Theresa Woodfin, 28, a resident of the western portion of Flagler County near SR100, was killed this afternoon on SR100 as she was driving home as a fully-loaded logging truck carrying some 80,000 pounds of pine trees rammed Woodfin’s car from behind, apparently never having seen the car slow or stop to make a left turn.
The crash took place shortly after noon, on State Road 100 immediately past Water Oak Road, about 10 miles from downtown Bunnell.
Woodfin lived in the area of Water Oak Road, Florida Highway Patrol officials said. (It was later clarified that she lived somewhat further south in the Mondex area.) Her vehicle burst in flames and was charred in the crash. The driver of the logging truck, Ralph A. Schrock, 51, of Satsuma, Fla., was not injured. He was at the scene, standing and talking on a cell phone, fully alert, more than half an hour after the crash. A third vehicle was involved, a gray Dodge Journey registered in Knox County, Tenn., but belonging to a rental company. It was struck in its flank on the driver’s side, triggering the airbags inside. The Dodge was driven by Timothy J. Reese II, 31, of Palatka. He sustained minor injuries.
The medical examiner arrived at the scene at about 1:15 p.m.
Several units of the Florida Highway Patrol were at the scene, as were units of Flagler County Fire Rescue, which stood by at the crash scene long after the crash. SR100 westbound was closed soon after noon west of County Road 305. Traffic was being diverted down 305 to U.S. 17. SR 100 was expected to remain closed until 5 or 6 p.m.
After investigating the scene for several hours, the Florida Highway Patrol’s Sgt. Tina Hall described the incident as follows: Woodfin was traveling west on State Road 100 in a 1992 4-door Buick. She slowed down or stopped to make a left onto Water Oak Road, while presumably waiting for a car traveling east to pass. The logging semi was behind her. He apparently did not see her stopped or slowed ahead of him, and crashed into the car.
Woodfin’s car was initially believed to have hit the Dodge that was traveling west, after being catapulted by the semi. FHP later determined that the Dodge had been hit by the semi directly. The Dodge is a rental and was being driven back to a rental agency’s garage. The FHP report is posted below the pictures.
A number of documents and personal papers were strewn along the bridge just past Water Oak Road, near the car that had burst in flames. The documents and personal effects, including a paperback called “Praise,” a few CDs or DVDs, and mail, were intact. One of the papers had scattered into the grassy shoulder, well past the car. It was a computer printout, on a color printer, of an infant, with two words handwritten below it: “my serenity.”

sue says
To my sister… You will be missed. I love you and know that God will meet you at the gate. Please keep my sister Theresa Woodfin in your heart and prayers as we have lost my sister on this day. My heart broke the minute I answered the call. We did not always get along, but she tried to do her best. Lord please take my sister with open arms as she meets you at the gate today. Please keep her husband and children safe that were left behind today. Please keep us safe as we travel back home to grieve with the rest of our family. Amen.
Shayla says
My hear aches for Noelani and Emmett. I am so sad to hear of your loss, may your memories bring you comfort.
Outsider says
What the heck is going on around here??? My thoughts and prayers go to the victi’s family.
PJ says
My condolences to the family.
suewho1010 says
I,m so sorry for your loss and will pray for the family and friends of this tragic accident.
Layla says
Sue, blessings to you and your family as you struggle with your loss right now. We are so sorry to hear about this.
You and your families will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Karen says
I had a great loss today. My baby was killed in this crash. She was 28 yrs old. I don’t know what God’s plans were for but She is now with her daughter who she lost 5 yrs ago when she died at birth. She will be greatly missed and I still can’t wrap my head around this loss. I still expect her to call me and tell me it was all a mistake. My heart is breaking. Her father is beside himself and we don’t know how to handle this. A child should never leave this earth before her parents.
We love you so much Theresa and your loss is so hard to bear. Your loving mom and dad
mike t says
So did this creep get a ticket/arrested for being a complete jerk?
hammock girl says
My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family, i feel your pain i lost my sister in Feb she was only 33. I feel your pain
The Way Family says
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Woodfin family. So sorry for your loss.
Anna Beesley via Facebook says
i am so so sorry for your loss, you will all be in our prayers.
Savannah Otero via Facebook says
My brother Emmett’s wife.
