Flagler County’s roads are cursed this week.
A woman was killed this morning (Nov. 17) shortly after 9:30 when she lost control of her pick-up and slammed it head-on into another pick-up truck on State Road 100, just past the overpass over U.S. 1 and approaching Bimini. Two people in the truck survived and were taken to Florida Hospital Flagler with injuries. They were walking and alert at the scene after the accident. It is the fourth serious wreck in 31 hours on Flagler’s roads, and the third fatality in that span.
In this latest wreck, Kristen Westbrook, 29, was traveling west on SR100 in a burgundy 2005 Dodge pick-up truck. It was raining. She had just driven down the overpass, Florida Highway Patrol Lt. R.C. Brown said, when she lost control of the truck, over-corrected, drove into the eastbound lane of the two-lane highway, and struck a white pick-up truck trailing lawn-care equipment equipment and owned by Shaping Nature, the Bunnell-based business on Garden Street.
The burgundy pick-up overturned, rolled over, and came to a rest on its driver’s side, facing into the eastbound lane of the highway. The white pick-up, also severely damaged, drove across a watery ditch and slightly up an embankment, which stopped it, upright. Two younger men were in the truck at the time of the crash: Timothy Gould, 38, and Alan C. Chase Jr., 28, both of Bunnell. The crash scattered debris, including the contents of the trailer with lawn equipment, over the road and the eastbound shoulder.
State Road 100 was closed shortly after the wreck between Deen Road and the bridge over U.S. 1.
Westbrook had twice been in the public eye in the last seven months. In Late April, she was the victim of an alleged domestic assault, which landed her alleged assailant–Bruno Barletta–in jail. Late last month, she was one of five people arrested in a high-profile bust, played up by the Flagler County Sheriff’s Office, at 20 Rockne Lane in Palm Coast. The bust was the result of numerous nuisance complaints from neighbors about the house, and allegations of illegal activities inside the house. Wesbbrook had been booked at the jail on charges of possessing a controlled substance and possessing drug paraphernalia, and had been released on her own recognizance.

Nikki says
She just dropped her son off at school. What a tragedy…
Anyone notice the rosary hanging near the drivers side? Too bad this did not help this woman…
What a sad sad story…
Jojo says
For years I have been observing the drivers in Palm Coast. Speeding; No directionals; Moving or rolling at Stop signs; Up your ass while you drive the speed limit on Belle Terre or around town even some tailgating instead of passing you on the left. On I95 any speed goes. Troopers can write tickets all day for Tallahassee coffers but how does that protect innocent good drivers.
There needs to be better enforcement and more unmarked cars to catch reckless drivers. Speed kills. I have observed an unusual amount of female drivers’ speeding but also tailgating the car in front of them. Other woman have agreed with me on this observation that younger woman are on a death wish by driving on your bumber. But! it can kill or injure innocent drivers too. Slow down, get off the phone and stop texting.
Rosary Beads now cause when you’re 6 feet under it’s too late?
Cheryl says
Why don’t people just slow down? I have never seen drivers like those in Flagler County – always in a hurry – even on wet roads.
Kayla says
Jojo…I don’t believe this has anything to do with speed. It says nothing about her speed. Nor does it say anything about texting. What it does say is that the weather played a big role in this and she more than likely hydroplaned coming down the overpass. You are so quick to try and jump to conclusions totally ignoring the fact that this woman is no longer with us and the statement before you stating that she had a child. Who cares what her speed was this cost her her life and the derogatory comments are not needed!
Prayers go out to the families affected by this. So sad.
summer says
thanks so much for your prayers that was my mother who was killed
I. M. Agoste says
@Jojo: You’re absolutely right. Tailgating, cutting off other drivers to get to a stoplight that’s already turned red, speeding, no directional lights; all this on Palm Coast Parkway never mind I-95 and US1. It’s not just the young women, it’s the older folk as well. Every time I get cut off I see an older person behind the wheel and I just want to ask them why?? They’re not going to get where they’ve got to go any quicker for goodness’ sake and just might take someone with them to the bone farm if the other drivers around them aren’t alert. I go out there with the knowledge that many older folk can’t see well enough to drive so I give cars extra space because one never knows what can happen.
