“You have to go out and say these sorts of things in order to be able to be employable.”
Florida’s Senior Senator (and potential Secretary of State if Donald Trump is elected) is disputing claims by Generals Mark Milley and John Kelly that the GOP candidate is a “fascist” and that Adolf Hitler did “some good things” by questioning their motivations.
When asked if they were lying about the former chief executive, Marco Rubio said on Fox News Sunday the following: “I embraced the concept but rhetorically distanced myself from a direct quote.”
“Yes, I do. But even if they aren’t lying, or even, let’s say you don’t want to call them a liar, I would say it’s very dubious to see these accusations coming at the very last minute, right before an election. These are the kinds of things, you know, somebody says that in front of me. I say it right away, I walk out, I resign,” Rubio said.
“These are people that worked in the administration or around the administration and then they figured out pretty quickly, if we want jobs after we leave this administration, we have to become anti-Trumpers. You think Mark Milley winds up teaching at Princeton, teaching at Georgetown on the speaker’s bureau, advising JP Morgan, you don’t get hired for those jobs unless you pronounce yourself anti Trump and say things against Trump. So you have to go out and say these sorts of things in order to be able to be employable because corporate America and all these other interests won’t hire you if you used to work for or around Trump,” Rubio added.
Trump has disavowed claims that he ever praised Hitler, telling reporters he “never said it,” per ABC News.
–A.G. Gancarski, Florida Politics
Kat says
Oh my goodness, talk about going in circles. I don’t think he even realizes what he is saying. Trump tainted himself and anybody associated with him after his disgraceful conduct during his last administration and specifically on January 6. That is why a lot of people resigned and distanced themselves. So he saying those people lied back then to get a job and they’re lying now “To get paid” Republicans lie so much they can’t keep their own lies straight. It would be laughable if roughly half the country didn’t go along with it, Trump has made lying, among other things (bullying, assaulting women, demonizing human beings) acceptable in American society. And I think many of us are asking ourselves how do we go forward, no matter who wins the election? I don’t have an answer to that, just a great deal of anxiety.
Wallingford says
Remember…Rubio has said “friends don’t let friends vote for Trump; friends don’t let friends vote for a con man.”
Deborah Coffey says
No one lies better than “little” Marco Rubio. No one went out and about saying more BS about Donald Trump than “little” Marco Rubio to keep his job. Now, “little” Marco absolutely adores him…because he wants to stay employed. Deplorable.
Paula says
Rubio is the biggest liar and for him to say the Generals who served our country with dignity and pride are lying he should be ashamed of himself. And he is too chicken to stand up to Trump even when the Orange Con Man insults his nationality.
Rubio always goes with who butt he can kiss for his own personal political gains. He has failed the State of Florida over and over and you have to be a fool to continue to vote him into office.
Al says
When Milley contacted China without authorization he committed treason. He had no right to take over foreign policy on his own. These generals are a farce. It was these people who did such a great job leaving Afghanistan, so why do you trust them now.
As a leftover from Nam I won’t have faith in any of them, even if it’s a snowball fight. If you’re going to follow celebrities or talking heads then you shouldn’t vote. By the way at the beginning of this article there is a cartoon character that shows disrespect of the senator but that’s okay for you I guess.
Ray W, says
Hello AI. Treason, you say!
Professor James Joyner, Marine Corps University, says:
“[T]he appropriateness of Milley’s call hinges on what he said. If Milley simply reassured his counterpart, in a room full of other officials that was very much on the record, that the U.S. has no intention of starting a war with China, it’s not only acceptable but sound.”
I remain unconvinced that you, AI, know what you are talking about.
This is to all FlaglerLive readers. Most of my comments include references to sources, like I do in this instance.
I don’t claim to know much of anything other than the practice of criminal law, which I did for over 30 years. On other subjects I only claim that I am a curious student. I do know how to look for credible sources and how to share their opinions and conclusions with readers.
In AI’s case, I don’t have to know military protocol and procedure. All I need is to find out from credible sources whether AI knows what he is talking about.
