For the second time in a little over a year Flagler County Sheriff’s Office deputies executed a search warrant at 20 Rockne Lane, a 1,300-square-foot house in foreclosure between Whiteview Parkway and Rolling Sands Drive, and rounded up five occupants in the house Thursday evening, three of whom were soon released on their own recognizance and two others after posting bond.
“The inside of this house is destroyed,” Sheriff Don Fleming said. “There are holes in the walls and stains on the carpets. This was used as a drug house where people came to do their drugs. It is a community menace and we will return until we close it down permanently.”
The house sold in September 2005 for $199,500. According to the property appraiser’s records, it is currently owned by the Federal National Mortgage Association of Beaverton, Ore., with Thomas Ksiezopolsk, one of the five people arrested, listed as the grantor. The house has an assessed value of $86,639 and has a homestead exemption.
The five arrested and their charges were:
Thomas Ksiezopolski, 35, of 20 Rockne Lane, Palm Coast, charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. This is Ksiezopolski’s third trip to the Flagler County jail since January, when he was arrested on nine drug related charges and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Kristen Westbrook, 28, of 1445 Cottonwood St. in Bunnell, charged with felony possession of a controlled substance and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Jacqueline Hess, 22, of 20 Rockne Lane, charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Andrew Wolagiewcz, 29, of 20 Rockne Lane, charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia. This was Wolagiewcz’s ninth trip to the Flagler County jail since July 2007, on charges ranging from disorderly intoxication to resisting arrest without violence, loitering, burglary of an occupied house, drug charges, failure to appear, domestic violence, grand theft and probation violations.
Wesley Barham, 28, of 2982 North Oceanshore Drive, Apt. 30, in Palm Coast, charged with misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
All five occupants of the home were taken to jail and had been released by Friday afternoon. Ksiezopolski posted $1,000 bond and Wolagiewcz posted $500.

johnc says
Nice looking bunch there, tear the house down, its not worth $86000 any more.
Philip says
How can they keep getting away with this. The neighbors should burn it down
Get the crack house out of there.they’ve been arrested more then once over
There and they keep coming back the house needs to be torn down
nina h says
I think the house is beautiful, I have lived in it in the last year and it was in great condition,no drug activity at all there just some people having a little fun. The pictures doesn’t do it any justice that was just bad photos. Get a grip all the people who applauded.
Pastor Michael says
I haved lived on the same street next to the owner for five years I have befriended him and he has helped me to do many home repairs, The house did have a quite a sustaintial amount of foot traffic, that is due to the owner allowing me to have bible study three or more times per week. He did rent a room out to an an unruly couple I do beleive that were involved in supicious activities. He gave them shelter, clothing, and food. “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” And he held a NA meeting monthly at his home and I would attend. The only thing that bothered me was the overgrown landscape. It is unforunate that he was cast out of his residency in this manner and unruly fashion. Sometimes this week we are going to hold a service to pray for the safety of all the Flagler County Sheriff’s servants and wish the the best the best in the upcoming holidays. I am going to send the landscaping companies that handles our parrishes garden to maintain the premises so that all the appauding neighbors will be able to look at the eye of the beholder and know that once lived a responsible, productive member of our community resided at this address. God Bless everyone who has donated to his calling. Thank You, Pastor Micheal. Please call 386-338-7764 to donate any amount to this cause.
More Amazed Every Day says
Nina – your brain must be clouded from living there…bad photos really??? I’m surprised you didn’t try to say they were photo shopped! Get a grip!! You are a perfect example as to why our country and this city are becoming what it is.
Celeste says
who is this Pastor Michael?? i live on this street & no one lives next door to that house but 1 neighbor & he is not a pastor. Shelter? give us a break! it was a drug house – plain & simple. burning the house was a thought, but the rest of the decent homes could have burned too. if Nina thought the house was beautiful perhaps her vision is clouded by something in the house??!! hmmmm? it’s a disaster & a dump in & out!!
dum dums says
the house became a disaster after the cops kicked the door in twice i believe . the holes in the walls were from the task force they were looking for drugs in the walls by busting em open , nice to know that these dukes of hazzard cops used primitive methods. they must of forgot to look in the attic and have their mutts smell em out . shame on them for wreckin the crack house . oh iam sorry a hillbilly heroin house . look were u live in bfe palm coast . or it should be called comp post…iam sure hazzard county had more sophisticated cops likke rosco n enos…
Ellen says
There is no “Pastor Michael” that lives on that street, there was no bible studies or NA meetings done there. Nina, you know how nasty that house was. That house is destroyed & has been going down for the last number of years. The neighborhood is FINALLY quiet again. The Sheriff Department DID a GREAT job again. This is the second time they had a drug bust in that house, they’ve had to be at that house at least 50 or more times since January. Some of the people have been arrested numerous times for drugs.
nina h says
Hello, When where any of you in the house to see if it was beautiful on the inside or not. I did warn them not to be in the house on thursday because I had a surprise for them, I knew the surprise was coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I I told Kristy not to be near Tommy on thursday or at his house at all, so she didn’t take my warning. I wonder how I knew hmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nina H.