As for cell phone use and texting there should be a stiff $5k fine for anyone caught doing that. There are bluetooth gadgets available so one can keep both eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel. Just the other day I saw a guy in a service van yakking away with a cell phone in hand. If you have to speak on a cell phone pull the hell over and do what you gotta do. Save your life and someone else’s.
Justice for All says
Saw 2 sheriff’s deputies parked at a restaurant in the Hammock around 3:00 pm. I’ve also seen them parked out in the middle of a farm field in Bunnell. Never seen one of them writing tickets but have seen them figuring out how to get a “complimentary meal” at a now defunct restaurant. Insurance rates are going to go up around here.
Jojo says
@ Kayla
My comment was not directed at the latest accident. No where in my comment did I mention that. Only that the previous comment about the Rosary Beads on the car was futile in saving her life now. We can always pray for her but regretfully, she has left a loving family that needs comfort now.
You state who cares what her speed was. I can’t believe you said that. Perhaps that’s why this lady is not coming home anymore. You give excuses for her death like she hydroplaned. Well, did she hydroplane because of speed, worn tires, going too fast for the road conditions???
My comment encompassed the unnecessary and preventable automobile deaths that occur, not only in this County, but this country every day. Yes, Kayla, they are preventable, if people slow down and pay attention. And, sometimes innocent people are killed, people that are not going home to loved ones anymore either. We have a terrible track record in this country.
My heart goes out to those who suffer such tragedy.
summer says
thanks so much . that was my mother who died in this accident. and she had 2 other kids
Prescient33 says
It appears from the picture her tires were very worn-a cautionary tale to those who view the report.
Billy Bob says
No disrespect intended AT ALL.
Just pointing out that rosary beads or religious affiliation does not give you divine protection. Every God fearing person who has ever lived on our planet Earth has died, including God’s son and/or God himself (depending on your view). God does not extend life because of your deeds on this Earth. Accidents and tragedies just happen. Sadly.
Speed in and of itself doesn’t kill. Crashing into other objects is what kills. Had she not lost control of the vehicle the accident would not have happened. I don’t think the article or the traffic report even states she was speeding, so why do people always yell “SPEEDING!” whenever a wreck happens? I recently had a man driving 10 miles an hour in parking lot crash into me. He lost control of his vehicle and hit the gas instead of the brake while about 10′ away from me. $2500 damage. Just because someone loses control does not imply they were exceeding the lawful speed limit. For all we know she had been a flawless, safety conscious driver until this accident.
Anytime someone loses their life, we should think about the intense, overwhelming grief those who knew that person are now going through, rather than pointing fingers and placing blame.
Mathew 7:3-5
Revelation 21:4
(for the God fearing)
(for everyone else)
PJ says
This is a tough spot and fequents many accidents. such a young person to lose. My prayer go out to her family…..
I. M. Agoste says
@Prescient33: Haven’t you noticed there’s always been lots of beaters with bald tires in Palm Coast? The sad facts are to get new tires can be very difficult for one working a low wage job, much less minimum.
jackie says
This was my cousin…you all need to have a little compassion and quit complaining about bad drivers when you dont know what happened!
Pool Police Service, Inc. says
our thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Especially the child of the victim. God bless her and her family.
chris says
this was my sister that was in the accident, you all need to not say anything bad if u dont know what your talking about, she was not speeding, it was just an unfortunate accident, i love u kristy an u will be missed very much. thank you all who showed compassion.