Mark says
So don’t Vote for the failed television celebrity with an orange complexion, got it.
Jim says
Generals in our military are in frequent contact with military leaders of most countries in the world – both friend and foe. They do this to assure there are no misunderstandings that might lead to a confrontation. As a matter of fact, there are several of these type contacts in place at much lower level than general. For example, in Syria, there was (and is) direct contact between the US and Russia to assure both sides military assets don’t accidently interact and cause an international incident. If you want to find out more, Google the Wagner attempted attack on US special forces several years ago. You’ll see there were multiple contacts between the two sides before the US ended up destroying the Wagner force after Russia repeatedly assured the US that those were not Russian forces.
You say you are a Vietnam Vet so thank you for your service. That was a tough combat situation to be in and all vets from that era deserve a lot of respect.
That said, I’m not sure what rank you held but if you do a little research, you’ll find what General Milley did was appropriate. Just because Trump calls him a traitor for doing it is not much of a condemnation in my view. After all, this is the same guy who took Top Secret documents from the White House when he left office, failed to properly secure them and refused to return them when what he’d done was discovered. He’s on tape admitting he knew the documents were still secret (Google that also).
Personally, I respect General Milley and all the other generals that have publicly stated that Donald Trump is not fit to serve and is a Fascist. I think their service records have earned our respect – Trump has earned none.
Jim says
And I’d just like to add. I wonder what the current serving generals and admirals in the US armed forces think of ol’ Marko after this statement? Probably about the same as before. You know they have no respect for this invertebrate. I’ll bet they want to take a shower every time they complete any meeting with this little man. He obviously has little to no respect for our service people. He only claims to when it suits his purposes and right now he’s really Jonesing for Secretary of State under Trump. If that happens, you just know all foreign leaders will have a ball telling jokes about those two before, during and after every meeting! But on a positive note, he’ll definitely see eye to eye with Kim Jung Un if he looks up just a little….
joe says
Rubio proving once again he’s just another cult member.
It’s more than ironic that Trump cultists can sing Lee Greenwood’s song at the start of his rallies… “I won’t forget the men who died to give that right to me”….when he calls those same men “suckers and losers”
Shark says
What amazes me is the more diaper don craps on them the more they protect him !!!!
Laurel says
So our military Generals, who worked around Trump are all lying according to Rubio. This is yet another means of undermining our own government. But Putin, an ex KGB agent, a top Russian spy, is more worthy of believing, when accused of meddling in the election. According to Trump, talking about the United States top intelligence agencies: “They said they think it’s Russia, I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be.”
Yeah, so if you vote for Trump/Vance, this undermining of our own government is on you.
Sinan Wiese says
Little Marco is Joe Rogan telling a lie when he says that Trump wore an adult diaper during the podcast?
Sherry says
There are dozens of reports that trump is ill, has a bad (McDonalds) diet and has a terrible smell due to wearing adult diapers for years.
In my mind. . . that single ailment is not the reason that trump is not fit for office. . . his “Felony Conviction”, his “Two Impeachments”, his “Incitement of an Insurrection”, his “Guilty of Sexual Assault and Defamation”, his “Guilty of Fraud”, his over 30,000 lies, his adultery, and much more are all better reasons for trump being “UNFIT”. Think of it this way. . .if any other candidate had just ONE of these Guilty verdicts they would either NOT even be on your ballot, or lose by a landslide!
I will never ever understand why so many are OK with a “Convicted Criminal” as our President Where has their “thinking ability” and “moral compass” gone? Really!
Jim says
While it wouldn’t surprise me if DJT was wearing a diaper, I can’t find any source saying Rogan said he was wearing a diaper. What I found is that he said DJT was there three hours and didn’t go to the bathroom either before or after the interview. Now, as an old man, I’d say that shows mighty fine bladder control! Or it could very well mean DJT was wearing a diaper.
If one of you could point out your source for that comment it would be helpful. It definitely would brighten my day!!