The Geode says
This is “bumming me out” to know that one moment you could be sitting still minding your own business and the next moment it’s over. (through NO fault of your own) Be good. Do good. Because you NEVER know.
Alexa says
I have lost my best friend. Theresa was one of the best people I have ever known. I already miss her and can’t believe she is gone.
Brandy says
Theresa I will miss you, you were like my sister everyone thought so, for 17 years, Even your mom couldn’t tell us apart until we turned around, I can’t believe your are gone. I love you!!!!
Alexis Prince via Facebook says
So sorry on this loss. Condolences to your family.
Diane Bemis via Facebook says
so sorry savannah will keep you and your family in my prayers
Abehlen says
This is a horrible tragedy. I thoughts and prayers go to the family.
Concerned Koronaian says
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Woodfin family in their time of sorrow. Joe and Sue
Steven A says
Theresa, You were a great friend, wife and mother. Even though we had not hung out in a few years, it was great seeing you and Emmett again a few Sundays ago. You will be greatly missed and live on forever in our hearts.
John Rogers says
This is very very sad, our thoughts and prayers goes out to the entire Woodfin family.
Jay says
Sue, Karen and Dave. I’m very sorry about the loss if Theresa. I know words cannot describe what y’all are going through. All I can say is just be there for the children. They will need you now more than ever. My prayers and sympathies are with you
Suzanne dunham says
Sue I am so sorry for ur families loss. My prayers go out to u all.
Gary H says
Dave and Karen and family Im so sorry for ur loss, I remember when the girls were little doing easter egg, it seems like such a short time ago, she is with god now and u are all in my prayers
Darlene Baylor says
I am so sorry for you loss. I lost my son 14 years ago at the age of 18. I feel your pain more than most. There are no answers as to why this has happened only emptiness, despair, and pain. She is holding God’s hand now watching over her loved ones. She will never leave your mind or your heart. Remember her laughter, her smile and her love. God Bless you and keep you.
I hope the follow 2 sonnets help you just a little as they have helped me over the years.
To All Parents
Edgar Guest 1938
“I’ll lend you for a time a child of mine” He said
For you to love the while he lives and mourns for when he’s dead.
It may be 6 or 22 or 3,
But will you til I call him back, take care of him for me?
He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and shall his stay be brief,
You’ll have his loving memory as solace and relief.
I cannot promise he will stay since all from earth return,
But there are lessons taught down there I want this child to learn.
I’ve looking the wide world over in my search for teachers true,
And from the throngs that crowd life’s lane I have selected you.
Now will you give him all your love, nor think the labor vain,
Nor hate Me when I come to call to take him back again?
I fancied that I heard them say “Dear Lord, Thy will be done”.
For all the joy Thy child shall bring, the risk of grief we run.
We’ll shelter him with tenderness; we’ll love him while we may,
And for the happiness we’ve know, forever grateful stay,
But shall the angels call for him much sooner than we’ve planned,
We’ll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
A Mother’s Response
In loving memory of my son Brian
“Oh yes Dear Lord I hear you, but understand my grief,
The child you gave and then took back has left me incomplete.
My heart, my soul, my being cries from emptiness,
I miss his smile, his words of love, his touch of tenderness.
Oh yes Dear Lord I loved him I loved him all I could,
No undone things, nor thoughts of ‘If” nor things and thoughts “of should”.
So please take of my Dear child, For I will trust in you,
Dear Lord this one’s a special child who’s eyes were o’ so blue.
You say he needed lessons that required to be learned,
But I think you were mistaken, for now it is our turn.
Our turn to grieve, our time to mourn, remembering when He was born.
He gave his time, he gave his smile, his patience was abound,
To those that needed him, he somehow always found.
He taught us love and laughter; he showed us the way,
But now we must have patience until the Light of day.
The in which we leave this earth, is the day again we’ll see,
His smile, his hope and all the things He Gave His Family.
But since your word is final, I will leave the rest to you,
Until the time when once again I’ll see his eyes so blue.
Phil Chanfrau says
Florida law allows parents of an adult child (who dies without a surviving spouse or children) to recover for their mental pain and suffering unless the adult child died as a result of medical malpractice. I hope the parents of Theresa hold the trucking company responsible under the law for the loss of their daughter.
Melissa Myers says
To the Woodfin family, I knew Theresa when we were in school and I have not seen her in many years but i do remember her as a sweet girl. I am so sorry for your loss today, I will be praying for your family for God to bring you peace during this difficult time especially during the holiday season. Remember the good memories and remember she will always be with you in your hearts.