carol burr wandemberg says
please do not commet on my sisters accident anymore i want her to rest in peace and you have know clue what has happened let this family have closure i miss you kristy and i love you so much she was a good person i should know im her oldest and only surving sister and she will be remebered forever please say a prayer and close your mouths
Jamie says
Sadly, heading home after dropping my children off at school as well…… I came upon this accident literally seconds after happening. Emergency vehicles arrived w/in a few minutes after I had. There were several kind hearted concerned people who pulled over trying to help if they could. I myself stopped in a panic thinking by 1st glance it was my husband who owns a lawn co. Quickly realizing it was not after rushing to the other side of the pick up on its side. Although I was relieved it wasn’t him – I was even more overwhelmed when the horrific scene became more clear. Tears were unstoppable at that point & I began visually searching for all involved in it. Immediately Thanking God after my eyes fell upon the 2 men who occupied the white vehicle, who were in the grass sitting up & alert, yet shocked & dazed. Then…..just 1 concerning question “where’s the driver to this truck?” – turned my Thanks to pleading prayers of strength, healing, health, protection……. I prayed so hard for her to make it through. Even more so after hearing all the sirens & one of the many voices around mention….. she just dropped her child off at school & was heading home. It all was happening so quickly………
:'( My emotions were taken over by this mornings tragic event throughout the day. I held my hopes high because she was still breathing when I walked away watching rescue focus on her w/such intensity. Sadly – I heard this resulting news this evening w/utter disappointment. My prayers will continue to be w/her family & friends as well as her.
Yes – my prayers are no different than a set of religious beads. But it is our prayers, our beads, the cross, etc. that gives us stregnth, courage, hope………..so on…. No matter the belief, no matter the religion or faith, no matter the comprehension of it all. No 2 beings truly agree on everything. I’m quite sure that everyone has a clear logical understanding about life & death. Lessons on logic are not necessary. Its no more than disrespecting another’s believe………security.
My heart is with everyone & anyone who hurt for this loss or any loss or headache. May God Bless you all!
Moira Mullen says
God be with her family. Well wishes and speedy recovery to the two men in the other truck.
Marion says
I just pray for her children.
Anonymous says
@ Nikki, RESPONSE to Anyone notice the rosary hanging near the drivers side? Too bad this did not help this woman…
That was placed there after the accident. Now explain how a carved image was supposed to save her life?
Kim says
My heart goes out to her family. Some of you are quite crude. Regardless of her issues with drugs or legal matters, she was a person. Where is the humanity? I’m so sorry her relatives are subjected to such cruelty so soon after her death. Please remember she’s still someone’s mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter, niece, aunt(?), cousin, and friend. Some of you people are simply classless. Again, my heart goes out. I didn’t even remotely know her, in fact, I live over 1,000 miles away and just stumbled upon this. I don’t know how many children she had except the one little boy people have said she had just dropped off, but, I pray for the best future for him (them?). Jackie, Chris, and Carol I’m so very sorry for your loss. You’ll all be in my prayers.
Rest in peace, Kristy.
j.h. says
I lived with kristy for probably close to 6 months right before she moved to orlando. She was a very good person, with a very big heart. She wanted to be there for the people she loved….and even for the people she didnt love. R.I.P. miss kristy westbrook – you’ll be missed.
suewho1010 says
My prayers to Kristy and her family and her three children. may you rest in peace.
I wasn’t trying to be rude, just curious.
Kim says
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Anonymous says
You were a good person and we will all miss you Kristen..Rest In Peace My Friend… Kathy
only God can judge says
I also know Kristy and she was a very good person and a kind loving mother. The past is just that the past we ALL make mistakes. And for those who are saying things about her not wearing a seatbelt I know she is very smart and if she could have she would have the truck did not have functioning seatbelts. She was on the right path and this was a true accident and a awful one. I will be praying for her and her family. GOD bless you Kristy rest in peace.
ryan says
I didn’t know her very well but she was always nice to me and seemed like a sweet girl. I have ridden in that truck and it’s true the seatbelts did not work they were missing the bottom part you clip into. It’s unfortunate that this happened to her. I’m very good friends with the three childrens god mother my condolences go out to all her loved ones. And you people need to stop complaining about all the bad drivers. How could you feel it appropriate to say things like that on a page about tragic accident that was the result of the trucks owner being negligent about the care of his vehicle. You didn’t know the condition of the truck how it may have been the reason for this incident so for you say those things about bad driving is totally ignorant.