Celeste says
i was in that house mos. ago & it was a wreck then! holes in the walls & writing all over them. the picture in the paper showed a small portion of that disgusting house. no water, stealing electricity – how could ANYONE even go in there??? when the sheriff’s came out, they scraped their feet! that’s how filthy it was.
nina h says
That just goes to show you they must have had something on them before they went in! The house wasn’t disgusting and I am appauled to have you people think that Pastor Michael doesn’t exsist, that is the pot calling the kettle black, and God takes care of his own. He is praying for everyone and its happens to be ironic that is the one house he chose to give guidence to and led the flock there. I listened to him amny times as I lived there. I wish everyone had the same heart he had and would go were the need is truly needed. Shame on you for not being beleivers of God! I am praying for your souls also.
Ellen says
I am one of the neighbors that saw ALOT of the crap that went on in that house. In January when they had the first bust….they said how the conditions of the house was. There were 4 people arrested then…..not only for drugs but child neglect dur to the condition of the house, Flith, molded food in cabinets & refrig. There was also a person arrested with the name Nina H. Yes, gotta agree….the house was very nice….IN THE BEGINNING when he first moved in, now it isn’t worth anything.
[email protected] says
I have witness Mr.Thomas Ksiezopolski trying to scam people out of money at every gas station in Flagler County in his little burgundy truck stating “he had ran out of gas and needed a couple of dollars to make it home.” I’m sure if everyone takes a good look at his picture you have ran across him at one point. I even went for the story once until I saw him at several different stores with the same lie obviously trying to support his drug habit.
Mw says
No wonder people need to have have guns. In and out of jail and looking like they would slit your throat for a 5 dollar bill.
Ellen says
A few of them from this bust & the bust in January, did go to the Winn Dixie & Walmart, begging for money. Couldn’t afford gas but could afford those cell phones. Thank GOD, all the partying & problems are gone from that neighborhood. Now if they would just get sentenced for awhile.
caligal says
sentenced , maybe rehab
Mark says
One has been in jail three times and one has been in jail nine times; sounds like fun to me! Nina your brain is obviously fried. I hope you just hit bottom and don’t die or hurt anyone while you are moving towards the bottom. Get help!
Mark says
For some reason Flagler County doesn’t seem to be interested in protecting Flagler county by putting these people in jail for any real length of time. Slap on the wrist, scam the drug program and hit the strees again until they get caught again. Someone will get hurt someday I only hope it is not a child.
Ellen says
Mark, what you said seems to be true. These people that were arrested in that house last month & in January, are still one the streets, they are still getting busted over & over again for drugs, they keep getting their court dates continued, they do other crimes. Unbelievable. Just think of what that 10 yr old child had to live with back in January. And is probably back living it again.
Truth sayer says
The westbrook girl was killed in a horrific car accident today and almost took two good people with her . She lost control of her vehicle and hit another truck head on. She was not wearing her seat belt but Tim and AJ were. That is the only reason they survived. The accident occured on hwy 100 on nov.17th if you care to look it up. Too bad her son wont have a mother. FCSO is a joke. There was an incident at Espanola Cemetary some time back and the would not even fingerprint the beer cans they found . Thats cops 101. We dont need more cops, we need cops to actually do their jobs. It starts at the top.
Truth sayer says
If there is a pastor micheal, Could he have been contributing to the problem? Who would hold a NA meeting in a place like that? spoons and needles laying around with grafiti all over the walls? Gotta watch those religous figures too. Most of them hide behind their bibles and never get punished for the crimes they commit.
j.h. says
there is no pastor micheal…thats just mr. t.k. (former owner of the house) trying to scam u for your money.
Thinkaboutit says
I’m just wondering why when ” Thomas Ksiezopolski ‘s” name is typed into the FCSO website inmate search, there is no record of him ever having been arrested. I see his photo on this page, and he shows up by typing in the date. However even copying/paste directly from the FCSO site (to ensure correct spelling of name) it shows 0 records of him. ???? Just thinkin’ about it and wondering why.
ellen says
His name does show up in the sheriff arrest records. I found him 3 times already. Thengo to flagler county clerk of courts to the court records & you can see what he is being chraged with & follow it along. His license is suspended now also, due to not paying traffic fines. You can do that with all the names of the people arrested, now & in January. But the guy that was arrested 9 times so far, you can’t find noting on him but arrest records.
I have always said, people have to hit rock bottom before turning themselves around or hit bottom so hard that they won’t make it. Kristin did this. I am so sorry for her child. SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN HOME TAKING CARE OF HIM instead of being around the scum.
I know the truck was a 05 dodge but does anyone know what color? Burgandy? If so, that was Tommys truck.
J.H. PA says
I would like to give an update, about my client, who is mentioned in these posts. We would like to thank the FCSO not for arresting him but for RESCUING him. He has been clean and sober for well over a year now and is ironically a Substance Abuse Counselor. Upon our investigation of the allegations that were brought about my client , many new facts have been uncovered that are going to have a dramatic unfolding of the events that transpired in January and October of 2011. My client is pleased to announce that he is in the process of coordinating the vacant lot located at 18 ROCKNE LANE to start rebuilding his life and dreams that he lost during his darkest hours in his drug addiction. Traditional groundbreaking ceremonies will be held on March 18th, 2013. As events unravel and unfold further updates will be available.