Christin says
My condolences to the Morace family. She will be missed.
Doug Chozianin says
There needs to be CRIMINAL penalties for commercial drivers not paying proper attention to their job, especially when people are seriously hurt or killed. Include reckless drivers, also.
This “accident” needs to be thoroughly investigated. A few check marks on a FHP Media Release Form means nothing and doesn’t do justice to Theresa Woodfin nor her family, friends and the community at large.
Jojo says
Unfortunately, a young life has been taken too early but has anyone ever stood next to one of these logging trucks. They are ripe with safety violations and often run over 80,000 pounds. During the “Wildfires” logging trucks were granted permission to haul up to 95,000 pounds by the Governor.
With such a load, there is no justification for bald and worn tires, which is often the case with logging trucks. Most trailers are Home made and have no safety features. This was an accident waiting to happen. A similar scenario on I 95 could have had more disastrous results because of the logs strewn all over the highway.
Logging is an industry in Florida but the Department of Transportation needs to do a better job of Licensing and insuring safety of the riding public. This accident is a result of lax regulation by Tallahassee DOT.
sue Morace says
First I want to say thank you to all who are commenting. My sister will be missed by many. At this moment charges are pending. My mom will keep you updated soon. This is heartbreaking for us all.
Linda & Phil Angley says
Emmett, we are so sorry for your loss. She is with God watching over her loved ones. she will always be in your heart & in the eyes of your daughter.
gram craven says
There are no words to describ the anquish I feel at this time. My father was killed in auto accident by a drunk driver so I know the heartache and despair of losing a loved one this way. My heart, my prayers, my total sympathy goes out to the family and especially to Sue. Teressa has gone home to Godso keep your heart and mind open that she will come to you in a dream to help you through your sorrow. My Dad & my Mom did come to me and it helped so much – just not quite enough, but at least I know they are ok & still looking after me.
I love you Susie Q
Luann says
sue Morace says
Thank you gram. thank you everyone. I just left where the accident was and could not stomach the site. My heart broke in more pieces than I can count. I do not believe that there was a bald tire or anything of the sort, just him being distracted by something… Its too easy to be distracted in a rig but that does not justify that my sister is gone and he got out of his truck with no injuries. I pray the people that were in the van are ok and that the nightmares of the day will fade within time.
Anonymous says
Tho I didn’t know Theresa, I knew some of her friends, so therefore I send prayers to her family and friends. God please watch over the family and keep them safe.
anonymous2 says
My heart also goes out to this family.
I find it odd that there is no mention, whatsoever, in any of these posts that she also had a young son.
D. McIlroy says
To the Karen and Dave, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers and sympathies are with each and everyone of you. God bless you all.
Maria Shoup says
Karen, Dave and family, I’m so sorry to hear of your loss, my prayers are with you all.
Lefty says
How many times have you witnessed semi trucks tailgating cars on i-95?
Well, I see it every day, cars doing the speed limit – which seems to anger the truckers.
The truckers get within less than a car length, or a few feet from the car’s rear bumper.
The cars then move over.
That’s worse than putting a revolver to a person’s head, with the hammer cocked, for the purpose of intimidation. It should be punishable as such.
I see this accident as yet another example of truckers not giving a hoot about other human-beings on the road. With a minimum of care, this trucker wouldn’t have rear-ended Miss Woodfin. I am sure of that.
So the truck driver was seen talking on his cellphone after the deadly collision – I’ll bet he was chatting up a storm as he plowed into the young lady’s car. He was definitely doing something else besides driving his 80,000-pound vehicle.
I’m surprised that this doesn’t happen more often. Some truckers only care about “making time” on their routes. They seemingly have no concern that their potential victims have spouses, children, parents, and friends who love them.
Ralph A. Schrock killed a young lady and drove a sword through all who knew and loved her due to his shocking and appalling negligence.
My heart goes out to Theresa Woodfin’s family and friends. I am so sorry for your great loss.