johnc says
so sad, sorry for the loss
@Jamie, you will have to deal with the image for a long time, only time heals, wish you luck on coping what you had to deal with, I have been there and I had a lot of support from friends and family
Robin says
The 2 men in this accident are my supervisors family,the young lady was speeding and the car she was driving was not owned by her,the person who owns the car is not insured and has a suspended license,thank God these guys are ok,unfortunately this woman was not as lucky,what a shame
Angie says
First thing my prays goes out to her child and her family. I read what the paper has said and I dont think that they should have put her past bussiness out there like that,that had nothing to do with the losing controll of the vehicle…That white truck was driven by my brother, although he was out and alert, he has a few broke bones in his leg ang a few staples in his head and arm.. He seen her start to lose controll and tried eveything he could to get off the road. I am so sorry for this family, but believe me when I say that my brother tried what ever to avoid this,and with his broke leg and split open head he still was more concerned for this young lady and her wellbeing… godbless her and her family.
Kenneth Westbrook says
She was an awesome mother, wife, companion, person with a loving heart… The list goes on. I just dont appreciate this website to bringup her past, which had nothing to do with mine and our childrens loss. I’m sorry, cant finish what I want to say… The rosary beads… Where was God? To want to take such a wonderful woman from her husband and her 3 children??? and to let everyone know she was on her way out to her moms for breakfast, her mom had made her her favorite breakfast french toast with peanut butter on top, with kyle waiting for her also… I hope this paper or website doesn’t bring up someone else’s past in a tragedy as horrible as this was… I miss you Kristy, my love and forever soulmate. Hope tosee you again real soon, my love.
summer says
i miss her so much
Joseph B says
I knew Krissy long enough to know she had problems. I also know no one deserves to meet their maker in such a nasty, unsuspecting way.
And having a rosary in your car is not intended to give you supernatural protection, but to symbolize that the lord is with you in spirit, not steering the car for you while riding shotgun. I doubt thats what the first few posts intended. Regardless, we should all pray that God forgives her and that she finds peace in the next life.
Anonymous says
Also knew the woman. She didnt seem like a bad person, but everyone has different views. To some she might have been loving and caring and others might not have seen the same qualities.
Im Praying that God will choose to forgive her.. And is it me, or did that last comment “Hope to see you again real soon” by sound a little off?
MeMe says
Angie you couldn’t have said a nicer thing.We pray for her family as people should pray for all involed..Your brother is my son-inlaw.As for speed that was a factor in this caseit had to be with the looks of those trucks.Son god is with you in this,he will be with you through it all.
Mary says
I also knew Kristy a little, and she seemed to be a good person. My daughter was close friends with her daughter . To all of the people that want to bad mouth her ,how about you take a look in the mirror. This is not the time to be that away. My heart goes out to her family, and her precious children. People really need to stop throwing Kristy business out there. Why complain about who the car belonged to and insurance issues. This poor girl lost her life. Cars and insurance, suspended license is all nothing compared to someone losing there life. Wake up people because your negativity could cause you heartache
Karen says
My prayers are with you and your family. That road is horrible. I just lost my daughter on that same road on Friday and my heart is hurting and I know yours is to.
Sarah Strickland says
I am so sorry for your loss. Kristy was an awesome person and a great mom! You need to consult with an attorney Florida Law say’s that you have a claim against the insurance company because you have a minor child. There are some very reputable attorney’s in town, you should talk to one of them.
jackson oliver says
I feel sorry for you people making negative comments about someone who just died and left a family to grow up without their mother. One day you yourself will have a headline and you will recieve negative comments about your actions and then your family will have to endure those comments.
I knew kristy and actually lived with her for a little while the summer before last. She opened her doors and let me stay there while I came back to florida to visit with my children. She may have had a little problem with drugs but she still loved her family and children more than anything. She was a nice person and will be greatly missed. So stop with the negative comments.