Sean Lynn Ryan, a 24-year-old resident of Palm Coast, was walking along the northbound lanes of U.S. 1 near Plantation Bay after midnight on Saturday (Dec. 29) when he was struck and killed by a vehicle that kept going.
The fatal collision took place between the outside travel lane and the northbound right turn just south of Plantation Bay Road, near the Flagler-Volusia county line, according to the Florida Highway Patrol.
The Trail Blazer was traveling north. It isn’t known what direction Ryan was walking. But the Florida Highway Patrol has a clearer idea, based on debris picked up at the scene, of the vehicle that struck Ryan.
FHP is looking for the public’s help in locating a red Chevrolet Trail Blazer, its model year falling between 2005 and 2009. The Trail Blazer would have extensive right-front and side damage. The right-front passenger window would be completely missing, as would the right-side mirror and the vehicle’s front grille.
Anyone with information relating to the vehicle’s description is urged to call the Florida Highway Patrol at 904/359-6572 or 904/693-5071.
Brattlike says
This is so awful how can someone hit a person and just leave them there. Thoughts and prayers going out to the family of the victim.
Anonymous says
This is so sad… We just seen Sean at 11:30 that night… What a great person Sean was
tina says
this is sean ryans mom.i would like to no if i could please talk to you about sean as i am triing to follow his last steps,please call me at 870 321 9164
Stephanie says
Hey Tina,
Its Stephanie I don’t know if you remember me or not but I always used to call your house looking for Sean, I just want you to know how truly sorry I am for your loss and I hope whoever did this to sean pays for it. He was such a wonderful person. I haven’t seen him in years but I wish you well and my heart goes out to you. Sean will be missed by so many people. I am soo sorry.
Anonymous says
OMG we passed him just before he was killed he was walking right on the outside right lane NORTH between Loves and the campground. I said to my friend ” Thats odd why would he be walking there this late at night.” This was at 1245am. So we must have just been minutes ahead when it happened!
tina says
Dear Anonymous,
This is Tina Hills Sean Ryans mother, did a car pass you maybe at a high rate of speed, did you notice any other vehicles on the road? Anything you may have seen is never too small. Please call me at 870-321-9164.
confidential says
Very simple start thru the motor vehicle licensing records and search for a Trail Blazer 2005 -2009, color RED. Maybe is registered in Flagler, Volusia or St. Johns? Once owner located…pay him a visit and inspect his/her vehicle. Once found the penalty should be as high a needed besides jail and whatever the law calls for, to cover also the cost for the search to locate them. Two hits and runs with tragic consequences within one week and one a long time ago never resolved of the clyclist Mr. Taylor last year in front of the Justice Center…hello, nowadays..and these criminals not found?
Maryjoe says
They are also looking for a Patriot Blue Dodge Dakota in the early 2000’s that hit the person on Palm Coast Pkwy and fled the scene. That one would have front grill damage. They were at my house checking out my husbands truck, they’re going down the list.
confidential says
So young and loosing his life in such away! My deepest sympathy to his family!
Deep South says
Two hit and runs in 2 weeks. What is going on. Doesn’t anybody have concern for the life of others ! I can’t believe we have such lo life cowards amongst us.
aparker says
Sean was a great friend of mine. we went to halloween horror nights in 2011 together along with a few other friends. was a great night. he also worked on my truck at DW’s auto shop. kid knew his stuff.. its hard believe this happened to such a great person,.. to many young people are being taken away from us way to soon, everyone please start being safer and thinking before you do things!!
annoymous says
I have many memories with Sean. We havent spoke or hung out in some years but I have known Sean since I was little. I grew up with him. Theres been one memory I cant get out of my head. It was a long time ago, I always had a crush on Sean. He would never date me though. But thats besides the point, one night me and Sean were talking and cuddling, listening to music. Out of no where Sean jumps up and says Lets Dance. He grabbed me and we danced in the dark in my bedroom. Just laughing and giggling. I fell in love with him then. He was amazing. May you rest in peace Sean!
tina says
this goes out to ALL who new my son SEAN LYNN RYAN…tonight at the white eagle,at 8:00,candles will be lite,and there will be a moment of silence for my son,as it would have been his 25th birthday…….he was a new years baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous says
happy birthday Sean love
Melissa says
Happy Birthday Sean Ryan! Hopefully for your birthday they find out who did this to you. You are gone but never forgotten!
Seans mom(tina) says
Melissa, Please let All of seans friends know,that seans service will be held at the Community Baptist Church on old dixie hwy.Bunnell,on saturday the12th at 11:00am.It should be in next weeks paper..I know that you new alot of his friends in Palm Coast. After the service,you and all Seans friend are invited to the White Eagle..where the reception will be held!. thank you sooo much for being in my sons life,Melissa…He talked about you alot as well as everyone else. thank you again…Seans mom
courtney johnston says
did they find the person???
Melissa says
Sorry I just seen this. I would have loved to have come to Sean’s memorial but I was working. I am going to make a stop by his cross hopefully soon and talk to him. My condolences to you and Willie and Loren!!