I hope that you find comfort in the days to come.
sue Morace says
Anonymous 2… I mentioned Children in my first post. Seeing as how my sister had 2 children and 3 step children. All are included. To all who are posting thoughts and prayers, thank you… that is what we need, not criticism for what was not even our families fault, but the fault of Ralph Schrock.. Please continue to keep my family in your thoughts.. We need peace from this, not more hurt. Our family is broken. And BTW Anonymous, I made sure to call her young sons family as soon as I could that day to make sure they were ok and to see if they needed anything.. Just FYI
Karen says
To anomous2 I am Theresa’s mom. If you read my daughter’s first post she said she had children. This I would imagine included her son as well. Her son, my grandson is very special to me. He did not live with his mom and he has now lost her twice this year. He is in our hearts constantly. Right now I worry about my granddaughter who is three and does not understand this at all. It may sound harsh. But I know that my grandson is being watched over by his mom now. I am in the process of trying to cope with all of this and do not need people pointing fingers that someone is being left out. I am getting some pictures together of her and her son and his sister so that he does have something of her to remember her by. SO DO NOT PASS JUDGEMENT AT A TIME LIKE THIS. If you have a problem YOU can contact me personally. Karen Morace
For those of you who have sent their prayers and condolences thank you from all of our family
Nikki says
Therea was one of my customers. She was always as kind and sweet as can be. Her daughter is just the cutest thing. I feel so sorry that she will never see her mommy again. My prayers go out to the friends and family.
Nikki says
So sorry :/
Dusty says
This tragady is nothing more than heart breaking. My Soul bleeds for all involved . sue karen and dave we love you and will pray every day.to the children Cody Price and Noelani I pray you are forever covered by the devine protection of the heavens,know your mother is still watching you as you grow. Lord be with us all The Woodfin,Morace and Price familys,and to all who have suffered this great loss. A-men
Adam says
Theresa was only my stepmom, but i loved her dearly, its gunna be hard to not see her every summer with my dad, now its only him and things are still gunna be great just not the same :(
Ken & Cathy Croci says
David,Karen,Aunt Rose and the entire Morace family,
You are all in our thoughts and prayers right now…our deepest condolences in your loss of Theresa..please know that we are thinking of you always…
Your cousins in NY….Ken & Cathy
mike donovan says
so sorry to hear about your daughter, its hard to lose a child. my brother died at 13 ,and i seen how tough it was for my mom. my thoughts and prayers are there for you, dave and family
shirleywhites says
rosie and familey,my heart goes out to all of you,love aunt shirley
Emily says
You will always be in our hearts Theresa.
Emily and Emery
Jenn says
I did not know Theresa, but my thoughts and prayers are with her family through this very tough time….
anonymouns says
I am so….so…so….very sorry for your family’s loss. I have read all of the comments and find the majority of them very sweet and caring. But, in a time like this it is very hard to think about the other side. The driver, Ralph, he is 51, married and just adopted two children (under the age of 5). Two day after the adoption was final DCF showed up on their door step with a third child (under the age of 2) that was found walking down 301 in Starke with no clothing on. They took that child in as well. Ralph is being made out to be the “really bad” guy. He has had nightmares since the accident and may start seeing a counselor. He is so sorry but this was a true accident, he was not on the phone, he was not smoking a cig. at the time nor was he even eating, he was also not speeding. The tragedy this family has had to go through is enormous, but he is also beyond devastated, hell, I don’t even know if devastated is the correct word to use. He wants to talk to the family to tell them how sorry he is but everyone is telling him not to and to leave them alone during their time of grief.
I am, in no mean, trying to justify the situation. I just want people to see a little bit of the other side. I wish I could bring her back for her husband, children, family and friend. But, I cant. I there is any thing I can do please let me know.
anonymouns says
Our thoughts and prays are with you entire family…
anonymouns says
Passing judgement never helps anyone.
