during a fight immediately after the two students got off their school bus Wednesday afternoon near the corner of Chapel and Hope Streets in Bunnell.
The victim was not seriously injured. The assailant has not been arrested but faces unspecified charges, which were forwarded to the State Attorney’s Office. Joshua A. Harris, 32, was arrested for obstruction. The Bunnell Police Department is investigating, and so far has not released any information about the incident despite a request. The city says the incident is still under investigation. The Flagler County Sheriff’s Office assisted.
According to 911 notes, the report of “someone stabbed” came in at 2:06 p.m. as the school bus was making its afternoon run. The suspect, a boy, is a month shy of 16, the alleged victim is a 13-year-old boy who was injured enough that witnesses report he had blood on his back as he walked away from the confrontation to a ballfield with a group of people. The confrontation happened immediately after the students were dropped off.
The bus driver could see a fight developing in her rear-view mirror. She reported to authorities that the victim “was jumped by the other subject,” whose clothing she described to 911 dispatchers.
But in the minutes after the fight, both the assailant and the victim had disappeared, so that by 2:30 authorities were calling AdventHealth Palm Coast to check whether an individual with a stab wound had sought treatment there. No one had.
The weapon, a knife the victim described as brown with a silver blade, was recovered by law enforcement and placed in evidence. The suspect allegedly dropped the knife after the confrontation and fled in a gray Nissan. The knife was recovered at 205 East Carter Street at 2:45. Minutes later, dispatch reported that the victim “has stab wound to the back of the neck.” A rescue unit was dispatched to Debra’s Laundromat at 602 South State Street, where the victim was believed to be.
Minutes later, authorities had located both the suspect and the victim. “Contact was made with multiple witnesses, the suspect, and the victim. The victim was uncooperative during LEO interview,” the 911 notes states, referring to law enforcement officers. Harris was “arrested for interfering in police investigation,” the notes state.
One bus rider who relayed the incident reportedly said tensions had developed on the bus to the point that some students were looking to get off the bus because a fight was about to break out–then it did when the two students had stepped out.
The incident drew a significant response of around a dozen sheriff’s deputies and Bunnell police officers, along with Flagler County Fire Rescue.
Long Time Resident says
These are crazy times we live in.
Local says
Attempted murder…. Charge him as an adult. 20 bucks. Says he gets a slap on the wrist. Gotta kill someone to do real time in flagler county.
Agkistrodon says
There should be ZERO tolerance. Student should be REMOVED from the schools NEVER to return. Actions have Consequences.
Richard says
Back in my time while in school disagreements were usually settled with a fist fight. Nowadays its guns, knives and whatever else that can be used as a weapon versus their hands and brains. How times have changed! The violence seen in the movies, on TV and video games have certainly played a role in this change. And the producers of this crap don’t really care as long as their bank accounts keep growing by leaps and bounds.
Outsider says
I pulled my daughter out of that school after a year. It apparently hasn’t gotten any better. I don’t blame the staff; their hands were tied.
Mary Fusco says
You can’t really blame the parents because 75% of parents today have opted out of parenting and are letting electronic devices do the job. In fact most kids are handed an electronic device as soon as they are capable of holding one. m y 4 children grew up in the 70’s and early 80’s. They played sports and when they were 16 were applying for their first “real” job. First thing we taught them is that you spend some you save some but, you do not spend it all. There were no computers or cell phones. They certainly were not stabbing people when they got off the bus. The worst thin g they did was mouth off to the bus driver at which time they were banned from riding the bus – NO questions asked. Today, they are raising families of their own and applying the concept of spending some and saving some which is why they do not live paycheck to paycheck. 3 of my 5 grandchildren are in college. I am proud of all of them. I raised all of mine without electronic devices to shut them up. They have values and know how to manage their life. I feel for today’s kids as most of them are just plain lost.
Dave says
A quote from our current president. ” I could shoot someone in the middle of the street and get away with it” this is the example our citizens of this country and especially our youth are following.
relative of BTMS student says
I have a grandson who was on this bus and saw the whole thing play out. He was pretty upset when he came home. I was pretty upset the next day thinking about what he had to witness and knowing with the way things are it’s just the beginning.
Local says
If he had a knife when he got off the bus then he had it in school also….charge him with that also.
Beverly says
Parents should be made to check their child’s back packs and this will sure help prevent alot of this danger and not put other innocent children at risk such a very sad situation.
Agkistrodon says
Dave, is everything the current President’s fault, according to you? You seem to be able to equate everything to a President or political party. Perhaps it was simply the FAULT of the person who took the action. No one else, and to suggest that, simply further complicates the issue.
Really says
Lol starting earlier and earlier. The psrents should be so proud. Hope the Kid recovers. Smh
It Works says
Back in Montgomery County, Maryland in 1980, juvenile crime was out of control. The juvenile criminals were put on a bus and taken to the State Prison in Baltimore where they were introduced to prospective “roommates” should they continue on their path. Sure it scared them, but it did the job, and being someone’s bi$!# in prison was not a desirable future situation.
Glad2boutofFl says
And why is a 16 year old still in middle school? At some point someone has to say enough wasting our time and tax $. Maybe he needs a job instead, send him for vocational training in prison.
Willy Boy says
Armed guards, security cameras, and while we’re at seatbelts, on all school buses. TSA inspections as they board. Cost prohibitive? Uber.
SMH says
Most of what I just read is not true the kid that the knife was being bullied since the school year started no it does not justify that what he did was wrong but we all know bullying is a serious act that has been going on now and the kid couldn’t take it anymore and believe me it’s really sad to see these things going on but I’m not surprised how Fabricated this story is being told