Jessica Coleman, 22, a resident of Palm Coast’s P-Section, was driving a black Ford Ranger east on Landing Boulevard Tuesday afternoon, just past the McDonald’s, when—as she described it–a Chevy Malibu blew through the stop sign and cut her off. She flipped off the driver.
Before long, the driver of the Malibu had allegedly attacked her with a baseball bat, she was bleeding from the head, her clothes were in tatters, she had purposely crashed her vehicle into the other, and the Malibu driver, Marcus Green, a 32-year-old resident of Wheatefield Drive in Palm Coast, was charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon in a particularly violent case of road rage.
Coleman told deputies that after she’d flipped off Green, he stopped his car at a yield sign, and the two drivers started yelling at each other. Green then allegedly got out of his car and walked toward Coleman with a baseball bat in his hand.
So Green allegedly got back out of his car and returned to Coleman, and, according to her, struck her in the face with the end of the bat, opened her car door and pulled her out and onto the ground. By then Green’s girlfriend had gotten out of the Malibu, and Green told her to “call 911, she hit me.”
The woman would do just that. “A girl behind us just crashed into my boyfriend’s car, and we’re stuck over here, she put her hands on him and everything,” she told a 911 dispatcher. “please hurry up, please, please.” She then added: “I’m trying to hard not to put my hands on this girl, we have two children that were in the car.”
The 911 Calls[media id=416 width=350 height=250]
Another 911 caller described it this way: “this black guy is beating on this woman,” adding, “It was physical, yes.”
Green told deputies that Coleman “tried to hit me.” He said he’d been to McDonald’s with his girlfriend and two daughters when, driving back, Coleman flipped him off, so he flipped her off too, stopped and walked to her car, and as they were arguing, he said, she struck him twice. (“I looked at Green’s face and did not see any marks or swelling,” the investigating deputy wrote in Green’s arrest report.) But Green also, according to the report conceded that he “got out of the vehicle to defend himself and punched Coleman in the face” and, in his words, “slam-dunked her to the ground.” (He denied using a bat, but said there was one in his car.) At that point he says Coleman tried to hit him with her car.
When deputies spoke with Coleman, she was bleeding from the left side of her face. Her shirt was torn. A deputy concluded that Green’s and his girlfriend’s statements were conflicting and inconsistent with the evidence at the scene, but left the possibility that Coleman could also be charged for attempting to strike Green with her car.
Green was charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, and as he was being placed into custody, according to his arrest report, he said: “Yeah, I kicked her ass.”

blondee says
Hey Green! Setting a nice example there for your kids! *smh*
Ridiculous says
This is absolutely appalling. We really need to all be more patient with each other and conscious of our surroundings. Both individuals are at fault.
John F. Pollinger says
So someone disregards a stop sign yet no one was injured and no cars were damaged and this is the end result. Question to you both: Are you happy now?
Brian says
“She hit me – I ain’t do nuffin”
Veteran says
I guess the days of just flipping each other off are over.
A.S.F. says
Neither one of them looks to be a model citizen.
woody says
Giving somebody the finger while driving is the spark that starts the road rage fire.
Traffic Jammer says
Don’t flip people off if your not ready to die or got to prison, that’s just the way it is now.
liberal says
Love the drama. Better than going to wallyworld on a Saturday night.
Frank says
Such a beautiful town that we live in.
Dutch says
Starting to wonder if moving here last year was a smart move…..
Komodo Dragon says
Amazing how the price to pay for what originally was a near accident. Yes, it ticks you off but don’t engage the other party. Same goes to the offending party. This will not just go away when you wake up. You now have to answer and face the consequences of your actions. I know this very well as my altercation costed me in excess of $70k between legal, court fees and restitution. Too late for you but for the rest, it’s a word to the wise. Make your choice a great one.
The Geode says
Let that be a lesson to Coleman. You NEVER KNOW what kind of lunatic you might encounter when you’re playing “tough guy” flicking people off and then stopping your car to engage with them. Sometimes, somebody is willing to give you ALL the trouble you’re looking for.
TBG says
“He then went back to his car and started to drive off. Coleman said she didn’t want him to get away, so she crashed her truck into the back of his vehicle. (In Green’s car were his girlfriend and two children.)”
Oh! What A Tangled Web We Weave When First We Practice To Deceive.
South Florida says
Sad, but true. Palm Coast is going down.
Anonymous says
This man needs to be locked up for life. He could have killed this woman. There is no reason for a man to treat a woman like this and if he is permitted to remain on the streets he will more than likely eventually kill a woman. Is this a hate crime against a white woman….why is it allowed that a black man assult a white woman and a big deal not being made about it?????? If it were the other way around it would make news for months and laws would be changed.
Hmmm says
Why do i always hear people talk about Palm Coast like its such a terrible place? This is definitely the safest place I’ve ever lived and probably the safest place I’ve ever been to. If you question your residence here because of the crime, you’ve never been anywhere in your life! You’ve been sheltered to real life. And dont engage with someone if you aren’t willing to take one for the team!!!
Shark says
Welcome to New York !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Frank says
@ Hmmm…
I have been burglarized twice while living down here for only a few years. The only time in 30 years of living in Wisconsin, the only thing that was stolen was some beer from the refrigerator in the garage. (I made the teens replace it when I found out who took it) LOL
BOB says
DamnYankee says
Hey Frank, I am moving down there from IL. What part of town should I avoid living in?
Frank says
@ DamnYankee…
You should avoid anywhere south of the Georgia.
Brian says
Damn Yankee – what part of town should you avoid living in? All of them! Palm Coast is getting more ghetto by the day – move to Flagler Beach!
Katie Semore says
Two stupid people being stupid and now paying for that stupidity. Stupid, stupid, stupid the only word that accurately applies to both of these stupid people.
Pam says
keep your fingers to yourself. it is a messed up world. lots of anger. be patient.
laura says
Hey I grew up in New York and I was never a victim of a crime until I moved to Palm Coast. If you check you will see the crime rates are higher here.
FlaglerLive says
The commenter is incorrect. The crime rate in New York in 2014 was 2,908 per 100,000 population. The crime rate in Flagler-Palm Coast has been hovering around 2,000 for the past three years.
Just the facts says
I believe the commentor is not wrong. You just compared the whole State of New York which has 62 counties versus Flagler County which is one.
Let’s take Queens New York. That has a crime rate of 16 for every 1000. That would equal 1600 for every 100,000 versus the 2000 you quoted for Flagler county.
As I can assure you, Flagler county is a much nicer place than Queens New York.
These are the kind of things that makes the public point fingers at each other. The problem is right here in Flagler county. It’s time to stop the finger pointing and start helping this community get the positive reputation it once had.