Joe and Jody says
To the Woodfin family – Jody and I give our deepest codolences and say prayers for Theresa and your family.I lost my Mother just before Christmas 2 years ago,also my brother 3 months before her. Jody lost her Father just before Christmas last year Her father lived off of Water Oak. Last Friday Jody ,Me and our dog were parked on shoulder off s.r. 1oo westbound about 200 ft. from Water Oak rd. when the accident occured. I am having a difficult time dealing with this…..and what I saw …Jody and I understand it is hard dealing with a loved one’s death during Christmas and holiday’s. try to think of the happy times you spent with Theresa…try not to think of the accident….a week later I am still very upset over this…..I want you to know that her death happened very fast….I dont know what the hell that F…ing truck driver was doing when he was supposed to be watching what is in front of him driving at least 60 miles an hour with 80,000 lbs when he past my drivers side window a split second later it was over…I am still in a state of shock…I cant stop thinking about it……PLEASE TRY NOT TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I HAVE SEEN …BUT JUSTICE SHOULD BE SERVED IN THIS HORRIBLE ACCIDENT…. KEEP THE HAPPY TIMES YOU HAVE SHARED WITH THERESA CLOSE TO YOUR HEART DURING THIS DIFFICULT TIME MAY PEACE COME TO YOUR HEARTS JOE AND JODY
Alexa says
To anonymouns: If the truck driver was not smoking a cig or chatting on the phone then what the hell was he doing? I know that stretch of road and it was the middle of the day. It was also a straight stretch of road with the ability to see a car in front of you for miles. He had no excuse for not seeing her or slowing at all. There were no skid marks at the site. So tell me, why is it that we should understand that this was an accident? He was not paying attention to the road when he should have been. What the hell was he doing to take a mother from her children and from a husband who lived and breathed for her? A mother and sister who would have stepped in front of that truck for her? Friends and family who loved her? The world is less of a place without her. My daughter has known her since she was 3 and is 8 and now can’t understand why “Aunt Theresa” isn’t coming back. Her own daughter is devastated. I am pushing that he be charged and he should be! He was driving a lethal weapon and I wish it would be second degree murder for his negligence and wonton disregard for human life. Even my father in law who is a truck driver agrees with me. But I don’t hate him. Am I angry? Yes. He took my best friend who was supposed to come over to my house that night and have dinner and laugh and hold my five month old. He took a life and should pay for it.
Alexa says
Thank you for the solace that it was quick, and I know her family takes comfort in that as well. God bless.
Joe and Jody says
To anonymouns: Jody me and my dog were parked on shoulder of S.R. 100 westbound 2oo feet from impact. I was sitting in drivers seat with the window opened,it was a clear day you could see for miles……….I was about one minute ahead of Theresa, I pulled over to answer my phone knowing there is no service down Water Oak where I was going to make a left.with my girlfriend and dog …….I am still shaking just trying to wright this…..there is sign indicating there is a road on left intersecting with S.R. 100 a small bridge with concrete walls about 100 feet past Water Oak, oncoming traffic approaching Theresa’s car in front of him….he did not even slow down…I dont want to upset Theresa’s family anymore by this me i cant get it out of my mind.how could he not see all of us in front of him if he was paying attention?ask him if he remembers what he was doing ???the road is very straight.
anonymouns says
I know…the road is very straight at that point. I too have been to the accident sight many…many…. times. I am so sorry and sad for both families. Every time I go back to the accident sight I sit there and cry and cry. I truly understand everyone’s comments. Like I have said before, please don’t hate me or think that I am a bad person, I (like you) am just trying to figure everything out.
It is so hard, when you have been in the same situation as the family and I also know Ralph very well. He is such a loving and caring man, and prays to God every day.
He would do anything to change that day or to even take Theresa’s place. He has cried several times wishing he had been the one that passed away instead of such a beautiful, young mother and wife.
May be I should of never posted anything on this page, it was just so hard reading such bad things about Ralph when I know what a wonderful person he really is. I also know a horrific accident has happened and maybe there is just no explanation or maybe there is, I don’t know anymore.
I JUST WISH THIS HAD NEVER…NEVER…NEVER… HAPPENED, two families lives have been totally destroyed.
concerned citizen says
To the Woodfin family, my prayers and sympathy goes out to u. I also know what’s it like to loose a child. I lost my oldest son in a car accident 8 years ago and the pain is still there, but know that GOD is the only person who can help you in this time of your loss. There are times you are gonna have to scream in order to release the stress and pain from your heart. But know that GOD is there right by your side to comfort you. I will continue to keep your family lifted up in my prayers. MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOUR FAMILY IN THE TIME OF YOUR LOSS.
gator says
i’m sorry to hear about about your lost and it’s sad because i worked one week for the owner of the truck howard jones from palatka. i worked very long hours hauled ten loads that week. well he let me go because i didn’t run around the clock.my bet is driver fell a sleep from working too many hours,because there is no skid marks driver never hit the brakes.and there is room on rightside of right of way too have went around if driver couldn’t have stopped.
sue Morace says
Joe & Jody, I am wondering if there is any way to speak with you privately. Thank you for your words.
John C says
What is going on in Flagler county?….bike rider, joggers are also being killed by bad driver…..if a jogger on a clear sunny day on a straight strech of road can be plowed over and killed…anything is possible. Sheriff department needs to get out in force and ticket every speeder…..and we need bigger shoulders for bike and sidewalks!
sue Morace says
I agree John, but my sister wasn’t jogging, she was in her car when the log truck ran up on her car and caused it to blow up…
gator says
joe and jody i know bill woodfin so tell bill to get a hold of me or get my number..gator
Joe and Jody says
To Sue Morace: Yes Jody and I could meet with You and speak privately….Let us know how to reach you or meet you somewhere possibly this weekend or maybe tommorow sometime….dont know if we have time today….Let us know what is good for You …we will try to make time to meet later today if possible. Thank you sue…
Karen says
Joe and Jody, Thank you. I would like to be able to talk to you privately. If you would go to facebook and private message me so we could exchange numbers. There are a lot of Morace’s but ours is under my husbands and my name.
God bless you. Karen
FlaglerLive says
Karen, joe and Judy, you can send your mutual contact information to [email protected] and we will forward it to both sides.
Joe and Jody says
To Flagler Live : is there a phone number to contact the editor and talk on phone
FlaglerLive says
Joe and Judy, yes: 386/586-0257
Karen M says
I just got on and reread all the comments. And once again I want to thank everyone for their prayers and condolences. It has been 35 days since my daughter was killed. I’m not saying died because she was killed by someone who may be the nicest person on earth but he took my daughter’s life.
Just so everyone knows I am venting. I am hurting very badly and just need to release some of this that is bothering me.
I haven’t been to the accident scene yet because I know that I couldn’t handle it yet. We have to make it through each day knowing that we will not see Theresa again. I take my days a second at a time. Then a minute at a time. I am in counceling trying to deal with this. I am angry, I am lost, I am hurt.
He didn’t only take her from me, he took her from a father, a husband, a daughter, a son, three stepchildren, a sister, a brother, so many sisters of the heart and every person who knew Theresa and loved her.
She was a unique person. She loved life. She had a smile that lit up the sky. Her eyes were smiling eyes. I look at pictures of her and just cry. She was the last child I could have. Even though she was 28 she was still my baby. I love all my children the same and they are all special to me.
I think we all died a little when she died. It will be a long and hurtful process going forward. I am angry because I don’t know what happened or why it happened. I know that God puts us on this earth for an indeterment time and then he brings us home.
I have lost many loved ones in my short life and they were all hard to get through. I have had more grief than many people can handle but I got through it enough to carry on. I still miss them all and have a hard time with it. This time it’s going to be even harder. They say God only gives you as much as you can handle. I still have my faith in God but I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to handle this. I pray, I cry, I scream. Then I pray again. Please keep praying for us as we still need all those prayers.
I also want to make a comment about the accidents that have been happening here especially the one on I-95 yesterday morning involving yet another log truck. We need strickter laws not only for the truckers but for everyone. I was coming from South Daytona and vehicles were just flying by me. Not a cop in sight. Thankfully there wasn’t a lot of traffic. Unfortunately this was due to the accident that happened earlier and took another life and injured several people. The log truck was swerving about the road and lost control and flipped. Did he fall asleep was he on the cell phone. I wonder if he worked for the same company that was involved with Theresa’s death? So many questions.
My prayers go out to all those who have been lost in these horrible accidents.
Thank you for listening Karen
Alexa says
Hey Karen,
Please know that everyone who loved Reese is there for you. Please let us know if you need anything.
Alexa and Lance
Karen M says
It is a year today that I lost my beautiful daughter Theresa in a horrible crash. She’s gone but the driver got off with little more then a slap on the wrist. I wonder if he even thinks of what he did to her and her family. I still cry everyday because I miss her so much. I still wait for her to call me. I still wait for her to pull in my drive. Thanksgiving is one of the worse weekends of my life now. I hope Ralph Shrock rots in hell for what he did to our family. He took my best friend from me, from her dad, her sister and brother, her children and her husband and everone else that loved her. He left a big hole in all our hearts.
God forgive him because I know that I never will.. love you Theresa with all my heart and soul. Mom